After almost 3 years, has Trump expanded his base of supporters?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
First we must bear in mind that although Trump won the electoral college, 3 million American voters voted against him........regardless of the pathetic crying that 3 millions illegals voted against him in 2016, (BTW, whatever happened to Trump's "special commission" on voters' fraud???)

So, the question arises if this so-called, scandal-ridden administration after 3 miserable years of tweeting, lies, cabinet resignations, false promises and empty demagoguery, has Trump gained a noteworthy "new" constituency????

Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???

Remember that states like MI, WI and PA defied popular sanity and helped Trump gain their electoral votes, but will those same 3 states back him again or return to vivid blue.
First we must bear in mind that although Trump won the electoral college, 3 million American voters voted against him........regardless of the pathetic crying that 3 millions illegals voted against him in 2016, (BTW, whatever happened to Trump's "special commission" on voters' fraud???)

So, the question arises if this so-called, scandal-ridden administration after 3 miserable years of tweeting, lies, cabinet resignations, false promises and empty demagoguery, has Trump gained a noteworthy "new" constituency????

Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???

Remember that states like MI, WI and PA defied popular sanity and helped Trump gain their electoral votes, but will those same 3 states back him again or return to vivid blue.

Has Trump expanded his base of supporters? Wait until 2020, you're about to find out just how he has.

Sorry your g̶i̶r̶l̶ 2020 Democratic candidate lost.
First we must bear in mind that although Trump won the electoral college, 3 million American voters voted against him........regardless of the pathetic crying that 3 millions illegals voted against him in 2016, (BTW, whatever happened to Trump's "special commission" on voters' fraud???)

So, the question arises if this so-called, scandal-ridden administration after 3 miserable years of tweeting, lies, cabinet resignations, false promises and empty demagoguery, has Trump gained a noteworthy "new" constituency????

Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???

Remember that states like MI, WI and PA defied popular sanity and helped Trump gain their electoral votes, but will those same 3 states back him again or return to vivid blue.

Did they defy Public Sanity or did College kids vote Green because the DNC made it clear they were going to slime Sanders which cost Hillary key votes in Swing States?

Also Nat you will mark this funny because you will disagree and just say it is insane to vote anything but Democrat but let look at your top Candidates:

Biden: Has mental lapses that make Trump look less Alzheimers than Biden.

Warren: Fake Indian trying to out Socialist Sanders and when will she do as she preaches and give away her wealth?

Sanders: Socialist that does not practice what he preaches and give him a choice of being on Universal Healthcare that is V.A. like or having the Congress plan he will ditch the Universal Healthcare...

Harris: blew her way into politics and you know very well Trump will use that against her...

Beto: could not beat Cruz, so how can he beat Trump even of he is willing to eat dirt?

So before you scream anyone can beat Trump, hate to tell you but Hillary is a better choice than 2020 candidates and she could not win the Electoral College...

Just better hope Stein ( Putin stooge ) does not get help from Wikileaks to steal votes from Warren in 2020...
First we must bear in mind that although Trump won the electoral college, 3 million American voters voted against him........regardless of the pathetic crying that 3 millions illegals voted against him in 2016, (BTW, whatever happened to Trump's "special commission" on voters' fraud???)

So, the question arises if this so-called, scandal-ridden administration after 3 miserable years of tweeting, lies, cabinet resignations, false promises and empty demagoguery, has Trump gained a noteworthy "new" constituency????

Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???

Remember that states like MI, WI and PA defied popular sanity and helped Trump gain their electoral votes, but will those same 3 states back him again or return to vivid blue.
You kidding?

Black, woman, latino, and other categories of Americans are at or near the best employment ever.... EVER...

The economy has improved.

We haven't sent cargo plane loads of cash to promote Terrorism.

The Democrats Fascist coup is coming to light.

Trump's reelection $, instead of being a out 1/2 of Hillary's, could equal the Progs...

And The Democrats don't have a serious candidate.
First we must bear in mind that although Trump won the electoral college, 3 million American voters voted against him........regardless of the pathetic crying that 3 millions illegals voted against him in 2016, (BTW, whatever happened to Trump's "special commission" on voters' fraud???)

So, the question arises if this so-called, scandal-ridden administration after 3 miserable years of tweeting, lies, cabinet resignations, false promises and empty demagoguery, has Trump gained a noteworthy "new" constituency????

Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???

Remember that states like MI, WI and PA defied popular sanity and helped Trump gain their electoral votes, but will those same 3 states back him again or return to vivid blue.
It is easy to see the fear in Democrat's eyes. Man are they sweating next years election!
If you're broke down on the side of the road with a flat, are you focused on the other cars driving by? Or about how to get back on the road?

Just look at what all the tards are worried about:

Unqualified And Ideological: A Guide To Trump’s Worst Judges
Trump Wanted to Invite Taliban to Camp David as Guests on 9/11 Anniversary
Trump tariffs are going to cost Americans an average of $2000 in 2020
Trumpery corrupts NOAA: NOAA staff warned against 'opinion' about Dorian after Trump comments
After almost 3 years, has Trump expanded his base of supporters?
Republican's plan to not enhance security to stop Russia will backfire
trump Rolls Back Rules on Light Bulbs
trump Alters Map With Sharpie

? ? ?

You see one thread by them about their own candidates?
Man, that is one major case of Trumpitis! With only 14 months to go, you'd think these boys would focus on their own three biggest immediate problems:

biden eye.jpg
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Also Nat you will mark this funny because you will disagree and just say it is insane to vote anything but Democrat but let look at your top Candidates:

I really don't care whether you or anyone else believes me or not......but I OFTEN voted for republicans since I am a fiscal conservative. ....BUT, next year it would be "insane" to vote this clown back in for 4 more years of this scourge of an administration.

Yet, I do agree that most of the Dem candidates would make sane, decent cabinet members who could pull this country back to some semblance of sanity......So, I'll take Biden in the oval office even if he just sits there dribbling......

I strongly believe that this country's voting bloc has had enough of this orange clown.
Also Nat you will mark this funny because you will disagree and just say it is insane to vote anything but Democrat but let look at your top Candidates:

I really don't care whether you or anyone else believes me or not......but I OFTEN voted for republicans since I am a fiscal conservative. ....BUT, next year it would be "insane" to vote this clown back in for 4 more years of this scourge of an administration.

Yet, I do agree that most of the Dem candidates would make sane, decent cabinet members who could pull this country back to some semblance of sanity......So, I'll take Biden in the oval office even if he just sits there dribbling......

I strongly believe that this country's voting bloc has had enough of this orange clown.

Three things liberals say that should make a person nervous:

1. "I am a fiscal conservative."

2. "I believe in gun rights".

3. "I won't stick in in your mouth, I promise."
Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???


Black, woman, latino, and other categories of Americans are at or near the best employment ever..

See, this is where Trump ass kissers prove they're as dumb and uneducated as a box of rocks.....

Any sane voter would think on his or her own and see that Obama...for all his flaws....took the unemployment rate from 10.4% to 4.3%........Trump rode the wave and brought it down by another 3.4 of ONE percent.

THINK on your own before you post.
We haven't sent cargo plane loads of cash to promote Terrorism.

Again, a "statement" from a moronic Trump ass kisser......

Cargo planes full of cash were sent to IRAQ by GWB.....

The money that was returned to IRAN was their money held in foreign banks since the Iran revolution...NOT OUR FUCKING MONEY.........You may be too fucking dumb to vote.
Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???



Wealth isn't "distributed" to the top 20%, they earned it. Why should their hard-earned wealth be redistributed to the lower percentage? That's just wrong.
Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???



Wealth isn't "distributed" to the top 20%, they earned it. Why should their hard-earned wealth be redistributed to the lower percentage? That's just wrong.

Not the point of 'top heavy'
try harder.....

No, the base has not been expanded but it has been solidified. I never imagined in my lifetime that I would see Americans work to destroy the country because they hate liberals. It's so sad to watch.
We haven't sent cargo plane loads of cash to promote Terrorism.

Again, a "statement" from a moronic Trump ass kisser......

Cargo planes full of cash were sent to IRAQ by GWB.....

The money that was returned to IRAN was their money held in foreign banks since the Iran revolution...NOT OUR FUCKING MONEY.........You may be too fucking dumb to vote.

Fuck Iran, even if we did put a freeze on their assets. Those shithead owe us for kidnapping American citizens, financing terrorism, and causing the deaths of over 200 American soldiers.

What the fuck is wrong with you, son?
"Although Trump won the Electoral College"? Isn't it time that the TDS left accepts the results of an election that happened almost three years ago? I shudder to think what's going to happen on Trump's next inauguration day.
First we must bear in mind that although Trump won the electoral college, 3 million American voters voted against him........regardless of the pathetic crying that 3 millions illegals voted against him in 2016, (BTW, whatever happened to Trump's "special commission" on voters' fraud???)

So, the question arises if this so-called, scandal-ridden administration after 3 miserable years of tweeting, lies, cabinet resignations, false promises and empty demagoguery, has Trump gained a noteworthy "new" constituency????

Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???

Remember that states like MI, WI and PA defied popular sanity and helped Trump gain their electoral votes, but will those same 3 states back him again or return to vivid blue.

He has indeed expanded his base of voters.

I for one did not vote for him the first time, I sure the fuck will this time.

You Stalinists are going to get slaughtered.

You DO grasp this, right?

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