After Maria, Puerto Ricans Cultivate Food Sovereignty While FEMA Delivered Skittles & Cheez-Its

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I know there was a lot that went wrong, but considering the devastation more went right. There was a huge logistics nightmare, as well as much political posturing. Having been involved in the effort, I am well aware of what went on.

There is still much work to be done, but there was much work to be done before the hurricanes ever hit. Their electrical grid was crap, as well as just about everything else.
Here is the truth, not some left wing blogs interpretation
Puerto Rico food aid brought too much salt and sugar, some residents say

Read it to get to the truth. Their title was to sensationalize.

Months after Maria, some Puerto Ricans still without running water

When we returned from Puerto Rico our bosses asked for one more story about what we saw on the island: the good & and the bad. They gave us nearly 5 minutes & we included as much as possible.
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Wacky Luis Gutierez donated 10 million dollars to Puerto Rico relief. that's the kind of leadership we need in America. this is my America!
Wacky Luis Gutierez donated 10 million dollars to Puerto Rico relief. that's the kind of leadership we need in America. this is my America!
Many people donated a lot to Puerto Rico that has been invaluable, whether it be time, goods or money.

Are you speaking of Rep Guttierez?

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