After "Great Replacement Theory" Shooter in Buffalo kills 10 - Tucker "Great Replacement" Carlson BACKTRACKS

It isn't a theory.....the democrat party has been telling us they are going to replace 'white" voters with illegal aliens for years now....

Just after the 2020 election I wrote a column entitled, “Demographics Are Not Destiny,” to contradict what Democrats had been screaming for decades – that “the browning of the country would be the death of the GOP.” It’s funny how they “forget” what they espoused, bragged about, really, for 20+ years as soon as it becomes inconvenient or politically advantageous to do so.

Back then, reminding everyone what leftists had been espousing, I wrote, “In a piece entitled, ‘The Relentless Shrinking of Trump’s Base,’ the New York Times reported just last month how a ‘steady decline in white voters without college degrees’ would spell doom for Trump and Republicans. George Will at the Washington Post, someone I used to respect, similarly wrote in a column called, ‘The coming decade of Democratic dominance,’ that ‘Demographic arithmetic is also discouraging for Trump. There are more than 5 million fewer members of his core constituency — Whites without college degrees — than there were four years ago. And there are more than 13 million more minority and college-educated White eligible voters than in 2016.’”
In 2013, the Center for American Progress ran a piece entitled, “Immigration Is Changing the Political Landscape in Key States.” The subtitle reads, “Supporting real immigration reform that contains a pathway to citizenship for our nation's 11 million undocumented immigrants is the only way to maintain electoral strength in the future.”

A pathway to citizenship was always part of the left’s plan, they need the voters for “the only way to maintain electoral strength in the future.” What else would you call that other than what Tucker calls it?


The democrat party has been telling us for decades that minorities are going to replace white voters........and the leftist shooter in Buffalo was obviously listening to them.....except he is a leftist authoritarian, and racism and leftism go hand in hand......
And the hit dogs howl.
He knows -- and the other orange pundits know -- that there is a limit to how far he can push the rubes before he can't control them any more. This is out in the open now, and he's going to play the victim and pick his spots more carefully.

Here's the problem: The MAGA movement is now beyond its leader in insanity. We may end up seeing the same thing here.

When it comes to fomenting hate and violence, be careful what you ask for. You may not be able to turn it off with words.
Just look at that nut running in Pennsylvania......
The democrats are simply exploiting this shooting........they are also terrified that the guys manifesto will be read by people and they will see that he was a leftist, not a republican or conservative and that Tucker Carleson is never mentioned, not once.....he also hated Fox news....
"simply exploiting this shooting".................wouldn't it have been nice if there'd been no shooting in the first place?

But this is America....................mass shootings is our thing and you love it.
Again. It's just a bald-faced lie that Tucker ever talked about White Replacement theory. I watch his show nightly--I DVR so I never miss it. IF he did I would stop watching. He's talking about the Dems importing new voters. Which I believe 100%
What is untrue about the Progs wanting to make Whites a minority? It's in front of us all. People are demonized for saying it out loud. I guarantee you though, we will be reduced as a power. And it may be dangerous with a larger percentage of people in poverty and much more violence in the United States and the Western Hemisphere with all of those nukes.
No racism here, folks.
I don't know if there's an actual plan already in place, but you would have to be stupid to NOT believe that the Dimocrat party, and the left in general wants this to happen.
No need to replace anybody. All we have to do is get our people out to vote. Complacency and lack of effort is all it took to get trump elected. That mistake was corrected when people realized that without their effort, he might be elected again. Opposition to trump is why the turnout for our last presidential election was the highest ever. I hope we don't fall back into complacency again.
Said it before I will say it again. I don't give two craps about this and I am white. Not two craps. What I DO want--and all I have ever heard from Carlson--is this nation to be filled with citizens who adhere to the Constitution, adhere to the founding documents, etc. I don't give a crap if they're purple or green. Just be real Americans
Of course....not caring about these shootings.
So name calling and playground insults but no refuting the FACT that he did not put forth White Replacement Theory. Right--because he didn't

You all deserve to lose as badly as it looks like you are. It looks cultural and generational. No one deserves it more
Again. It's just a bald-faced lie that Tucker ever talked about White Replacement theory. I watch his show nightly--I DVR so I never miss it. IF he did I would stop watching. He's talking about the Dems importing new voters. Which I believe 100%

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