After Giving it Up- Obama now Wants US Troops to Help Re-Take Ramadi

The Iraqis achieve a major victory, WITHOUT loss of American life,

and not a RWnut on this board is the least bit happy about it.
All we had to do was train them, give them weapons, give them air support and heavy artillery...You would think the right winged nutzies would be having a party, like when Pootin started bombing ISIS in Syria...

The RWnuts want more Americans dying because they think it makes for good partisan political ammunition against Obama, and now, against Hillary Clinton.

They are willing to make that trade.
I believe too many of them suffer from never living in a tent, in mud having to play soldier...
The Iraqis achieve a major victory, WITHOUT loss of American life,

and not a RWnut on this board is the least bit happy about it.
All we had to do was train them, give them weapons, give them air support and heavy artillery...You would think the right winged nutzies would be having a party, like when Pootin started bombing ISIS in Syria...

Obama knows how to fight. Putin got his guy shot down and has done nothing
He randomly and indiscriminately bombed innocents and killed scores if not hundreds not related to the guys who shot down his plane, other than they may have been a few family and neighbors among the dead babies, toddlers and school age kids in retribution.
The nuts ridicule 'leading from behind'.

In this case, leading from behind means the Iraqis fight and die in front. Which is where they belong, since it is their country.

The RWnuts want Americans in the front, fighting and dying first.
The Iraqis achieve a major victory, WITHOUT loss of American life,

and not a RWnut on this board is the least bit happy about it.
All we had to do was train them, give them weapons, give them air support and heavy artillery...You would think the right winged nutzies would be having a party, like when Pootin started bombing ISIS in Syria...

The RWnuts want more Americans dying because they think it makes for good partisan political ammunition against Obama, and now, against Hillary Clinton.

They are willing to make that trade.
I believe too many of them suffer from never living in a tent, in mud having to play soldier...

To paraphrase President Eisenhower,

war is easy when your weapon is a pen and the battlefield is 10,000 miles away.
Yes, and lots of people warned Obama not to leave Iraq with no residual force. They warned him that this would leave a huge vacuum and would cause destabilization and bloodshed. But, Obama ignored all such warnings. When Iraq began to noticeably come apart last year, some of the senators who warned him took to the Senate floor to note that they had told him this would happen.
Yes, and lots of people warned Obama not to leave Iraq with no residual force. They warned him that this would leave a huge vacuum and would cause destabilization and bloodshed. But, Obama ignored all such warnings. When Iraq began to noticeably come apart last year, some of the senators who warned him took to the Senate floor to note that they had told him this would happen.
Come on Mike, this issue has been debated over and over. We didn't leave troops in Iraq because the Iraqi's didn't want us to leave troops and refused to give an SOF that was satisfactory. The deal was actually made a month before Obama came into office with the agreement made in Dec. 2008 that committed the US to remove all troops. That agreement should never have been made, but it was. US planners saw the simmering difficulties between Sunni and Shia and righfully projected the dangers of keeping forces in Iraq without an extraordinary SOF along with the strong possibility of being dragged into a civil war. Getting out of that place was the right thing to do. The 2008 agreement should have had allowance for unlimited forces at the US's discretion and with the same SOF as was used during the duration of the war.
Obama can't be a good commander in chief. He's too political....and politics doesn't mix well with military tactics.

You do realize that every US prez is the CoC, and that each one must be a politician, right?
that's a very strange way to justify that dumbfuck..

What is strange is to pretend that Obama is the only politician that has become President of the USA.
Nobody is doing that.
He's the first president we've elected that hates America and either doesn't know how to govern or is intentionally screwing everything up. The guy is either a criminal genius or an incompetent noncimpoop.
Everyone has opinions Mudwhistle. Some prefer debating and discussing topics based on more factual data and less opinion, while others sometime base their entire discussion/debate on speculative opinion.
Or some of us have been in the military or the government, spanning roughly 40 years and have served under different presidents from both parties, and can tell when one is fucking up.
Fuck Iraq . Trillions and 10 years ain't enough. We've spilled enough blood over there . Plus they wanted us out .

Obama is smart to keep our troops off the front line . We need the Mid East countries to take care of this problem.
Yes, and lots of people warned Obama not to leave Iraq with no residual force. They warned him that this would leave a huge vacuum and would cause destabilization and bloodshed. But, Obama ignored all such warnings. When Iraq began to noticeably come apart last year, some of the senators who warned him took to the Senate floor to note that they had told him this would happen.
Bush's boy Maliki wanted us out so he could abuse the Sunnis- worked great! Thanks for the stupidest war and reconstruction ever, dupe.
Obama's strategy against ISIS is working fine, dupes- sorry it's not on your BS infotainment/hate propaganda machine's nightly schedule.. The ME is growing up and learning about democracy and the modern world, and we're no longer the bad guy (except the moronic greedy GOP, of course).
What is strange is to pretend that Obama is the only politician that has become President of the USA.
Nobody is doing that.
He's the first president we've elected that hates America and either doesn't know how to govern or is intentionally screwing everything up. The guy is either a criminal genius or an incompetent noncimpoop.

You said: Obama can't be a good commander in chief. He's too political....
I think Barry has Munchhausen by proxy disorder.... he creates a complete mess in the ME, and now wants to come in and bring it back to life. The man is utterly incompetent..
I know, I can't believe how many times Oblama had to impregnate a Muslim to make it all possible...

Uhm, what? Jesus.. what time do you start drinking?
I thought you said that Oblama created all the mess....So impregnating women is a mess...

Not all, but certainly he has created a mess. As for the rest of what you are trying say, sorry, you lost me.
Or some of us have been in the military or the government, spanning roughly 40 years and have served under different presidents from both parties, and can tell when one is fucking up.

I agree: anyone who has been associated with the government for roughly 40 years is an expert at fucking up.
What is strange is to pretend that Obama is the only politician that has become President of the USA.
Nobody is doing that.
He's the first president we've elected that hates America and either doesn't know how to govern or is intentionally screwing everything up. The guy is either a criminal genius or an incompetent noncimpoop.

You said: Obama can't be a good commander in chief. He's too political....

What is the problem?

Anyone with military leadership training and experience knows that politics and winning wars often don't mix. Obama is overly the point that victory has to be rationalized and lied about just to give him the feeling of being successful......not actually being successful. He and his talking-heads are trying to tell us that their tactics in the war against ISIS are successful.....even though it doesn't show on the battlefield. He thinks he can win on TV.....he doesn't feel he has to win in real life by defeating the enemy.
What a incompetent failure is Obama.

Stupid Man Walking


Obama weighs moving U.S. troops closer to front lines in Syria, Iraq

In both Iraq and Syria, senior officials have also discussed more aggressively targeting Islamic State infrastructure to cripple the group financially. The Islamic State depends on the sale of oil and electricity inside Syria to pay for its military operations. A more aggressive air campaign, however, carries risks of increasing civilian casualties or making an already horrible humanitarian situation worse.

The president first asked for a broader set of options in Iraq and Syria in July when he made a rare visit to the Pentagon to meet with Carter and his top commanders. The meeting came two months after the fall of Ramadi — a time when the White House was more open to the expanded military force than it had been earlier in the campaign.

“What [the Islamic State] did . . . sent a shock through the system,” said Shawn Brimley, a former White House and Pentagon official who is now executive vice president at the Center for a New American Security.

Obama weighs moving U.S. troops closer to front lines in Syria, Iraq
Who woulda thunk we'd be having to go back after Obama turned and ran?

You are so disappointed that Americans aren't dying in Ramadi. That's unspeakably ghoulish.
You are so disappointed that Americans aren't being murdered by Muslims in America.
Oh wait, they, and every few months too thanks to Obama.
Your glee is unspeakably ghoulish.
What a incompetent failure is Obama.

Stupid Man Walking


Obama weighs moving U.S. troops closer to front lines in Syria, Iraq

In both Iraq and Syria, senior officials have also discussed more aggressively targeting Islamic State infrastructure to cripple the group financially. The Islamic State depends on the sale of oil and electricity inside Syria to pay for its military operations. A more aggressive air campaign, however, carries risks of increasing civilian casualties or making an already horrible humanitarian situation worse.

The president first asked for a broader set of options in Iraq and Syria in July when he made a rare visit to the Pentagon to meet with Carter and his top commanders. The meeting came two months after the fall of Ramadi — a time when the White House was more open to the expanded military force than it had been earlier in the campaign.

“What [the Islamic State] did . . . sent a shock through the system,” said Shawn Brimley, a former White House and Pentagon official who is now executive vice president at the Center for a New American Security.

Obama weighs moving U.S. troops closer to front lines in Syria, Iraq
The link says he asked for suggestions.

You said:
After Giving it Up- Obama now Wants US Troops to Help Re-Take Ramadi

Sounds like it's you who is the incompetent failure. At least you're consistent.

Iraqi army declares Ramadi 'liberated' from ISIL
What a incompetent failure is Obama.

Stupid Man Walking


Obama weighs moving U.S. troops closer to front lines in Syria, Iraq

In both Iraq and Syria, senior officials have also discussed more aggressively targeting Islamic State infrastructure to cripple the group financially. The Islamic State depends on the sale of oil and electricity inside Syria to pay for its military operations. A more aggressive air campaign, however, carries risks of increasing civilian casualties or making an already horrible humanitarian situation worse.

The president first asked for a broader set of options in Iraq and Syria in July when he made a rare visit to the Pentagon to meet with Carter and his top commanders. The meeting came two months after the fall of Ramadi — a time when the White House was more open to the expanded military force than it had been earlier in the campaign.

“What [the Islamic State] did . . . sent a shock through the system,” said Shawn Brimley, a former White House and Pentagon official who is now executive vice president at the Center for a New American Security.

Obama weighs moving U.S. troops closer to front lines in Syria, Iraq
Who woulda thunk we'd be having to go back after Obama turned and ran?

You are so disappointed that Americans aren't dying in Ramadi. That's unspeakably ghoulish.
You are so disappointed that Americans aren't being murdered by Muslims in America.
Oh wait, they, and every few months too thanks to Obama.
Your glee is unspeakably ghoulish.
Wanna bet more are killed by right wingers? Check out gun statistics.
What is strange is to pretend that Obama is the only politician that has become President of the USA.
Nobody is doing that.
He's the first president we've elected that hates America and either doesn't know how to govern or is intentionally screwing everything up. The guy is either a criminal genius or an incompetent noncimpoop.

You said: Obama can't be a good commander in chief. He's too political....

What is the problem?

Anyone with military leadership training and experience knows that politics and winning wars often don't mix. Obama is overly the point that victory has to be rationalized and lied about just to give him the feeling of being successful......not actually being successful. He and his talking-heads are trying to tell us that their tactics in the war against ISIS are successful.....even though it doesn't show on the battlefield. He thinks he can win on TV.....he doesn't feel he has to win in real life by defeating the enemy.

Obama is "overly political."

More than....what president?

The problem is you are redundant: No president is without politics, his (or her) party wants to remain in power. Since you don't happen to like Obama, this is somehow relevant.

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