After Almost Four Weeks,Democrats Cannot Explain How "Non-Internet Voting Machines" Can Be Hacked.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:argue: And till this day, the rats and fans of Jill EinStien still believe that somehow, conservatives and russians have been hacking these machines that are under 24/7 security during election season.
They come on to Fox News time to time, and the host will ask the dolts how anyone can hack a machine that isn't connected to the net, and then they freeze up a little and wonder off into left field with an answer that doesnt make any sense.
Maybe ghosts do exisist? or very very tiny space aliens from Mars are living in these voting machines?
Can anyone here explain how to hack these voting machines?
Especially when we have a paper trail that still gives Trump his 70 Million votes?
:argue: And till this day, the rats and fans of Jill EinStien still believe that somehow, conservatives and russians have been hacking these machines that are under 24/7 security during election season.
They come on to Fox News time to time, and the host will ask the dolts how anyone can hack a machine that isn't connected to the net, and then they freeze up a little and wonder off into left field with an answer that doesnt make any sense.
Maybe ghosts do exisist? or very very tiny space aliens from Mars are living in these voting machines?
Can anyone here explain how to hack these voting machines?
Especially when we have a paper trail that still gives Trump his 70 Million votes?

Jill Stein Hillary's Lapdog of course is being used to attempt to steal several States off Trump, The Donald should ask for full hand recounts in Virginia, New Hampshire, Colorado and California, the latter two people are wondering how many illegal immigrants were allowed to vote and in Virginia what about those 50,000 prisoners who were allowed to vote, also how many illegal immigrants were allowed to vote.


Michigan elections official casts doubt on vote-hacking concerns

"Chris Thomas, the director of Michigan's Bureau of Elections, said Michigan doesn't use the electronic voting machines identified in the report as being the sources of potential hacking."

"We are an entire paper and optical scan state," Thomas told the on Wednesday. "Nothing is connected to the Internet."

Michigan elections official casts doubt on vote-hacking concerns
yah, but,,ahh,,ahh,,,,what if a russian spy broke into the precinct?
i wonder if russians are also hacking the rubik's cube

Leftists a few days before the election, lead by Obama said election rigging was a Conspiracy....until Hillary lost the election, now it's not a Conspiracy?

It's the Leftist's who are corrosive to democracy, Leftists hate democracy.

Obama: Trump's rigged election claim 'whining before the game's even over'

"President Barack Obama on Tuesday cast Donald Trump's claims of a rigged election as potentially corrosive to American democracy, insisting that the Republican presidential nominee was griping about an invented conspiracy."

Obama: Trump's rigged election claim 'whining before the games even over' -
what happened in Cally is that there are so many ballots there, and no one knows who voted. how do you know which ballots are from legal and illegal residents?
So, Rexx, you are saying that Trump is a liar and spreader of "fake news."

Thanks for leaving the dark side.
The only time Democrats blame hacking is when it does not work in their favor. You lost. Move On.
One poster on another thread stated something to the effect the "software" for ALL machines (in a state) could be hacked at elections office before being dumped onto the individual machines. At least I think that the was the point?

I argued checksum or revision control, I was not 100% lambasted but directed to link with un-clear information.
how come jill isnt complaining about the voter fraud in broward county?
Well now, if after the recount, Trump is still the winner, then all doubt has been removed. After all, it was Trump that invited the Russians to hack our election process. But if it turns out otherwise, the nation has a problem.
I can't stop. If the E-Vote touch-screen are not on internet that tells me some human has to go around and somehow install the 2016 software. USB stick? Open up install IC? Dont know?

Then reversal to get results. Is the accumulator hooked to net? Revision controlled? Human watch human? Hand-carried how far? I hope they got security at each site, each machine.

Really makes one wonder WTH is going on......
Three seperate state systems...........and the Russkies hacked all three........and then the fairy godmother said...........
I can't stop. If the E-Vote touch-screen are not on internet that tells me some human has to go around and somehow install the 2016 software. USB stick? Open up install IC? Dont know?

Then reversal to get results. Is the accumulator hooked to net? Revision controlled? Human watch human? Hand-carried how far? I hope they got security at each site, each machine.

Really makes one wonder WTH is going on......
jill should start looking for spilled russian vodka on all the machines,,,just to be sure it was them.
DemWitts should not leave DNC server wide open. The Beast? The Colorado backup company? The maid? Lawyers? IT-techs? All with access to Beast top secret info. They should watch emailing racist crap.Rigging super-delegates against old Jew.I tried to reply to OldRocks but had errors!! Hence stand-alone tablet post. ?. Goollldammmm
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Three seperate state systems...........and the Russkies hacked all three........and then the fairy godmother said...........

All counties, many different voting methods. Sneaker-network in Wisc........punch cards in Mich?

Lot of ruskies running around this nation caus "they ain't on the net" interesting. I am sure these folk all know how Vlad did it.......silly American alt-rightist.

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