After a 3rd woman testifies Trump sexually assaulted her, his lawyers announce they won't call any witnesses

I spelled imbecile correctly. As you already knew.

You are a hypocrite and delusional bit at least you’re utterly worthless.

Have you considered coming down with Fire-AIDS?
Fuck off you useless dweeb.
Nobody takes you seriously here.
You are just comic relief.
Now go pull the wings off some more flies or something.
I am tired of playing with you!
Fuck off you useless dweeb.
Nobody takes you seriously here.
You are just comic relief.
Now go pull the wings off some more flies or something.
I am tired of playing with you!
Oh. Poor Pooh Pooh. You can’t handle the heat.


You’re thoroughly exposed as the totally lightweight worthless hack bitch troll that you are.

Have a Midol. :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:
Yes. I find your defeat and humiliation quite funny also! 👍
I just read your little bio on your account, you really need to change that. It said you are a " truth seeker ". Or are you joking around again.
You misread that, too. Man! You are a pathetic retard, Stain.
You're right for a change, it's even worse than what I said, it says " truth speaker ". I guess you have to try to compensate for telling all those lies.
You're right for a change, it's even worse than what I said, it says " truth speaker ". I guess you have to try to compensate for telling all those lies.
Nah. It was the truth. Just because you and so many in your libturd cult make it a mission to lie incessantly doesn’t mean others do.
Nah. It was the truth. Just because you and so many in your libturd cult make it a mission to lie incessantly doesn’t mean others do.
You must be the biggest libturd out there then, because you're the second biggest liar I've ever heard in my life. Good night !
You must be the biggest libturd out there then, because you're the second biggest liar I've ever heard in my life. Good night !
That’s a lie. You can’t cite a single lie I’ve posted here and that includes a couple of times I was wrong and had to concede my mistake.
I just read your little bio on your account, you really need to change that. It said you are a " truth seeker ". Or are you joking around again.
Back again is an attention deprived 14 year old living in his old bedroom at his Mom's house.
He doesn't have many real friends that can stand to hang around with him.
When he gets bored with masturbating and playing video games he comes on here to troll and pretend he's a grown up with meaningful and relevant input on adult conversations.
It isn't hard to see through the inane drivel he writes though. He comes across as an idiot. He's probably not though.
Just an immature kid.
Back again is an attention deprived 14 year old living in his old bedroom at his Mom's house.
He doesn't have many real friends that can stand to hang around with him.
When he gets bored with masturbating and playing video games he comes on here to troll and pretend he's a grown up with meaningful and relevant input on adult conversations.
It isn't hard to see through the inane drivel he writes though. He comes across as an idiot. He's probably not though.
Just an immature kid.
I noticed the immature behavior. Thanks. Will not entertain the child anymore.
Back again is an attention deprived 14 year old living in his old bedroom at his Mom's house.
He doesn't have many real friends that can stand to hang around with him.
When he gets bored with masturbating and playing video games he comes on here to troll and pretend he's a grown up with meaningful and relevant input on adult conversations.
It isn't hard to see through the inane drivel he writes though. He comes across as an idiot. He's probably not though.
Just an immature kid.
BackAgain is a pussy.
I just read your little bio on your account, you really need to change that. It said you are a " truth seeker ". Or are you joking around again.

Does his bio also admit he's a welsher who is still posting on this forum even though he lost a bet where the terms were to leave forever?

I made a bet. I lost. Welching is not cool, at least not the way I was raised. Therefore, I am obligated to honor the bet (Zona's revenge :lol: ): and the terms were simple. I bet that Pres. Obama would NOT get re-elected.


The payment terms were simple, too. If I lost the bet, I was to flat out LEAVE USMB.


Thus, I am obliged to leave USMB. I have been' assured' by lots of my lib "buddies" that I will come back under some other username. Nope. Gone means gone.

And what did he do...? Came back under some other username.


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