After "Great Replacement Theory" Shooter in Buffalo kills 10 - Tucker "Great Replacement" Carlson BACKTRACKS

What is untrue about the Progs wanting to make Whites a minority? It's in front of us all. People are demonized for saying it out loud. I guarantee you though, we will be reduced as a power. And it may be dangerous with a larger percentage of people in poverty and much more violence in the United States and the Western Hemisphere with all of those nukes.

Said it before I will say it again. I don't give two craps about this and I am white. Not two craps. What I DO want--and all I have ever heard from Carlson--is this nation to be filled with citizens who adhere to the Constitution, adhere to the founding documents, etc. I don't give a crap if they're purple or green. Just be real Americans
In 2013, the Center for American Progress ran a piece entitled, “Immigration Is Changing the Political Landscape in Key States.” The subtitle reads, “Supporting real immigration reform that contains a pathway to citizenship for our nation's 11 million undocumented immigrants is the only way to maintain electoral strength in the future.”

A pathway to citizenship was always part of the left’s plan, they need the voters for “the only way to maintain electoral strength in the future.” What else would you call that other than what Tucker calls it?

Actually being fair? You see, once upon a time, Republicans actually favored immigration reform. Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million undocumented immigrants. Then the GOP got horrified that they didn't all start voting Republican.

George W. Bush proposed a sensible immigration reform package in 2008, which was opposed by nativists in the GOP, with Trump's screaming about murderers and rapists being the main reason why he beat Jeb Bush. The main reason why we have millions of unfilled positions is because Trump made America such an unwelcoming place for LEGAL immigrants.

The shooter in Buffalo was a leftist and an eco-fascist....he had nothing to do with Trump or conservatives........he had nothing to do with MAGA..........

Other than their shared hatred of brown people.
Said it before I will say it again. I don't give two craps about this and I am white. Not two craps. What I DO want--and all I have ever heard from Carlson--is this nation to be filled with citizens who adhere to the Constitution, adhere to the founding documents, etc. I don't give a crap if they're purple or green. Just be real Americans

Sure, Islamophobic Twat... "real Americans"- code for white, Christian people.

This is what a real American looks like.

The ironic thing is the people you want to build walls to keep out are closer to the native population than the European Squatters who make up most of this board.

We all remember a few weeks ago how Tucker Carlson was talking about Great Replacement and how Democrats were out to make Whites a minority in America. Today he came on and talked about how we should judge each-other as human beings and treat everyone equally. What are your thoughts on this backpedal?

Is there a lawsuit against Tucker/Fox News coming for his hateful rhetoric?

Tucker talking about it: Video of Tucker Carlson promoting ‘Great Replacement’ theory surfaces again

"If you suggest the Democratic party is trying to replace the current electorate - the voters casting ballot - with new people, more obedient voters from the third world."

I believe in the Great Replacement Theory

The left has been plotting to infest America with non
whites since 1965

But even though I have not murdered anyone, when will biden send his FBI goons around to take me away?
Trump instigates violence. That's the way he communicates. He's a tough talking coward.

I mean how freaking desperate do you have to be to say Carlson is talking about this and then post a supposed "smoking gun" video of him....not talking about it????
I believe in the Great Replacement Theory

The left has been plotting to infest America with non
whites since 1965

But even though I have not murdered anyone, when will biden send his FBI goons around to take me away?

The Left has done this BECAUSE they thought it would yield them generational dominance. So yes in that case I believe it which is what I think Carlson is referring to
Trump instigates violence. That's the way he communicates.
Yet the proof of violence has been around before Trump. Do what you do best....keep killing each other and promote violence. Very few of those elites in power and in the media will stand inf front of the line with a weapon themselves and put their lives on the line while they promote the same for the peasants to do. The ednless broadcasting by the 95% Prog controlled TV propagandists help to cause all of this. And then they switch it around to blame the so called white supremacists who are nothing but a tool for propagandists.
So wait, you're actually going to deny that you guys wish conservatives were gone? I'm supposed to believe all the bashing and hate directed at conservatives on this board (and elsewhere of course) is meaningless? Lol, yeah right!
Wish conservatives were gone?
Absolutely NOT, we need as many as we can get.

We need to get rid of the lying teabaggers, that claim they're "conservative", which only happens, "surprisingly" election time or when a democrat is in office.

"Reagan," Vice President Dick Cheney famously declared in 2002, "proved deficits don't matter."

At a fund-raiser at his Mar-a-Lago resort last week, President Donald Trump touted his enormous new Pentagon budget (which he inaccurately pinned at $2.5 trillion) and reportedly dismissed concerns about growing deficits and federal debt: "Who the hell cares about the budget? We're going to have a country."

We all remember a few weeks ago how Tucker Carlson was talking about Great Replacement and how Democrats were out to make Whites a minority in America. Today he came on and talked about how we should judge each-other as human beings and treat everyone equally. What are your thoughts on this backpedal?

Is there a lawsuit against Tucker/Fox News coming for his hateful rhetoric?

Tucker talking about it: Video of Tucker Carlson promoting ‘Great Replacement’ theory surfaces again

"If you suggest the Democratic party is trying to replace the current electorate - the voters casting ballot - with new people, more obedient voters from the third world."

Of course he did. His daddy Rupert sat him down and had a talk with him about advertising revenue.
No one should be afraid of Tucker Carlson. He's an influencer of children and low IQ Americans, but he too is a coward.

So name calling and playground insults but no refuting the FACT that he did not put forth White Replacement Theory. Right--because he didn't

You all deserve to lose as badly as it looks like you are. It looks cultural and generational. No one deserves it more
Yet the proof of violence has been around before Trump. Do what you do best....keep killing each other and promote violence. Very few of those elites in power and in the media will stand inf front of the line with a weapon themselves and put their lives on the line while they promote the same for the peasants to do. The ednless broadcasting by the 95% Prog controlled TV propagandists help to cause all of this. And then they switch it around to blame the so called white supremacists who are nothing but a tool for propagandists.
We didn't have a president take the stage and constantly promote violence.
He knows his audience. He has communicated to them, exclusively, in their language, for six years now. Classic target marketing.

His challenge now is controlling the monster he has created. He's more under their control than vice versa.

His audience did not include the Buffalo shooter you absolute babbling moron
So name calling and playground insults but no refuting the FACT that he did not put forth White Replacement Theory. Right--because he didn't

You all deserve to lose as badly as it looks like you are. It looks cultural and generational. No one deserves it more
Look back at Trump's escalator speech.

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