After "Great Replacement Theory" Shooter in Buffalo kills 10 - Tucker "Great Replacement" Carlson BACKTRACKS

how does coverage of a racist mass shooter incite violence againts trumpists?
You're not serious, are you?

Are you familiar with the Arab vs Israeli conflict?

Democrats desperately want something similar to that between Democrats and Republicans.

When I got on this forum in 2009 I mentioned that this was their ultimate goal and everyone scoffed at me.
That's what is wrong with the kid who killed all those people in Buffalo. He put replacement theory together with nationalism , Eco fascism, racism and blaming Jews for immigration. He's the perfect Trump hybrid.
You're not serious, are you?

Are you familiar with the Arab vs Israeli conflict?

Democrats desperately want something similar to that between Democrats and Republicans.

When I got on this forum in 2009 I mentioned that this was their ultimate goal and everyone scoffed at me.
the arab - israel conflict is comparable to the USA 200 ~ 300 years ago, when natives were driven out of their land.

But you were refering to the media inciting violence trump supporters.

How do natives being driven out of their land relate to news media (or political leaders) inciting violence?

We all remember a few weeks ago how Tucker Carlson was talking about Great Replacement and how Democrats were out to make Whites a minority in America. Today he came on and talked about how we should judge each-other as human beings and treat everyone equally. What are your thoughts on this backpedal?

Is there a lawsuit against Tucker/Fox News coming for his hateful rhetoric?

Tucker talking about it: Video of Tucker Carlson promoting ‘Great Replacement’ theory surfaces again

"If you suggest the Democratic party is trying to replace the current electorate - the voters casting ballot - with new people, more obedient voters from the third world."

It isn't a theory.....the democrat party has been telling us they are going to replace 'white" voters with illegal aliens for years now....

Just after the 2020 election I wrote a column entitled, “Demographics Are Not Destiny,” to contradict what Democrats had been screaming for decades – that “the browning of the country would be the death of the GOP.” It’s funny how they “forget” what they espoused, bragged about, really, for 20+ years as soon as it becomes inconvenient or politically advantageous to do so.

Back then, reminding everyone what leftists had been espousing, I wrote, “In a piece entitled, ‘The Relentless Shrinking of Trump’s Base,’ the New York Times reported just last month how a ‘steady decline in white voters without college degrees’ would spell doom for Trump and Republicans. George Will at the Washington Post, someone I used to respect, similarly wrote in a column called, ‘The coming decade of Democratic dominance,’ that ‘Demographic arithmetic is also discouraging for Trump. There are more than 5 million fewer members of his core constituency — Whites without college degrees — than there were four years ago. And there are more than 13 million more minority and college-educated White eligible voters than in 2016.’”
In 2013, the Center for American Progress ran a piece entitled, “Immigration Is Changing the Political Landscape in Key States.” The subtitle reads, “Supporting real immigration reform that contains a pathway to citizenship for our nation's 11 million undocumented immigrants is the only way to maintain electoral strength in the future.”

A pathway to citizenship was always part of the left’s plan, they need the voters for “the only way to maintain electoral strength in the future.” What else would you call that other than what Tucker calls it?


The democrat party has been telling us for decades that minorities are going to replace white voters........and the leftist shooter in Buffalo was obviously listening to them.....except he is a leftist authoritarian, and racism and leftism go hand in hand......
Tucker Carlson should be ashamed. The shooter was emersed in white replacement theory.

If he was emersed in "replacement theory," he learned it from the democrats, who for the last decades have stated that their plan was to make illegal aliens into democrat party voters......It wasn't Fox or was every left wing pundit on t.v. and even obama...........they gleefully stated whites were going to be this left wing authoritarian shooter in Buffalo, took them at their word...but what they always fail to understand?

1) leftists are by nature violent

2) leftism is by it's very nature racist

So when this guy heard rachel maddow and the other democrats....from late night comedians to hollywood stars gleefully talking about the "browning of America," he took them seriously...but his leftism made him lash out...

We all remember a few weeks ago how Tucker Carlson was talking about Great Replacement and how Democrats were out to make Whites a minority in America. Today he came on and talked about how we should judge each-other as human beings and treat everyone equally. What are your thoughts on this backpedal?

Is there a lawsuit against Tucker/Fox News coming for his hateful rhetoric?

Tucker talking about it: Video of Tucker Carlson promoting ‘Great Replacement’ theory surfaces again

"If you suggest the Democratic party is trying to replace the current electorate - the voters casting ballot - with new people, more obedient voters from the third world."

The leftist authoritarian/poplulist, eco-fascist shooter in Buffalo...likely learned about "replacement theory," not from Tucker, since he hates Fox news....but more likely from NPR, and other democrat party news sources....

The country is changing — it's getting browner, as population growth slows among whites. Non-whites now make up a majority of kindergartners; by the next presidential election, the Census Bureau predicts they will be a majority of all children; and by 2044, no one racial group will be a majority of the country.

America is at a demographic inflection point. The crosscurrents of demographic and cultural change are upending traditional voting patterns and straining the fabric of what it means to be American.

The Democratic Party has adapted to this demographic change, and is more diverse, more urban and more liberal than at any time in its history. The Republican Party, on the other hand, has struggled.


We all remember a few weeks ago how Tucker Carlson was talking about Great Replacement and how Democrats were out to make Whites a minority in America. Today he came on and talked about how we should judge each-other as human beings and treat everyone equally. What are your thoughts on this backpedal?

Is there a lawsuit against Tucker/Fox News coming for his hateful rhetoric?

Tucker talking about it: Video of Tucker Carlson promoting ‘Great Replacement’ theory surfaces again

"If you suggest the Democratic party is trying to replace the current electorate - the voters casting ballot - with new people, more obedient voters from the third world."

He knows -- and the other orange pundits know -- that there is a limit to how far he can push the rubes before he can't control them any more. This is out in the open now, and he's going to play the victim and pick his spots more carefully.

Here's the problem: The MAGA movement is now beyond its leader in insanity. We may end up seeing the same thing here.

When it comes to fomenting hate and violence, be careful what you ask for. You may not be able to turn it off with words.

We all remember a few weeks ago how Tucker Carlson was talking about Great Replacement and how Democrats were out to make Whites a minority in America. Today he came on and talked about how we should judge each-other as human beings and treat everyone equally. What are your thoughts on this backpedal?

Is there a lawsuit against Tucker/Fox News coming for his hateful rhetoric?

Tucker talking about it: Video of Tucker Carlson promoting ‘Great Replacement’ theory surfaces again

"If you suggest the Democratic party is trying to replace the current electorate - the voters casting ballot - with new people, more obedient voters from the third world."

There's nothing there except Leftists' abject rage and fear of Tucker Carlson. Yes he talked about Replacement Theory. He NEVER said White RT nor would he. He's talking about citizens. And he's right.

You all see racism everywhere bc you have so many racists on your own side. Stop projecting

We all remember a few weeks ago how Tucker Carlson was talking about Great Replacement and how Democrats were out to make Whites a minority in America. Today he came on and talked about how we should judge each-other as human beings and treat everyone equally. What are your thoughts on this backpedal?

Is there a lawsuit against Tucker/Fox News coming for his hateful rhetoric?

Tucker talking about it: Video of Tucker Carlson promoting ‘Great Replacement’ theory surfaces again

"If you suggest the Democratic party is trying to replace the current electorate - the voters casting ballot - with new people, more obedient voters from the third world."

From democrat party media source....Vox...

The government predicts that in 2030, immigration will overtake new births as the dominant driver of population growth. About 15 years after that, America will phase into majority-minority status — for the first time in the nation’s history, non-Hispanic whites will no longer make up a majority of the population.
That cross will come in part because America’s black, Hispanic, Asian, and mixed-race populations are expected to grow — indeed, the Hispanic and Asian populations are expected to roughly double, and the mixed-race population to triple. Meanwhile, the non-Hispanic white population is, uniquely, expected to fall, dipping from 199 million in 2020 to 179 million in 2060. The Census Bureau minces no words here: “The only group projected to shrink is the non-Hispanic White population,” they report.

There's nothing there except Leftists' abject rage and fear of Tucker Carlson. Yes he talked about Replacement Theory. He NEVER said White RT nor would he. He's talking about citizens. And he's right.

You all see racism everywhere bc you have so many racists on your own side. Stop projecting

The democrats are simply exploiting this shooting........they are also terrified that the guys manifesto will be read by people and they will see that he was a leftist, not a republican or conservative and that Tucker Carleson is never mentioned, not once.....he also hated Fox news....
Just turn on the news.
They're really milking this shooting for all it's worth.
Similar to the way they milked Roe vs Wade.

Didn't work for Roe; won't work here. Because they have lied so much everyone expects it. So when the first lie is uncovered, everyone shrugs and says "oh look they lied again"
He knows -- and the other orange pundits know -- that there is a limit to how far he can push the rubes before he can't control them any more. This is out in the open now, and he's going to play the victim and pick his spots more carefully.

Here's the problem: The MAGA movement is now beyond its leader in insanity. We may end up seeing the same thing here.

When it comes to fomenting hate and violence, be careful what you ask for. You may not be able to turn it off with words.

The shooter in Buffalo was a leftist and an eco-fascist....he had nothing to do with Trump or conservatives........he had nothing to do with MAGA..........
It isn't a theory.....the democrat party has been telling us they are going to replace 'white" voters with illegal aliens for years now.....

When did we say that?

There are only 11 million undocumented immigrants in this country, and that number has been pretty stable for some time now.

That number actually DECLINED during the Obama years as he try to trade increased enforcement for sensible immigration reform.


Obama actually deported more people than Trump did


Now, it is true that white are declining as a percentage of the population, due to low birth rates for whites compared to higher birth rates among minorities, and LEGAL immigration from Asia. And this is something the 180 page manifesto goes on about for some time. (You ignored that because you found him saying he liked Communism when he was 12. about the same time he probably liked Pokémon.)

The point is, this kind of racist resentment has been bread and butter for the GOP since Tricky Dick and the Southern Strategy, ignoring the fact that most whites have far more in common with those people of color than they have with the One Percenters who run the GOP.

Just use racial, religious and sexual fears to keep stupid white people voting against their own economic interests. Just don't act surprise when one of you takes this shit seriously and combines it with the gun culture to start murdering people.
The democrats are simply exploiting this shooting........they are also terrified that the guys manifesto will be read by people and they will see that he was a leftist, not a republican or conservative and that Tucker Carleson is never mentioned, not once.....he also hated Fox news....

Again. It's just a bald-faced lie that Tucker ever talked about White Replacement theory. I watch his show nightly--I DVR so I never miss it. IF he did I would stop watching. He's talking about the Dems importing new voters. Which I believe 100%

We all remember a few weeks ago how Tucker Carlson was talking about Great Replacement and how Democrats were out to make Whites a minority in America. Today he came on and talked about how we should judge each-other as human beings and treat everyone equally. What are your thoughts on this backpedal?

Is there a lawsuit against Tucker/Fox News coming for his hateful rhetoric?

Tucker talking about it: Video of Tucker Carlson promoting ‘Great Replacement’ theory surfaces again

"If you suggest the Democratic party is trying to replace the current electorate - the voters casting ballot - with new people, more obedient voters from the third world."

What is untrue about the Progs wanting to make Whites a minority? It's in front of us all. People are demonized for saying it out loud. I guarantee you though, we will be reduced as a power. And it may be dangerous with a larger percentage of people in poverty and much more violence in the United States and the Western Hemisphere with all of those nukes.

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