after a hard day amusing Assad, Trump on way the to another golfing weekend

Source: MSN/The Hill

President Trump on Saturday headed to the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Fla.

The motorcade drove past several protesters holding signs outside the entrance to the course, including one that read "Impeach Trump," according to pool reports.

The visit marks Trump's 15th trip to a golf course since his inauguration, according to an NBC News reporter who has been tracking Trump's golf outings.

It is also the president's 10th consecutive weekend traveling to a Trump-owned property, the reporter said.

15th trip, hmmmmm, been in office how long and has a 10 weekend streak going?

and that's $3M a pop or $45M, which is more than half of Obama's average of $86M per year

he's definitely going for the all time presidential vacation record, will easily best Boosh hands down
I don't like Trump anymore than you do, but I wish you'd get off this weekend getaway = vacation thing. Who gives a shit how many times he plays golf? He was in Florida to entertain Xi, so the expense was covered. Really, Johnny, there are plenty of things to bitch about with that guy. Petty stuff like this is just going to make his detractors look .... petty.

If it was just a one time thing, or only an occasional thing, you would be right. This is an almost every weekend thing. Are you ok with throwing away 3 million almost every weekend? For less than that price,he should be able to find something to entertain himself for a couple of days every week. I know I could, and I;m pretty sure you could too,
He is unquestionably a big spender. That doesn't shock me, considering who he is. I've said before, though, and I'll say it again, there is something wrong when it costs 3 mil to fly the President to Florida. What the hell? Don't just say security, blah blah blah. They need to fix whatever THAT issue is, because the man is not going to stop going home for the weekend.
Also, on the weekends when he has stayed in D.C. and golfed in Virginia, that couldn't have cost 3 mil, so those weekends should be deducted from the calculations. I mean, I KNOW when it comes to the government, money has no real meaning, they spend it like water. But this is an issue for me. These people have no cause to spend so much money on protecting one man. There's a bunch of padding in there, mark my words.
Trump is old and overweight and he needs the exercise.

He is POTUS. Security costs a fortune. Sure, it probably could be cut some. Anyone but a selfish ass wouldn't spend that much.
Source: MSN/The Hill

President Trump on Saturday headed to the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Fla.

The motorcade drove past several protesters holding signs outside the entrance to the course, including one that read "Impeach Trump," according to pool reports.

The visit marks Trump's 15th trip to a golf course since his inauguration, according to an NBC News reporter who has been tracking Trump's golf outings.

It is also the president's 10th consecutive weekend traveling to a Trump-owned property, the reporter said.

15th trip, hmmmmm, been in office how long and has a 10 weekend streak going?

and that's $3M a pop or $45M, which is more than half of Obama's average of $86M per year

he's definitely going for the all time presidential vacation record, will easily best Boosh hands down
I don't like Trump anymore than you do, but I wish you'd get off this weekend getaway = vacation thing. Who gives a shit how many times he plays golf? He was in Florida to entertain Xi, so the expense was covered. Really, Johnny, there are plenty of things to bitch about with that guy. Petty stuff like this is just going to make his detractors look .... petty.

If it was just a one time thing, or only an occasional thing, you would be right. This is an almost every weekend thing. Are you ok with throwing away 3 million almost every weekend? For less than that price,he should be able to find something to entertain himself for a couple of days every week. I know I could, and I;m pretty sure you could too,

I agree.

Moreover, since when do taxpayers have to pay for security for adult children? Or people who "work" in the White House.

Why should we pay for 100 Secret Service for the adult kids' vacation to Aspen? Or, SecService for Tiffany to be one of the "Rich Kids On Instagram"? How about Secret Service for Beevis and Butthead to travel the world for daddy's business?

This so-called president doesn't actually do much but bloviates and line his pockets with our money. He's corrupt, crooked and in bed with Goldmann Sachs, K Street lobbyist and his damn 1% cronies.

The jobs numbers this month - 93k or so - is portent of things to come.

But he will lie, blame others, it's all Obama's fault, yadda yadda and the RWNJ Pooting lovers will swallow it whole.

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Typical hackneyed imprecise partisan doofus analysis of a Prez, who still has not served 100 full days in office.

EXACTLY what did I write that's incorrect?

This is your chance to be "precise".

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Lol I can already predict the rightwing response to this thread:

"What he can't play golf?
Just a thought... it would be interesting to find out out of the last 15 trips to a golf course... 1.) did he actually golf every time.... 2.) out of the times he golfed who was with him?

Rarely in life ... (or an Applesack life) are things as partisanly superficial as presented...
lol what the fuck ever. You people will defend Trump regardless of what he actually does. Christ it's not like you assholes were at all forgiving when Obama did anything leisurely.
Legally, Obama was never legally the president in the first place.

Or the second?


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Lol I can already predict the rightwing response to this thread:

"What he can't play golf?
Just a thought... it would be interesting to find out out of the last 15 trips to a golf course... 1.) did he actually golf every time.... 2.) out of the times he golfed who was with him?

Rarely in life ... (or an Applesack life) are things as partisanly superficial as presented...
lol what the fuck ever. You people will defend Trump regardless of what he actually does. Christ it's not like you assholes were at all forgiving when Obama did anything leisurely.
Legally, Obama was never legally the president in the first place.

Or the second?


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Trump finally admitted he was lying about Obama all along.
but that aint what i was talking about was it? if you are going to comment on what i was talking about,why dont you just be truthful and say he did not break EVERY promise....

I'll be truthful when he starts being truthful. Deal?
geezus lie because some one else is....kinda childish candy.....

It’s not a lie…it’s truthful hyperbole!!! Aren’t you happy we have such a hyperbolic CIC now? We are no longer bound by things like honesty and truth. Everything will be terrific!!!!
sit down candy i have something to tell you.....very few politicians are bound by honesty and truth.....yea i know the democrats told you they are always honest,its those dam republicans you have to be concerned about....

Have a seat yourself; few if any have told the number of whoppers your messiah (insert your outrage here) has told in 70+ days. Or do you actually believe that the numbers Obama used for UE were wrong and suddenly the same formulae is correct? Do you think your microwave is spying on you? Not sure why you’re panties are in a twist over this; I’m simply employing “truthful hyperbole”…it’s fun. You can just say “Not” and erase anything you were guilty of saying at the end just like the guys on Wayne’s World used to. Basically the presidency has been reduced to this sort of Babylon…. And no, it wasn’t there when your messiah arrived on the scene.
my messiah?....if you mean trump then for sure you are as clueless as some of the righties here have said you are....ill tell you what candy..why dont you find a post of me saying anything positive about Trump leading up to the election......i mean if the guy is my messiah there most be dozens of them posts right?...
Lol I can already predict the rightwing response to this thread:

"What he can't play golf?
Just a thought... it would be interesting to find out out of the last 15 trips to a golf course... 1.) did he actually golf every time.... 2.) out of the times he golfed who was with him?

Rarely in life ... (or an Applesack life) are things as partisanly superficial as presented...
lol what the fuck ever. You people will defend Trump regardless of what he actually does. Christ it's not like you assholes were at all forgiving when Obama did anything leisurely.
Legally, Obama was never legally the president in the first place.

Or the second?


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Trump finally admitted he was lying about Obama all along.
Obama admitted that he was not eligible to be president when he admitted that his father was not a US citizen.
Lol I can already predict the rightwing response to this thread:

"What he can't play golf?
Just a thought... it would be interesting to find out out of the last 15 trips to a golf course... 1.) did he actually golf every time.... 2.) out of the times he golfed who was with him?

Rarely in life ... (or an Applesack life) are things as partisanly superficial as presented...
lol what the fuck ever. You people will defend Trump regardless of what he actually does. Christ it's not like you assholes were at all forgiving when Obama did anything leisurely.
Legally, Obama was never legally the president in the first place.

Or the second?


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Trump finally admitted he was lying about Obama all along.
Obama admitted that he was not eligible to be president when he admitted that his father was not a US citizen.
Source: MSN/The Hill

President Trump on Saturday headed to the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Fla.

The motorcade drove past several protesters holding signs outside the entrance to the course, including one that read "Impeach Trump," according to pool reports.

The visit marks Trump's 15th trip to a golf course since his inauguration, according to an NBC News reporter who has been tracking Trump's golf outings.

It is also the president's 10th consecutive weekend traveling to a Trump-owned property, the reporter said.

15th trip, hmmmmm, been in office how long and has a 10 weekend streak going?

and that's $3M a pop or $45M, which is more than half of Obama's average of $86M per year

he's definitely going for the all time presidential vacation record, will easily best Boosh hands down
Pretty silly amount of golf but are we going to have these threads EVERY WEEKEND?

Why not just create one large golf whinefest thread and update it weekly.
The pinprick attack causing little damage??? But yes for THE TIME BEING it did give the result trump was hoping for Idiots building him into a strong leader That is the joke,,,and hopefully only 4 years

Mercifully the other leaders of the Free World are far wiser than yourself.

There was no intent, as the leaders said in my post, to do great damage or cause great loss of life. The intent was to send a crisp, clear, concise message that if we wanted, we could wipe all Syria's air bases off the map in a matter of minutes.

A few more days, some repositioning of ships and we could have taken out all six air bases and none would be operational any time in the near future. It served its purpose and the Free World celebrates along with many far left Democrats.

I'm so sorry for you to see what a real leader does. A decision made, put in place and executed all while meeting with the President of China.
Lol I can already predict the rightwing response to this thread:

"What he can't play golf?
lol what the fuck ever. You people will defend Trump regardless of what he actually does. Christ it's not like you assholes were at all forgiving when Obama did anything leisurely.
Legally, Obama was never legally the president in the first place.

Or the second?


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Trump finally admitted he was lying about Obama all along.
Obama admitted that he was not eligible to be president when he admitted that his father was not a US citizen.
WTF is the difference? bombs kill """beautiful little babies""" too

I would be ashamed if I did not know the difference. Progressives, of course, pride themselves on not knowing their history or their behind from their elbow.

Believe it or not, there is a very good reason why the WORLD joined together to ban the barbaric weapons. Do a Bing search and view some videos of WW-1 and the use of poison gas. Sarin, the gas used in this case is particularly heinous.
I am happy that the far left Progressives have nothing but President Donald Trump going home for weekends where he conducts business on a grand scale. I hope they continue, it shows weekly how desperate they are and childish.

The leaders of the Free World stand and cheer after President Trump while meeting with the President of China at Mar-a-Lago launches a precise attack on Syria.

Equally enjoyable is watching Progressives feign concern over SPENDING. In my lifetime, I can't recall it ever happening before. How wonderfully amazing! It took the election of Donald Trump for Progressives to be concerned about spending.

Operation Tiny Hands.
All those remarks were made before it was known that the intent was nothing more than trump stomping his foot. Real damage wasn't intended, and did not occur.

59 Tomahawks and we didn’t intend to inflict damage? oooooooooooooooooooookay. I guess this is the type of response you get when you demote the JCS and DNI and promote Bannon and Kushner; you end up doing bombing raids not intended to inflict damage.

Odd that that many supposedly pinpoint accurate missiles couldn't even delay another bombing run to the same town that was gassed.

But......but.........:desk:..........did they gas it again?

So…if you drop a bomb on a kid, Trump is okay with it? Strange.

But.....bombs are still well within the Geneva Convention. Not gass, gass, gass!

I'm sure the kids appreciated that difference right before it went "boom"
Amusing Assad many planes did we take out?
the trump pos told russia and they got out of the way and do you think Russia told Syria to get out of the way?? AND not bomb runways so planes can take off immediately?? What a line of shit you republicans scarf up
WTF is the difference? bombs kill """beautiful little babies""" too

I would be ashamed if I did not know the difference. Progressives, of course, pride themselves on not knowing their history or their behind from their elbow.

Believe it or not, there is a very good reason why the WORLD joined together to ban the barbaric weapons. Do a Bing search and view some videos of WW-1 and the use of poison gas. Sarin, the gas used in this case is particularly heinous.
WTF did the AH trump do to stop more attacks ??? IT WAS A FN STUNT

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