After mocking this poll, R-W'ers should "think" about what's about to hit them

What do your fantasy voters want to do? Raise taxes? Stop drilling? Send billions to Iran? Find their doctor? Raise entitlements? Cut the military? Open our borders? Bring back strategic patience?

Nahhhhh, none of those Hannity talking points......What we want to do is to eliminate the type of ignorance, racism, xenophobia, sexism that exists among Trump cult members.........Do we have your support in that quest, DelTx???....................LOL

If you want to pull others up to higher ground you need to be higher first. Eliminate those things amongst ourselves and you might be more authentic as you try to do it. You need to pull your beams before you can pull the motes of others

That’s the only way, other than killing everyone. Which leads to other problems
They have basically a year to come up with a viable name to run and so far just the same tired names keep showing up.

Of course, you can keep your head right up your ass where its been for quite a while.......Meanwhile.......(LOL)

The Democratic Wave Is Coming in 2018
The Democratic Wave Is Coming in 2018

Like last years wave?
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They have basically a year to come up with a viable name to run and so far just the same tired names keep showing up.

Of course, you can keep your head right up your ass where its been for quite a while.......Meanwhile.......(LOL)

The Democratic Wave Is Coming in 2018
The Democratic Wave Is Coming in 2018

Like last years wave?
View attachment 169038

Hang on to that SLIM victory of last year..........You can see how well your orange hero is faring..........LOL

Is there any subject manner known to humanity where you liberals are not forced to go to this well when getting trounced in a debate?

Trounced??? Really ???

Reality is a bitch for Trump cultists.....but it is what it is........
After mocking this poll, R-W'ers should "think" about what's about to hit them

After mocking THIS vv poll, the LGBT-owned Democrats should "think" about what's about to hit THEM....

From a thousand years ago, socially speaking (you know, last year). 80% spread evenly across THE ENTIRE political spectrum said they believe BOTH a mother and father are important to children.

Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?
Is there any subject manner known to humanity where you liberals are not forced to go to this well when getting trounced in a debate?

Trounced??? Really ???

Reality is a bitch for Trump cultists.....but it is what it is........

Yes trounced.

Of course you might not do as badly if you entered the debate instead of calling everyone stupid and pretending you have the only position with any merit without actually espousing an idea
And the point went over your head.

I think the point is the absurdity of you trying to claim the moral high ground after your party so proudly supported a pedophile, and then spit hate at the people who said being a pedophile is bad.

We are morally superior to you across the board. Not supporting pedophiles is just one reason of many. Your denial of that simple fact is one reason why your immoral party is in such trouble. Gerrymandering, vote suppression and other forms of Republican cheating can only take you so far. There just aren't enough immoral people out there to keep your tyranny-of-the-immoral-minority thing going. And that's all before the Trump tax increase destroys middle class spending and tanks the economy.
And the point went over your head.

I think the point is the absurdity of you trying to claim the moral high ground after your party so proudly supported a pedophile, and then spit hate at the people who said being a pedophile is bad.

We are morally superior to you across the board. Not supporting pedophiles is just one reason of many. Your denial of that simple fact is one reason why your immoral party is in such trouble. Gerrymandering, vote suppression and other forms of Republican cheating can only take you so far. There just aren't enough immoral people out there to keep your tyranny-of-the-immoral-minority thing going. And that's all before the Trump tax increase destroys middle class spending and tanks the economy.
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Sorry...sacrifice of Franken gave you no moral high ground.
Trounced??? Really ???

Reality is a bitch for Trump cultists.....but it is what it is........
reality? really? in reality it really is PRESIDENT TRUMP!!! is also interesting that you found it easier to make an argument against getting trounced than it was to defend liberals going to the "ism" well whilst getting trounced...[ If you like I will concede that you go there in all forms of debate..up to you]
And the point went over your head.

My response is not so much for you (you're too far up Trump's ass to see the point,)......but for others......

Democrats NARROWLY lost in Georgia's special election by 4 a seat originally held by such ultra right wingers as Gingrich and Price....A seat that republicans used to win by a margin of almost FORTY points.

Coupled that with what happened in VA, and the amazing Democratic victory in a state like Alabama (let me repeat, ultra right wing, Dixie ALABAMA) shows for anyone with a brain that the Trump "support" is turning out to be an ALBATROSS on right wing candidates' backs.
And the point went over your head.

I think the point is the absurdity of you trying to claim the moral high ground after your party so proudly supported a pedophile, and then spit hate at the people who said being a pedophile is bad.

We are morally superior to you across the board. Not supporting pedophiles is just one reason of many. Your denial of that simple fact is one reason why your immoral party is in such trouble. Gerrymandering, vote suppression and other forms of Republican cheating can only take you so far. There just aren't enough immoral people out there to keep your tyranny-of-the-immoral-minority thing going. And that's all before the Trump tax increase destroys middle class spending and tanks the economy.

You’re the only one claiming moral superiority.

I’m just pointing out that it’s not really a groundswell to barely win a race when the only reason you were even in the race was because you accused your opponent of pedophilia. Something not even the alleged victims did
The latest WSJ/NBC poll asked WHO should control congress after 2018.......

Democrats gained the following advantage

Millenials (18-34 years of age) PLUS 48
Women PLUS 20
Independents (largest voting bloc) PLUS 12
Seniors (YES, seniors on SS and Medicare) PLUS 4

The only group that democrats did not fare too well were older white males with a MINUS 2

November 2018 may turn out to be a total nightmare for Trump cultists....

The problem for Dems is Republicans rule from a minority

They don't have to get the most votes

So what you're saying is that Republicans are SO much smarter than Democrats that they don't even need majorities to "rule"? Gee, stupid does one have to be to either let that happen...or even believe that it does?
The latest WSJ/NBC poll asked WHO should control congress after 2018.......

Democrats gained the following advantage

Millenials (18-34 years of age) PLUS 48
Women PLUS 20
Independents (largest voting bloc) PLUS 12
Seniors (YES, seniors on SS and Medicare) PLUS 4

The only group that democrats did not fare too well were older white males with a MINUS 2

November 2018 may turn out to be a total nightmare for Trump cultists....

Once again opinions by BIASED people being POLLED!
Who made up this poll?
13% more Democrats that's who!
Once again people without reading closer to the details accept these polls.

I have found through several queries of polling data that historically Polls ALWAYS ask more Democrats then GOP and their reasoning is
"well there are more democrats"!

Even this last survey by Gallup... 5% more Democrats than GOP... SO why did the NBC poll count 13% more Democrats?
And note in February there were MORE GOP than Democrats!
  1. Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as a Democrat, a Republican, an independent, or something else? (IF "DEMOCRAT" OR "REPUBLICAN," ASK:) Would you call yourself a strong (Democrat/Republican) or not a very strong (Democrat/Republican)? (IF "NOT SURE," CODE AS "NOT VERY STRONG DEMOCRAT/REPUBLICAN.") (IF "INDEPENDENT," ASK:) Do you think of yourself as closer to the Republican Party, closer to the Democratic Party, or do you think of yourself as strictly independent? (IF "NOT SURE," CODE AS "STRICTLY INDEPENDENT.")
    These are percentages of the 900 adults that were called.
    387 Democrats leaning or strong
    297 GOP leaning or strong
    90 MORE DEMOCRATs counted than GOP!
    Strong Democrat ............................... 23%
    Not very strong Democrat ................. 9
    Independent/lean Democrat ..............11
    Strictly Independent........................... 15
    Independent/lean Republican............ 8
    Not very strong Republican ............... 7
    Strong Republican............................. 18
    Other (VOL)..................................... 6
    Not sure........................................... 3 NBCWSJ December Poll (12-17-17 Release).pdf

    Party Affiliation

    View attachment 168864



Wow. Talk about uneducated slobs!
Unlike you I've provided the links.
The biased MSM has been shown not only by their donations to the Democrat party (see below) but by how they slant the news i.e. choosing more democrats to bias the polls!
Yet truly ignorant people like you don't seem to get it.
The MSM donated over 85% to the Democrats and you don't see the bias?
The MSM donated more than $300,000 to Hillary and you don't see the bias?
Maybe you should see what the rest of Americans believe regarding the MSM credibility.

Lol, once people start getting more money in their paychecks, democrats are done. Republicans can run on that not one Democrat voted for tax cuts. Why don't democrats want you to keep your own money?

Yes, the GOPers in congress DID accept their wealthy donors' bribes....

According to the Public Policy Polling, 57 percent of Americans now approve of the Affordable Care Act. Only 29 percent approve of the GOP's tax cuts. Reflect on those numbers for a moment. Republicans have managed to make tax cuts less popular than Obamacare. .........LOL
Obama care cost Americans money, a lot more than they were supposed to have saved. People are fixing to get bigger paychecks, and no matter how hard you try. You cannot spin a lie out of that, and not one Democrat voted for it.
Prominent "GOP" Twitter Account, Allegedly A Russian Troll, Was ...
Oct 19, 2017 - Fox News quoted an @TEN_GOP tweet in at least three stories, including one syndicated by the Daily Caller. The Daily Caller itself quoted it in six stories. Breitbart mentioned it in seven; Infowars in four; RedState in eight. The Gateway Pundit, another conservative outlet, cited the Russian account in ...

Daily Caller - Media Bias/Fact Check

Daily Caller - Media Bias/Fact Check
These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information ...
People are fixing to get bigger paychecks, and no matter how hard you try. You cannot spin a lie out of that, and not one Democrat voted for it.

All you're"proving" is that, like a cheap whore, you can be bought for a few dollars....

the wealthy class both "love" morons like you and also probably laugh at your fucking ignorance.....LOL

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