After Suing CNN, Sandmann’s legal team now targeting Bill Maher, Kathy Griffin, HBO, NBC and AP

Mommy and daddy are pimping him out, bigly. He was an ass on that one day. He probably doesn't deserve the ridicule his old man and old lady bringing his way.

The hat is a sign of mental retardation....
I wonder if he will arrive in court with a wheelchair, hard collar, on

That's stupid.
You are full of shit…..

Here’s what you said in post # 34

Hey, he initiated a smirking contest, and that's inevitably going to

bring consequences. Gotta man up to that.

I didn't write it as a haiku but yes those are my words.

What about it? Smirk-Boi wants to (read: was coached to) call it a "smile" after the video got out, instead of owning up to what he did.

Which was to stand quietly, doing nothing while an adult got in his face. Said adult should have known better.

Said adult apparently did know better. He didn't take the bait, did he.

The kid didn't react to the adult's provocation and did nothing to provoke the adult, yet he was smeared by a media eager to jump on a fake bandwagon.

And yet ------- nobody can show any evidence of that "smear". Been waiting two months.

Strange, isn't it?

But yes, the old man didn't react to the kid's provocation, which is a good thing. Could have gotten ugly, and then we would have had a real story instead of a fake one.

The kid provoked no one. The adult tried, but was unsuccessful because the kid was too mature. The media was eager to launch their smear attempt, but had to backtrack when it became obvious what really happened.

But we all knew that.
I didn't write it as a haiku but yes those are my words.

What about it? Smirk-Boi wants to (read: was coached to) call it a "smile" after the video got out, instead of owning up to what he did.

Which was to stand quietly, doing nothing while an adult got in his face. Said adult should have known better.

Said adult apparently did know better. He didn't take the bait, did he.

The kid didn't react to the adult's provocation and did nothing to provoke the adult, yet he was smeared by a media eager to jump on a fake bandwagon.

And yet ------- nobody can show any evidence of that "smear". Been waiting two months.

Strange, isn't it?

But yes, the old man didn't react to the kid's provocation, which is a good thing. Could have gotten ugly, and then we would have had a real story instead of a fake one.

The kid provoked no one. The adult tried, but was unsuccessful because the kid was too mature. The media was eager to launch their smear attempt, but had to backtrack when it became obvious what really happened.

But we all knew that.

And AGAIN ---- nobody has any evidence of any such "smear". Which is what I just said and you ignored.

You don't. The rest of USMB doesn't. The lawsuit doesn't. The challenge to find said evidence is going into its third month. There's nothing to "backtrack".

Say hi to Sean Spicer at the fake libel court.
Kathy Griffin? The same Kathy Griffin who held a facsimle of the bloody head of the President of the United States as a political message? Did she attack that high school kid to try to revive her sagging career?
You live on an imaginary planet of phony scandals and character assassination and misinformation, super duper... Law enforcement and all respected journalists think you are nuts. It is Rupert Murdoch ridiculous demagogues and Dupes like you, you're a disgrace. After 35 years of your giveaway to the rich, we have the worst upward Mobility, inequality, and benefits in the modern world.

You are a Super Duper Strange Dumb Ass Super Duper.....
The GOP brainwash is very strong I know LOL.....

You don't know Shit you Super Duper Tard......
Any arguments? At all? I know we are not taxing the rich enough and we are falling apart. Opportunity is screwed, people did not just get lazy, super dupers.
Which was to stand quietly, doing nothing while an adult got in his face. Said adult should have known better.

Said adult apparently did know better. He didn't take the bait, did he.

The kid didn't react to the adult's provocation and did nothing to provoke the adult, yet he was smeared by a media eager to jump on a fake bandwagon.

And yet ------- nobody can show any evidence of that "smear". Been waiting two months.

Strange, isn't it?

But yes, the old man didn't react to the kid's provocation, which is a good thing. Could have gotten ugly, and then we would have had a real story instead of a fake one.

The kid provoked no one. The adult tried, but was unsuccessful because the kid was too mature. The media was eager to launch their smear attempt, but had to backtrack when it became obvious what really happened.

But we all knew that.

And AGAIN ---- nobody has any evidence of any such "smear". Which is what I just said and you ignored.

You don't. The rest of USMB doesn't. The lawsuit doesn't. The challenge to find said evidence is going into its third month. There's nothing to "backtrack".

Say hi to Sean Spicer at the fake libel court.

The smear was the heated condemnation of the boy before due diligence to get the truth. I never said squat about libel.
Snowflakery at its ugliest.

There can be no criticism of an Authoritarian. Free speech be thou a damned thing in Trumpland!
Libel and slander aren’t free speech. You have to pay for it.
Yeah? Who has paid him? What judgements has he won, besides a special place in your heart?
That’s to be determined in court.
You’re pretty cruel, putting your politics above a kid’s safety.
No shit, this is great news! 'Bout time somebody held the media accountable for their slander and character assassination. And I agree 100% about that dickhead Bill Maher. He's the most obnoxious prick in Hollywood.

Got an example of this here "slander"? (Actually in media it would be libel but still, same question)
They lied about the incident, asshole. Tried to say Sandman was harassing the drunken Indian when it was the other way around...asshole.
Libel and slander aren’t free speech. You have to pay for it.
Then Trump is in deep shit if butthurt little Nicky wins
Cite examples.
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer
She's a public figure, dumbass. Sandman is not.
Doesn’t matter. Trump knew he was being false and reckless. Not only did the networks and reporters not know, it’s still arguable that their reporting was 100% correct; which in my opinion, it was.
Not only did the networks and reporters not know, it’s still arguable that their reporting was 100% correct; which in my opinion, it was.
Ummm, just like a doctor gets slapped with a malpractice suit
for gross negligence or carelessness on their part,
for causing a patient unnecessary problems....

if ANY of the reporters would have done their job
and did thorough investigations, to begin with...

They would not have become casualties
of their own narrative they’ve been feeding the public

Snowflakery at its ugliest.

There can be no criticism of an Authoritarian. Free speech be thou a damned thing in Trumpland!
The kids life was almost ruined. Over nothing.

Why is the right raising their kids to be such fragile little sissy cupcakes?

Why not raise them to take responsibility for what they say and do.

Never mind. The parents don't do that so how can they teach it to their kids.

Thing is, the day will come when mommy and daddy won't be able to protect them an they'll have not choice but to face the consequences of their words and actions.

Take responsibility? Seems the press and Nathan need to do that, aren’t they already adults?
You live on an imaginary planet of phony scandals and character assassination and misinformation, super duper... Law enforcement and all respected journalists think you are nuts. It is Rupert Murdoch ridiculous demagogues and Dupes like you, you're a disgrace. After 35 years of your giveaway to the rich, we have the worst upward Mobility, inequality, and benefits in the modern world.

You are a Super Duper Strange Dumb Ass Super Duper.....
The GOP brainwash is very strong I know LOL.....

You don't know Shit you Super Duper Tard......
Any arguments? At all? I know we are not taxing the rich enough and we are falling apart. Opportunity is screwed, people did not just get lazy, super dupers.

Enough for what? How much do you actually think you could get by taxing "the rich" more? Certainly not enough to pay for all the new spending that democrats would immediately do.

You're left with envy and the desire to punish.
Said adult apparently did know better. He didn't take the bait, did he.

The kid didn't react to the adult's provocation and did nothing to provoke the adult, yet he was smeared by a media eager to jump on a fake bandwagon.

And yet ------- nobody can show any evidence of that "smear". Been waiting two months.

Strange, isn't it?

But yes, the old man didn't react to the kid's provocation, which is a good thing. Could have gotten ugly, and then we would have had a real story instead of a fake one.

The kid provoked no one. The adult tried, but was unsuccessful because the kid was too mature. The media was eager to launch their smear attempt, but had to backtrack when it became obvious what really happened.

But we all knew that.

And AGAIN ---- nobody has any evidence of any such "smear". Which is what I just said and you ignored.

You don't. The rest of USMB doesn't. The lawsuit doesn't. The challenge to find said evidence is going into its third month. There's nothing to "backtrack".

Say hi to Sean Spicer at the fake libel court.

The smear was the heated condemnation of the boy before due diligence to get the truth. I never said squat about libel.

Call it whatever you want, I don't care. I just want to SEE it.

You know, to prove it ever existed and isn't just a myth of Echobubble "Feewings".
Snowflakery at its ugliest.

There can be no criticism of an Authoritarian. Free speech be thou a damned thing in Trumpland!
The kids life was almost ruined. Over nothing.

Why is the right raising their kids to be such fragile little sissy cupcakes?

Why not raise them to take responsibility for what they say and do.

Never mind. The parents don't do that so how can they teach it to their kids.

Thing is, the day will come when mommy and daddy won't be able to protect them an they'll have not choice but to face the consequences of their words and actions.

Take responsibility? Seems the press and Nathan need to do that, aren’t they already adults?

The kid stood nose-to-nose trolling with a smirk. No big deal, kids do that. Just MAN UP to it and quit hiding behind a prepared PR script. That's all there is to it.

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