After Suing CNN, Sandmann’s legal team now targeting Bill Maher, Kathy Griffin, HBO, NBC and AP

Bit dramatic, innit?

The kid effected a staring smirk, and got caught on video doing it. Because teens will be teens.
That's it, end of story, move the fuck on already. I dunno, to start wailing "my life (or his life) is 'ruined'" just because somebody took a video is just übersnowflakery.
He got suspended from school. He was receiving threats. His family was receiving threats. People all over the country was calling him a racist and all kinds of shit.
It was more than embarrassment.
That kid did nothing wrong. That indian is a fucking dipshit
I do enjoy how you pretend to know everything though. Its even funnier how you are usually wrong.

Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to bring consequences. Gotta man up to that. If some outside observers overreacted to a viral video, that overreaction is on them. You can't blame the fact that a video exists.

He's lucky his troll bait was not taken. Could have been a riot. Lesson learned.

You Nazi Tards are vile vulgar organisms…..

A kid with a smirk has made fools of all of you….

You suggest that the actions of this kid who did nothing

more than smirk at the racist Crowd and Chief Bully

somehow justifies violence against himself……

I say bring it on mother flucker……

You Nazi's need to be taught some manners…

I mentioned nothing about "violence" anywhere. I noted that there is no evidence anywhere of any 'libel' which is why this "suit" is a frivolous publicity stunt.

I put the challenge out there TWO MONTHS ago for anyone to cite any such evidence. Still Zero.

Bit dramatic, innit?

The kid effected a staring smirk, and got caught on video doing it. Because teens will be teens.
That's it, end of story, move the fuck on already. I dunno, to start wailing "my life (or his life) is 'ruined'" just because somebody took a video is just übersnowflakery.
He got suspended from school. He was receiving threats. His family was receiving threats. People all over the country was calling him a racist and all kinds of shit.
It was more than embarrassment.
That kid did nothing wrong. That indian is a fucking dipshit
I do enjoy how you pretend to know everything though. Its even funnier how you are usually wrong.

Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to bring consequences. Gotta man up to that. If some outside observers overreacted to a viral video, that overreaction is on them. You can't blame the fact that a video exists.

He's lucky his troll bait was not taken. Could have been a riot. Lesson learned.

You Nazi Tards are vile vulgar organisms…..

A kid with a smirk has made fools of all of you….

You suggest that the actions of this kid who did nothing

more than smirk at the racist Crowd and Chief Bully

somehow justifies violence against himself……

I say bring it on mother flucker……

You Nazi's need to be taught some manners…

I mentioned nothing about "violence" anywhere. I noted that there is no evidence anywhere of any 'libel' which is why this "suit" is a frivolous publicity stunt.

I put the challenge out there TWO MONTHS ago for anyone to cite any such evidence. Still Zero.


You are full of shit…..

Here’s what you said in post # 34

Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to

bring consequences. Gotta man up to that.

I didn't write it as a haiku but yes those are my words.

What about it? Smirk-Boi wants to (read: was coached to) call it a "smile" after the video got out, instead of owning up to what he did.
Wow, his parents must have a lot of money, to be able to spend so much on frivolous lawsuits.

You are one Dumb Ass Tard....

So you think the parents are spending money on these lawsuits....

You Tards shouldn't be allowed to roam free......
He got suspended from school. He was receiving threats. His family was receiving threats. People all over the country was calling him a racist and all kinds of shit.
It was more than embarrassment.
That kid did nothing wrong. That indian is a fucking dipshit
I do enjoy how you pretend to know everything though. Its even funnier how you are usually wrong.

Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to bring consequences. Gotta man up to that. If some outside observers overreacted to a viral video, that overreaction is on them. You can't blame the fact that a video exists.

He's lucky his troll bait was not taken. Could have been a riot. Lesson learned.

You Nazi Tards are vile vulgar organisms…..

A kid with a smirk has made fools of all of you….

You suggest that the actions of this kid who did nothing

more than smirk at the racist Crowd and Chief Bully

somehow justifies violence against himself……

I say bring it on mother flucker……

You Nazi's need to be taught some manners…

I mentioned nothing about "violence" anywhere. I noted that there is no evidence anywhere of any 'libel' which is why this "suit" is a frivolous publicity stunt.

I put the challenge out there TWO MONTHS ago for anyone to cite any such evidence. Still Zero.

He got suspended from school. He was receiving threats. His family was receiving threats. People all over the country was calling him a racist and all kinds of shit.
It was more than embarrassment.
That kid did nothing wrong. That indian is a fucking dipshit
I do enjoy how you pretend to know everything though. Its even funnier how you are usually wrong.

Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to bring consequences. Gotta man up to that. If some outside observers overreacted to a viral video, that overreaction is on them. You can't blame the fact that a video exists.

He's lucky his troll bait was not taken. Could have been a riot. Lesson learned.

You Nazi Tards are vile vulgar organisms…..

A kid with a smirk has made fools of all of you….

You suggest that the actions of this kid who did nothing

more than smirk at the racist Crowd and Chief Bully

somehow justifies violence against himself……

I say bring it on mother flucker……

You Nazi's need to be taught some manners…

I mentioned nothing about "violence" anywhere. I noted that there is no evidence anywhere of any 'libel' which is why this "suit" is a frivolous publicity stunt.

I put the challenge out there TWO MONTHS ago for anyone to cite any such evidence. Still Zero.


You are full of shit…..

Here’s what you said in post # 34

Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to

bring consequences. Gotta man up to that.

I didn't write it as a haiku but yes those are my words.

What about it? Smirk-Boi wants to (read: was coached to) call it a "smile" after the video got out, instead of owning up to what he did.

Haiku or not you were proven to be Full of Shit......
Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to bring consequences. Gotta man up to that. If some outside observers overreacted to a viral video, that overreaction is on them. You can't blame the fact that a video exists.

He's lucky his troll bait was not taken. Could have been a riot. Lesson learned.

You Nazi Tards are vile vulgar organisms…..

A kid with a smirk has made fools of all of you….

You suggest that the actions of this kid who did nothing

more than smirk at the racist Crowd and Chief Bully

somehow justifies violence against himself……

I say bring it on mother flucker……

You Nazi's need to be taught some manners…

I mentioned nothing about "violence" anywhere. I noted that there is no evidence anywhere of any 'libel' which is why this "suit" is a frivolous publicity stunt.

I put the challenge out there TWO MONTHS ago for anyone to cite any such evidence. Still Zero.

Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to bring consequences. Gotta man up to that. If some outside observers overreacted to a viral video, that overreaction is on them. You can't blame the fact that a video exists.

He's lucky his troll bait was not taken. Could have been a riot. Lesson learned.

You Nazi Tards are vile vulgar organisms…..

A kid with a smirk has made fools of all of you….

You suggest that the actions of this kid who did nothing

more than smirk at the racist Crowd and Chief Bully

somehow justifies violence against himself……

I say bring it on mother flucker……

You Nazi's need to be taught some manners…

I mentioned nothing about "violence" anywhere. I noted that there is no evidence anywhere of any 'libel' which is why this "suit" is a frivolous publicity stunt.

I put the challenge out there TWO MONTHS ago for anyone to cite any such evidence. Still Zero.


You are full of shit…..

Here’s what you said in post # 34

Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to

bring consequences. Gotta man up to that.

I didn't write it as a haiku but yes those are my words.

What about it? Smirk-Boi wants to (read: was coached to) call it a "smile" after the video got out, instead of owning up to what he did.

Haiku or not you were proven to be Full of Shit......

Oh WAS I now.

Perhaps I blinked while somebody actually answered my two-month-old challenge to find any evidence of "libel"?

Nope, don't see it.
Wow, his parents must have a lot of money, to be able to spend so much on frivolous lawsuits.

You are one Dumb Ass Tard....

So you think the parents are spending money on these lawsuits....

You Tards shouldn't be allowed to roam free......

I actually agree with you on this one. I posted way earlier about how Mitch McConnell's PR firm is behind this.
And what makes it PR rather than legitimate legal action.
Thoroughness...I can't help but love it. I love a man who not only knows how to clean house, but actually does it when so many people most likely consider it to be a woman's job. :D :D :D

God bless you and that boy always!!!


Why are you against free speech?

EXACTLY what was done or said by anyone that makes you say you "love" that this child is being used this way?

They went looking for trouble and they got it. And now their widdo feewings are all hurt and stuff.

magats are such fragile little cupcakes.

You Tards and your twisted lying FAKE NEWS media are going to pay for your dirty deeds.

This kid is going to be smirking all the way to the bank.......

This is going to be so much fun to watch....

Are we having a Flucking blast or what? :fu:
You Nazi Tards are vile vulgar organisms…..

A kid with a smirk has made fools of all of you….

You suggest that the actions of this kid who did nothing

more than smirk at the racist Crowd and Chief Bully

somehow justifies violence against himself……

I say bring it on mother flucker……

You Nazi's need to be taught some manners…

I mentioned nothing about "violence" anywhere. I noted that there is no evidence anywhere of any 'libel' which is why this "suit" is a frivolous publicity stunt.

I put the challenge out there TWO MONTHS ago for anyone to cite any such evidence. Still Zero.

You Nazi Tards are vile vulgar organisms…..

A kid with a smirk has made fools of all of you….

You suggest that the actions of this kid who did nothing

more than smirk at the racist Crowd and Chief Bully

somehow justifies violence against himself……

I say bring it on mother flucker……

You Nazi's need to be taught some manners…

I mentioned nothing about "violence" anywhere. I noted that there is no evidence anywhere of any 'libel' which is why this "suit" is a frivolous publicity stunt.

I put the challenge out there TWO MONTHS ago for anyone to cite any such evidence. Still Zero.


You are full of shit…..

Here’s what you said in post # 34

Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to

bring consequences. Gotta man up to that.

I didn't write it as a haiku but yes those are my words.

What about it? Smirk-Boi wants to (read: was coached to) call it a "smile" after the video got out, instead of owning up to what he did.

Haiku or not you were proven to be Full of Shit......

Oh WAS I now.

Perhaps I blinked while somebody actually answered my two-month-old challenge to find any evidence of "libel"?

Nope, don't see it.

Your deflection is noted...

You were proven to be full of Shit...

But then again we already knew that....

You're a Tard...……….
You live on an imaginary planet of phony scandals and character assassination and misinformation, super duper... Law enforcement and all respected journalists think you are nuts. It is Rupert Murdoch ridiculous demagogues and Dupes like you, you're a disgrace. After 35 years of your giveaway to the rich, we have the worst upward Mobility, inequality, and benefits in the modern world.

You are a Super Duper Strange Dumb Ass Super Duper.....
The GOP brainwash is very strong I know LOL.....

You don't know Shit you Super Duper Tard......
"hooked nose" anti-semitism on the Right here, folks.

It's you on the left that hates the Jews...

Do you not own a TV or a radio?

Just ask omar and all of her liberal defenders...
We are not crazy about right-wing Israeli government flight Ariel Sharon and netanyahu.... As usual you GOP dupes are brainwashed simpletons....

We know you lefties Hate Jews.
You live on an imaginary planet of phony scandals and character assassination and misinformation, super duper... Law enforcement and all respected journalists think you are nuts. It is Rupert Murdoch ridiculous demagogues and Dupes like you, you're a disgrace. After 35 years of your giveaway to the rich, we have the worst upward Mobility, inequality, and benefits in the modern world.

Those poor, useless democrats, can't do a thing if there's even one Republican around to look sideways at them. Why do you vote for them?
Because I am not a brainwashed functional moron? With this GOP reconciliation and filibuster rule, it only takes 51 Senate votes to cut taxes on the rich, and 60 to pass reform that the country definitely desperately needs.

You vote for people who don't give you what you want, who don't even publicly push for what you want. That's kind of stupid.

You know that Senate rules can easily be changed, as Harry Reid proved with his nuclear option, so once again you're left with useless democrats afraid a Republican will say boo to them.
He got suspended from school. He was receiving threats. His family was receiving threats. People all over the country was calling him a racist and all kinds of shit.
It was more than embarrassment.
That kid did nothing wrong. That indian is a fucking dipshit
I do enjoy how you pretend to know everything though. Its even funnier how you are usually wrong.

Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to bring consequences. Gotta man up to that. If some outside observers overreacted to a viral video, that overreaction is on them. You can't blame the fact that a video exists.

He's lucky his troll bait was not taken. Could have been a riot. Lesson learned.

You Nazi Tards are vile vulgar organisms…..

A kid with a smirk has made fools of all of you….

You suggest that the actions of this kid who did nothing

more than smirk at the racist Crowd and Chief Bully

somehow justifies violence against himself……

I say bring it on mother flucker……

You Nazi's need to be taught some manners…

I mentioned nothing about "violence" anywhere. I noted that there is no evidence anywhere of any 'libel' which is why this "suit" is a frivolous publicity stunt.

I put the challenge out there TWO MONTHS ago for anyone to cite any such evidence. Still Zero.

He got suspended from school. He was receiving threats. His family was receiving threats. People all over the country was calling him a racist and all kinds of shit.
It was more than embarrassment.
That kid did nothing wrong. That indian is a fucking dipshit
I do enjoy how you pretend to know everything though. Its even funnier how you are usually wrong.

Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to bring consequences. Gotta man up to that. If some outside observers overreacted to a viral video, that overreaction is on them. You can't blame the fact that a video exists.

He's lucky his troll bait was not taken. Could have been a riot. Lesson learned.

You Nazi Tards are vile vulgar organisms…..

A kid with a smirk has made fools of all of you….

You suggest that the actions of this kid who did nothing

more than smirk at the racist Crowd and Chief Bully

somehow justifies violence against himself……

I say bring it on mother flucker……

You Nazi's need to be taught some manners…

I mentioned nothing about "violence" anywhere. I noted that there is no evidence anywhere of any 'libel' which is why this "suit" is a frivolous publicity stunt.

I put the challenge out there TWO MONTHS ago for anyone to cite any such evidence. Still Zero.


You are full of shit…..

Here’s what you said in post # 34

Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to

bring consequences. Gotta man up to that.

I didn't write it as a haiku but yes those are my words.

What about it? Smirk-Boi wants to (read: was coached to) call it a "smile" after the video got out, instead of owning up to what he did.

Which was to stand quietly, doing nothing while an adult got in his face. Said adult should have known better.
GOES without saying i suppose but i hope that the 'SMILING' Catholic Sandman kid wins big . He should be an Inspiration to other young males that have been pushed around by weirdos eh ?? And like i said and asked a few weeks ago in another Sandman thread , we will see what happens eh Pogo ??
Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to bring consequences. Gotta man up to that. If some outside observers overreacted to a viral video, that overreaction is on them. You can't blame the fact that a video exists.

He's lucky his troll bait was not taken. Could have been a riot. Lesson learned.

You Nazi Tards are vile vulgar organisms…..

A kid with a smirk has made fools of all of you….

You suggest that the actions of this kid who did nothing

more than smirk at the racist Crowd and Chief Bully

somehow justifies violence against himself……

I say bring it on mother flucker……

You Nazi's need to be taught some manners…

I mentioned nothing about "violence" anywhere. I noted that there is no evidence anywhere of any 'libel' which is why this "suit" is a frivolous publicity stunt.

I put the challenge out there TWO MONTHS ago for anyone to cite any such evidence. Still Zero.

Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to bring consequences. Gotta man up to that. If some outside observers overreacted to a viral video, that overreaction is on them. You can't blame the fact that a video exists.

He's lucky his troll bait was not taken. Could have been a riot. Lesson learned.

You Nazi Tards are vile vulgar organisms…..

A kid with a smirk has made fools of all of you….

You suggest that the actions of this kid who did nothing

more than smirk at the racist Crowd and Chief Bully

somehow justifies violence against himself……

I say bring it on mother flucker……

You Nazi's need to be taught some manners…

I mentioned nothing about "violence" anywhere. I noted that there is no evidence anywhere of any 'libel' which is why this "suit" is a frivolous publicity stunt.

I put the challenge out there TWO MONTHS ago for anyone to cite any such evidence. Still Zero.


You are full of shit…..

Here’s what you said in post # 34

Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to

bring consequences. Gotta man up to that.

I didn't write it as a haiku but yes those are my words.

What about it? Smirk-Boi wants to (read: was coached to) call it a "smile" after the video got out, instead of owning up to what he did.

Which was to stand quietly, doing nothing while an adult got in his face. Said adult should have known better.

Said adult apparently did know better. He didn't take the bait, did he.
GOES without saying i suppose but i hope that the 'SMILING' Catholic Sandman kid wins big . He should be an Inspiration to other young males that have been pushed around by weirdos eh ?? And like i said and asked a few weeks ago in another Sandman thread , we will see what happens eh Pogo ??

Yep. I remember you did say that.

And we're still waiting. Aren't we. I've been waiting two months myself. That is, if you can call something you don't expect to ever happen, "waiting".
Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to bring consequences. Gotta man up to that. If some outside observers overreacted to a viral video, that overreaction is on them. You can't blame the fact that a video exists.

He's lucky his troll bait was not taken. Could have been a riot. Lesson learned.

You Nazi Tards are vile vulgar organisms…..

A kid with a smirk has made fools of all of you….

You suggest that the actions of this kid who did nothing

more than smirk at the racist Crowd and Chief Bully

somehow justifies violence against himself……

I say bring it on mother flucker……

You Nazi's need to be taught some manners…

I mentioned nothing about "violence" anywhere. I noted that there is no evidence anywhere of any 'libel' which is why this "suit" is a frivolous publicity stunt.

I put the challenge out there TWO MONTHS ago for anyone to cite any such evidence. Still Zero.

Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to bring consequences. Gotta man up to that. If some outside observers overreacted to a viral video, that overreaction is on them. You can't blame the fact that a video exists.

He's lucky his troll bait was not taken. Could have been a riot. Lesson learned.

You Nazi Tards are vile vulgar organisms…..

A kid with a smirk has made fools of all of you….

You suggest that the actions of this kid who did nothing

more than smirk at the racist Crowd and Chief Bully

somehow justifies violence against himself……

I say bring it on mother flucker……

You Nazi's need to be taught some manners…

I mentioned nothing about "violence" anywhere. I noted that there is no evidence anywhere of any 'libel' which is why this "suit" is a frivolous publicity stunt.

I put the challenge out there TWO MONTHS ago for anyone to cite any such evidence. Still Zero.


You are full of shit…..

Here’s what you said in post # 34

Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to

bring consequences. Gotta man up to that.

I didn't write it as a haiku but yes those are my words.

What about it? Smirk-Boi wants to (read: was coached to) call it a "smile" after the video got out, instead of owning up to what he did.

Which was to stand quietly, doing nothing while an adult got in his face. Said adult should have known better.
----------------------------------------- and the Sandman kid was supposed to meekly move aside . And the kid was actually pretty meek and polite as he merely smiled at the weirdo .
You Nazi Tards are vile vulgar organisms…..

A kid with a smirk has made fools of all of you….

You suggest that the actions of this kid who did nothing

more than smirk at the racist Crowd and Chief Bully

somehow justifies violence against himself……

I say bring it on mother flucker……

You Nazi's need to be taught some manners…

I mentioned nothing about "violence" anywhere. I noted that there is no evidence anywhere of any 'libel' which is why this "suit" is a frivolous publicity stunt.

I put the challenge out there TWO MONTHS ago for anyone to cite any such evidence. Still Zero.

You Nazi Tards are vile vulgar organisms…..

A kid with a smirk has made fools of all of you….

You suggest that the actions of this kid who did nothing

more than smirk at the racist Crowd and Chief Bully

somehow justifies violence against himself……

I say bring it on mother flucker……

You Nazi's need to be taught some manners…

I mentioned nothing about "violence" anywhere. I noted that there is no evidence anywhere of any 'libel' which is why this "suit" is a frivolous publicity stunt.

I put the challenge out there TWO MONTHS ago for anyone to cite any such evidence. Still Zero.


You are full of shit…..

Here’s what you said in post # 34

Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to

bring consequences. Gotta man up to that.

I didn't write it as a haiku but yes those are my words.

What about it? Smirk-Boi wants to (read: was coached to) call it a "smile" after the video got out, instead of owning up to what he did.

Which was to stand quietly, doing nothing while an adult got in his face. Said adult should have known better.

Said adult apparently did know better. He didn't take the bait, did he.

The kid didn't react to the adult's provocation and did nothing to provoke the adult, yet he was smeared by a media eager to jump on a fake bandwagon.
Mommy and daddy are pimping him out, bigly. He was an ass on that one day. He probably doesn't deserve the ridicule his old man and old lady bringing his way.

The hat is a sign of mental retardation....
I wonder if he will arrive in court with a wheelchair, hard collar, on
Mommy and daddy are pimping him out, bigly. He was an ass on that one day. He probably doesn't deserve the ridicule his old man and old lady bringing his way.

The hat is a sign of mental retardation....
I wonder if he will arrive in court with a wheelchair, hard collar, on
I mentioned nothing about "violence" anywhere. I noted that there is no evidence anywhere of any 'libel' which is why this "suit" is a frivolous publicity stunt.

I put the challenge out there TWO MONTHS ago for anyone to cite any such evidence. Still Zero.

I mentioned nothing about "violence" anywhere. I noted that there is no evidence anywhere of any 'libel' which is why this "suit" is a frivolous publicity stunt.

I put the challenge out there TWO MONTHS ago for anyone to cite any such evidence. Still Zero.


You are full of shit…..

Here’s what you said in post # 34

Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to

bring consequences. Gotta man up to that.

I didn't write it as a haiku but yes those are my words.

What about it? Smirk-Boi wants to (read: was coached to) call it a "smile" after the video got out, instead of owning up to what he did.

Which was to stand quietly, doing nothing while an adult got in his face. Said adult should have known better.

Said adult apparently did know better. He didn't take the bait, did he.

The kid didn't react to the adult's provocation and did nothing to provoke the adult, yet he was smeared by a media eager to jump on a fake bandwagon.

And yet ------- nobody can show any evidence of that "smear". Been waiting two months.

Strange, isn't it?

But yes, the old man didn't react to the kid's provocation, which is a good thing. Could have gotten ugly, and then we would have had a real story instead of a fake one.

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