After Suing CNN, Sandmann’s legal team now targeting Bill Maher, Kathy Griffin, HBO, NBC and AP

Libel and slander aren’t free speech. You have to pay for it.
Then Trump is in deep shit if butthurt little Nicky wins
Cite examples.
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer
There is ample evidence of Hillary being criminal. What’s more, she’s a public figure so the libel and slander laws are different.
If Hillary is a criminal, why has she NEVER been convicted of anything, even after many con investigations or accusations?
God I am embarrassed for you to expose your stupidity in fron of all of us.
Snowflakery at its ugliest.

There can be no criticism of an Authoritarian. Free speech be thou a damned thing in Trumpland!
Libel and slander aren’t free speech. You have to pay for it.
Then Trump is in deep shit if butthurt little Nicky wins
Cite examples.
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer

Prove it.
It isn't slander when it's true.
What really got me about all this is how nobody gave a shit about the ACTUAL racists in the video. Those black guys were horrible!

They're always horrible. But that's not a 'story'. Nor is it related to the Smirk.
They were the only racists and nobody gave a shit.
Drop the smirk shtick. You are ignorant on this.

Who brought up "racists"?

What shits were supposed to be given? The Hebrew Israelites or whatever they call themselves have a known history. There's no story in a wackball group doing what it always does.
The white kid was being publically crucified for being racist even after the full video came out.
Some of the rhetoric didnt even stop.
Nobody said a word about the actual racists.
I didn't imagine the depths of evil we deal with on this message board until these bastards crawled out from under a rock to side with the media and celebrities who crucified this boy. I hope Sandmanm gets his millions.
He will and they will settle out of court… Because Nathan Phillips is a fraud and a liar
Snowflakery at its ugliest.

There can be no criticism of an Authoritarian. Free speech be thou a damned thing in Trumpland!

Ummmm the authoritarians were the media who knowingly presented a false narrative to further their own goals. You are an idiot.
Nathaniel R. Stanard... Nathan Phillips real name.
That fraudulent motherfucker should be scalped...
Libel and slander aren’t free speech. You have to pay for it.
Then Trump is in deep shit if butthurt little Nicky wins
Cite examples.
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer
She's a public figure, dumbass. Sandman is not.

He became a public figure after the first tweeter post didn't he? Whoever posted that original tweet was also the one who posted the false narrative based on an incomplete video clip of the incident. If posting and/or publishing a false narrative based on a partial quote or partial video clip is liable or slander, then Faux News, GOP, the Anti-Choice Crowd, will all have a huge problem on their hands. Suing media outlets for reporting on that viral video posted on Tweeter? Or a comedian who referenced it in a monologue? If the lawyers who filed the suits had to pay the defense legal fees if they lose the case, I bet there would be many fewer suits like these.

No, he didn't.
Then Trump is in deep shit if butthurt little Nicky wins
Cite examples.
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer
There is ample evidence of Hillary being criminal. What’s more, she’s a public figure so the libel and slander laws are different.
If Hillary is a criminal, why has she NEVER been convicted of anything, even after many con investigations or accusations?
God I am embarrassed for you to expose your stupidity in fron of all of us.
30 years of investigations you think Republicans would’ve found something.

Remember Republicans controlled the government for the last two years to look at everything they found on Trump and they were trying not to look.
Cite examples.
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer
There is ample evidence of Hillary being criminal. What’s more, she’s a public figure so the libel and slander laws are different.
If Hillary is a criminal, why has she NEVER been convicted of anything, even after many con investigations or accusations?
God I am embarrassed for you to expose your stupidity in fron of all of us.
30 years of investigations you think Republicans would’ve found something.

Remember Republicans controlled the government for the last two years to look at everything they found on Trump and they were trying not to look.
Janet Reno wasn’t republican.
No one has yet investigated Hillary for her email issue.
Do you do banking transactions on public WiFi? A parallel.
Coming from this school? And he's complaining he's been mistreated?

He better hope there are no black face pictures of him floating around out there.

Cite examples.
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer
She's a public figure, dumbass. Sandman is not.
Doesn’t matter. Trump knew he was being false and reckless. Not only did the networks and reporters not know, it’s still arguable that their reporting was 100% correct; which in my opinion, it was.

If it was, why did they backtrack so quickly? Maybe they should have asked you first.
The ones that did? Because theymre pussies .

Or because it was glaringly obvious they were flat out wrong and jumped the gun. And yes, it's obvious they were.
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer
There is ample evidence of Hillary being criminal. What’s more, she’s a public figure so the libel and slander laws are different.

If there was “ample evidence” why has no one ever found it?
Because they’re busy investigating trump.
Are you not aware of Comey’s FBI decision to not investigate Hillary because the election was near and they didn’t want to interfere?

17 investigations have been completed with no evidence of criminal activity found. 6 years of investigation by a Soecial Prosecutor found nothing. Lots of immunity offered but no charges resulted. No witnesses. No evidence. And no crimes were committed.
No one investigated her email issue.

It’s been investigated - twice. In order for Clinton to have a glimmer of a problem, they would have to prove her classified emails fell into the wrong hands. They didn’t. Ever. The same cannot be said for DumbbDonakd’s cell phone calls which the Chinese and the Russians admit to monitoring because Trump routinely talks about classified stuff on unsecured lines.

And then there’s Ivanka’s use of a private email account for government business which is now clearly illegal. Typical dumb Trump. Thought the law didn’t apply to her. Lock Ivanka up!

If anyone should have known not to use private email accounts to do illegal shit, it’s the Trump kids but here they are setting up meetings the FBI warned them not to take, via email. Doing government business on private servers, and leaving a paper trail of bread crumbs all the way to the Kremlin for anyone with half a brain to follow.

As criminal gangs go, the Trumps are very blatant about their criminality. They talk about people who “flip” on them as “rats”. The ONLY people who talk like that are criminals. Honest people don’t have people who can flip on them.

That’s why, more than any other reason, that I believe that the Clintons are essentially honest people doing it by the book, in terms of their finances. In a lifetime lived in the spotlight, no one has ever turned on them, or implicated them in any wrong doing.

Ken Starr jailed Susan McDougall for a year in an effort to flip her and failed. She said at the time if she’d had anything to give Starr, she would have but really there was nothing there.

In 30 years of public life, the Clintons worked hard, did great things, screwed up sometimes, admitted their mistakes, and went on. 17 investigations and nothing, because none of it was based on actual crimes. The investigations were based on Relublican rumours and lies. Nothing more.

The Trump investigations are based on lies, deceptions, and criminal abuses of power. And they’re ongoing.
You live on an imaginary planet of phony scandals and character assassination and misinformation, super duper... Law enforcement and all respected journalists think you are nuts. It is Rupert Murdoch ridiculous demagogues and Dupes like you, you're a disgrace. After 35 years of your giveaway to the rich, we have the worst upward Mobility, inequality, and benefits in the modern world.

Those poor, useless democrats, can't do a thing if there's even one Republican around to look sideways at them. Why do you vote for them?
Snowflakery at its ugliest.

There can be no criticism of an Authoritarian. Free speech be thou a damned thing in Trumpland!
IT's gonna be fun when they all pool their resources to check this kid out. What do you think will happen if they find out he and his school has had years of bullying behavior?
Every school has had years of bullying behavior. None exist that hasn't.
Now, what about the gang of opposite race adult men yelling every manner of racist slurs against a group og high school kids.
Is it not strange that everyone is looking at this one kid, for daring to smirk..OMG...and yet say little to nothing about the bullying ADULT men yelling hate speech at them?
Again, if this kid was black, and then men were white...the story would have been completely different and that kid would have been a hero getting applause on every media talk show. PERIOD.
THAT is the story and THAT is the problem.

Again ---- wtf do the bullying ADULT men have to do with The Smirk?

Nothing, that's what. So no, THAT is not the story at all. THAT is a red herring introduced to take the spotlight off The Smirk. The bullying ADULT men were not even involved in it.

I'd take issue with the word ADULT but that's irrelevant.
30 years of working for the legal trades. This family is dumb enough to think they can win.

They will be settled out of court. The media companies won't risk this to a jury trial and establish case law precedent.

No they won’t be settled out of court. News outlets NEVER settle out of court. This is a civil case which you’re right, will never go to trial because the family will lose.

They have to prove that the slander was malicious and done with intent.

Each of these entities has the resources and the will to fight this on 1st Amendment grounds, and they’ll win.

All true, but at the same time I would appreciate it if you would say what they did was wrong, and damaging to our country.
Someone manufactured a story...actually worse, they took video that showed one thing, that they don't like, and carefully edited it to make the opposite appear true. And then the gleeful media bought that shit like chicken dinner on a Sunday and served right up without hesitation. And then they spent an entire day hashing it out 100 ways getting everyone to get their jib in. And then....oops.'s not true. But then what did they do? Did they retract the story and apologize and say we all screwed up?? Nope. They then continued to attack the kid for a "smirk" on his face.
Nevermind the crowd of black people yelling honky and whitey, and calling them "products of incest"...that's not important. Nevermind the star player in their story was a farce who lied about his military service and was the agressor...nope...he had a smirk on his face so he is still guilty.
That is what is wrong.
And that, I hop, you will condemn.

In what way were the children "harmed" in the story? This wouldn't even had BEEN a story that went on for weeks if the parents hadn't pushed, pushed, pushed it, and, let's be honest about what was said about these kids. Nothing really all that harmful. That they behaved badly, which they did, and that they shouldn't have done what they did, which Sandman admitted himself. He said he should have just walked away and he wished he had.

There goes the case right there.

Stop posting while drinking. The WaPo has already ADMITTED they lied.

AGAIN, same question sitting for the last two months.................................................................. Link?
Then Trump is in deep shit if butthurt little Nicky wins
Cite examples.
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer
She's a public figure, dumbass. Sandman is not.
He is now...thanks to his parents and his lawyers.
He is now thanks to libelous reporting by Pravda, ie, mainstream media.

--- for which you have no quote. No screenshot. No link.

Sorry, can't have a libel suit without actual libel.
I'm sure it pleases you to think this.

30 years of working for the legal trades. This family is dumb enough to think they can win.

They will be settled out of court. The media companies won't risk this to a jury trial and establish case law precedent.

No they won’t be settled out of court. News outlets NEVER settle out of court. This is a civil case which you’re right, will never go to trial because the family will lose.

They have to prove that the slander was malicious and done with intent.

Each of these entities has the resources and the will to fight this on 1st Amendment grounds, and they’ll win.

All true, but at the same time I would appreciate it if you would say what they did was wrong, and damaging to our country.
Someone manufactured a story...actually worse, they took video that showed one thing, that they don't like, and carefully edited it to make the opposite appear true. And then the gleeful media bought that shit like chicken dinner on a Sunday and served right up without hesitation. And then they spent an entire day hashing it out 100 ways getting everyone to get their jib in. And then....oops.'s not true. But then what did they do? Did they retract the story and apologize and say we all screwed up?? Nope. They then continued to attack the kid for a "smirk" on his face.
Nevermind the crowd of black people yelling honky and whitey, and calling them "products of incest"...that's not important. Nevermind the star player in their story was a farce who lied about his military service and was the agressor...nope...he had a smirk on his face so he is still guilty.
That is what is wrong.
And that, I hop, you will condemn.

In what way were the children "harmed" in the story? This wouldn't even had BEEN a story that went on for weeks if the parents hadn't pushed, pushed, pushed it, and, let's be honest about what was said about these kids. Nothing really all that harmful. That they behaved badly, which they did, and that they shouldn't have done what they did, which Sandman admitted himself. He said he should have just walked away and he wished he had.

There goes the case right there.

And it wouldn't have been a 'story' if there hadn't been a video, and there wouldn't be a video worth viraling if not for The Smirk.
Snowflakery at its ugliest.

There can be no criticism of an Authoritarian. Free speech be thou a damned thing in Trumpland!
The kids life was almost ruined. Over nothing.

Bit dramatic, innit?

The kid effected a staring smirk, and got caught on video doing it. Because teens will be teens.
That's it, end of story, move the fuck on already. I dunno, to start wailing "my life (or his life) is 'ruined'" just because somebody took a video is just übersnowflakery.
He got suspended from school. He was receiving threats. His family was receiving threats. People all over the country was calling him a racist and all kinds of shit.
It was more than embarrassment.
That kid did nothing wrong. That indian is a fucking dipshit
I do enjoy how you pretend to know everything though. Its even funnier how you are usually wrong.

Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to bring consequences. Gotta man up to that. If some outside observers overreacted to a viral video, that overreaction is on them. You can't blame the fact that a video exists.

He's lucky his troll bait was not taken. Could have been a riot. Lesson learned.
So if I walk up to you for standing there, then start to beat a drum directly in your face. If you smirk me. I can knock the shit out of you?

If you take the bait, yes.

Then of course you have to deal with the consequences.
Thoroughness...I can't help but love it. I love a man who not only knows how to clean house, but actually does it when so many people most likely consider it to be a woman's job. :D :D :D

God bless you and that boy always!!!


Why are you against free speech?

EXACTLY what was done or said by anyone that makes you say you "love" that this child is being used this way?

They went looking for trouble and they got it. And now their widdo feewings are all hurt and stuff.

magats are such fragile little cupcakes.

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