After a week in, President Biden has already achieved what Trump never did

Yet another RW troll thread.
Like approval ratings mean a damn thing in one week.

My guess...however... is the 11,000 people he put out of work within the first few hours killing the pipeline were not contacted.

4000 employees to build the Keystone XL.. temporary jobs. Keystone already has lots of unused capacity in pipelines.. This whole boondoggle is a tax scheme.. ALL the refined products will be exported.
President Joe should start a twitter account. The content should be mature and informative and not self serving narcissism.
It would freak the blob out.

The stupid sob wouldn't know how to download the ap, Much less know how it works, he's got people for that.

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Over a four year period, Trump never managed a 50 percent job approval. He left office at 40 percent.

After a week, President Biden is at just under 55 percent approval.

And still allowed on Twitter.
Does Joe know how to use twitter. Last I heard he had figured out the record player. A bit of a jump, ain't it?
he does use it and manages to not get banned.

Like XI and ayatollah of Iran. Yeah, he's in great company. LMAO

Over a four year period, Trump never managed a 50 percent job approval. He left office at 40 percent.

After a week, President Biden is at just under 55 percent approval.

And still allowed on Twitter.
Does Joe know how to use twitter. Last I heard he had figured out the record player. A bit of a jump, ain't it?
he does use it and manages to not get banned.
They dont ban left wingers. :cuckoo:

Or murderous dictators.

I thought this was going to be about his 40 EOs :rolleyes:
40 EOs?! Wow. He must be blowing Trump out of the water with the accomplishments!! It’s like something that nobody has ever seen before. Historical accomplishments so far. Go Biden!

Harley's (and I've seen it elsewhere) "argument" about "number of EOs" reminds me of the old Monty Python sketch where they talk about Shakespeare plays in terms of how many words. "Well there they all are, now let's get them in the right order". :cuckoo: Argumentum ad Ridiculum.
Yeah, abusing your power is no big deal. Thanks statist :rolleyes:

And it took less that a week for him to get bitch slapped by the court. Good job quid pro joe.

Its funny watching leftists defend his massive amount of EOs when those disingenuous idiots were screaming DICTATOR since nov 2016 :lol:

Quid pro joe himself said only dictators would rule via EOs during the campaign. Of course he doesn't remember that.

I thought this was going to be about his 40 EOs :rolleyes:
40 EOs?! Wow. He must be blowing Trump out of the water with the accomplishments!! It’s like something that nobody has ever seen before. Historical accomplishments so far. Go Biden!

Harley's (and I've seen it elsewhere) "argument" about "number of EOs" reminds me of the old Monty Python sketch where they talk about Shakespeare plays in terms of how many words. "Well there they all are, now let's get them in the right order". :cuckoo: Argumentum ad Ridiculum.
Yeah, abusing your power is no big deal. Thanks statist :rolleyes:

Here we go again, DumbDown brigade to the rescue.

Your post has ten words. This one has twenty-pne. Therefore I win. :laugh2:

I guess this is the same reasoning that says William Henry Harrison was the best POTUS ever on the basis that he had only a month in office to fuck things up. That's supposed to be a joke. However, on that same basis, Joe Biden must be four times better than Harrison, must he not?
Pogo, give it up. Biden will never be squat. His greatest "achievement" was being selected VP with little intellect then and becoming POTUS with even decreasing cognition.

Hey, I pointed out the obvious flaw in the lame argument that purports to judge a POTUS by "number of EOs" rather than what those EOs do. Stating the readily obvious of course but then if dingbat posters didn't float these turds as if they were legitimate argument, we wouldn't have to blow them out of the water, would we.

You'll notice that NOTHING in that has anything to do with a "Biden", so maybe run down to the store and pick up some butthurt cream.

Virtually all of his EOs have harmed the country and advanced communistic ideology. I'm sure you appreciate them very much.

Over a four year period, Trump never managed a 50 percent job approval. He left office at 40 percent.

After a week, President Biden is at just under 55 percent approval.

Another thing Biden did was kill more than 20,000 Americans in a week.

Biden hasn't killed anybody. The 10 million people who got sick on Trump's watch, are still on Trump's dime. Like runners left on base. They're the responsibility of the pitcher who has been pulled.
I thought this was going to be about his 40 EOs :rolleyes:
40 EOs?! Wow. He must be blowing Trump out of the water with the accomplishments!! It’s like something that nobody has ever seen before. Historical accomplishments so far. Go Biden!
They are definitely accomplishments. Forcing girls to share their sports with delusional boys, minimum wage for federal employees even though like 3 of them will be effected and many unconstitutional acts.
Gotta love it
All stuff he campaigned on and was elected for.

I don't recall him campaigning on killing womens sports. You got a link for that?

I thought this was going to be about his 40 EOs :rolleyes:
40 EOs?! Wow. He must be blowing Trump out of the water with the accomplishments!! It’s like something that nobody has ever seen before. Historical accomplishments so far. Go Biden!

Harley's (and I've seen it elsewhere) "argument" about "number of EOs" reminds me of the old Monty Python sketch where they talk about Shakespeare plays in terms of how many words. "Well there they all are, now let's get them in the right order". :cuckoo: Argumentum ad Ridiculum.
Yeah, abusing your power is no big deal. Thanks statist :rolleyes:
Abusing power? How so?

By violating immigration law on day one.

Its funny watching leftists defend his massive amount of EOs when those disingenuous idiots were screaming DICTATOR since nov 2016 :lol:

Quid pro joe himself said only dictators would rule via EOs during the campaign. Of course he doesn't remember that.

He's not "ruling via EO's". He's overturning the last EO's and dealing with urgent matters, like the abuse of refugees at the border, which must be stopped immediately, as well as getting started on climate change, covide response and other crises the nation is facing, until they have time to get legislation through the House.

Because of useless delays in getting his cabinet confirmed, Biden has a lot to get done and quickly.

If Republicans are going to continue to play reindeer games, which they have continued to do since the election was called for Biden, then fuck them. Elections have consequences.
I thought this was going to be about his 40 EOs :rolleyes:
40 EOs?! Wow. He must be blowing Trump out of the water with the accomplishments!! It’s like something that nobody has ever seen before. Historical accomplishments so far. Go Biden!
They are definitely accomplishments. Forcing girls to share their sports with delusional boys, minimum wage for federal employees even though like 3 of them will be effected and many unconstitutional acts.
Gotta love it
All stuff he campaigned on and was elected for.

I don't recall him campaigning on killing womens sports. You got a link for that?

Why is it that men are complaining about that vociferously, but women athletes don't give a shit?
President Joe should start a twitter account. The content should be mature and informative and not self serving narcissism.
It would freak the blob out.
Or not.

That President Biden is not governing via Twitter is both refreshing and appropriate, reaffirming the fact that Trump was unfit to govern and had no understanding of sound, responsible governance.
I thought this was going to be about his 40 EOs :rolleyes:
40 EOs?! Wow. He must be blowing Trump out of the water with the accomplishments!! It’s like something that nobody has ever seen before. Historical accomplishments so far. Go Biden!

Harley's (and I've seen it elsewhere) "argument" about "number of EOs" reminds me of the old Monty Python sketch where they talk about Shakespeare plays in terms of how many words. "Well there they all are, now let's get them in the right order". :cuckoo: Argumentum ad Ridiculum.
Yeah, abusing your power is no big deal. Thanks statist :rolleyes:
Abusing power? How so?
Unconstitutional actions would be abuse of power.
Which actions are those ?
Trannys in female sports, pausing deportations, liberian refugees, strengthening DACA, increasing support for nursing homes and such etc. Thats off the top of my head.
Many would disagree that those are unconstitutional. But you’re free to challenge in court

It's coming and he's already lost one.

Over a four year period, Trump never managed a 50 percent job approval. He left office at 40 percent.

After a week, President Biden is at just under 55 percent approval.

Massive propaganda works. No one every said it didn't.
America has let out a sigh of relief that Trump is gone

Yeah, that's why his approval ratings among republican, especially women is going up.

Over a four year period, Trump never managed a 50 percent job approval. He left office at 40 percent.

After a week, President Biden is at just under 55 percent approval.

Another thing Biden did was kill more than 20,000 Americans in a week.

Biden hasn't killed anybody. The 10 million people who got sick on Trump's watch, are still on Trump's dime. Like runners left on base. They're the responsibility of the pitcher who has been pulled.

Funny how CNN pulled the covid ticker down. What are they trying to hide? Eh foreigner?

Its funny watching leftists defend his massive amount of EOs when those disingenuous idiots were screaming DICTATOR since nov 2016 :lol:

Quid pro joe himself said only dictators would rule via EOs during the campaign. Of course he doesn't remember that.

He's not "ruling via EO's". He's overturning the last EO's and dealing with urgent matters, like the abuse of refugees at the border, which must be stopped immediately, as well as getting started on climate change, covide response and other crises the nation is facing, until they have time to get legislation through the House.

Because of useless delays in getting his cabinet confirmed, Biden has a lot to get done and quickly.

If Republicans are going to continue to play reindeer games, which they have continued to do since the election was called for Biden, then fuck them. Elections have consequences.

Sure he is, his immigration EO has already been put on hold by the court. Many more suits coming.


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