After Paying Off My Own Tuition I Get To Pay Off More Than $2,000 of One Of Joe Biden's Staffer's College Debt

Yeah, call me when Mississippi becomes a world power.
I doubt Mississippi will ever be anything but Mississippi, Candy! But we weren't talking about them...were we? We were comparing California to Texas and Florida! Trying to understand why businesses are leaving Cali in droves to head elsewhere? Trying to understand why businesses are flocking to Florida and Texas?

Let's see. California has that gorgeous coast...that beautiful's got's got Silicon's got all those natural resources! So why are businesses packing up and heading elsewhere, Candy? It's not California itself! It's the liberal politicians that have turned beautiful cities like San Francisco into the fecal capital of the country! That have stores being ransacked by rampaging mobs! That is overwhelming social services with millions of illegal immigrants flooding the State!
So that would mean Texas is benefitting too, right fuck face?
No, Texas is being swamped by the illegals. New York and Washington DC are whining like crazy over getting a few hundred illegals bussed into them while Texas has had to absorb tens of thousands of illegals each month!
You liberals think that these illegals are going to vote for you one of these days...that's why you're keeping the border open! What I think you're miscalculating is that most of those illegals are leaving countries run by "progressives" like yourself and they've messed things up so badly that nobody wants to live there anymore! The people that walked thousands of miles to get away from idiotic policies aren't going to vote for them here! They know better!

After Paying Off My Own Tuition I Get To Pay Off More Than $2,000 of One Of Joe Biden's Staffer's College Debt​

It'll do you more good than whatever share of an aircraft carrier that would buy you.
Dude, the repair slip has Hunter's signature on it. The laptop has emails on it sent from people to Hunter Biden...people who have said they SENT those emails! The reason why nobody from the Biden family has denied the laptops were Hunter's is that it's obvious from what was on the laptop that it was Hunter's! For some reason the stupid schmuck seems to think he should video tape himself whenever he's smoking crack and screwing underage Chinese women!

It has someone's signature on it. Of course, the shop owner is "legally blind".

So imagine this. Russian hackers get into Hunter's email. They download a bunch of legitimate emails, and then add in some forged emails that sound incriminating, some deep fake videos of him, and some other stuff.

Oh, yeah, and the stuff about underage chinese women? that wasn't even on the laptop, that's just stuff that circulated on line.
With all due respect, Sartre? The Democrats have been fixated on Jan 6th for the better part of two years while we've got problems with inflation, crime, the border, drug overdoses, China, Russia and Iran!

Trump tried to overthrow the government. That's a big deal. Bigger than you having to pay a little more at the pump.

I don't dislike Joe Biden. Quite honestly I pity him. He would have been over his head ten years ago if he'd been elected President! Joe's not a very bright person. He gets things wrong. He gets them wrong ALOT! My problem with Joe Biden and his idiot son Hunter is that there is the distinct possibility that China has things on Hunter Biden and Joe that they can use to get what they want. Quite frankly I'd find it amazing if Hunter had been smoking and screwing his way through China and the Chinese DIDN'T have video of it!

So what if they did? Frankly, Hunter has been accused of everything under the sun by you guys, the Chinese are going to ruin his reputation, how, exactly?
Why do conservatives think they've cornered the market on Christianity???? Or that the majority of Democrats aren't Christian.

Your assumption that liberals are "nuts" belies the reality of liberal politics and countries. Those of us who live in liberal countries have more freedoms and a better quality of life than you can dream of. In addition to which, we have stable governments, much lower crimes rates, and cheaper health care.

A true Christian would not vote against their own self-interest. Virtually everything the Democratic Party does is opposed to Christianity, thus why the vast majority of atheist are Democrats. No morals because they don’t answer to a higher being.

I don’t care about other countries. What I know is that in Republican states, if you are in an area where you are likely to get mugged or raped, you can bet your bottom dollar it is a Democratic area. If you want to be safe, you head to to the more affluent, red areas.
The laptop and what is on it is real. Good Lord, I thought even you leftists knew that by now. I just figured you were spending your time coming up with excuses for Hunter, not denying reality.
candycorn, you laughed at this post. You actually think the Hunter laptop is Russian misinformation? You do realize that story was debunked months ago, right?
Do you ever get embarrassed when you buy the crap that the Biden camp is putting out, Dragonlady? The Washington Post was one of the corrupt media outlets that went along with the "Russian disinformation" propaganda that high level members of the FBI were spreading two weeks from the election! They're STILL trying to cover their own asses!

The Washington Post is one of the most respected news outlets in the world, and for good reason.
Dude, the repair slip has Hunter's signature on it. The laptop has emails on it sent from people to Hunter Biden...people who have said they SENT those emails! The reason why nobody from the Biden family has denied the laptops were Hunter's is that it's obvious from what was on the laptop that it was Hunter's! For some reason the stupid schmuck seems to think he should video tape himself whenever he's smoking crack and screwing underage Chinese women!

That's because the Russians hacked Burisma, in the Fall of 2019 to get REAL stuff to use to create the fake. The Biden family doesn't even acknowledge the laptop.
candycorn, you laughed at this post. You actually think the Hunter laptop is Russian misinformation?
Russian? No.

But here is what you expect people to believe. The computer shop owner comes into posssssion of a laptop, allegedly finds criminal activity on it and turns it over to the White House advisor Rudy Ghooliani. Right before an election. Really?

That is the story. If your local bowling alley or pub have a list and found…do they turn it over to Rudy after 30 days?

So I really find the entire story hilarious.
Russian? No.

But here is what you expect people to believe. The computer shop owner comes into posssssion of a laptop, allegedly finds criminal activity on it and turns it over to the White House advisor Rudy Ghooliani. Right before an election. Really?

That is the story. If your local bowling alley or pub have a list and found…do they turn it over to Rudy after 30 days?

So I really find the entire story hilarious.

You missed a small, yet very important, tidbit. The computer shop owner contacted the FBI first. The FBI confirmed they had the contents of the laptop.
What/why was Rudy’s involvement/involved?

According to the computer shop owner, the FBI didn't respond in a timely manner when he gave it to them in Feb. He contacted the president's legal team in Oct. because he didn't know where else to turn. By the way, the FBI does not reject the claim they were given a copy of the laptop's hard drive or its validity. The FBI initially came out and said the information was Russian disinformation. That was disseminated all over social media. Then, per Mark Zuckerberg himself, the FBI contacted Facebook(and likely other media outlets sympathetic to the Democratic Party) and told them they would be getting some disinformation regarding the Hunter laptop shortly and they needed to filter it. That information was that the laptop information was in fact real and not Russian disinformation. So, like the good lapdogs they are, they filtered that information just before the election. They wanted people to believe it was all a Russian hoax, based on the false story released by the FBI. They are crooked and everyone knows it. The thing is, Democrats, don't care because it is working to their advantage at this time.
I just hope all these Hunted Laptop deniers are quadruple vaxxed... I feel better knowing that they will soon, to quote the stuttering fuck, "drop dead unexpectedly". Time is our best friend now.
It's amusing to watch the liberals on this board try to come up with reasons why the Hunter Biden lap top isn't real! They know that it is. They know that the pictures of Hunter smoking crack and screwing underage Chinese hookers are real! They know the emails from people like Tony Bobulinski are real! They know the email explaining how the money is going to be split up is real and they know who "The Big Guy" is! They know that Hunter Biden had no viable skills that would have been a reason for him to receive millions of dollars from the Chinese or an invitation from Burisma to sit on it's board! They know ALL of those things! They can't admit to them however because if they do...then they have to explain why people in charge at the FBI not only failed to let the American people know about the lap top but actively worked to keep it from being made public! They'd have to admit that media outlets like the New York Times and the Washington Post went with a fake narrative that the lap top was "Russian Disinformation" just as they'd gone with the fake narrative that there was "Russian Collusion four years earlier! They'd have to admit that social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook had an affect on the election when they shut down the accounts of anyone trying to make the lap top public and that was REAL election interference!
A true Christian would not vote against their own self-interest. Virtually everything the Democratic Party does is opposed to Christianity, thus why the vast majority of atheist are Democrats. No morals because they don’t answer to a higher being.

I don’t care about other countries. What I know is that in Republican states, if you are in an area where you are likely to get mugged or raped, you can bet your bottom dollar it is a Democratic area. If you want to be safe, you head to to the more affluent, red areas.

Proving once again, Christian Conservative is an oxymoron.

Where did Jesus say that he didn't care about other countries? The whole purpose of Christianity was to bring God's message to ALL peoples, not just be the province of the Jews.

Now, don't get me wrong, if the only thing that keeps you from going on a murderous rampage is your fear of your imaginary sky friend, by all means, keep doing that.
It's amusing to watch the liberals on this board try to come up with reasons why the Hunter Biden lap top isn't real! They know that it is.

Actually, I don't know that it is.

Half the stuff on your little diatribe wasn't even alleged by the Post and their slam job.

But here's the major point. As evidence, the laptops are useless.. They've been through too many hands.
Actually, I don't know that it is.

Half the stuff on your little diatribe wasn't even alleged by the Post and their slam job.

But here's the major point. As evidence, the laptops are useless.. They've been through too many hands.
Hunter gave the laptop to the repair shop owner...he gave the laptop to the FBI...and they still have the laptop. It's been through "too many hands" to be evidence? Did you really just claim that, Joey? Did you want to rethink your "major point"? I'll give you a do over! Seriously...
Hunter gave the laptop to the repair shop owner...he gave the laptop to the FBI...and they still have the laptop. It's been through "too many hands" to be evidence? Did you really just claim that, Joey? Did you want to rethink your "major point"? I'll give you a do over! Seriously...

1) We don't know the person who dropped them off was Hunter. In fact, it seem fairly unlikely that it was.
2) the legally blind guy who runs the shop has himself said that he takes no responsiblity for what is being reported in the press.
3) Rudy Guiliani was the one who handed it over to the NY Post.

Too many hands, completely useless as evidence.
According to the computer shop owner, the FBI didn't respond in a timely manner when he gave it to them in Feb.
The FBI was supposed to respond to this dude? LOL
He contacted the president's legal team in Oct. because he didn't know where else to turn.
So he didn't call the local cops...didn't call the state police. He went to the FBI. And when the FBI didn't keep him in the loop on any investigation (as if they would ever do that in any investigation), he then decided to call the President of the United State's legal team about a laptop left in his shop.

You'd have to be on drugs to not see the comedic value in this scenario.
By the way, the FBI does not reject the claim they were given a copy of the laptop's hard drive or its validity.
They don't? They should. If they don't have the original hard drive...who knows where it came from?
The FBI initially came out and said the information was Russian disinformation.
Link please. This is where you get all huffy and make excuses.
That was disseminated all over social media. Then, per Mark Zuckerberg himself, the FBI contacted Facebook(and likely other media outlets sympathetic to the Democratic Party) and told them they would be getting some disinformation regarding the Hunter laptop shortly and they needed to filter it.
Wow...could you imagine if that really happened.
That information was that the laptop information was in fact real and not Russian disinformation. So, like the good lapdogs they are, they filtered that information just before the election. They wanted people to believe it was all a Russian hoax, based on the false story released by the FBI. They are crooked and everyone knows it. The thing is, Democrats, don't care because it is working to their advantage at this time.
Quite the conspiracy theory you've got there bub.

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