After Covington: CYA, More Lies, and Intransigent Goblin Hate


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
After Covington: CYA, More Lies, and Intransigent Goblin Hate
So when did it become PC to bully children?​

By Ed Murrow ~~ Louis Armstrong sang ā€œWhen youā€™re smilinā€™ā€¦ keep on smilinā€™ / the whole world smiles with you.ā€ Only thatā€™s not so true if you are a Catholic, pro-life, conservative, teenaged boy waiting for your bus ride home. A bunch of weirdoes can shout racist, homophobic, anti-Christian crap at you, then Nathan Phillips, a Native American activist and Omaha ā€œelder,ā€ can pound a drum in your face. If you stand still and do nothing but smile, you are Adolf Hitler, Jr. That happened to Nick Sandmann, a junior at Kentuckyā€™s Covington Catholic High School. Letā€™s take a short look at a tiny portion of the abuse that was hurled at him.... Sandmannā€™s smile was a ā€œsmirkā€ according to nearly every Leftie goblin on Earth. It and the MAGA hat on his head were conclusive proof that he was a racist and should, therefore, be beaten and have his life ruined.
Not so long ago, a campaign to stop bullying of children was in the news. Young people, we were told, had been driven to suicide by bullies using social media to spread lies about their targets and threaten them. Hollywood celebrities attended fundraisers wearing anti-bullying ribbons that were blue for the bruises inflicted, striped with red for the physical and mental scars created, and black to remember those children who had been bullied to death. Religious leaders, politicians, and the media joined in the worthy cause. Now, however, we know that some bullying is just dandy and even righteous. Just pick a kid in a MAGA hat.

Articles of this manner should not cease, they should continue exposing the cruelty of the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Left, their hatred and their absolute evil insanity. We should soon be reading about the lawsuits Nick Sandman and his friends have established against this lynch mob.
Sadly, the persecution against Conservatives, whether white, black, male, female, young or old wont end, just read about the black actor who claims in sub zero temperature, at 2 AM, white men in MASKS (yep you read that right), wearing MAGA hats attacked him; and the slick racist politicks and their tools jumped on the train without hesitation to cry out their usual demagoguery rhetoric.
One has to wonder how Leftists would react when or if someone does punch/kill/woodchip one of the Covington High School students. Say they werenā€™t serious? Or say, ā€˜one down, 30 left to goā€™?
Progressive Elitist Leftists are contradictory. Aren't they? Just the other day my own governor, Benito Cuomo, was lecturing about "Child Abuse". That was just after he championed and signed the "You Can Kill Your Kid with an Airplane Propeller up Until the baby is Delivered Act".
This whole episode about Covington, Nick Sandmann and the sham Vet Phillips is just the latest example of the hate being spewed upon our nation and it's citizens by members of the Treasonous Triad (DNC, Media and the Educational Establishments) They've spread their sick, evil tentacles throughout our society. Every news organization and cretin that advocates violence and hate even after the facts come out should be destroyed... legally. The networks and the hateful Hollywood "types" need to be sued and destroyed financially. The best way to shut these criminal up is to bankrupt them.
I tells ya what OP. Run down to your nearest bar, stand two inches from some random guy and smirk at him for three minutes. Let us know how you were "bullied" out of there with your wangly-ass revisionist history. Poor 'poor-me' professional victim snowflake. :crybaby:

Partisan hackland ------ where nobody takes responsibility for anything.
After Covington: CYA, More Lies, and Intransigent Goblin Hate
So when did it become PC to bully children?

By Ed Murrow ~~ Louis Armstrong sang ā€œWhen youā€™re smilinā€™ā€¦ keep on smilinā€™ / the whole world smiles with you.ā€ Only thatā€™s not so true if you are a Catholic, pro-life, conservative, teenaged boy waiting for your bus ride home. A bunch of weirdoes can shout racist, homophobic, anti-Christian crap at you, then Nathan Phillips, a Native American activist and Omaha ā€œelder,ā€ can pound a drum in your face. If you stand still and do nothing but smile, you are Adolf Hitler, Jr. That happened to Nick Sandmann, a junior at Kentuckyā€™s Covington Catholic High School. Letā€™s take a short look at a tiny portion of the abuse that was hurled at him.... Sandmannā€™s smile was a ā€œsmirkā€ according to nearly every Leftie goblin on Earth. It and the MAGA hat on his head were conclusive proof that he was a racist and should, therefore, be beaten and have his life ruined.
Not so long ago, a campaign to stop bullying of children was in the news. Young people, we were told, had been driven to suicide by bullies using social media to spread lies about their targets and threaten them. Hollywood celebrities attended fundraisers wearing anti-bullying ribbons that were blue for the bruises inflicted, striped with red for the physical and mental scars created, and black to remember those children who had been bullied to death. Religious leaders, politicians, and the media joined in the worthy cause. Now, however, we know that some bullying is just dandy and even righteous. Just pick a kid in a MAGA hat.

Articles of this manner should not cease, they should continue exposing the cruelty of the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Left, their hatred and their absolute evil insanity. We should soon be reading about the lawsuits Nick Sandman and his friends have established against this lynch mob.
Sadly, the persecution against Conservatives, whether white, black, male, female, young or old wont end, just read about the black actor who claims in sub zero temperature, at 2 AM, white men in MASKS (yep you read that right), wearing MAGA hats attacked him; and the slick racist politicks and their tools jumped on the train without hesitation to cry out their usual demagoguery rhetoric.
One has to wonder how Leftists would react when or if someone does punch/kill/woodchip one of the Covington High School students. Say they werenā€™t serious? Or say, ā€˜one down, 30 left to goā€™?
Progressive Elitist Leftists are contradictory. Aren't they? Just the other day my own governor, Benito Cuomo, was lecturing about "Child Abuse". That was just after he championed and signed the "You Can Kill Your Kid with an Airplane Propeller up Until the baby is Delivered Act".
This whole episode about Covington, Nick Sandmann and the sham Vet Phillips is just the latest example of the hate being spewed upon our nation and it's citizens by members of the Treasonous Triad (DNC, Media and the Educational Establishments) They've spread their sick, evil tentacles throughout our society. Every news organization and cretin that advocates violence and hate even after the facts come out should be destroyed... legally. The networks and the hateful Hollywood "types" need to be sued and destroyed financially. The best way to shut these criminal up is to bankrupt them.

Oh and I love the way the dishonest hack tries to lend credence to his blog quote by attributing it to "Ed Murrow". Nice try.
I tells ya what OP. Run down to your nearest bar, stand two inches from some random guy and smirk at him for three minutes. Let us know how you were "bullied" out of there with your wangly-ass revisionist history. Poor 'poor-me' professional victim snowflake. :crybaby:

Partisan hackland ------ where nobody takes responsibility for anything.
You forgot something. It was the "random guy" that got in the face of the smirker. So don't blame the smirker.
I tells ya what OP. Run down to your nearest bar, stand two inches from some random guy and smirk at him for three minutes. Let us know how you were "bullied" out of there with your wangly-ass revisionist history. Poor 'poor-me' professional victim snowflake. :crybaby:

Partisan hackland ------ where nobody takes responsibility for anything.
The teenager did NOT go near the protestor the Protestor went near the boy dumb ass.
I tells ya what OP. Run down to your nearest bar, stand two inches from some random guy and smirk at him for three minutes. Let us know how you were "bullied" out of there with your wangly-ass revisionist history. Poor 'poor-me' professional victim snowflake. :crybaby:

Partisan hackland ------ where nobody takes responsibility for anything.
You forgot something. It was the "random guy" that got in the face of the smirker. So don't blame the smirker.

I tells ya what OP. Run down to your nearest bar, stand two inches from some random guy and smirk at him for three minutes. Let us know how you were "bullied" out of there with your wangly-ass revisionist history. Poor 'poor-me' professional victim snowflake. :crybaby:

Partisan hackland ------ where nobody takes responsibility for anything.
The teenager did NOT go near the protestor the Protestor went near the boy dumb ass.

Yuh huh. So you BOTH were there? Because there ain't no video that demonstrates that. Prove me wrong.

There is however video that shows a nearby woman excoriating a "mob mentality". You think "mob" meant "Nathan Philips"?
I tells ya what OP. Run down to your nearest bar, stand two inches from some random guy and smirk at him for three minutes. Let us know how you were "bullied" out of there with your wangly-ass revisionist history. Poor 'poor-me' professional victim snowflake. :crybaby:

Partisan hackland ------ where nobody takes responsibility for anything.

If you go to the full video, you'll see the Black Hebrews and the Native American old man approached the students.
How easy it is to pit Americans against each other should the prime lesson learned from this incident.

Gin up a false headline tagged to a selectively edited video and instant outrage. Then the outrage is exponentially increased and tensions heighten when the entire long running incident between the three groups becomes known.

The assholes playing "he said" "she said" with us are the enemy. Not the kids. Not the Black Hebrew assholes, not the Indians.....
I tells ya what OP. Run down to your nearest bar, stand two inches from some random guy and smirk at him for three minutes. Let us know how you were "bullied" out of there with your wangly-ass revisionist history. Poor 'poor-me' professional victim snowflake. :crybaby:

Partisan hackland ------ where nobody takes responsibility for anything.

Sandman did nothing but stand still. He didn't go up to anyone, the commie injun approached him. Facts seem to irrelevant when you commies get on a propaganda binge.

I tells ya what OP. Run down to your nearest bar, stand two inches from some random guy and smirk at him for three minutes. Let us know how you were "bullied" out of there with your wangly-ass revisionist history. Poor 'poor-me' professional victim snowflake. :crybaby:

Partisan hackland ------ where nobody takes responsibility for anything.

Sandman did nothing but stand still. He didn't go up to anyone, the commie injun approached him. Facts seem to irrelevant when you commies get on a propaganda binge.

They sure seem irrelevant when making ass-sertions you can't prove, don't they?
I tells ya what OP. Run down to your nearest bar, stand two inches from some random guy and smirk at him for three minutes. Let us know how you were "bullied" out of there with your wangly-ass revisionist history. Poor 'poor-me' professional victim snowflake. :crybaby:

Partisan hackland ------ where nobody takes responsibility for anything.

Sandman did nothing but stand still. He didn't go up to anyone, the commie injun approached him. Facts seem to irrelevant when you commies get on a propaganda binge.

They sure seem irrelevant when making ass-sertions you can't prove, don't they?

Watch the video bitch. There was a kid in a bright blue jacket standing in front of Sandmann when the indian first walked past them. The indian turned and the kid in the blue jacket moved a couple of feet to his right, Sandmann didn't move when the indian approached him and got in his face. All you have to do is look and stop pushing your commie propaganda.

I tells ya what OP. Run down to your nearest bar, stand two inches from some random guy and smirk at him for three minutes. Let us know how you were "bullied" out of there with your wangly-ass revisionist history. Poor 'poor-me' professional victim snowflake. :crybaby:

Partisan hackland ------ where nobody takes responsibility for anything.

Sandman did nothing but stand still. He didn't go up to anyone, the commie injun approached him. Facts seem to irrelevant when you commies get on a propaganda binge.

They sure seem irrelevant when making ass-sertions you can't prove, don't they?

So, you refuse to watch the video because it shows what a liar you are? You know that we already know that you're a liar., right?
I tells ya what OP. Run down to your nearest bar, stand two inches from some random guy and smirk at him for three minutes. Let us know how you were "bullied" out of there with your wangly-ass revisionist history. Poor 'poor-me' professional victim snowflake. :crybaby:

Partisan hackland ------ where nobody takes responsibility for anything.
The Native American kook went up to Sanders and stuck his face within inches of Sanders face, not the other way around, douchebag. Sanders was mining his own business. The Native American kook was exhibiting hostile behavior.

Why don't you and the Native American kook take responsibility for your behavior?
How easy it is to pit Americans against each other should the prime lesson learned from this incident.

Gin up a false headline tagged to a selectively edited video and instant outrage. Then the outrage is exponentially increased and tensions heighten when the entire long running incident between the three groups becomes known.

The assholes playing "he said" "she said" with us are the enemy. Not the kids. Not the Black Hebrew assholes, not the Indians.....
Actually the Black Hebrew assholes and the Indian are the bad guys in this scenario. You're just trying to let them off the hook.
I tells ya what OP. Run down to your nearest bar, stand two inches from some random guy and smirk at him for three minutes. Let us know how you were "bullied" out of there with your wangly-ass revisionist history. Poor 'poor-me' professional victim snowflake. :crybaby:

Partisan hackland ------ where nobody takes responsibility for anything.
You forgot something. It was the "random guy" that got in the face of the smirker. So don't blame the smirker.

I tells ya what OP. Run down to your nearest bar, stand two inches from some random guy and smirk at him for three minutes. Let us know how you were "bullied" out of there with your wangly-ass revisionist history. Poor 'poor-me' professional victim snowflake. :crybaby:

Partisan hackland ------ where nobody takes responsibility for anything.
The teenager did NOT go near the protestor the Protestor went near the boy dumb ass.

Yuh huh. So you BOTH were there? Because there ain't no video that demonstrates that. Prove me wrong.

There is however video that shows a nearby woman excoriating a "mob mentality". You think "mob" meant "Nathan Philips"?
There certainly is video that shows that, you fucking dumbass. Every second of the entire incident is on video from several different angles.
I tells ya what OP. Run down to your nearest bar, stand two inches from some random guy and smirk at him for three minutes. Let us know how you were "bullied" out of there with your wangly-ass revisionist history. Poor 'poor-me' professional victim snowflake. :crybaby:

Partisan hackland ------ where nobody takes responsibility for anything.

If you go to the full video, you'll see the Black Hebrews and the Native American old man approached the students.

I tells ya what OP. Run down to your nearest bar, stand two inches from some random guy and smirk at him for three minutes. Let us know how you were "bullied" out of there with your wangly-ass revisionist history. Poor 'poor-me' professional victim snowflake. :crybaby:

Partisan hackland ------ where nobody takes responsibility for anything.

Sandman did nothing but stand still. He didn't go up to anyone, the commie injun approached him. Facts seem to irrelevant when you commies get on a propaganda binge.

They sure seem irrelevant when making ass-sertions you can't prove, don't they?
He can prove them, moron. He already has.
I tells ya what OP. Run down to your nearest bar, stand two inches from some random guy and smirk at him for three minutes. Let us know how you were "bullied" out of there with your wangly-ass revisionist history. Poor 'poor-me' professional victim snowflake. :crybaby:

Partisan hackland ------ where nobody takes responsibility for anything.
I do it all of the time. I will do it with you loser. Want to test that?

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