After Latest De-Classified Documents Dump Exposing Obama's Failed Coup Attempt & Wray Hiding Docs, Anyone Who Still Denies Is Mentally Ill...Period!

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.
And all you have to do is prove that TRUMP! not only knew about it, but was involved in it, and that hasn't been done, despite years and millions of dollars chasing the unicorn.
I don’t have to do anything. I’m not alleging that Trump did anything of the sort.

See how easy that is?
Of course it's easy. All you have to do is intimate that there is some kind of scandal involving TRUMP! without actually saying it. What other reason would you have for interjecting that comment about Russia helping TRUMP! to send Hillary into retirement? See, if TRUMP! didn't know about it and wasn't involved in it, then it's hardly a scandal that reflects on him.
Im pushing back at the idea that Russia was a fake scandal. There was a tremendous amount of reality to this scandal.

It’s extremely logical to look into whether Trump had involvement
if you didnt lie you would have nothing to say,,,
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

I for one am open to different verbiage.
What is a better name for using Government Public Resources to try to push a presidential election to one's own party, then having failed, trying to have a duly elected President removed?

Thanks in advance.
Right wing fan fiction.

That's just pure ignorance.
That's all documented.
I get thats its okay with you.
Its not fiction.

Absolutely fiction. That’s why y’all keep talking about criminal charges that aren’t ever happening.

It’s not documented outside of fringe right wing blogs that no one takes seriously apart from conspiracy theorists like yourself.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

I for one am open to different verbiage.
What is a better name for using Government Public Resources to try to push a presidential election to one's own party, then having failed, trying to have a duly elected President removed?

Thanks in advance.
Right wing fan fiction.

That's just pure ignorance.
That's all documented.
I get thats its okay with you.
Its not fiction.

Absolutely fiction. That’s why y’all keep talking about criminal charges that aren’t ever happening.

It’s not documented outside of fringe right wing blogs that no one takes seriously apart from conspiracy theorists like yourself.
Conspiracies like Trump and the ROOSKIES conspired against leftards?
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

I for one am open to different verbiage.
What is a better name for using Government Public Resources to try to push a presidential election to one's own party, then having failed, trying to have a duly elected President removed?

Thanks in advance.
Right wing fan fiction.

That's just pure ignorance.
That's all documented.
I get thats its okay with you.
Its not fiction.

Absolutely fiction. That’s why y’all keep talking about criminal charges that aren’t ever happening.

It’s not documented outside of fringe right wing blogs that no one takes seriously apart from conspiracy theorists like yourself.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

I for one am open to different verbiage.
What is a better name for using Government Public Resources to try to push a presidential election to one's own party, then having failed, trying to have a duly elected President removed?

Thanks in advance.
Right wing fan fiction.

That's just pure ignorance.
That's all documented.
I get thats its okay with you.
Its not fiction.

Absolutely fiction. That’s why y’all keep talking about criminal charges that aren’t ever happening.

It’s not documented outside of fringe right wing blogs that no one takes seriously apart from conspiracy theorists like yourself.
Conspiracies like Trump and the ROOSKIES conspired against leftards?

Mueller investigated, found no connection. Good enough for me. The only thing that we should worry about is the people that won’t accept reality.
CrowdStrike is a US company, not a Ukrainian company. It is not necessary to directly examine the hardware to attribute the perpetrator of the hack.

So you admit that you LIED about the DOJ and intelligence services examining the server?

Crowdstrike is a Ukrainian company with a U.S. Presence.

Toyota is a Japanese company, despite selling cars in America.

Thanks for your link. Serious question, though. Did you read the article? Because it confirms I am right and that you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Oh, and I never said the FBI examined the hardware.

So someone hacked your account?

Post #306
If you read my posts the same way you read the article, the actual problem is that you just make shit up.

I never said the FBI examined the hardware.

Post #306 liar.
He will just claim you can't read what he plainly posted.

This is what I posted. As you can see, it does not say anything about the FBI examining the hardware.

By the DoJ and numerous US intelligence agencies.

Try again sparky.
Hey Dumbfuck, the FBI is the investigative arm of the DOJ.

Good Lord, if your IQ dropped 2 points you would be in the negative.
No shit. So where did I mention anything about examining the computer hardware?
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

I for one am open to different verbiage.
What is a better name for using Government Public Resources to try to push a presidential election to one's own party, then having failed, trying to have a duly elected President removed?

Thanks in advance.
Right wing fan fiction.

That's just pure ignorance.
That's all documented.
I get thats its okay with you.
Its not fiction.

Absolutely fiction. That’s why y’all keep talking about criminal charges that aren’t ever happening.

It’s not documented outside of fringe right wing blogs that no one takes seriously apart from conspiracy theorists like yourself.
Wishful thinking by leftists such as yourself!

None of the Democratic Media sources that have groomed us, as a pedohile would groom their victims, to not believe any other source, have told us anything that we don't want to hear.
So it didn't happen.

Normal people - get out of your bubble, they are not your friends.

Colfax - liar! Coward!

Normal people - you're in a cult dude.

Colfax - liar, they told us you would say that!
I’ve listened to right wing media for a long time. They’ve been, for decades, telling people to trust them and only them.

Totally, factually false.
Also literally impossible.
Barr and Durham had better hurry the fuck up or they will be too late for the biggest scandal in US history to even matter.

If they had ANYTHING on ANYONE, charges would have been filed long ago.

Barr did his trip around the world to find evidence against the "investigators" and came back empty handed. They've done their drill down on Clapper and Comey's emails, and came up empty. There is no evidence that any of the things Trump has claimed were done - the wiretapping, the "spying", etc., really happened.

Barr took their "evidence" against McCabe to the Grand Jury about his "unauthorized discussions" with the media, and the HR staff from the FBI testified that as second in command at the FBI, one of McCabe's stated responsibilities was to be the media contact for the FBI, and that all media calls to FBI Headquarters were to be directed to McCabe. This collapsed their so-called 'case" against him, and the judge in the case ordered Barr to file charges or end the investigation.

Lisa Page and Andrew McCabe have both filed law suits against the Justice Department for violations of their rights, and for judicial harassment. I expect the Department to settle with them quietly. I do notice that Trump has stopped talking about Peter Strzok or "his lover, Lisa Page". Page filed suit right after Trump's "dramatic reading" of her text messages to Strzok at one of his campaign events.

There is no act too petty or cruel that Trump won't pull to denigrate or humiliate those he has power over. There's an old saying that really applies in Trump's case: It's really hard to get ahead, when you spend all of your time trying to get even.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.
And all you have to do is prove that TRUMP! not only knew about it, but was involved in it, and that hasn't been done, despite years and millions of dollars chasing the unicorn.
I don’t have to do anything. I’m not alleging that Trump did anything of the sort.

See how easy that is?
Of course it's easy. All you have to do is intimate that there is some kind of scandal involving TRUMP! without actually saying it. What other reason would you have for interjecting that comment about Russia helping TRUMP! to send Hillary into retirement? See, if TRUMP! didn't know about it and wasn't involved in it, then it's hardly a scandal that reflects on him.
Im pushing back at the idea that Russia was a fake scandal. There was a tremendous amount of reality to this scandal.

It’s extremely logical to look into whether Trump had involvement
if you didnt lie you would have nothing to say,,,

Best dismissed and ignored
It is hard.
Nature abhors a vacuum
That is one serious vacuum.
Barr and Durham had better hurry the fuck up or they will be too late for the biggest scandal in US history to even matter.

If they had ANYTHING on ANYONE, charges would have been filed long ago.

Barr did his trip around the world to find evidence against the "investigators" and came back empty handed. They've done their drill down on Clapper and Comey's emails, and came up empty. There is no evidence that any of the things Trump has claimed were done - the wiretapping, the "spying", etc., really happened.

Barr took their "evidence" against McCabe to the Grand Jury about his "unauthorized discussions" with the media, and the HR staff from the FBI testified that as second in command at the FBI, one of McCabe's stated responsibilities was to be the media contact for the FBI, and that all media calls to FBI Headquarters were to be directed to McCabe. This collapsed their so-called 'case" against him, and the judge in the case ordered Barr to file charges or end the investigation.

Lisa Page and Andrew McCabe have both filed law suits against the Justice Department for violations of their rights, and for judicial harassment. I expect the Department to settle with them quietly. I do notice that Trump has stopped talking about Peter Strzok or "his lover, Lisa Page". Page filed suit right after Trump's "dramatic reading" of her text messages to Strzok at one of his campaign events.

There is no act too petty or cruel that Trump won't pull to denigrate or humiliate those he has power over. There's an old saying that really applies in Trump's case: It's really hard to get ahead, when you spend all of your time trying to get even.

Another cult member
Barr and Durham had better hurry the fuck up or they will be too late for the biggest scandal in US history to even matter.

If they had ANYTHING on ANYONE, charges would have been filed long ago.

Barr did his trip around the world to find evidence against the "investigators" and came back empty handed. They've done their drill down on Clapper and Comey's emails, and came up empty. There is no evidence that any of the things Trump has claimed were done - the wiretapping, the "spying", etc., really happened.

Barr took their "evidence" against McCabe to the Grand Jury about his "unauthorized discussions" with the media, and the HR staff from the FBI testified that as second in command at the FBI, one of McCabe's stated responsibilities was to be the media contact for the FBI, and that all media calls to FBI Headquarters were to be directed to McCabe. This collapsed their so-called 'case" against him, and the judge in the case ordered Barr to file charges or end the investigation.

Lisa Page and Andrew McCabe have both filed law suits against the Justice Department for violations of their rights, and for judicial harassment. I expect the Department to settle with them quietly. I do notice that Trump has stopped talking about Peter Strzok or "his lover, Lisa Page". Page filed suit right after Trump's "dramatic reading" of her text messages to Strzok at one of his campaign events.

There is no act too petty or cruel that Trump won't pull to denigrate or humiliate those he has power over. There's an old saying that really applies in Trump's case: It's really hard to get ahead, when you spend all of your time trying to get even.
If they came up empty on everything, why is Durham presenting evidence to a Grand Jury, you raving lunatic?
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.
And all you have to do is prove that TRUMP! not only knew about it, but was involved in it, and that hasn't been done, despite years and millions of dollars chasing the unicorn.
I don’t have to do anything. I’m not alleging that Trump did anything of the sort.

See how easy that is?
Of course it's easy. All you have to do is intimate that there is some kind of scandal involving TRUMP! without actually saying it. What other reason would you have for interjecting that comment about Russia helping TRUMP! to send Hillary into retirement? See, if TRUMP! didn't know about it and wasn't involved in it, then it's hardly a scandal that reflects on him.
Im pushing back at the idea that Russia was a fake scandal. There was a tremendous amount of reality to this scandal.

It’s extremely logical to look into whether Trump had involvement
if you didnt lie you would have nothing to say,,,

Best dismissed and ignored
It is hard.
Nature abhors a vacuum
That is one serious vacuum.
I've called him out so much he wont respond anyway,,,
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

I for one am open to different verbiage.
What is a better name for using Government Public Resources to try to push a presidential election to one's own party, then having failed, trying to have a duly elected President removed?

Thanks in advance.
Right wing fan fiction.

That's just pure ignorance.
That's all documented.
I get thats its okay with you.
Its not fiction.

Absolutely fiction. That’s why y’all keep talking about criminal charges that aren’t ever happening.

It’s not documented outside of fringe right wing blogs that no one takes seriously apart from conspiracy theorists like yourself.
Wishful thinking by leftists such as yourself!

None of the Democratic Media sources that have groomed us, as a pedohile would groom their victims, to not believe any other source, have told us anything that we don't want to hear.
So it didn't happen.

Normal people - get out of your bubble, they are not your friends.

Colfax - liar! Coward!

Normal people - you're in a cult dude.

Colfax - liar, they told us you would say that!
I’ve listened to right wing media for a long time. They’ve been, for decades, telling people to trust them and only them.

Totally, factually false.
Also literally impossible.
And yet here you are ridiculing people for listening to the “MSM”.

Which is exactly what they have been telling you to do for years.

You accuse me of never stepping out of my bubble but I read and watch a lot of right wing media and talk a lot with their adherents. I find it fascinating.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

I for one am open to different verbiage.
What is a better name for using Government Public Resources to try to push a presidential election to one's own party, then having failed, trying to have a duly elected President removed?

Thanks in advance.
Right wing fan fiction.

That's just pure ignorance.
That's all documented.
I get thats its okay with you.
Its not fiction.

Absolutely fiction. That’s why y’all keep talking about criminal charges that aren’t ever happening.

It’s not documented outside of fringe right wing blogs that no one takes seriously apart from conspiracy theorists like yourself.
Wishful thinking by leftists such as yourself!

None of the Democratic Media sources that have groomed us, as a pedohile would groom their victims, to not believe any other source, have told us anything that we don't want to hear.
So it didn't happen.

Normal people - get out of your bubble, they are not your friends.

Colfax - liar! Coward!

Normal people - you're in a cult dude.

Colfax - liar, they told us you would say that!
I’ve listened to right wing media for a long time. They’ve been, for decades, telling people to trust them and only them.

Totally, factually false.
Also literally impossible.
And yet here you are ridiculing people for listening to the “MSM”.

Which is exactly what they have been telling you to do for years.

You accuse me of never stepping out of my bubble but I read and watch a lot of right wing media and talk a lot with their adherents. I find it fascinating.
I accuse you of lying constantly,,,
This sign was made with Colfax in mind.............

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

I for one am open to different verbiage.
What is a better name for using Government Public Resources to try to push a presidential election to one's own party, then having failed, trying to have a duly elected President removed?

Thanks in advance.
Right wing fan fiction.

That's just pure ignorance.
That's all documented.
I get thats its okay with you.
Its not fiction.

Absolutely fiction. That’s why y’all keep talking about criminal charges that aren’t ever happening.

It’s not documented outside of fringe right wing blogs that no one takes seriously apart from conspiracy theorists like yourself.
Wishful thinking by leftists such as yourself!

None of the Democratic Media sources that have groomed us, as a pedohile would groom their victims, to not believe any other source, have told us anything that we don't want to hear.
So it didn't happen.

Normal people - get out of your bubble, they are not your friends.

Colfax - liar! Coward!

Normal people - you're in a cult dude.

Colfax - liar, they told us you would say that!
I’ve listened to right wing media for a long time. They’ve been, for decades, telling people to trust them and only them.

Totally, factually false.
Also literally impossible.
And yet here you are ridiculing people for listening to the “MSM”.

Which is exactly what they have been telling you to do for years.

You accuse me of never stepping out of my bubble but I read and watch a lot of right wing media and talk a lot with their adherents. I find it fascinating.
I accuse you of lying constantly,,,

I know.
Barr and Durham had better hurry the fuck up or they will be too late for the biggest scandal in US history to even matter.

If they had ANYTHING on ANYONE, charges would have been filed long ago.

Barr did his trip around the world to find evidence against the "investigators" and came back empty handed. They've done their drill down on Clapper and Comey's emails, and came up empty. There is no evidence that any of the things Trump has claimed were done - the wiretapping, the "spying", etc., really happened.

Barr took their "evidence" against McCabe to the Grand Jury about his "unauthorized discussions" with the media, and the HR staff from the FBI testified that as second in command at the FBI, one of McCabe's stated responsibilities was to be the media contact for the FBI, and that all media calls to FBI Headquarters were to be directed to McCabe. This collapsed their so-called 'case" against him, and the judge in the case ordered Barr to file charges or end the investigation.

Lisa Page and Andrew McCabe have both filed law suits against the Justice Department for violations of their rights, and for judicial harassment. I expect the Department to settle with them quietly. I do notice that Trump has stopped talking about Peter Strzok or "his lover, Lisa Page". Page filed suit right after Trump's "dramatic reading" of her text messages to Strzok at one of his campaign events.

There is no act too petty or cruel that Trump won't pull to denigrate or humiliate those he has power over. There's an old saying that really applies in Trump's case: It's really hard to get ahead, when you spend all of your time trying to get even.
If they came up empty on everything, why is Durham presenting evidence to a Grand Jury, you raving lunatic?

The bubble people grooming her havent told her about that.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
It started with Limbaugh, as usual.

Limbaugh was right about the years long Russia drama being nonsense. How did the rest of the media do on that point? That is one example of many. You don't like conservative media because they are telling the truth.
I remember Limbaugh saying diabetes was no big deal. COVID is the common cold. The guy who famously bragged of his tobacco addition without caring about the consequence dying of lung cancer.

If that’s who you want to stick with, be my guest. I hope you’re not taking medical advice from him.
Limbaugh said none of those things, you lying douchebag.

As always, you could have googled his claims and then you wouldn't look stupid when you're proven wrong. But you prefer exposing your intellectual deficiencies for all the world to see.
The innerweb irony meter just exploded.

Do you have anything of value to contribute, or it is just your usual monkey shit of insults and baseless denials?
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
It started with Limbaugh, as usual.

Limbaugh was right about the years long Russia drama being nonsense. How did the rest of the media do on that point? That is one example of many. You don't like conservative media because they are telling the truth.
I remember Limbaugh saying diabetes was no big deal. COVID is the common cold. The guy who famously bragged of his tobacco addition without caring about the consequence dying of lung cancer.

If that’s who you want to stick with, be my guest. I hope you’re not taking medical advice from him.
Limbaugh said none of those things, you lying douchebag.

As always, you could have googled his claims and then you wouldn't look stupid when you're proven wrong. But you prefer exposing your intellectual deficiencies for all the world to see.
The innerweb irony meter just exploded.

Do you have anything of value to contribute, or it is just your usual monkey shit of insults and baseless denials?
don't worry, your own monkey shit of insults is still intact with your baseless denials.
Barr and Durham had better hurry the fuck up or they will be too late for the biggest scandal in US history to even matter.

If they had ANYTHING on ANYONE, charges would have been filed long ago.

Barr did his trip around the world to find evidence against the "investigators" and came back empty handed. They've done their drill down on Clapper and Comey's emails, and came up empty. There is no evidence that any of the things Trump has claimed were done - the wiretapping, the "spying", etc., really happened.

Barr took their "evidence" against McCabe to the Grand Jury about his "unauthorized discussions" with the media, and the HR staff from the FBI testified that as second in command at the FBI, one of McCabe's stated responsibilities was to be the media contact for the FBI, and that all media calls to FBI Headquarters were to be directed to McCabe. This collapsed their so-called 'case" against him, and the judge in the case ordered Barr to file charges or end the investigation.

Lisa Page and Andrew McCabe have both filed law suits against the Justice Department for violations of their rights, and for judicial harassment. I expect the Department to settle with them quietly. I do notice that Trump has stopped talking about Peter Strzok or "his lover, Lisa Page". Page filed suit right after Trump's "dramatic reading" of her text messages to Strzok at one of his campaign events.

There is no act too petty or cruel that Trump won't pull to denigrate or humiliate those he has power over. There's an old saying that really applies in Trump's case: It's really hard to get ahead, when you spend all of your time trying to get even.
If they came up empty on everything, why is Durham presenting evidence to a Grand Jury, you raving lunatic?

The bubble people grooming her havent told her about that.
Show the bubble people where you found out that there was a Grand Jury?

Barr himself won’t say if there has been one but definitely seems to make an excuse for why the lack of a grand jury wouldn’t be unusual.

“In Barr’s most recent interview on June 21, he toldFox’s Maria Bartiromo that Durham’s work had slowed due to the pandemic. When Bartiromo asked if the delay was because of the inability to convene a grand jury during the health crisis, Barr responded: “Well, I don't want to suggest there has been or is a grand jury. But it is a fact that there have not been grand juries in virtually all districts for a long period of time. And, also, people have been reluctant to travel for interviews and things like that. So, it has slowed things down.””

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
It started with Limbaugh, as usual.

Limbaugh was right about the years long Russia drama being nonsense. How did the rest of the media do on that point? That is one example of many. You don't like conservative media because they are telling the truth.
I remember Limbaugh saying diabetes was no big deal. COVID is the common cold. The guy who famously bragged of his tobacco addition without caring about the consequence dying of lung cancer.

If that’s who you want to stick with, be my guest. I hope you’re not taking medical advice from him.
Limbaugh said none of those things, you lying douchebag.

As always, you could have googled his claims and then you wouldn't look stupid when you're proven wrong. But you prefer exposing your intellectual deficiencies for all the world to see.
The innerweb irony meter just exploded.

Do you have anything of value to contribute, or it is just your usual monkey shit of insults and baseless denials?
Not that I’ve ever seen.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.
And all you have to do is prove that TRUMP! not only knew about it, but was involved in it, and that hasn't been done, despite years and millions of dollars chasing the unicorn.
I don’t have to do anything. I’m not alleging that Trump did anything of the sort.

See how easy that is?
Of course it's easy. All you have to do is intimate that there is some kind of scandal involving TRUMP! without actually saying it. What other reason would you have for interjecting that comment about Russia helping TRUMP! to send Hillary into retirement? See, if TRUMP! didn't know about it and wasn't involved in it, then it's hardly a scandal that reflects on him.
Im pushing back at the idea that Russia was a fake scandal. There was a tremendous amount of reality to this scandal.

It’s extremely logical to look into whether Trump had involvement
It was totally fake. There is absolutely no evidence for it, and the instigators have all incriminated themselves.

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