After Suing CNN, Sandmann’s legal team now targeting Bill Maher, Kathy Griffin, HBO, NBC and AP

Then Trump is in deep shit if butthurt little Nicky wins
Cite examples.
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer
She's a public figure, dumbass. Sandman is not.
Doesn’t matter. Trump knew he was being false and reckless. Not only did the networks and reporters not know, it’s still arguable that their reporting was 100% correct; which in my opinion, it was.
Not only did the networks and reporters not know, it’s still arguable that their reporting was 100% correct; which in my opinion, it was.
Ummm, just like a doctor gets slapped with a malpractice suit
for gross negligence or carelessness on their part,
for causing a patient unnecessary problems....

if ANY of the reporters would have done their job
and did thorough investigations, to begin with...

They would not have become casualties
of their own narrative they’ve been feeding the public


What's to investigate? The story was that "there's this video of a smirk". Whelp --- there was. There still is. And?
No shit, this is great news! 'Bout time somebody held the media accountable for their slander and character assassination. And I agree 100% about that dickhead Bill Maher. He's the most obnoxious prick in Hollywood.

Got an example of this here "slander"? (Actually in media it would be libel but still, same question)
They lied about the incident, asshole. Tried to say Sandman was harassing the drunken Indian when it was the other way around...asshole.

Okay. *SHOW ME* where "they" said that.

I mean this is a six-word sentence. Shouldn't take two months to figure out.
kid SMILED and did nothing Wrong , now its in the hands of Lawyers . I'll wait and see what happens in the legal world Pogo .
smirk looks like a SMILE to me . Course , even if a smirk in some people Opinion smirks are LEGAL in the USA , Land of the Free Pogo .
smirk looks like a SMILE to me . Course , even if a smirk in some people Opinion smirks are LEGAL in the USA , Land of the Free Pogo .

There is no question of what's "LEGAL". Nobody anywhere suggested that.

The difference between a smirk and a smile depends on the context and body language. The only one that can possibly apply in this context is "smirk". Because a "smile" is a sign of cooperation, not one of challenge.

Again, not a legal question either way. Just don't stand there and lie about what you did in spite of the evidence. We're fostering a culture of complete evasion of responsibility.

Look, the kid's a teenager, he's easily influenced by McConnell's PR people and has much to learn. But having attorneys bluster about libel suits they can't possibly prosecute is just bullshit.
as I've said throughout this and other threads , Sandman did nothing wrong . We will see what happen in the legal court world Pogo .
Then Trump is in deep shit if butthurt little Nicky wins
Cite examples.
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer
There is ample evidence of Hillary being criminal. What’s more, she’s a public figure so the libel and slander laws are different.
If Hillary is a criminal, why has she NEVER been convicted of anything, even after many con investigations or accusations?
God I am embarrassed for you to expose your stupidity in fron of all of us.
Is that the best response you can muster?
No specifics?
How lame.
Snowflakery at its ugliest.

There can be no criticism of an Authoritarian. Free speech be thou a damned thing in Trumpland!

Smearing the reputation of a teenager and calling for violence to be done to him when all he did was stand there smiling as an adult attempted to provoke him is reprehensible. This isn't about "free speech"'s about people who should know better acting totally irresponsibly and being held accountable for their actions!
as I've said throughout this and other threads , Sandman did nothing wrong . We will see what happen in the legal court world Pogo .

I see we've backed up from "LEGAL" to "right and wrong".

Again, it's not a yuge issue. The kid committed a social transgression and got videoed. Bigly deal. But CNN and the media simply reported that there was this video going viral --- they did nothing wrong either.

Unless ---- again, as I've been saying for two months ---- somebody can show us where they did. Absent that, this fake lawsuit is bullshit. It's trying to use the courts as a truncheon to stifle the media. And that's what's important here --- when we have entites trying to stifle journalism EVERYBODY's hair should be standing up on the back of their neck.
as I've said throughout this and other threads , Sandman did nothing wrong . We will see what happen in the legal court world Pogo .

I see we've backed up from "LEGAL" to "right and wrong".

Again, it's not a yuge issue. The kid committed a social transgression and got videoed. Bigly deal. But CNN and the media simply reported that there was this video going viral --- they did nothing wrong either.

Unless ---- again, as I've been saying for two months ---- somebody can show us where they did. Absent that, this fake lawsuit is bullshit. It's trying to use the courts as a truncheon to stifle the media.
------------------------------- all I said is , kid did nothing WRONG . I do want to see the kid vindicated though as having down nothing wrong and the 'indian' get his azz kicked as he tries to intimidate a ' widdle kid ' with guts . But , I will wait and see what happens Pogo .
Snowflakery at its ugliest.

There can be no criticism of an Authoritarian. Free speech be thou a damned thing in Trumpland!
The kids life was almost ruined. Over nothing.

Why is the right raising their kids to be such fragile little sissy cupcakes?

Why not raise them to take responsibility for what they say and do.

Never mind. The parents don't do that so how can they teach it to their kids.

Thing is, the day will come when mommy and daddy won't be able to protect them an they'll have not choice but to face the consequences of their words and actions.

Take responsibility? Seems the press and Nathan need to do that, aren’t they already adults?

The kid stood nose-to-nose trolling with a smirk. No big deal, kids do that. Just MAN UP to it and quit hiding behind a prepared PR script. That's all there is to it.

The adult approached the minor. That's not the kid's fault. The adult got in the minor's face, beating a drum and chanting. That's also not the kid's fault. The minor did not speak to the adult. The minor did not attempt to physically remove the adult from his personal space. He smiled.

For all that, you insist he's somehow responsible for the incident. Dumb.
Snowflakery at its ugliest.

There can be no criticism of an Authoritarian. Free speech be thou a damned thing in Trumpland!
The kids life was almost ruined. Over nothing.

Why is the right raising their kids to be such fragile little sissy cupcakes?

Why not raise them to take responsibility for what they say and do.

Never mind. The parents don't do that so how can they teach it to their kids.

Thing is, the day will come when mommy and daddy won't be able to protect them an they'll have not choice but to face the consequences of their words and actions.

Take responsibility? Seems the press and Nathan need to do that, aren’t they already adults?

The kid stood nose-to-nose trolling with a smirk. No big deal, kids do that. Just MAN UP to it and quit hiding behind a prepared PR script. That's all there is to it.

The adult approached the minor. That's not the kid's fault. The adult got in the minor's face, beating a drum and chanting. That's also not the kid's fault. The minor did not speak to the adult. The minor did not attempt to physically remove the adult from his personal space. He smiled.

For all that, you insist he's somehow responsible for the incident. Dumb.

Once AGAIN I said nothing about who's "responsible for the incident". I did note who's not responsible when some wag tried the old sagging deflection of "b-but but the racist black guys over there" which had zero to do with the Smirk. That's a deflection intended to shift the spotlight off the Smirk -- and that's what I do, call fouls on bad logic.

The Smirk Boy is responsible for the Smirk. That's it, end of story.
as I've said throughout this and other threads , Sandman did nothing wrong . We will see what happen in the legal court world Pogo .

I see we've backed up from "LEGAL" to "right and wrong".

Again, it's not a yuge issue. The kid committed a social transgression and got videoed. Bigly deal. But CNN and the media simply reported that there was this video going viral --- they did nothing wrong either.

Unless ---- again, as I've been saying for two months ---- somebody can show us where they did. Absent that, this fake lawsuit is bullshit. It's trying to use the courts as a truncheon to stifle the media.
------------------------------- all I said is , kid did nothing WRONG . I do want to see the kid vindicated though as having down nothing wrong and the 'indian' get his azz kicked as he tries to intimidate a ' widdle kid ' with guts . But , I will wait and see what happens Pogo .

Yep I think we've established by now that we'll all wait and see what happens. We're still waiting to see what happens with that fake Sean Spicer libel threat from last summer too. Again, same thing ---- no evidence, no suit.

Remarkably similar in fact --- in that case AP reported that an incident happened and there was video of it. Which was completely true. Another attempt at suppressing the news with a bluster of pseudolegalistic bullshit.

Sorry, I have a modicum of experience in legalese and this kind of thing just stands out waving its arms.
Wow, his parents must have a lot of money, to be able to spend so much on frivolous lawsuits.
Leftist bullshiters seem quite upset that their lying media comrades in the Fifth Column may finally pay the price for their slanderous lies.
One of the most prominent libel lawyers in the country, who in the aftermath of the Atlanta Olympics successfully sued the same media goons who lied about Covington, is running this show and that's hardly "frivolous".

I feel your pain.
just some info , Sandman video on YOUTUBE . I don't know if its new or old video . ------------------- --- ---
as I've said throughout this and other threads , Sandman did nothing wrong . We will see what happen in the legal court world Pogo .

I see we've backed up from "LEGAL" to "right and wrong".

Again, it's not a yuge issue. The kid committed a social transgression and got videoed. Bigly deal. But CNN and the media simply reported that there was this video going viral --- they did nothing wrong either.

Unless ---- again, as I've been saying for two months ---- somebody can show us where they did. Absent that, this fake lawsuit is bullshit. It's trying to use the courts as a truncheon to stifle the media. And that's what's important here --- when we have entites trying to stifle journalism EVERYBODY's hair should be standing up on the back of their neck.

That display of wanton ignorance fits the definition of "journalism"? Don't make me laugh, Pogo! This isn't about "stifling"'s about practicing it in the first place!
No shit, this is great news! 'Bout time somebody held the media accountable for their slander and character assassination. And I agree 100% about that dickhead Bill Maher. He's the most obnoxious prick in Hollywood.

Got an example of this here "slander"? (Actually in media it would be libel but still, same question)
They lied about the incident, asshole. Tried to say Sandman was harassing the drunken Indian when it was the other way around...asshole.

Okay. *SHOW ME* where "they" said that.

I mean this is a six-word sentence. Shouldn't take two months to figure out.
I don't have to show you shit. You're nobody. If your memory is that bad, try youtube or google to get your proof, although we all know that's not what you're looking for.
No shit, this is great news! 'Bout time somebody held the media accountable for their slander and character assassination. And I agree 100% about that dickhead Bill Maher. He's the most obnoxious prick in Hollywood.

Got an example of this here "slander"? (Actually in media it would be libel but still, same question)
They lied about the incident, asshole. Tried to say Sandman was harassing the drunken Indian when it was the other way around...asshole.

Okay. *SHOW ME* where "they" said that.

I mean this is a six-word sentence. Shouldn't take two months to figure out.
I don't have to show you shit. You're nobody. If your memory is that bad, try youtube or google to get your proof, although we all know that's not what you're looking for.

Hey, I put the open question out there TWO MONTHS ago. Literally nobody has ever presented any evidence.

Literally not once. None. Zero.

It's your claim, ergo your burden of proof, not mine. BRING that, and we'll have a starting point. Be the first. Until then it's a lot of echobabblicious mythological bullshit.
Hey, I put the open question out there TWO MONTHS ago. Literally nobody has ever presented any evidence.
Nobody cares what question you put out there two months ago or any other time.
It's your claim, ergo your burden of proof, not mine. BRING that, and we'll have a starting point.
And I have to prove something to you, why? It's not like you're looking for the truth or something.

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