After Giving it Up- Obama now Wants US Troops to Help Re-Take Ramadi

What is strange is to pretend that Obama is the only politician that has become President of the USA.
Nobody is doing that.
He's the first president we've elected that hates America and either doesn't know how to govern or is intentionally screwing everything up. The guy is either a criminal genius or an incompetent noncimpoop.

You said: Obama can't be a good commander in chief. He's too political....

What is the problem?

Anyone with military leadership training and experience knows that politics and winning wars often don't mix. Obama is overly the point that victory has to be rationalized and lied about just to give him the feeling of being successful......not actually being successful. He and his talking-heads are trying to tell us that their tactics in the war against ISIS are successful.....even though it doesn't show on the battlefield. He thinks he can win on TV.....he doesn't feel he has to win in real life by defeating the enemy.

Obama is "overly political."

More than....what president?

The problem is you are redundant: No president is without politics, his (or her) party wants to remain in power. Since you don't happen to like Obama, this is somehow relevant.

Obama doesn't make any decision without first considering the political ramifications. Many presidents have done that in the past. But this president goes even further.

Right or wrong, Obama does not act if he feels that doing something will cost him in the polls when it comes to his base...and he spends billions of our tax dollars simply to buy votes. The problem is, his spending never is intended to improve our lot. It's simply intended to trick people into voting for Democrats.
When it comes to National Defense....Obama ignores the truth. He makes decisions based on politics.....pulling out of Iraq was a prime example of this. He was told that pulling out would cause mass-genocide. He said he didn't care. He wanted us out before the 2012 election, so now we have ISIS running wild in Syria, Iraq, and thanks to Obama's political decisions. His air-war is a sham and his promise to not put boots on the ground is nothing but a impediment to success, not to mention his ridiculous ROEs.

Obama's political decisions are causing massive instability in the Middle-East, and his insistence on bringing in untold thousands of improperly vetted refugees into this country has put a strain on our budget, spread disease in our schools, and eventually will cause the deaths of thousands of American citizens. Many Democrat voters could care less. Obama supposedly gave them Gay marriages....and that's all they care about. This is the primary reason Hollywood backs his lies. They think he's their butt-buddy.

The icing on the cake is that Obama has been caught spying on congress. Nixon got caught spying on Democrats.....I think Obama is in serious trouble....or should be. This is impeachable.
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