After School Satan Club must be allowed to proceed ... WT*?!

Do you really want the government judging which religions are ok and which aren't?

And what specific activities of the club are "despicable," "sick," or "evil?"

I believe that he honestly does.
Aaaand here come the lefties quickly expressing their support of their expression.

Meanwhile, somewhere in South Dakota a baker is baking a cake.
I know satanists that show a better understanding of theology than most Christians.

The arguments are not bad. Broken logic in some areas, but no worse than the belief that we should worship a God just because it has been willed so.
Aaaand here come the lefties quickly expressing their support of their expression.

Meanwhile, somewhere in South Dakota a baker is baking a cake.

Any follower of mainstream politics is a hypocrite in certain areas.

It does not lessen the merit of free expression in this instance, but it does bring up a valid point.
Lawyer: After School Satan Club must be allowed to proceed

The National Anthem Is Bad.
The American Flag is Bad.
A child can't eat a graham cracker into the shape of a pistol without being suspended.
Prayer in School is Evil.

But allowing a club in a kids' school that celebrates SATAN - the king of darkness, sin, death, violence, chaos...You bet!


Why don't they put on their goat leggings and meet in an open field or abandoned house?

Any school kid that eats a cracker into the shape of a pistol should be held by juvenile authorities until 18 years of age. Longer if possible.
Lawyer: After School Satan Club must be allowed to proceed

The National Anthem Is Bad.
The American Flag is Bad.
A child can't eat a graham cracker into the shape of a pistol without being suspended.
Prayer in School is Evil.

But allowing a club in a kids' school that celebrates SATAN - the king of darkness, sin, death, violence, chaos...You bet!


Why don't they put on their goat leggings and meet in an open field or abandoned house?

Any school kid that eats a cracker into the shape of a pistol should be held by juvenile authorities until 18 years of age. Longer if possible.
But what if that was just the latest in a long string of the kid not listening to his teachers and being a little bastard for weeks and weeks?
Christian theology is broken.

God creates man in his image, and punishes mankind for acting within its own nature?

Sounds to me like God is an imperfect and self absorbed tyrant that has been falsely idolized for being powerful, and judges his subjects for not adhering to a code that he himself is above. Reminds me of this...

The two little girls and the slenderman attempted murder got them all excited. Liberals may just use this club to kill Christians.

Only the ones that give them problems . If I were you, I would lock my doors.

No one bothers me. Do you suppose they can sense I really want them to? I am ready all the time, and feel dressed up with no ride to the prom.
The two little girls and the slenderman attempted murder got them all excited. Liberals may just use this club to kill Christians.

Only the ones that give them problems . If I were you, I would lock my doors.

No one bothers me. Do you suppose they can sense I really want them to? I am ready all the time, and feel dressed up with no ride to the prom.

Sorry nobody wanted to take you to the prom. Is that why you are always so bitchy?
Either gotta allow ALL clubs or NO clubs....doubt any parents let their kids attend this anyways.
Lawyer: After School Satan Club must be allowed to proceed

The National Anthem Is Bad.
The American Flag is Bad.
A child can't eat a graham cracker into the shape of a pistol without being suspended.
Prayer in School is Evil.

But allowing a club in a kids' school that celebrates SATAN - the king of darkness, sin, death, violence, chaos...You bet!

It's what happens when you let liberals into power, with their notions abut “equality”—evil has to be treated as equal to good, which, in practice, results in evil being treated as “more equal than” good.
The two little girls and the slenderman attempted murder got them all excited. Liberals may just use this club to kill Christians.

Only the ones that give them problems . If I were you, I would lock my doors.

No one bothers me. Do you suppose they can sense I really want them to? I am ready all the time, and feel dressed up with no ride to the prom.

Sorry nobody wanted to take you to the prom. Is that why you are always so bitchy?
Actually some one was foolish enough to want to take me to the prom. I beat his head in just for asking.
That wasn't a limo to the prom, was to bring you to a high-security mental ward for observation and probably a prefrontal.

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