After mocking this poll, R-W'ers should "think" about what's about to hit them

Tax cuts are a redistribution of wealth…

And here, in less than a sentence, is the madness of left wrong-wing economic theory, summed up perfectly—the idea that leaving money in the hands of those who rightfully earned it constitutes a redistribution of wealth.
Tax policy is always about wealth distribution. Too bad you aren't smart enough or informed enough to understand that.
No doubt though you think you know more than Nobel prize winning economists.
Whatever my party wants me to keep more of my money. Your party wants to take it.

If your other half brain were functioning, you too would conclude that you're being bribed with a few bucks of the borrowed money that is mostly going to congressional donors.....

Like cheap whores, your ilk is being "bought' with a few bucks which later you'll have to pay back....with interest (while the rich don't have to, and are probably laughing their assess off at the suckers....aka.....Trump cultists.).

Bottom line: only about 28-29% of Americans think that this tax scam is helpful.....and since Trump polls at about 34-35%, that may mean that EVEN some Trump cultists may finally be waking up to this sham of an administration.)
Lol, okay we will see. But you are still using the same talking points about tax cuts. That I can remember in my life. How did Regean do on his reelection? After tax cuts?

The Republican tax bill has nothing to do with Reagan. The 1980 tax cuts were across the board. No one's taxes were raised. The tax reform bill Reagan passed was not a hastily written piece of garbage. He took 2 years to do it right and made a deal with Democrats. The Republicans of today are not fit to shine Reagan's shoes.
Tax cuts are a redistribution of wealth…

And here, in less than a sentence, is the madness of left wrong-wing economic theory, summed up perfectly—the idea that leaving money in the hands of those who rightfully earned it constitutes a redistribution of wealth.

You think all taxation is theft, yes?

You believe that the bartering of one's labor in exchange for a fiat currency should be taxed? Is that your position??
And here, in less than a sentence, is the madness of left wrong-wing economic theory, summed up perfectly—the idea that leaving money in the hands of those who rightfully earned it constitutes a redistribution of wealth.

Nihilist.......(and moron) We live amidst a social contract....we enjoy many of the benefits that our taxes pay for ......yes there are wastes......but we can't expect the many perks and NOT pay for them.......

So, the throw-away line that you should keep all that you earn is as dumb as those who actually "thought" you wrote a winner.
And here, in less than a sentence, is the madness of left wrong-wing economic theory, summed up perfectly—the idea that leaving money in the hands of those who rightfully earned it constitutes a redistribution of wealth.

Nihilist.......(and moron) We live amidst a social contract....we enjoy many of the benefits that our taxes pay for ......yes there are wastes......but we can't expect the many perks and NOT pay for them.......

So, the throw-away line that you should keep all that you earn is as dumb as those who actually "thought" you wrote a winner.

We don't keep all we earn because we pay consumption taxes that are constitutional.....placing an additional tax on wages with what is left to be further taxed isn't.....get it now?
The latest WSJ/NBC poll asked WHO should control congress after 2018.......

Democrats gained the following advantage

Millenials (18-34 years of age) PLUS 48
Women PLUS 20
Independents (largest voting bloc) PLUS 12
Seniors (YES, seniors on SS and Medicare) PLUS 4

The only group that democrats did not fare too well were older white males with a MINUS 2

November 2018 may turn out to be a total nightmare for Trump cultists....

I heard the Republican party was dead in fall 2016.

Did you look up stats for 2016?
Whatever my party wants me to keep more of my money. Your party wants to take it.

If your other half brain were functioning, you too would conclude that you're being bribed with a few bucks of the borrowed money that is mostly going to congressional donors.....

Like cheap whores, your ilk is being "bought' with a few bucks which later you'll have to pay back....with interest (while the rich don't have to, and are probably laughing their assess off at the suckers....aka.....Trump cultists.).

Bottom line: only about 28-29% of Americans think that this tax scam is helpful.....and since Trump polls at about 34-35%, that may mean that EVEN some Trump cultists may finally be waking up to this sham of an administration.)
Lol, okay we will see. But you are still using the same talking points about tax cuts. That I can remember in my life. How did Regean do on his reelection? After tax cuts?

The Republican tax bill has nothing to do with Reagan. The 1980 tax cuts were across the board. No one's taxes were raised. The tax reform bill Reagan passed was not a hastily written piece of garbage. He took 2 years to do it right and made a deal with Democrats. The Republicans of today are not fit to shine Reagan's shoes.
Did you say the same about Bush's tax cuts?
Whatever my party wants me to keep more of my money. Your party wants to take it.

If your other half brain were functioning, you too would conclude that you're being bribed with a few bucks of the borrowed money that is mostly going to congressional donors.....

Like cheap whores, your ilk is being "bought' with a few bucks which later you'll have to pay back....with interest (while the rich don't have to, and are probably laughing their assess off at the suckers....aka.....Trump cultists.).

Bottom line: only about 28-29% of Americans think that this tax scam is helpful.....and since Trump polls at about 34-35%, that may mean that EVEN some Trump cultists may finally be waking up to this sham of an administration.)
Lol, okay we will see. But you are still using the same talking points about tax cuts. That I can remember in my life. How did Regean do on his reelection? After tax cuts?

The Republican tax bill has nothing to do with Reagan. The 1980 tax cuts were across the board. No one's taxes were raised. The tax reform bill Reagan passed was not a hastily written piece of garbage. He took 2 years to do it right and made a deal with Democrats. The Republicans of today are not fit to shine Reagan's shoes.
Did you say the same about Bush's tax cuts?

Bush's tax cuts were far different than the Republican tax bill. It was not a sop to big business and the rich that this bill was. Bush did not use backdoor tax increases to pay for business tax cuts. Bush did not design his tax cut as a vehicle to get back at Democrats the way this one is. The entire year has been a republican exercise at getting even with their enemies rather than governing. They are helping Democrats regain power and when they do, they will use their legislative powers to s crew their enemies just like Republicans have done.
The latest WSJ/NBC poll asked WHO should control congress after 2018.......

Democrats gained the following advantage

Millenials (18-34 years of age) PLUS 48
Women PLUS 20
Independents (largest voting bloc) PLUS 12
Seniors (YES, seniors on SS and Medicare) PLUS 4

The only group that democrats did not fare too well were older white males with a MINUS 2

November 2018 may turn out to be a total nightmare for Trump cultists....

20 years from now, when most of the racists will be dead and other minorities can vote....How the hell the GOP suppose to win?
Whatever my party wants me to keep more of my money. Your party wants to take it.

If your other half brain were functioning, you too would conclude that you're being bribed with a few bucks of the borrowed money that is mostly going to congressional donors.....

Like cheap whores, your ilk is being "bought' with a few bucks which later you'll have to pay back....with interest (while the rich don't have to, and are probably laughing their assess off at the suckers....aka.....Trump cultists.).

Bottom line: only about 28-29% of Americans think that this tax scam is helpful.....and since Trump polls at about 34-35%, that may mean that EVEN some Trump cultists may finally be waking up to this sham of an administration.)
Lol, okay we will see. But you are still using the same talking points about tax cuts. That I can remember in my life. How did Regean do on his reelection? After tax cuts?

The Republican tax bill has nothing to do with Reagan. The 1980 tax cuts were across the board. No one's taxes were raised. The tax reform bill Reagan passed was not a hastily written piece of garbage. He took 2 years to do it right and made a deal with Democrats. The Republicans of today are not fit to shine Reagan's shoes.
Did you say the same about Bush's tax cuts?

Bush's tax cuts were far different than the Republican tax bill. It was not a sop to big business and the rich that this bill was. Bush did not use backdoor tax increases to pay for business tax cuts. Bush did not design his tax cut as a vehicle to get back at Democrats the way this one is. The entire year has been a republican exercise at getting even with their enemies rather than governing. They are helping Democrats regain power and when they do, they will use their legislative powers to s crew their enemies just like Republicans have done.
Get back at the democrats? You mean to stop using your state tax, as a deduction to pay less federal tax?
The latest WSJ/NBC poll asked WHO should control congress after 2018.......

Democrats gained the following advantage

Millenials (18-34 years of age) PLUS 48
Women PLUS 20
Independents (largest voting bloc) PLUS 12
Seniors (YES, seniors on SS and Medicare) PLUS 4

The only group that democrats did not fare too well were older white males with a MINUS 2

November 2018 may turn out to be a total nightmare for Trump cultists....
Republicans are not the brightest crayons in the box.

Rather like Democrats, in that regard.

Democrats delude themselves about why they lost and why they keep losing and what they need to do to fix the situation.
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Bush's tax cuts were far different than the Republican tax bill. It was not a sop to big business and the rich that this bill was. Bush did not use backdoor tax increases to pay for business tax cuts. Bush did not design his tax cut as a vehicle to get back at Democrats the way this one is. The entire year has been a republican exercise at getting even with their enemies rather than governing. They are helping Democrats regain power and when they do, they will use their legislative powers to s crew their enemies just like Republicans have done.

I'm in FULL agreement.......But I would also add that right wingers in congress were given an ultimatum......."Pass this tax scam to pay us back, republicans.....OR our donations for your reelection will be GONE......"
20 years from now, when most of the racists will be dead and other minorities can vote....How the hell the GOP suppose to win?

Keep an eye on TX and FL after the 2020 census......We will all see the rise of the "color purple" in states that were once vivid red.....and with TX turning, the chances of the GOP gaining the WH would be more dream-like without those EC votes.
Republicans are not the brightest crayons in the box.

Rather like Democrats, in that regard.

Democrats delude themselves about why they lost and why they keep losing and what they need to do to fix the situation.

I actually agree on several levels......Democrats need to win NOT so much on the justifiable mantra of , We are not as crooked as republicans".......BUT on solid economic plans to ameliorate the plight of the middle class.

Democrats WILL win in 2018 and 2020, but only because the GOP is thoroughly corrupt and fucked up, thanks to Trump and their own selfish greed.....Basically, the win by default.
This must have been a CNN POLL:




CNN is literally smoking weed on air and 2018 is already going to be amazing
— Ben McDonald (@Bmac0507) January 1, 2018
The latest WSJ/NBC poll asked WHO should control congress after 2018.......

Democrats gained the following advantage

Millenials (18-34 years of age) PLUS 48
Women PLUS 20
Independents (largest voting bloc) PLUS 12
Seniors (YES, seniors on SS and Medicare) PLUS 4

The only group that democrats did not fare too well were older white males with a MINUS 2

November 2018 may turn out to be a total nightmare for Trump cultists....
Republicans are not the brightest crayons in the box.

Rather like Democrats, in that regard.

Democrats delude themselves about why they lost and why they keep losing and what they need to do to fix the situation.

Says a dude living in a state income tax state that is also now -7º! Brilliant!
The current leadership in the Congress needs to be replaced by the vote of the people in November, 2018.

Misfeasance*** characterizes McConnell's and Ryan's behavior and both need to be sent home by their constituents!

Misfeasance is the willful inappropriate action or intentional incorrect action or advice.
  • McConnell packing the supreme court
  • Ryan screwing We the People and increasing a national debt to benefit global corporations.


We agree on something...

mcconnell and ryan need to be sent packing..

Both are rinos...

We need Warriors like Trump that Stomp liberal ass

just like Trump...

Wrong, we don't agree. Oligarchy / Plutocracy is what the Founders of this nation rebelled against. Trump&Co have created the Imperial Presidency*** on steroids, something the Founders of our nation and the signers of the COTUS rejected.

APGovernmentCHS - Imperial Presidency

Wake up! It's time for the Congress to kick out the current leadership and support We the People - We the People do not support nor do we want a King.

See also, The Imperial Presidency by, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr ("a book published in 1973 by Houghton Mifflin. This book details the history of the Presidency of the United States from its conception by the Founding Fathers through the latter half of the 20th century.)

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