After mocking this poll, R-W'ers should "think" about what's about to hit them

Once again opinions by BIASED people being POLLED!
Who made up this poll?
13% more Democrats that's who!
Once again people without reading closer to the details accept these polls.

Why can't you right wing morons simply accept a factual REALITY......?

Among REGISTERED voters there are 32% who have signed on as Democrats, while 23% are Republicans.....

ANY poll, done randomly, WILL have more democrat respondents.....

Bear in mind that a lot of democrats voted for the orange buffoon in some states....that's how the idiot managed the oval office.

Thank me later for that little lesson.

But the polling people don't ask the person IF they are registered! That's NOT the criteria. They simply as are you Democrat or GOP!

BESIDES EVERYONE KNOWS that EVERY Democrat has registered to vote more than one time! Plus how many Democrats are NOT legal immigrants that are registered?

PLUS where did you get your numbers?
2. Party affiliation among voters: 1992-2016
Overall, 48% of all registered voters identify as Democrats or lean Democratic compared with 44% who identify as Republican or lean toward the GOP.
2. Party affiliation among voters: 1992-2016

Again.. the polls will generally have more than 4% Democrats...almost ALWAYS 10% or more or in this case 13% more in the NBC poll!
The latest WSJ/NBC poll asked WHO should control congress after 2018.......

Democrats gained the following advantage

Millenials (18-34 years of age) PLUS 48
Women PLUS 20
Independents (largest voting bloc) PLUS 12
Seniors (YES, seniors on SS and Medicare) PLUS 4

The only group that democrats did not fare too well were older white males with a MINUS 2

November 2018 may turn out to be a total nightmare for Trump cultists....


It's ok Nat... you will just have to get a job instead of taking the livelihood of others.
I heard the Republican party was dead in fall 2016.

Well, that's because you're hearing "voices" in your half brain.....

In 2016, look at the majority in Congress and throughout state legislatures and governorship seats....What credible source told you that the GOP was "dead"???

The Day the Republican Party Died

For the Record: The perpetual death of the GOP

Robert Reich: The GOP died in 2016

The Republican Party is dead

Need more cup cakes?
The latest WSJ/NBC poll asked WHO should control congress after 2018.......

Democrats gained the following advantage

Millenials (18-34 years of age) PLUS 48
Women PLUS 20
Independents (largest voting bloc) PLUS 12
Seniors (YES, seniors on SS and Medicare) PLUS 4

The only group that democrats did not fare too well were older white males with a MINUS 2

November 2018 may turn out to be a total nightmare for Trump cultists....

The problem for Dems is Republicans rule from a minority

They don't have to get the most votes
The latest WSJ/NBC poll asked WHO should control congress after 2018.......

Democrats gained the following advantage

Millenials (18-34 years of age) PLUS 48
Women PLUS 20
Independents (largest voting bloc) PLUS 12
Seniors (YES, seniors on SS and Medicare) PLUS 4

The only group that democrats did not fare too well were older white males with a MINUS 2

November 2018 may turn out to be a total nightmare for Trump cultists....

I'm curious, many times to you have to get burned by believing in polls before you learn your lesson?
The latest WSJ/NBC poll asked WHO should control congress after 2018.......

Democrats gained the following advantage

Millenials (18-34 years of age) PLUS 48
Women PLUS 20
Independents (largest voting bloc) PLUS 12
Seniors (YES, seniors on SS and Medicare) PLUS 4

The only group that democrats did not fare too well were older white males with a MINUS 2

November 2018 may turn out to be a total nightmare for Trump cultists....
What do your fantasy voters want to do? Raise taxes? Stop drilling? Send billions to Iran? Find their doctor? Raise entitlements? Cut the military? Open our borders? Bring back strategic patience?
It's ok Nat... you will just have to get a job instead of taking the livelihood of others.

Could you send me some more money, Norm.......I need a new I Phone....Thanks
The latest WSJ/NBC poll asked WHO should control congress after 2018.......

Democrats gained the following advantage

Millenials (18-34 years of age) PLUS 48
Women PLUS 20
Independents (largest voting bloc) PLUS 12
Seniors (YES, seniors on SS and Medicare) PLUS 4

The only group that democrats did not fare too well were older white males with a MINUS 2

November 2018 may turn out to be a total nightmare for Trump cultists....

Once again opinions by BIASED people being POLLED!
Who made up this poll?
13% more Democrats that's who!
Once again people without reading closer to the details accept these polls.

I have found through several queries of polling data that historically Polls ALWAYS ask more Democrats then GOP and their reasoning is
"well there are more democrats"!

Even this last survey by Gallup... 5% more Democrats than GOP... SO why did the NBC poll count 13% more Democrats?
And note in February there were MORE GOP than Democrats!
  1. Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as a Democrat, a Republican, an independent, or something else? (IF "DEMOCRAT" OR "REPUBLICAN," ASK:) Would you call yourself a strong (Democrat/Republican) or not a very strong (Democrat/Republican)? (IF "NOT SURE," CODE AS "NOT VERY STRONG DEMOCRAT/REPUBLICAN.") (IF "INDEPENDENT," ASK:) Do you think of yourself as closer to the Republican Party, closer to the Democratic Party, or do you think of yourself as strictly independent? (IF "NOT SURE," CODE AS "STRICTLY INDEPENDENT.")
    These are percentages of the 900 adults that were called.
    387 Democrats leaning or strong
    297 GOP leaning or strong
    90 MORE DEMOCRATs counted than GOP!
    Strong Democrat ............................... 23%
    Not very strong Democrat ................. 9
    Independent/lean Democrat ..............11
    Strictly Independent........................... 15
    Independent/lean Republican............ 8
    Not very strong Republican ............... 7
    Strong Republican............................. 18
    Other (VOL)..................................... 6
    Not sure........................................... 3 NBCWSJ December Poll (12-17-17 Release).pdf

    Party Affiliation

    View attachment 168864


The latest WSJ/NBC poll asked WHO should control congress after 2018.......

Democrats gained the following advantage

Millenials (18-34 years of age) PLUS 48
Women PLUS 20
Independents (largest voting bloc) PLUS 12
Seniors (YES, seniors on SS and Medicare) PLUS 4

The only group that democrats did not fare too well were older white males with a MINUS 2

November 2018 may turn out to be a total nightmare for Trump cultists....

Yes and There is zero chance Hillary won’t be president last year
If the Democrats don’t find a way to break through this strong economy with a message that resonates they will lose
The latest WSJ/NBC poll asked WHO should control congress after 2018.......

Democrats gained the following advantage

Millenials (18-34 years of age) PLUS 48
Women PLUS 20
Independents (largest voting bloc) PLUS 12
Seniors (YES, seniors on SS and Medicare) PLUS 4

The only group that democrats did not fare too well were older white males with a MINUS 2

November 2018 may turn out to be a total nightmare for Trump cultists....

Your efforts to prove that peaceful change is impossible, is moving forward well.
I heard the Republican party was dead in fall 2016.

Well, that's because you're hearing "voices" in your half brain.....

In 2016, look at the majority in Congress and throughout state legislatures and governorship seats....What credible source told you that the GOP was "dead"???

Apparently your ignorance has not improved for the new year.
The Republican Party Is Dead | HuffPost
This is still a poll, like the one that said Hillary would win in a 'landslide'

Not this shit, again...............Give it a rest, Queasy......

Most polls gauge the popular vote.......
They were NOT that far off since Clinton won the popular vote
Yes, Trump won the EC and he is placing his fat, orange ass in the oval office whenever he's not golfing.

we are here talking about the FUTURE.....Deal with that.
Truth stings like a bitch...

'Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it'...

The rest of us are doomed to watch idiots do the same thing over and over again
If the Democrats don’t find a way to break through this strong economy with a message that resonates they will lose
My guess is they will continue the same strategy of resist and whine.
They have basically a year to come up with a viable name to run and so far just the same tired names keep showing up.
The denial of Hillary's loss is still deep in the party, and no true self reflection on that loss has taken place.
The DFL still doesn't get what hit them, and their failure to understand that will actually cost them.
If the Democrats don’t find a way to break through this strong economy with a message that resonates they will lose
My guess is they will continue the same strategy of resist and whine.
They have basically a year to come up with a viable name to run and so far just the same tired names keep showing up.
The denial of Hillary's loss is still deep in the party, and no true self reflection on that loss has taken place.
The DFL still doesn't get what hit them, and their failure to understand that will actually cost them.

That’s my guess too. They haven’t learned anything or changed anything.

Granted the republicans could still snatch defeat from the jaws of victory but with a booming economy it will be tough for Democrats

It is the economy stupid
What do your fantasy voters want to do? Raise taxes? Stop drilling? Send billions to Iran? Find their doctor? Raise entitlements? Cut the military? Open our borders? Bring back strategic patience?

Nahhhhh, none of those Hannity talking points......What we want to do is to eliminate the type of ignorance, racism, xenophobia, sexism that exists among Trump cult members.........Do we have your support in that quest, DelTx???....................LOL
Lol, once people start getting more money in their paychecks, democrats are done. Republicans can run on that not one Democrat voted for tax cuts. Why don't democrats want you to keep your own money?

Yes, the GOPers in congress DID accept their wealthy donors' bribes....

According to the Public Policy Polling, 57 percent of Americans now approve of the Affordable Care Act. Only 29 percent approve of the GOP's tax cuts. Reflect on those numbers for a moment. Republicans have managed to make tax cuts less popular than Obamacare. .........LOL

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