After Digraceful Kavanaugh Attacks, Leftists Smearing Young Woman of Color Nominated to Replace Him


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Neomi Rao is a brilliant legal mind and an extremely well-qualified pick to replace Justice Brett Kavanaugh on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. But because she's a rising star on the Right who has been floated as a potential replacement for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, she must be destroyed. So it's natural that the Left is trying to make her the latest victim of character assassination. On Monday, Buzzfeed published a story that dredged up some op-eds Rao wrote as an undergraduate at Yale in the 1990s. My colleague Quin Hillyer already posted on how the story distorted her work to portray it in the worst possible light. But it's worth also looking at the process behind the article.

The story notes that it was the "the liberal advocacy group Alliance for Justice" that "first highlighted Rao’s college writings to BuzzFeed News." In other words, the story was based on opposition research conducted by a liberal group that is tasked with fighting conservative judicial appointments...With the hit pieces out in the media, Alliance for Justice then issued a press release titled, "Rao's Writings are Disqualifying," that claimed the organization had "learned" about the writings, citing media reports. So, to sum up: A liberal group dumped oppo to the media, the media played it up, then the liberal group cited those media reports to proclaim the nominee disqualified.

Republicans should make more hay out of the fact that two Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee are trying to mainstream the unconstitutional bigotry of erecting religious tests for public office, via their discriminatory opposition to a Trump nominee to a federal district court. Presidential frontrunner Kamala Harris has joined this disgraceful push, as has the contemptible Mazie Hirono of Hawaii. These moves come on the heels of Dianne Feinstein's infamous "dogma" calumny against Circuit Court Judge Amy Barrett during her 2017 confirmation hearings. If Barrett is ever under consideration to be elevated to the next level, some elements of the Left will likely be unable to resist assailing her devout Catholicism, an approach that would be widely decried as outrageous prejudice if it were directed at, say, a Muslim Democratic appointee. It's totally unacceptable either way."

Anyone who thought the Democrats 'might have learned their lesson' after their despicable ,unethical, and immoral behavior during the Kavanaugh confirmation and that they might have chosen to abandon this age-old tactic of 'The Politics of Personal Destruction' are either naïve of were lying to themselves.

As far as they are concerned, they are '1 for 2'. It worked against Herman Cain, but 'Kavanaugh escaped'. 'We'll get 'em next time."

Next time
looks like it might be Neomi Rao, a brilliant, well-qualified minority woman...and the Democrats are already preparing to destroy her, too.

While the author of the article attempts to make a big deal about Rao being a female and a person of color, the ONLY 'qualifier' / 'identifier' / 'characteristic' that matter to the Democrats in whether or not to destroy someone is their party affiliation. White, Black, Native American, male, female, transgender...the key is the 'GOP', just like waving a red cape in front of a bull.

Here We Go: Leftists Begin Smearing Young Woman of Color Nominated to Replace Kavanaugh
This is one of the reasons I want to see Janice Rogers Brown nominated for USSC....To watch the moonbats smear and try to destroy a black woman would be a sight to behold.
'Neomi Rao is a brilliant legal mind and an extremely well-qualified pick to replace Justice Brett Kavanaugh on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. But because she's a rising star on the Right who has been floated as a potential replacement for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, she must be destroyed. So it's natural that the Left is trying to make her the latest victim of character assassination. On Monday, Buzzfeed published a story that dredged up some op-eds Rao wrote as an undergraduate at Yale in the 1990s. My colleague Quin Hillyer already posted on how the story distorted her work to portray it in the worst possible light. But it's worth also looking at the process behind the article.

The story notes that it was the "the liberal advocacy group Alliance for Justice" that "first highlighted Rao’s college writings to BuzzFeed News." In other words, the story was based on opposition research conducted by a liberal group that is tasked with fighting conservative judicial appointments...With the hit pieces out in the media, Alliance for Justice then issued a press release titled, "Rao's Writings are Disqualifying," that claimed the organization had "learned" about the writings, citing media reports. So, to sum up: A liberal group dumped oppo to the media, the media played it up, then the liberal group cited those media reports to proclaim the nominee disqualified.

Republicans should make more hay out of the fact that two Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee are trying to mainstream the unconstitutional bigotry of erecting religious tests for public office, via their discriminatory opposition to a Trump nominee to a federal district court. Presidential frontrunner Kamala Harris has joined this disgraceful push, as has the contemptible Mazie Hirono of Hawaii. These moves come on the heels of Dianne Feinstein's infamous "dogma" calumny against Circuit Court Judge Amy Barrett during her 2017 confirmation hearings. If Barrett is ever under consideration to be elevated to the next level, some elements of the Left will likely be unable to resist assailing her devout Catholicism, an approach that would be widely decried as outrageous prejudice if it were directed at, say, a Muslim Democratic appointee. It's totally unacceptable either way."

Anyone who thought the Democrats 'might have learned their lesson' after their despicable ,unethical, and immoral behavior during the Kavanaugh confirmation and that they might have chosen to abandon this age-old tactic of 'The Politics of Personal Destruction' are either naïve of were lying to themselves.

As far as they are concerned, they are '1 for 2'. It worked against Herman Cain, but 'Kavanaugh escaped'. 'We'll get 'em next time."

Next time
looks like it might be Neomi Rao, a brilliant, well-qualified minority woman...and the Democrats are already preparing to destroy her, too.

While the author of the article attempts to make a big deal about Rao being a female and a person of color, the ONLY 'qualifier' / 'identifier' / 'characteristic' that matter to the Democrats in whether or not to destroy someone is their party affiliation. White, Black, Native American, male, female, transgender...the key is the 'GOP', just like waving a red cape in front of a bull.

Here We Go: Leftists Begin Smearing Young Woman of Color Nominated to Replace Kavanaugh
Democrats have not changed in two centuries.
OMG can you imagine how ugly the Democratic attacks on RBG's replacement will be? They have no qualms attacking Conservative Blacks but I agree that nominating a highly qualified Black woman would be a smart move.
Same thing they pulled on the Trump administration. Pay for fake opposition research, secretly drop it to the media, then file for a fisc siting the media reports.

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