After "Great Replacement Theory" Shooter in Buffalo kills 10 - Tucker "Great Replacement" Carlson BACKTRACKS

Sure it did. He watched Trump and Tucker Carlson on TV constantly.

You are an embarrassment. Really.

The suspect’s apparent document does not state that he watched “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” a mainstay of the Fox News lineup since 2016. Fox News did not comment directly on the criticism of Carlson, but a spokeswoman for the network directed NBC News to on-air statements in which the host disavowed political violence.

It's not what they're told in their world.


The suspect’s apparent document does not state that he watched “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” a mainstay of the Fox News lineup since 2016. Fox News did not comment directly on the criticism of Carlson, but a spokeswoman for the network directed NBC News to on-air statements in which the host disavowed political violence.

So wait, you're actually going to deny that you guys wish conservatives were gone? I'm supposed to believe all the bashing and hate directed at conservatives on this board (and elsewhere of course) is meaningless? Lol, yeah right!

What conservatives on this board? I doubt you could name 4 conservatives on this board.
You realize all this agitation is not working anymore. Right?

Boy oh man are you all terrified of Tucker Carlson

Uh, yeah, we should all be worried about racial demagogues.

He knows his audience. He has communicated to them, exclusively, in their language, for six years now. Classic target marketing.

His challenge now is controlling the monster he has created. He's more under their control than vice versa.
Your knee is jerking based on a lie

Tucker Carlson did not backtrack, but continued to say the same thing he’s been saying all along
I believe in the Great Replacement Theory

The left has been plotting to infest America with non
whites since 1965

But even though I have not murdered anyone, when will biden send his FBI goons around to take me away?
Really? Do you agree with the killer that the Jews are to blame for immigration?
You are an embarrassment. Really.

The suspect’s apparent document does not state that he watched “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” a mainstay of the Fox News lineup since 2016. Fox News did not comment directly on the criticism of Carlson, but a spokeswoman for the network directed NBC News to on-air statements in which the host disavowed political violence.

Probably just coincidence they both espouse the “great replacement” theory
You are an embarrassment. Really.

The suspect’s apparent document does not state that he watched “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” a mainstay of the Fox News lineup since 2016. Fox News did not comment directly on the criticism of Carlson, but a spokeswoman for the network directed NBC News to on-air statements in which the host disavowed political violence.

I'm always amazed how many right wingers claim they never listen to Hate Radio or watch Tucker Carlson, yet repeat their talking points verbatim.
Really? Do you agree with the killer that the Jews are to blame for immigration?
No more so than any godless liberal in America

I would not single out clueless Jewish liberals for special blame

There is plenty of blame on the left to go around
I'm always amazed how many right wingers claim they never listen to Hate Radio or watch Tucker Carlson, yet repeat their talking points verbatim.
I dont subscribe to Fox News but his show is posted on YouTube

When I saw the headline and the narrative of the op I watched his commentary and found that libs are lying through their ass

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