After Paying Off My Own Tuition I Get To Pay Off More Than $2,000 of One Of Joe Biden's Staffer's College Debt

Failed is accurate--no convictions. Phony is accurate--Mueller said so himself.
There is nothing failed or phony about Donald Trump's war on America.
Link? You keep making unsubstantiated allegations based on your feelings. Try again
It is still very real and ongoing and DANGEROUS as hell!
The saving of America from the democrat fascists surely is ongoing, but it will come to an abrupt end in November.
Don't you love your country?
I and my family have over 100 years of military service to attest to our patriotism. What have you done? All I've seen is defense of fascism on your part.
In addition to the media reporting almost all of Joe Biden's staffers are eligible for his Student Loan Forgiveness, I just found out every tax-paying US citizen - even those like me who have already paid off their own college debt - gets to pay more than $2,000 each to help pay off someone else's - like one of Biden's staffers - student debt.

2 things....

1. Thanks, Joe.

2. Let's go, Brandon

Another mouth breather reciting FAKE NEWS like a dutiful MAGAT Trumptard.
When are you fuckers going to real8ze no one is buying this crap anymore?
And this is why the orange baboon got his ass handed to him by Joe Biden in 2020.
It is also the reason Republicons cannot win elections anymore.
Really Mike? That election was decided by less than 40,000 votes in four States. How do you think that would have turned out if people knew the truth about Joe Biden?

Mouth breather? Fake News? Trumptard? Got news for you, Mike. All the sputtering and name calling won't change what happened. November is coming, Little Buddy and the people are pissed! What do you think is going to happen if Democrats lose the House and Nancy Pelosi can't protect Joe and Hunter anymore?
I hate to break this to you Candy but the Crickets you're hearing are all of the OTHER leftists that aren't coming to your aid on this! You know why? Because even THEY know that the lap top is real...and that top level people in the FBI conspired along with those 51 "Intel" officials to deceive the American people before that election. They lied to us and they did so because they didn't want Trump to be reelected! If the GOP wins back control of Congress they'll be called on to answer for those lies.
One + the truth is a majority. I'm not worried about your fantasies.

Wow, you mean building the wall isn't going to be their "top priority"? LOL

Your blob lost because he got fewer votes. It had nothing to do with some bizarre scenario involving Hunter Biden's laptop. If anything, the whole sad stunt hurt your blob because it was clearly an engineered ploy staged for maximum effect, clumsily handled (FOX didn't even want a piece of it--that should tell you something (quick cue up the conspiracy theory for that too once you sober up)), and a farce from every angle. The laptop repair boy has disappeared, Rudy said that he wanted to give the laptop to the feds who investigated his residence, Rudy is facing disbarment as I recall, and whatever investigating the Feds are doing about the laptop they were given...err I'm sorry...the COPY of the laptop they were given seems to be stuck in the mud.
Good question, are you looking in the mirror? After the summer of 2020, two failed scam impeachments, a failed scam Russia investigation, a phony charge of insurrection, and now this failed raid on DJT's home, you would think you mental midgets would get the hint. We ain't buying it--and you'll understand better in Nov.

Keep thinking that... just like you did in midterms in 94 and 10... that the country buys your crazy ideas because they didn't show up for a midterm.
Really Mike? That election was decided by less than 40,000 votes in four States. How do you think that would have turned out if people knew the truth about Joe Biden?

Mouth breather? Fake News? Trumptard? Got news for you, Mike. All the sputtering and name calling won't change what happened. November is coming, Little Buddy and the people are pissed! What do you think is going to happen if Democrats lose the House and Nancy Pelosi can't protect Joe and Hunter anymore?

Really? Just as many polls show a Democrat advantage as a Republican one, and women are a little pissed that they are being forced to LARP A Handmaid's Tale.
Really Mike? That election was decided by less than 40,000 votes in four States. How do you think that would have turned out if people knew the truth about Joe Biden?

Mouth breather? Fake News? Trumptard? Got news for you, Mike. All the sputtering and name calling won't change what happened. November is coming, Little Buddy and the people are pissed! What do you think is going to happen if Democrats lose the House and Nancy Pelosi can't protect Joe and Hunter anymore?
Biden beat Trump by a little more than 7 million votes.
Who told you less than 40,000?
After a WHOPPER mistatement like that one nothing you say has any credibility at all.
You shouldn't get too excitrd about November with the wheels coming off the bus for this supposed "red wave" they've been hoping for.
It is starting to look like it's going to br morr of a ripple than a wave.
Biden beat Trump by a little more than 7 million votes.
Who told you less than 40,000?
After a WHOPPER mistatement like that one nothing you say has any credibility at all.
You shouldn't get too excitrd about November with the wheels coming off the bus for this supposed "red wave" they've been hoping for.
It is starting to look like it's going to br morr of a ripple than a wave.
You really aren't that bright...are you, Mike? We don't elect a President with the popular vote...we do so with Electoral Votes. That election was decided by 40,000 votes in 4 States. Do I need to explain this to you in detail?
Really? Just as many polls show a Democrat advantage as a Republican one, and women are a little pissed that they are being forced to LARP A Handmaid's Tale.
You keep trusting those polls, Joey! In the words of James Carville? "It's the economy, Stupid!" That's what people are most concerned about and Democrats don't have a clue how to deal with inflation.
Nobody is claiming the laptop is real but the Wingnuts.

Um, quite the opposite. The photos and videos released are legit. They can be forensically verified. You and your klan are the only ones that are completely out of touch with reality. Hunter is scum, the pictures are real and the emails(which can also be verified) are real. It is no secret, accept to nuts like you who will evidently believe anything the your leaders tell you.
The President does not have the power to unilaterally cancel any debts owed to the government.

The President cannot unilaterally authorize anything to do with the finances of the government.

Only Congress can approve or deny any spending or borrowing by the government.
In addition to the media reporting almost all of Joe Biden's staffers are eligible for his Student Loan Forgiveness, I just found out every tax-paying US citizen - even those like me who have already paid off their own college debt - gets to pay more than $2,000 each to help pay off someone else's - like one of Biden's staffers - student debt.

2 things....

1. Thanks, Joe.

2. Let's go, Brandon

One of the best problems in the world to have is being so rich that you have to pay taxes. Congratulations, you have reached success. 50% of Americans pay less than $0 in net taxes. (Before you celebrate you might want to recalculate.)
One of the best problems in the world to have is being so rich that you have to pay taxes. Congratulations, you have reached success. 50% of Americans pay less than $0 in net taxes. (Before you celebrate you might want to recalculate.)

Biden adding over $1 trillion indebt / taxes for every tax-paying citizen to pay off, and it only benefits a small subsequent of the population ... and the biggest winners reported so far will be the rich - doctors, lawyers, etc...

There is nothing to celebrate about Biden's Un-Constitutional Vote-Buying scam right before the mid-terms.

And you call paying higher taxes to fund Democrats' BS Bills and scams - like the NON-Inflation Reduction crap & this illegal vote-buying scam - is a 'good problem' to have.

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So trolls' plan to defend Biden's Un-Constitutional $1+ trillion dollar vote-buying scam is to go after individual Americans - who have paid off their own loans or Americans who don't / never had any - if they speak out?

laughing hilariously.jpg

Good luck with that...
So trolls' plan to defend Biden's Un-Constitutional $1+ trillion dollar vote-buying scam is to go after individual Americans - who have paid off their own loans or Americans who don't / never had any - if they speak out?

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Good luck with that...
I paid off a $60k MBA loan. I paid my own state U undergrad tuition. I don’t feel this is stealing from me. I do think there are better uses of the money… groups that are more needy than all of these loan borrowers. I would target relief to those at maybe $60k and below or graduates of rip off colleges that are for profit that should never have been loaned. That’s a money laundering operation.
I paid off a $60k MBA loan. I paid my own state U undergrad tuition. I don’t feel this is stealing from me. I do think there are better uses of the money… groups that are more needy than all of these loan borrowers. I would target relief to those at maybe $60k and below or graduates of rip off colleges that are for profit that should never have been loaned. That’s a money laundering operation.
You think Biden's Un-Constitutional Vote-Buying scheme is a great idea -
Nothing is stopping you from paying more than you owe in taxes and asking the IRS to apply it towards someone's college loan debt.

The majority of the rest of tax-paying citizens already struggling under Biden's failed economy / Inflation - especially those who have no student loan debt - don't want to be forced by the govt through an Un-Constitutional EO to pay higher taxes to pay off someone else's debt they willingly signed up for and promised to pay off.
The govt needs to stop being the guaranteeor of student loans. If the govt stopped being the one guaranteeing student loans you would see the cost if college tuition come down.

Reportedly in the last decade the cost of college tuition has gone up by A FACTOR OF 8 (not 8%). That's insane.

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