After "Great Replacement Theory" Shooter in Buffalo kills 10 - Tucker "Great Replacement" Carlson BACKTRACKS

Yes, absolutely. Our government works best, in a mixed system.

But I don't consider the Trump cult to have much connection to conservatism. I do wish it would disperse.

Oh bullshit, you are like the other libs here, you constantly bash and belittle those who live in red states, it's dishonest as hell on your part and the rest here to now try and claim you wouldn't love to see those red staters replaced with people who are much more likely to side with you.

We all remember a few weeks ago how Tucker Carlson was talking about Great Replacement and how Democrats were out to make Whites a minority in America. Today he came on and talked about how we should judge each-other as human beings and treat everyone equally. What are your thoughts on this backpedal?

Is there a lawsuit against Tucker/Fox News coming for his hateful rhetoric?

Tucker talking about it: Video of Tucker Carlson promoting ‘Great Replacement’ theory surfaces again

"If you suggest the Democratic party is trying to replace the current electorate - the voters casting ballot - with new people, more obedient voters from the third world."

The Democrats think the biggest problem with America is there are too many Americans. That's why Biden opened the southern border.

We all remember a few weeks ago how Tucker Carlson was talking about Great Replacement and how Democrats were out to make Whites a minority in America. Today he came on and talked about how we should judge each-other as human beings and treat everyone equally. What are your thoughts on this backpedal?

Is there a lawsuit against Tucker/Fox News coming for his hateful rhetoric?

Tucker talking about it: Video of Tucker Carlson promoting ‘Great Replacement’ theory surfaces again

"If you suggest the Democratic party is trying to replace the current electorate - the voters casting ballot - with new people, more obedient voters from the third world."

Tucker's observation had nothing to do with white people. You are a liar.
We all remember a few weeks ago how Tucker Carlson was talking about Great Replacement and how Democrats were out to make Whites a minority in America. Today he came on and talked about how we should judge each-other as human beings and treat everyone equally. What are your thoughts on this backpedal?
You need to look up the word "backpedal", since you don't seem to know what it means.
Tucker Carlson should be ashamed. The shooter was emersed in white replacement theory.

Well......if Tucker Carlson should be ashamed then Biden, Pelosi, CNN, MSNBC, and every Democrat in Washington should be arrested for over 12 years of race-baiting and instigating violence against Trump Supporters the last several years.
The word your looking for is "immersed", you illiterate imbecile.
More like EGO MANIAC.

The only reason Tucker hasn't mentioned 2000 Mules is because he wanted credit for the discovery.
He didn't want to give Dinesh D'Souza any credit.
Dinesh told him he wasn't gonna allow him to cut him out of the thing even if it would increase his film's media exposure.
Well......if Tucker Carlson should be ashamed then Biden, Pelosi, CNN, MSNBC, and every Democrat in Washington should be arrested for over 12 years of race-baiting and instigating violence against Trump Supporters the last several years.
any examples of this?

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