After mocking this poll, R-W'ers should "think" about what's about to hit them

The latest WSJ/NBC poll asked WHO should control congress after 2018.......

Democrats gained the following advantage

Millenials (18-34 years of age) PLUS 48
Women PLUS 20
Independents (largest voting bloc) PLUS 12
Seniors (YES, seniors on SS and Medicare) PLUS 4

The only group that democrats did not fare too well were older white males with a MINUS 2

November 2018 may turn out to be a total nightmare for Trump cultists....

Yes and pigs might fly out of your ass! I realize now how Leftist Dems are much like Nazis------ both have a strong need to surround themselves with positive reinforcement in the face of losing. Like Hitler, they still lose, but at least they feel better about it and don't see the eminent defeat until it rises up to slap them right in the face.
Prominent "GOP" Twitter Account, Allegedly A Russian Troll, Was ...
Oct 19, 2017 - Fox News quoted an @TEN_GOP tweet in at least three stories, including one syndicated by the Daily Caller. The Daily Caller itself quoted it in six stories. Breitbart mentioned it in seven; Infowars in four; RedState in eight. The Gateway Pundit, another conservative outlet, cited the Russian account in ...

Daily Caller - Media Bias/Fact Check

Daily Caller - Media Bias/Fact Check
These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information ...

Those are NOT examples of "fake news".
Here is a FAKE headline repeated 74,100 times!
For example Huffington post "Against Trump's Anti-Immigrant"..
"Amnesty Ed Embraced Trump's Anti-Immigrant Bigot"

How Trump's Anti-Immigrant Hate Is Galvanizing Hotel Workers to ...

Hey DUMMY! Did you know Trump is married to an immigrant?
Did you know 40+MIllion Americans like me are either "legal immigrants' or have "legal immigrants" as relatives?
Do YOU think we and Trump then are "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"????
See this is how the biased MSM presents headlines... FORGETTING THE SIMPLE adjective "ILLEGAL"!!!!!
Trump loves his legal immigrant wife as I love my "Legal immigrant" relatives as does 40 million others like us!
WE LOVE our immigrants... but the biased MSM keeps putting out these dumb, stupid BIASED headline!... 74,100 Times !
So yup... I like Trump and at least 40+million other Americans truly find the MSM biased and don't believe most of what they report because THEY ARE BIASED!
They gave money to Obama/Hillary and voted overwhelmingly for them!
And this is just ONE simple example of how the biased MSM reports biased news!

Screen Shot 2018-01-01 at 1.56.51 PM.png
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Prominent "GOP" Twitter Account, Allegedly A Russian Troll, Was ...
Oct 19, 2017 - Fox News quoted an @TEN_GOP tweet in at least three stories, including one syndicated by the Daily Caller. The Daily Caller itself quoted it in six stories. Breitbart mentioned it in seven; Infowars in four; RedState in eight. The Gateway Pundit, another conservative outlet, cited the Russian account in ...

Daily Caller - Media Bias/Fact Check

Daily Caller - Media Bias/Fact Check
These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information ...
OK OK, Uncle, uncle...just what thought is it that you are trying to convey?

There you have proven my point!
Do you really believe that Trump hates immigrants? Or that I with a legal immigrant as a relative hate all immigrants? Or 40 million of us legal or relatives with legal immigrants
HATE our immigrants?

You still don't see it do you?

Trump, me and 40 million plus are grossly offended by "ILLEGAL" immigrants who spend $1,000s to coyotes sneaking into the country WHEN it would cost them less but
take more time to become "legal citizens"... they didn't! They broke the law!
Our wanting "illegal" immigrants to obey the law is no different then you wanting people to obey traffic laws or security laws or whatever laws... OR DO YOU?
You in favor of not obeying ANY laws?
The WSJ/NBC poll had Hillary up by 4 points in July 2016 and Hillary ahead almost 10 points in Florida. How did that work out for y'all democrats?
If the Democrats don’t find a way to break through this strong economy with a message that resonates they will lose

They could always try telling us that we're hateful, ignorant bigots, because we don't want mentally- and morally-defective male perverts to share the same restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, and such with our wives, sisters, and daughters.
If the Democrats don’t find a way to break through this strong economy with a message that resonates they will lose

They could always try telling us that we're hateful, ignorant bigots, because we don't want mentally- and morally-defective male perverts to share the same restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, and such with our wives, sisters, and daughters.

I suspect they will do that but I don’t think it will resonate.

Their platform is literally name calling at this point
People are fixing to get bigger paychecks, and no matter how hard you try. You cannot spin a lie out of that, and not one Democrat voted for it.

All you're"proving" is that, like a cheap whore, you can be bought for a few dollars....

the wealthy class both "love" morons like you and also probably laugh at your fucking ignorance.....LOL
Whatever my party wants me to keep more of my money. Your party wants to take it.
Whatever my party wants me to keep more of my money. Your party wants to take it.

If your other half brain were functioning, you too would conclude that you're being bribed with a few bucks of the borrowed money that is mostly going to congressional donors.....

Like cheap whores, your ilk is being "bought' with a few bucks which later you'll have to pay back....with interest (while the rich don't have to, and are probably laughing their assess off at the suckers....aka.....Trump cultists.).

Bottom line: only about 28-29% of Americans think that this tax scam is helpful.....and since Trump polls at about 34-35%, that may mean that EVEN some Trump cultists may finally be waking up to this sham of an administration.)
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Whatever my party wants me to keep more of my money. Your party wants to take it.

If your other half brain were functioning, you too would conclude that you're being bribed with a few bucks of the borrowed money that is mostly going to congressional donors.....

Like cheap whores, your ilk is being "bought' with a few bucks which later you'll have to pay back....with interest (while the rich don't have to, and are probably laughing their assess off at the suckers....aka.....Trump cultists.).

Bottom line: only about 28-29% of Americans think that this tax scam is helpful.....and since Trump polls at about 34-35%, that may mean that EVEN some Trump cultists may finally be waking up to this sham of an administration.)
Lol, okay we will see. But you are still using the same talking points about tax cuts. That I can remember in my life. How did Regean do on his reelection? After tax cuts?
I am going to remain cautious and skeptical because liberals have a shit record where midterm election voting is concerned. We have the potential to wipe out right wing majorities in both houses of Congress, if we can get voters off their asses and into the polling places.
Oh, Reagan won (or, Nancy, really) and had to raise taxes ELEVEN times since the economy tanked.

Like Reagan's own "I don't recall"....most right wingers "forget" that Reagan raised taxes 11 times......they ONLY remember his attempts at tax cuts....Interesting...
How did Regean do on his reelection? After tax cuts?

Oh, Reagan won (or, Nancy, really) and had to raise taxes ELEVEN times since the economy tanked.

Tax cuts are a redistribution of wealth, just in the upward direction.
And like any redistribution of wealth, if it's too drastic, or too concentrated towards a smaller and smaller group of people, it's not a healthy thing.
And this tax law is far too concentrated into way too small a group of elites, and it is way too drastic.
How did Regean do on his reelection? After tax cuts?

Oh, Reagan won (or, Nancy, really) and had to raise taxes ELEVEN times since the economy tanked.

Your bluster is amusing. I wouldn't wager so much as a fly's fart off of a bald butcher's wig as to the chances of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies. After what was revealed about DNC corruption and criminal activities, the tell-all book by Donna Brazile and how the DNC is broke? The chances that the Hildebeast, McCain, Pelousy, Reid and Barrypuppet do the perp walk are exponentially better than leftards making inroads into the House and Senate. I hope the neocons face big time challenges fro those within their own party that would not be shills for the establishment that is on its heels.
How did Regean do on his reelection? After tax cuts?

Oh, Reagan won (or, Nancy, really) and had to raise taxes ELEVEN times since the economy tanked.

Tax cuts are a redistribution of wealth, just in the upward direction.
And like any redistribution of wealth, if it's too drastic, or too concentrated towards a smaller and smaller group of people, it's not a healthy thing.
And this tax law is far too concentrated into way too small a group of elites, and it is way too drastic.

Tax Cuts Shrink Over Time for Everyone but the Richest Americans.
I find THAT very interesting.
The latest WSJ/NBC poll asked WHO should control congress after 2018.......

Democrats gained the following advantage

Millenials (18-34 years of age) PLUS 48
Women PLUS 20
Independents (largest voting bloc) PLUS 12
Seniors (YES, seniors on SS and Medicare) PLUS 4

The only group that democrats did not fare too well were older white males with a MINUS 2

November 2018 may turn out to be a total nightmare for Trump cultists....

A earlier Fox poll showed Democrats with a 15 point lead in the generic ballot. Fox is state run media.

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