After "Great Replacement Theory" Shooter in Buffalo kills 10 - Tucker "Great Replacement" Carlson BACKTRACKS

You have been spending so many posts in the last few days alternating between denying him and supporting the cause he espoused.

Not even close....he stated in his own manifesto he is on your side...he states he is a leftist authoritarian/populist, and an eco-fascist who hates fox news and conservatives...he said that.....he is one of yours....

Leftism = racism and anti-semitism........

He is one of yours, not mine.
Yes you are. Most of the shooters in the last 20 years have been minorities and most of them are leftists or Democrats.
You can count on one hand a so-called right wing mass-shooter in the last 5 years....and every one of them turned out to be mentally disturbed or an anarchist.
Nope...but then, you've been groomed by the Far Right.
We support BLM when it protests PEACEFULLY. Anyone who riots or burns or steals or vandalizes is a criminal and should be prosecuted....................not applauded and excused like the Right does to its Jan 6th thugs.

And yet you bailed out the most violent looters from blm/antifa.......
We support BLM when it protests PEACEFULLY. Anyone who riots or burns or steals or vandalizes is a criminal and should be prosecuted....................not applauded and excused like the Right does to its Jan 6th thugs.
I don't think the right excused, bailed out, or applauded what rioters did on Jan 6th.
We simply question the media's false narrative on what happened.

However, you have no problem with BLM&ANTIFA pulling people out of their cars or chasing down kids in the streets and beating them to a pulp.
You call a kid defending himself from a couple of angry convicted child-molesters a murderer.
In what way was any of the above PEACEFUL?
How long have you been hanging at the border watching it being open?
My team was stationed on the border assisting the Border Patrol during JTF-6 in the 90s.

There are large swaths of area on our border that have no wall. They put up walls in the high traffic areas....but there is no way in it's current configuration you could say the border is closed, and their is no real effort to close the border by the Biden Adm.

The Biden Adm isn't deporting people like Trump was.....they're simply tying up the Border Patrol in processing them into the country faster.
Meanwhile drug interdiction suffers.
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The democrats have been bragging for years that they will be the forever party because they are importing new voters….you moron

No they have not. The USA will be a white minority country within this century not because Democrats are letting non-whites into the country, but because white Americans are having fewer babies than non-whites.

This is yet another reason why overturning Roe v Wade is a bad idea for Republicans because rich white women will continue to get abortions, and poor brown and black women will be forced to have babies, thereby accelerating the marginalization of the white voter.
No they have not. The USA will be a white minority country within this century not because Democrats are letting non-whites into the country, but because white Americans are having fewer babies than non-whites.

This is yet another reason why overturning Roe v Wade is a bad idea for Republicans because rich white women will continue to get abortions, and poor brown and black women will be forced to have babies, thereby accelerating the marginalization of the white voter.

Wrong...the democrats have been gleefully screeching about how they are going to rule forever once Mexicans out number Americans......
Wrong...the democrats have been gleefully screeching about how they are going to rule forever once Mexicans out number Americans......
The idiots here at USMB have been doing it for the last 6 years.
No need to replace anybody. All we have to do is get our people out to vote. Complacency and lack of effort is all it took to get trump elected. That mistake was corrected when people realized that without their effort, he might be elected again. Opposition to trump is why the turnout for our last presidential election was the highest ever. I hope we don't fall back into complacency again.

Who are "your people?"

Do you fascists own black people?

Fraud was the reason the "turn out" in 2020 was so high. And we all know it.

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