After 20% Resign, Remaining Seattle PD Suffering from Blue Flu

White 6
I agree. The citizens of that city voted and got what they voted for. Hope every cop quits. Let the city council answer calls. That would be funny as hell. The first gun they see and they will all run for the hills.

No sympathy here.

Worse yet is cops are hard to get. My city has been looking for months. It's a nationwide problem since the leftist attacks on our police officers. Nobody wants to take the job any longer.
The first paragraph in the link is pure bullsh#t. "The Seattle Police Department staffing emergency continues. The city is one emergency event away from a serious catastrophe. But leaders and the media remain mostly silent."
If they had bothered to elect any "leaders", they would not be silent. They would be speaking out in protection of the tax paying citizens and businesses, as speaking out is what leaders do. Local media there, must be catering to their most vocal base. Communities elect the leadership they deserve, not what is best, based on their priorities and standards. Public safety and security is just not much of a priority there.
Normal people should move, if they can, and normal business owners that depend on safety and security as underpinnings of their business model, also.

What you are doing is asking the police to do the work of politicians. It's not their job to rile up support for their side. The voters spoke and the police just accepted their decisions.
They voted for it. They got it.

I escaped Seattle a little over six years ago and I escaped Washington almost four months ago.

It was a breathtakingly beautiful city where I spent most of my adult life and it's a shithole now. Hope it burns.

Read an article today stating a lot of people are leaving Washington in record numbers.
Seattle residents can call the Antifa fascists when home invaders kick down their door.
Just don’t try to defend yourself, the Left will prosecute you and destroy your life.

Who needs the police when you can just form autonomous zones. Every single officer should call in sick. Elections have consequences
What you are doing is asking the police to do the work of politicians. It's not their job to rile up support for their side. The voters spoke and the police just accepted their decisions.
No. Asking people to vote on a local level for leaders that will do their best to provide for reasonable security, by positive budgeting and oversight. Asking them to elect or injure judges are appointed, that care more about punishing and sending a message to perps. Not vote for people that support agendas detrimental to the enforcement of law and order. They need mayors that will ask for help from the state governors (and Governors that are proactive in defense of their states) in times of riot for use of state national guard troops and then get out of the way and let them do the job many of them are trained for, and support budgeting for more state training of guard troops to make sure they can adequately and effective, do that mission, as it is more than teaching the riot baton short stroke, long stroke and butt stroke. Command & control takes planning and organization at state MACOM levels, down through battalion levels.
Failing to do this, once the normal people determine it is just not going to happen, as local government prefers letting the criminal elements go as they might, except in isolated instances, they should vote with moving vans and Uhauls, getting out to places that still have higher standards.
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