After successful 2 legs of his first Presidential tour, Trump continues on to Italy...

Here's Hillary after being on her feet for a few mins, TheOldSchool ....


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So far President Trump has successfully reestablished the United States as a World Leader....with his successful trips to both Saudi Arabia.......I thought he hated muslims......and then the first time flying from Saudi Arabia to Israel, where he is the first sitting President to visit Israel's most holy religious site.......I thought he was an anti semite? .....Now on to Italy.......

cleaning up the mess left by obama is taking work, but Trump is more than up to the task....
The mess is mostly in your head. Don't get all emotional now.
Loved when he told the Israelis he had just come from the ME. Also fun when he accidentally admitted it was Israeli secrets he gave to the Russians.

Not much stamina and can't control what falls out of his mouth it, considering its trump, he hasn't been as stupid as usual.

Easy to laugh at him but really, it's just not funny.

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The guy is amazing.
I can't understand how he manages to keep such a grueling schedule.
I heard those around him are having a tough time trying to keep up.
Donald Trump dropped out of Saudi Arabia event because he was 'exhausted'
You'll believe anything. lol

His own people said it.

The daughter-wife filled in.

Don't be so defensive. He's fat, eats shit, says people shouldn't exercise because we have only a finite amount of energy and he doesn't want to waste his. That's why the fatso only gets in and out of a golf cart and lays around all the time.

Remember too that he blew off events and asked for debates to be shortened. (And yes, Secty Clinton did events with pneumonia.)

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The guy is amazing.
I can't understand how he manages to keep such a grueling schedule.
I heard those around him are having a tough time trying to keep up.
Donald Trump dropped out of Saudi Arabia event because he was 'exhausted'
It's not like pretending you are playing 18 holes of golf and really heading for the 19th hole...

Renting golf carts for the Secret Service - can't remember how much it is but its substantial.

Just more of enormous expenses the tax payers shovel out for the Pillsbury DoughBoy and his useless spawn.

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The guy is amazing.
I can't understand how he manages to keep such a grueling schedule.
I heard those around him are having a tough time trying to keep up.
Poor widdle Donnie was too tiwered & had to sent Ivanka i his place to an event.

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