After "Great Replacement Theory" Shooter in Buffalo kills 10 - Tucker "Great Replacement" Carlson BACKTRACKS

Really? Do you agree with the killer that the Jews are to blame for immigration?

"Some fine people" in Charlottesville chanting "Jews will not replace us."
Gee, if only there hadn't been a right wing groomed shooter killing people in Buffalo.....................How dare they point it out!!!!!
You're too simple-minded to figure it out.
Watching news from any station would piss anyone off.
CNN and MSNBC pump out their anti-white hatred and Fox News pumps out their 'Fair & Balanced' fear-mongering rubbish.
They're all working together and pissing everyone off.
Then they wait for the sick and introverted mass-shooters to emerge and bust caps into a crowd.

Meanwhile the FBI seems to know all of these folks and ignores them while they spy on pissed off parents.

But because you're a lesbian....and it all seems to work for you cuz Democrats are blowing smoke up your don't mind.
Every time the media creates another hoax you're in on it, all assholes and elbows.
No more so than any godless liberal in America

I would not single out clueless Jewish liberals for special blame

There is plenty of blame on the left to go around
"godless liberal"......... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
You are admitting that you want to silence politicsl views different from your own
We're not the ones shooting minorities.
We're not the ones passing laws trying to punish businesses that disagree with us.
Don't worry about your precious guns. If nothing was done after all those children were slaughtered in Sandy Hook, nothing will be done.
Packing the court will change all of that....but you're too dumb to figure that out.
To be honest....the Dems in Washington like having the issue more than they like taking guns.
That's the dirty little secret you don't know about.
People like Obama and Pelosi never solve problems....they just create them.
The Dems do not actually need to replace their voters, they always get more votes, they are just not in the right places.
Thus the various different methods used by the Right to delute the Dem vote....including voter intimidation thru shootings.
You're too simple-minded to figure it out.
Watching news from any station would piss anyone off.
CNN and MSNBC pump out their anti-white hatred and Fox News pumps out their 'Fair & Balanced' fear-mongering rubbish.
They're all working together and pissing everyone off.
Then they wait for the sick and introverted mass-shooters to emerge and bust caps into a crowd.

Meanwhile the FBI seems to know all of these folks and ignores them while they spy on pissed off parents.

But because you're a lesbian....and it all seems to work for you cuz Democrats are blowing smoke up your don't mind.
Every time the media creates another hoax you're in on it, all assholes and elbows.
It never fails....the Right has to resort to personal attacks on people based on their race, gender, or sexual orientation.
Packing the court will change all of that....but you're too dumb to figure that out.
To be honest....the Dems in Washington like having the issue more than they like taking guns.
That's the dirty little secret you don't know about.
People like Obama and Pelosi never solve problems....they just create them.
Don't worry......after Sandy Hook, it became evident that your precious guns were more important and valued over children. Pro-life my ass.
We're not the ones shooting minorities.
We're not the ones passing laws trying to punish businesses that disagree with us.
Yes you are. Most of the shooters in the last 20 years have been minorities and most of them are leftists or Democrats.
You can count on one hand a so-called right wing mass-shooter in the last 5 years....and every one of them turned out to be mentally disturbed or an anarchist.
It never fails....the Right has to resort to personal attacks on people based on their race, gender, or sexual orientation.
Noticing you're a admitted lesbian is an attack?

To's simply a box that can be checked explaining your lack of rationality.
So, being a minority means you are in chains? You sure about that?
IF that's what they wonder they are terrified of becoming a minority. They are just like Southern slaveholders before 1860....they saw that they were becoming a voting minority so they broke the country.
The democrats have been bragging for years that they will be the forever party because they are importing new voters….you moron
So the Right resorts to violence.........................
Blm/antifa we’re supported and protected by the entire democrat party and they burned, looted and killed in black neighborhoods for 7 months…so sell that crap to biden voters
The Democrat Party, led by President Biden, con-demned looting and burning and killing. You know that.
No....since he's 18 he never voted.....and he's too young to understand the issues.

This little shit was served up to us as an example of your average Trump supporter when in fact he's a classic example of what Democrats are intentionally turning out kids into.
He's nowhere close to being what your average Trump Supporter is.....someone who is mature who respects life, freedom, and justice.
Denying your own after the fact, eh?
It's 100% true.
The left supports BLM...and the VP personally helped bail ANTIFA/BLM members out of jail.

Yah sound like some foreigner attempting to troll Americans. Is that what you are?
We support BLM when it protests PEACEFULLY. Anyone who riots or burns or steals or vandalizes is a criminal and should be prosecuted....................not applauded and excused like the Right does to its Jan 6th thugs.

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