After decrying inequality, Obama golfs at personal course of mega-billionaire

Needless to say, if the president refrained from golf and other ‘avocations of the wealthy,’ the partisan right would be just as critical, accusing the president of being ‘aloof.’

We would have a little more respect for a Commander in Chief that refrained from playing golf while sending American troops into harms way where they are killed and maimed while he is on the fairway.

Bush did exactly that out of respect for the men he commanded and I don't recall anyone calling him 'aloof.'
Like this -

[ame=]George Bush "Now, Watch This Drive" - YouTube[/ame]
Needless to say, if the president refrained from golf and other ‘avocations of the wealthy,’ the partisan right would be just as critical, accusing the president of being ‘aloof.’

We would have a little more respect for a Commander in Chief that refrained from playing golf while sending American troops into harms way where they are killed and maimed while he is on the fairway.

Bush did exactly that out of respect for the men he commanded and I don't recall anyone calling him 'aloof.'


That is a shallow concession when your decision sent 7000 Americans to their deaths
I'm not the one making such a shallow gesture like giving up golf to make up for all your war dead

that isn't the reason he gave for giving up golf...stop frikken's pathetic

Mr Bush, your disastrous decisions resulted in over 7000 dead, what are you going to do about it?

Bush: I plan on giving up golf, that should make it even

Speaking of disastrous decisions:

Under President George W. Bush, from 2001 until Jan. 20, 2009, 569 U.S. military personnel were killed in and around Afghanistan fighting in Operation Enduring Freedom.

In total, 2,144 U.S. military personnel have given their lives fighting in and around Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring Freedom.

1,575 of the U.S. military personnel who have sacrificed their lives in this cause were killed during the presidency of Barack Obama.

Have you considered giving up golf?
Needless to say, if the president refrained from golf and other ‘avocations of the wealthy,’ the partisan right would be just as critical, accusing the president of being ‘aloof.’

We would have a little more respect for a Commander in Chief that refrained from playing golf while sending American troops into harms way where they are killed and maimed while he is on the fairway.

Bush did exactly that out of respect for the men he commanded and I don't recall anyone calling him 'aloof.'


That is a shallow concession when your decision sent 7000 Americans to their deaths
Obviously, there was no concession by Bush at all, as evidenced by the "Now, watch this drive" video.
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Sometimes a golf course is just calling out your name

and he answered...'inequality' is good....

Obama teeing off at Oracle founders Rancho Mirage private golf course...

...and Michelle heard Aspen calling....more of that good 'inequality'....
I'm sorry....I still don't see your point

Is it that the Obamas shouldn't enjoy a rich lifestyle?
The Obamas have money even though they are among the least wealthy presidential families

Obama never opposed wealth........he only opposes what they contribute to society

of course Obama is not after the ultra rich.....but he opposes new wealth created by the middle class....he opposes people who strive to become wealthy....he opposes the American dream......Obama is making the upper middle class rich out to be the bad guys....he wants all weath under the control of a central government....he wants to destroy the hard-working successful middle class....leaving just the working poor and his elite rich friends...
After decrying inequality, Obama golfs at personal course of mega-billionaire

While all you anti-socialist GOP members use the city public golf courses supported by taxpayers. Something ain't right here.
and he answered...'inequality' is good....

Obama teeing off at Oracle founders Rancho Mirage private golf course...

...and Michelle heard Aspen calling....more of that good 'inequality'....
I'm sorry....I still don't see your point

Is it that the Obamas shouldn't enjoy a rich lifestyle?
The Obamas have money even though they are among the least wealthy presidential families

Obama never opposed wealth........he only opposes what they contribute to society

of course Obama is not after the ultra rich.....but he opposes new wealth created by the middle class....he opposes people who strive to become wealthy....he opposes the American dream......Obama is making the upper middle class rich out to be the bad guys....he wants all weath under the control of a central government....he wants to destroy the hard-working successful middle class....leaving just the working poor and his elite rich friends...

God damn......are you full of shit
Obama has supported the middle class. Worker protections. Tax breaks for those making less than $400k

He has supported tax increases for the wealthiest Americans
And it has nothing to do with him playing golf
I'm sorry....I still don't see your point

Is it that the Obamas shouldn't enjoy a rich lifestyle?
The Obamas have money even though they are among the least wealthy presidential families

Obama never opposed wealth........he only opposes what they contribute to society

of course Obama is not after the ultra rich.....but he opposes new wealth created by the middle class....he opposes people who strive to become wealthy....he opposes the American dream......Obama is making the upper middle class rich out to be the bad guys....he wants all weath under the control of a central government....he wants to destroy the hard-working successful middle class....leaving just the working poor and his elite rich friends...

God damn......are you full of shit
Obama has supported the middle class. Worker protections. Tax breaks for those making less than $400k

He has supported tax increases for the wealthiest Americans
And it has nothing to do with him playing golf

Only according to White House press releases for the most part.
of course Obama is not after the ultra rich.....but he opposes new wealth created by the middle class....he opposes people who strive to become wealthy....he opposes the American dream......Obama is making the upper middle class rich out to be the bad guys....he wants all weath under the control of a central government....he wants to destroy the hard-working successful middle class....leaving just the working poor and his elite rich friends...

God damn......are you full of shit
Obama has supported the middle class. Worker protections. Tax breaks for those making less than $400k

He has supported tax increases for the wealthiest Americans
And it has nothing to do with him playing golf

Only according to White House press releases for the most part.

I'm sorry....I still don't see your point

Is it that the Obamas shouldn't enjoy a rich lifestyle?
The Obamas have money even though they are among the least wealthy presidential families

Obama never opposed wealth........he only opposes what they contribute to society

of course Obama is not after the ultra rich.....but he opposes new wealth created by the middle class....he opposes people who strive to become wealthy....he opposes the American dream......Obama is making the upper middle class rich out to be the bad guys....he wants all weath under the control of a central government....he wants to destroy the hard-working successful middle class....leaving just the working poor and his elite rich friends...

God damn......are you full of shit
Obama has supported the middle class. Worker protections. Tax breaks for those making less than $400k

He has supported tax increases for the wealthiest Americans
And it has nothing to do with him playing golf

[ame=]Romney's 'Middle Class' Definition: $250,000 and Less - YouTube[/ame]
After decrying inequality, Obama golfs at personal course of mega-billionaire

While all you anti-socialist GOP members use the city public golf courses supported by taxpayers. Something ain't right here.

The golf course referenced in the OP is a private golf course, not a public one. And I have never played golf on a public golf course. Ever. But you did get to pay for Kentucky Dam which created the beautiful lake I live on. You're so sweet!
Needless to say, if the president refrained from golf and other ‘avocations of the wealthy,’ the partisan right would be just as critical, accusing the president of being ‘aloof.’

We would have a little more respect for a Commander in Chief that refrained from playing golf while sending American troops into harms way where they are killed and maimed while he is on the fairway.

Bush did exactly that out of respect for the men he commanded and I don't recall anyone calling him 'aloof.'


That is a shallow concession when your decision sent 7000 Americans to their deaths

Bush's decision was based on intelligence from the free world's intelligence agencies, approved by the US Congress and the United Nations and was presumably influenced by statements from several leading Democrats such as these:

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source
Oracle billionaire Larry Ellison ranks 3rd on Forbes 400 richest's his 249 acre Rancho Mirage private golf course that Obama and his childhood buddies are playing on this long's obvious that lefties like Obama do not hate the who are the rich people he's attacking....?


President Obama has not said he hates the rich. Neither has the left.

Wanna try again?

You might try turning this into one of really lame ass whines about the president getting a little time off. The idiot rw's really eat that shit up.

Intelligent people? Not so much.

Elitists a love the fellow Wealthy. It is the Middle Class and small business entrepreneurs they disdain. This is why high income taxes are hurled at them.
poor wrongwhiner

he must tired of covering Obama's ass all the time

really pathetic to watch
liberal and Progressive policies CREATE the very poverty the pandering Left decries; so who should be surprised left-wing millionaires wine and dine with billionaires while we have RECORD poverty and welfare?

idiots and hypocrites

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