Can The World Economy Survive A Fossil-Fuel-Free world? CanThe US ALONE Save The Planet?

Can The World Economy Survive A Fossil-Fuel-Free world?​

Over time we have no choice

Fossil fuels are a finite resource
Wind turbines and solar panels are more finite than any other source of power.

Wind turbines and solar panels are dependent on fossil fuels, for their manufacturing by heavy industry
The only way their Green Scam might work is if there were only 1 billion people on earth. Is there going to be a massive population reduction ??

As far as educating a libtard, forget it, their emotions will override any logic or common sense. This is why tyrants like Stalin and Mao simply mass slaughtered the brain dead masstards. When the leftists help create a totalitarian communist state, the leftists will be executed since they will become the "Enemies of the New State" once they found out that they were duped.
Wind turbines and solar panels are more finite than any other source of power.

Wind turbines and solar panels are dependent on fossil fuels, for their manufacturing by heavy industry
Currently that's true...but ultimately?

Currently that's true...but ultimately?

Ultimately, yes.

First and foremost, nobody has found a way to melt silica, which is used for fiberglass in wind turbines and silicon used in solar panels. How will you melt silica with fossil fuels.

Then there are chemicals and gases, that only come from fossil fuels. How are you going to replace them?

Ultimately, solar and wind, renewables, are finite. On top of that, fossil fuels were and are a success from the second they were discovered. We have yet to see either solar or wind succeed.

Renewables are thee most expensive heavy industry in the world. Hence, nothing is polluting the earth more.
Ultimately, yes.

First and foremost, nobody has found a way to melt silica, which is used for fiberglass in wind turbines and silicon used in solar panels. How will you melt silica with fossil fuels.

Then there are chemicals and gases, that only come from fossil fuels. How are you going to replace them?

Ultimately, solar and wind, renewables, are finite. On top of that, fossil fuels were and are a success from the second they were discovered. We have yet to see either solar or wind succeed.

Renewables are thee most expensive heavy industry in the world. Hence, nothing is polluting the earth more.
Yes we get chemicals from OIL. Not necessarily from FUELS.
Ultimately, yes.

First and foremost, nobody has found a way to melt silica, which is used for fiberglass in wind turbines and silicon used in solar panels. How will you melt silica with fossil fuels.

Then there are chemicals and gases, that only come from fossil fuels. How are you going to replace them?

Ultimately, solar and wind, renewables, are finite. On top of that, fossil fuels were and are a success from the second they were discovered. We have yet to see either solar or wind succeed.

Renewables are thee most expensive heavy industry in the world. Hence, nothing is polluting the earth more.
Petroleum is a lovely natural resource. It contains all manner of useful chemicals. It'd be a shame to burn it. As for melting silica, you should have looked it up before making your ridiculous opening statement.

Can The World Economy Survive A Fossil-Fuel-Free world? CanThe US ALONE Save The Planet?​

To answer that Easy, just ask yourself one simple question: Would there be any world economy at all in the first place today without petroleum? You see, petrol is a COMMODITY that can be saved, stored, quantized, speculated and traded with a market value while sunlight and wind are NOT commodities nor can they be traded!

You cannot buy nor sell 100 shares of wind nor sunlight.
To answer that Easy, just ask yourself one simple question: Would there be any world economy at all in the first place today without petroleum? You see, petrol is a COMMODITY that can be saved, stored, quantized, speculated and traded with a market value while sunlight and wind are NOT commodities nor can they be traded!

You cannot buy nor sell 100 shares of wind nor sunlight.
Wait. Your problem is that you think energy MUST be “owned” by someone?

Wait. Your problem is that you think energy MUST be “owned” by someone?

Dude, give it up. Commodities and the roll they play in economics are obviously way over your shrunken head and you've totally missed the point.
Dude, give it up. Commodities and the roll they play in economics are obviously way over your shrunken head and you've totally missed the point.
That in no way affects what I said.

You seem to think that we SHOULD have to have companies hold our feet to the fire over energy
To answer that Easy, just ask yourself one simple question: Would there be any world economy at all in the first place today without petroleum? You see, petrol is a COMMODITY that can be saved, stored, quantized, speculated and traded with a market value while sunlight and wind are NOT commodities nor can they be traded!

You cannot buy nor sell 100 shares of wind nor sunlight.

Wow, that was some really deep philosophical bullshit, tubefreak...the babling of an indoctrinated idiot snowflake attempting to sound intelligent

The answer to the OP is "no."

Progressives risk getting obliterated for promoting such retardation.
Wow, that was some really deep philosophical bullshit

You are calling my observation about green energy philosophical bullshit and me a snowflake? Did you even actually read my post or know who you are talking to?
It is true, how do you manufacture the world's single larget project of the larfest things built.

Wind turbines are now being built over 800 ft tall. That heavy industry manufacturing wind turbines needs oil and fossil fuels.

Same goes for miles of solar panels.

Are you so naive to think politicians are going to do anything that upsets the cash cow called the oil industry
oil is a finite source.
It's AMAZING how many uneducated morons have bought the liberal 'Green Energy - End Fossil Fuel Use NOW' bullshit.

Leftist sheep are actually supporting the plan created by bar tendress AOC that called for...
- Destroying and rebuilding or bringing up to 'Green Energy Code' (whatever the f* that is) EVERY building in the United States
** The US would financially collapse before ever getting close

- Replacing existing US trains with SOLAR POWERED Hi-Speed rail
** California proved they could not even successfully build 5 miles worth; we don't have the infrastrucrure; Amtrak would not exist if the US govt didn't bail them out with millions every year

- Replace air travel with Hi-Speed Rail
** Yeah, John Kerry, who belches out hundreds of metric tons of carbon on his personal jet while telling you rubes you should not be allowed to fly anymore but should be forced to take Amtrak ... to EUROPE ... can't wait to sit beside the 'peasants' on a train...

- Ending all fossil fuel use and 'transitioning' to Solar, Wind, Water, and AN ENERGY SOURCE THAT DOES NOT EXIST YET...a transition Biden is currently FORCING Americans to go through
** How's that working out?

The world's economy runs on Fossil Fuels - industry, production, the supply chain, food production, distribution life-saving heating, cooling, etc....

Who the fuck would eliminate fossil fuel energy production, while having hundreds of years worth of energy natural resources, only to (lie) declare it will rely on Solar, Wind, Water, and some energy source that does not even exist yet?
- Democrats

What is the ONLY country to refuse to use its own abundant natural resources for energy ... and who is responsible?

What fucking idiots claim Wind & Solar can efficiently produce as much energy as we need?

'A natural gas turbine the size of a typical residential house can supply electricity for 75,000 homes. To create a similar amount of juice from wind requires 20 turbines, each the size of the Washington monument, and occupying 10 square miles of land. To build such a wind farm requires 30,000 tons of iron ore, 50,000 tons of concrete and 900 tons of nonrecyclable plastics for the huge blades.'

Electric cars Biden and Buttplug keep telling you is the answer and to buy?
- $65,000+ to buy, at $0.35 a minute to charge with a required 9hr charge you're talking about over $200 a 'fill-up'...and to produce the electricity to charge your car battery requires fossil fuel.

- Don't forget several thousand dollars to replace a battery; thanks to Democrats selling US resources required to build the batteries to China we will be dependent on China for car batteries

Solar panels are toxic, & there is no place to dispose of them unless you just want to dump them in landfills or in the ocean, contaminating the water, fish, land, crops, and help destroy the planet ... oh, and they can overheat and cause them to be ineffective / inefficient

....And the whole country is going to be run off of these, according to Democrats...on the bright side, the least toxic, earth destroying source of energy alternative the Democrats have proposed is ONE THAT DOESN'T EVEN EXIST YET ... to which we are supposedly transitioning right now...

...a transition that is economically destroying the US and would / is destroying the world economy.

Trump had this great plan to end Europe's dependence on Russian energy and even convinced European nations to buy their energy from us, the US, instead of Russia ... until Biden & Democrats ended US energy production, destroying our economy & forcing Europe to go back to being dependent on Russian oil / energy.

And what has Russia done? Cut off the flow of energy to Europe, choking off the lifeblood to Europe, extorting them, causing millions to freeze / unable to cook, survive, hamstringing industry, etc...

THIS is what Trump sought to prevent but what Biden and Democrats have made possible for Putin.

And could some snowflake tell me how the hell Biden / Democrats convinced you idiots

The United States ALONE, ending fossil fuel use, could save the entire planet, who are not doing any of this nation-destroying nonsense...

...especially when they lied to you about ending fossil fuel use?

They haven't ended shit - they shut down US energy production and began begging and buying fuel from our enemies (Russia, Venezuela, & Iran) and the butcher of Khashoggi...

...& then the Democrats convinced you they were still saving the planet by purchasing foreign oil, putting it on oil-leaking, diesel fossil fuel-guzzling tankers to ship half way around the world, switching it to diesel-guzzling tanker trucks, & hauling it to US refineries!
- How fucking stupid can you be?

And while telling you WE can't use fossil fuels / use oil because we have to save rhe planet, ChiCom Joe sends millions of gallons of the US Strategic Reserve to CHINA.

WTF?! WHY are we giving our Strategic Reserve to the fucking ChiComs that perpetrated WMD warfare on the world, threatened to withhold life-saving medicine from the US, and just threatened the US with violence if Pelosi goes to Taiwan?

Wake the fuck up, snowflakes / apologists!

Again, how stupid can you be?! Or do you hate the US And want to see it destroyed as much as the Democrats?!

Save the planet alone by ending fossil fuel use while aiding our enemies?

At this rate the US will be long gone in 12 years ... or les .... & we will have not made a dent in the temperature of The earth....

Evidently destroying the world economy, or at least the US, in a failed attempt to lower the Earth's temperature a half a degree is worth it to Democrats, snowflakes, and nut jobs...

...and the people who are claiming we have to sacrifice the US to save the world by ourselves are the same hucksters and con men who said the world's coastal cities should have been under water years ago!

The Church of The Holy Melting Iceberg is 100% Sham. It is a scam like all Leftist Fascists Scams and Lies, and is promoted for one reason only, and that is to take over the means of production.

The Leftist Fascist Globalists DemNazis have already done a lot of this if you simply look at the kind of control they now exert over our energy industry and automobile manufacturing industry.

Trying to ban The American V8 is just freaking Unamerican, Treasonous even, and forcing people into toxic and inefficient electricity guzzling EVs and tying them forever to The Electrical Grid, limiting their travel, tracking them as they travel is the goal of The Surveillance State.

Once they force everyone into 100% dependence on The Electrical Grid, and have to increase Electrical Generation to support this by 3,000% you will have to choose between buying groceries and paying an electrical bill that will be more than your house payment if you can even afford to own a home in the future.

You will OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY is something these Nazi Eco Fascists are trying to make a reality.

They should be viewed as traitors and treated as such. They should be put in strait jackets and place in mental institutions.
Anyone that believes in Global Warming should be declared mentally insane and removed from office, and all of the Earth Worshipping Religion and it's policies should be stamped out like a plague.
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oil is a finite source.
When did you learn that DimTard? Back in 1912?
Oil is a Hydrocarbon and Hydrocarbons are some of the most abundant resources on Earth. You are made up of Carbon. All life on Earth is Carbon based, so how are Hydrocarbons Finite when we have a Carbon Cycle here on Earth?

Hydrocarbons are continually produced near the Earth's mantle from the melting of the crust during sublimation, and gradually rise to the surface under heat and pressure until it pools in cavities and permeable rock strata.

Explain to me Genius, how Titan which has NEVER had life on it produces natural gas and petroleum in such an abundance that there are literal oceans of it, and it rains liquid methane there?

Those lakes you see are not water. Those are hydrocarbons, moron.

It literally takes a village of idiots like you to join a cult like The Church of The Holy Melting Iceberg. It would be better if you joined Jim Jone's cult and drank the koolaide then we wouldn't have to listen to your religious whackery day after day as you zealots try to destroy our entire economy and our way of life.

NO DINOSAURS DIED ON TITAN to make rivers and lakes of Hydrocarbons.



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