After attacking Trump, Obama to campaign for congressional candidates in California

i can hear a collective blue shout out:

'it's about fucking time!!!!'
Popular ex-Presidents are great endorsements

What do ya wanna bet dems wont be ringing his phone off the hook looking for endorsements.
I mean over a 1000 dems lost their seat in government during his tenure.
Trump should lose well over double that.

With the economy booming?
I highly doubt it.
Obama lost 1000 seats bringing the economy back towards booming. Trump will lose 2000 seats by just maintaining the trend.

Trump saying Obama's not American and wasn't born here.

A vicious and racist attack.

So who do Republicans blame?

Obama of course.
Popular ex-Presidents are great endorsements
What a moron. Both him and you.

So he's going to campaign in CALIFORNIA.....let that sink in.


The Democrats strongest hold in the United States. The place where the Democrats would win even if NO ONE campaigned.

A real act of courage. If the man had balls and actually wanted to put his endorsement on the line he would campaign where it mattered.

What a fucking buffoon. And you ate it right up.

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