After "Great Replacement Theory" Shooter in Buffalo kills 10 - Tucker "Great Replacement" Carlson BACKTRACKS

That's why Biden opened the border. He wants to make you a minority. Put you in chains.
So wait, you're actually going to deny that you guys wish conservatives were gone? I'm supposed to believe all the bashing and hate directed at conservatives on this board (and elsewhere of course) is meaningless? Lol, yeah right!

No we do not want conservatives gone. We want them to work from FACTS, not conspiracy theories and tin foil hat quackery.

The “bashing and the hate”??? The calls for the “removal of all leftists” are heard daily on this board. Democrats are called “evil” and death is wished on us daily.
When did we say that?

There are only 11 million undocumented immigrants in this country, and that number has been pretty stable for some time now.

That number actually DECLINED during the Obama years as he try to trade increased enforcement for sensible immigration reform.

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Obama actually deported more people than Trump did

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Now, it is true that white are declining as a percentage of the population, due to low birth rates for whites compared to higher birth rates among minorities, and LEGAL immigration from Asia. And this is something the 180 page manifesto goes on about for some time. (You ignored that because you found him saying he liked Communism when he was 12. about the same time he probably liked Pokémon.)

The point is, this kind of racist resentment has been bread and butter for the GOP since Tricky Dick and the Southern Strategy, ignoring the fact that most whites have far more in common with those people of color than they have with the One Percenters who run the GOP.

Just use racial, religious and sexual fears to keep stupid white people voting against their own economic interests. Just don't act surprise when one of you takes this shit seriously and combines it with the gun culture to start murdering people.

The democrats have been bragging for years that they will be the forever party because they are importing new voters….you moron
Trump instigates violence. That's the way he communicates. He's a tough talking coward.

Blm/antifa we’re supported and protected by the entire democrat party and they burned, looted and killed in black neighborhoods for 7 months…so sell that crap to biden voters
That's what is wrong with the kid who killed all those people in Buffalo. He put replacement theory together with nationalism , Eco fascism, racism and blaming Jews for immigration. He's the perfect Trump hybrid.
No....since he's 18 he never voted.....and he's too young to understand the issues.

This little shit was served up to us as an example of your average Trump supporter when in fact he's a classic example of what Democrats are intentionally turning out kids into.
He's nowhere close to being what your average Trump Supporter is.....someone who is mature who respects life, freedom, and justice.
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Sure, Islamophobic Twat... "real Americans"- code for white, Christian people.

This is what a real American looks like.
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The ironic thing is the people you want to build walls to keep out are closer to the native population than the European Squatters who make up most of this board.

"Real Americans"? I haven't seen too many people walking around in feathered headdresses lately.

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