After mocking this poll, R-W'ers should "think" about what's about to hit them

The latest WSJ/NBC poll asked WHO should control congress after 2018.......

Democrats gained the following advantage

Millenials (18-34 years of age) PLUS 48
Women PLUS 20
Independents (largest voting bloc) PLUS 12
Seniors (YES, seniors on SS and Medicare) PLUS 4

The only group that democrats did not fare too well were older white males with a MINUS 2

November 2018 may turn out to be a total nightmare for Trump cultists....
Republicans are not the brightest crayons in the box.

Rather like Democrats, in that regard.

Democrats delude themselves about why they lost and why they keep losing and what they need to do to fix the situation.

Says a dude living in a state income tax state that is also now -7º! Brilliant!
What does that have to do with the validity of my criticism of the Democratic Party?

Oh, and, by the way, State Income Taxes and Winter Temperatures are not enough to drive-away people with strong and widespread family ties to a region, eh?

Various branches of my family have lived in Illinois since the 1830s, 1850s, 1870s, and 1890s, and all of our children and grandchildren live in our part of Illinois.

Family means more to the wife and I than either Taxes or Temperature, although I don't expect a dullard such as yourself to understand that.

Nice attempt at deflection, though.


The criticism of the Democratic Party stands.
I heard the Republican party was dead in fall 2016.

Well, that's because you're hearing "voices" in your half brain.....

In 2016, look at the majority in Congress and throughout state legislatures and governorship seats....What credible source told you that the GOP was "dead"???
They all did
do you not really know?
Did you not watch or read anything all year

Trump was gonna kill the party, massive losses, we're gonna lose both houses....yadda yadda yadda

you guys better make up tons of sex stories if you're gonna win.....
The current leadership in the Congress needs to be replaced by the vote of the people in November, 2018.

Misfeasance*** characterizes McConnell's and Ryan's behavior and both need to be sent home by their constituents!

Misfeasance is the willful inappropriate action or intentional incorrect action or advice.
  • McConnell packing the supreme court
  • Ryan screwing We the People and increasing a national debt to benefit global corporations.


We agree on something...

mcconnell and ryan need to be sent packing..

Both are rinos...

We need Warriors like Trump that Stomp liberal ass

just like Trump...

Wrong, we don't agree. Oligarchy / Plutocracy is what the Founders of this nation rebelled against. Trump&Co have created the Imperial Presidency*** on steroids, something the Founders of our nation and the signers of the COTUS rejected.

APGovernmentCHS - Imperial Presidency

Wake up! It's time for the Congress to kick out the current leadership and support We the People - We the People do not support nor do we want a King.

See also, The Imperial Presidency by, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr ("a book published in 1973 by Houghton Mifflin. This book details the history of the Presidency of the United States from its conception by the Founding Fathers through the latter half of the 20th century.)

Oh please you say that everytime a republican wins.........

yet you ignore the Clintons, the obamas....and people who actually do use their power to help themselves and friends
The current leadership in the Congress needs to be replaced by the vote of the people in November, 2018.

Misfeasance*** characterizes McConnell's and Ryan's behavior and both need to be sent home by their constituents!

Misfeasance is the willful inappropriate action or intentional incorrect action or advice.
  • McConnell packing the supreme court
  • Ryan screwing We the People and increasing a national debt to benefit global corporations.


We agree on something...

mcconnell and ryan need to be sent packing..

Both are rinos...

We need Warriors like Trump that Stomp liberal ass

just like Trump...

Wrong, we don't agree. Oligarchy / Plutocracy is what the Founders of this nation rebelled against. Trump&Co have created the Imperial Presidency*** on steroids, something the Founders of our nation and the signers of the COTUS rejected.

APGovernmentCHS - Imperial Presidency

Wake up! It's time for the Congress to kick out the current leadership and support We the People - We the People do not support nor do we want a King.

See also, The Imperial Presidency by, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr ("a book published in 1973 by Houghton Mifflin. This book details the history of the Presidency of the United States from its conception by the Founding Fathers through the latter half of the 20th century.)

Did you have a problem with obama?

Because your words and your Imperial Presidency

describe obama more than President Trump.

obama used the full force of the Government

against his political foes. I could go for days

about obama's transgressions................

Here is his scariest attempt..............

He looks like a Demon here.......

The current leadership in the Congress needs to be replaced by the vote of the people in November, 2018.

Misfeasance*** characterizes McConnell's and Ryan's behavior and both need to be sent home by their constituents!

Misfeasance is the willful inappropriate action or intentional incorrect action or advice.
  • McConnell packing the supreme court
  • Ryan screwing We the People and increasing a national debt to benefit global corporations.


We agree on something...

mcconnell and ryan need to be sent packing..

Both are rinos...

We need Warriors like Trump that Stomp liberal ass

just like Trump...

Wrong, we don't agree. Oligarchy / Plutocracy is what the Founders of this nation rebelled against. Trump&Co have created the Imperial Presidency*** on steroids, something the Founders of our nation and the signers of the COTUS rejected.

APGovernmentCHS - Imperial Presidency

Wake up! It's time for the Congress to kick out the current leadership and support We the People - We the People do not support nor do we want a King.

See also, The Imperial Presidency by, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr ("a book published in 1973 by Houghton Mifflin. This book details the history of the Presidency of the United States from its conception by the Founding Fathers through the latter half of the 20th century.)

Did you have a problem with obama?

Because your words and your Imperial Presidency

describe obama more than President Trump.

obama used the full force of the Government

against his political foes. I could go for days

about obama's transgressions................

Here is his scariest attempt..............

He looks like a Demon here.......

Please do go on for days, but beware, you might be foud to be a danger to yourself or others.
The current leadership in the Congress needs to be replaced by the vote of the people in November, 2018.

Misfeasance*** characterizes McConnell's and Ryan's behavior and both need to be sent home by their constituents!

Misfeasance is the willful inappropriate action or intentional incorrect action or advice.
  • McConnell packing the supreme court
  • Ryan screwing We the People and increasing a national debt to benefit global corporations.


We agree on something...

mcconnell and ryan need to be sent packing..

Both are rinos...

We need Warriors like Trump that Stomp liberal ass

just like Trump...

Wrong, we don't agree. Oligarchy / Plutocracy is what the Founders of this nation rebelled against. Trump&Co have created the Imperial Presidency*** on steroids, something the Founders of our nation and the signers of the COTUS rejected.

APGovernmentCHS - Imperial Presidency

Wake up! It's time for the Congress to kick out the current leadership and support We the People - We the People do not support nor do we want a King.

See also, The Imperial Presidency by, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr ("a book published in 1973 by Houghton Mifflin. This book details the history of the Presidency of the United States from its conception by the Founding Fathers through the latter half of the 20th century.)

Oh please you say that everytime a republican wins.........

yet you ignore the Clintons, the obamas....and people who actually do use their power to help themselves and friends

No, I don't 'say' that every time an R wins an election. I do not ignore the "Clintons, the Obama's", though the difference between Bush and Clinton, and Trump and Obama is widespread.

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