After The Ball.....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
...the ticker-tape parade, the cheers and the celebrations....

...the nation will be at least as divided as it is now.

1. Make no mistake: the seating of Justice Kavanaugh is a huuuuuugggggge win for constitutionalists, the real Americans, but the Left will not roll over and accept.

2. "...President Obama had a chance to be a unifying leader as our nation’s first black president. Unfortunately, he often chose the way of identity politics, thereby enflaming a spirit of division in our midst.President Trump, by appealing to the dissatisfied state of many Americans, has rallied tens of millions. But in so doing, he has poured salt in our festering wounds, deepening rather than bridging those divides.

3. Never in our lifetimes has America been so divided, and we are in danger of tearing ourselves at the seams. What’s more, it looks like things will only get worse – much worse – in the days ahead.

4. An article on the Study Finds website states that, “It may not be so hard to believe during this murky political landscape, but a new study finds the divide between Democrats and Republicans is the worst it’s ever been, more so than many people may even think.

5. “The research, conducted by Zachary Neal, an associate professor of psychology and global urban studies at Michigan State University, is among the first to measure polarization not only by examining the frequency of parties working together, but also by demonstrating how they’ve grown more distant than any other time in modern history.”

6. With the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh, followed by the midterm elections, that polarization will only increase in the days ahead. That, in turn, will lead to the stiffening of each opposition position, as the left attacks the right and the right attacks the left, confirming each side’s worst suspicions about the other: “You are even worse than I thought you were!”

7. The pro-life movement will be freshly energized with another conservative jurist on the Supreme Court and with a pro-life president at the helm. The pro-abortion movement will be freshly energized as well – not to mention utterly outraged – launching an all-out assault on conservatives and pro-lifers. And this is just one aspect of today’s massive cultural and political divide."
Healing a Fractured Nation

8. The author of the above believes that bridges can be built, agreements reached.
Not I.

9. As long as schools are for indoctrination, rather than learning, and as long as the media remains as duplicitous and in the iron grasp of Leftists, there can be no mending.

10. As for me.....
.... I'm willing to long as everything is exactly the way I want it to be.
...the ticker-tape parade, the cheers and the celebrations....

...the nation will be at least as divided as it is now.

1. Make no mistake: the seating of Justice Kavanaugh is a huuuuuugggggge win for constitutionalists, the real Americans, but the Left will not roll over and accept.

2. "...President Obama had a chance to be a unifying leader as our nation’s first black president. Unfortunately, he often chose the way of identity politics, thereby enflaming a spirit of division in our midst.President Trump, by appealing to the dissatisfied state of many Americans, has rallied tens of millions. But in so doing, he has poured salt in our festering wounds, deepening rather than bridging those divides.

3. Never in our lifetimes has America been so divided, and we are in danger of tearing ourselves at the seams. What’s more, it looks like things will only get worse – much worse – in the days ahead.

4. An article on the Study Finds website states that, “It may not be so hard to believe during this murky political landscape, but a new study finds the divide between Democrats and Republicans is the worst it’s ever been, more so than many people may even think.

5. “The research, conducted by Zachary Neal, an associate professor of psychology and global urban studies at Michigan State University, is among the first to measure polarization not only by examining the frequency of parties working together, but also by demonstrating how they’ve grown more distant than any other time in modern history.”

6. With the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh, followed by the midterm elections, that polarization will only increase in the days ahead. That, in turn, will lead to the stiffening of each opposition position, as the left attacks the right and the right attacks the left, confirming each side’s worst suspicions about the other: “You are even worse than I thought you were!”

7. The pro-life movement will be freshly energized with another conservative jurist on the Supreme Court and with a pro-life president at the helm. The pro-abortion movement will be freshly energized as well – not to mention utterly outraged – launching an all-out assault on conservatives and pro-lifers. And this is just one aspect of today’s massive cultural and political divide."
Healing a Fractured Nation

8. The author of the above believes that bridges can be built, agreements reached.
Not I.

9. As long as schools are for indoctrination, rather than learning, and as long as the media remains as duplicitous and in the iron grasp of Leftists, there can be no mending.

10. As for me.....
.... I'm willing to long as everything is exactly the way I want it to be.

Ultimately, let us observe and see if the radical American left will take the next historical step, cross the blood red line of knives and cannon fire, storm the "Bastille" and free their soon to be newly chained ideological prisoners. Contingencies have been put down. California decays in open revolt against D.C. and we must ask ourselves, how much lower is the radical left American left willing to go before loosing their real opening volley? They just might find the Limbo stick is in fact an allegorical one—and for their poisonous ideology, a soon to be permanent state of being. Myself, I say drop them down, across the Styx, down, down into the Aeneid's Mourning Fields.

Let their wailing commence.
...the ticker-tape parade, the cheers and the celebrations....

...the nation will be at least as divided as it is now.

1. Make no mistake: the seating of Justice Kavanaugh is a huuuuuugggggge win for constitutionalists, the real Americans, but the Left will not roll over and accept.

2. "...President Obama had a chance to be a unifying leader as our nation’s first black president. Unfortunately, he often chose the way of identity politics, thereby enflaming a spirit of division in our midst.President Trump, by appealing to the dissatisfied state of many Americans, has rallied tens of millions. But in so doing, he has poured salt in our festering wounds, deepening rather than bridging those divides.

3. Never in our lifetimes has America been so divided, and we are in danger of tearing ourselves at the seams. What’s more, it looks like things will only get worse – much worse – in the days ahead.

4. An article on the Study Finds website states that, “It may not be so hard to believe during this murky political landscape, but a new study finds the divide between Democrats and Republicans is the worst it’s ever been, more so than many people may even think.

5. “The research, conducted by Zachary Neal, an associate professor of psychology and global urban studies at Michigan State University, is among the first to measure polarization not only by examining the frequency of parties working together, but also by demonstrating how they’ve grown more distant than any other time in modern history.”

6. With the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh, followed by the midterm elections, that polarization will only increase in the days ahead. That, in turn, will lead to the stiffening of each opposition position, as the left attacks the right and the right attacks the left, confirming each side’s worst suspicions about the other: “You are even worse than I thought you were!”

7. The pro-life movement will be freshly energized with another conservative jurist on the Supreme Court and with a pro-life president at the helm. The pro-abortion movement will be freshly energized as well – not to mention utterly outraged – launching an all-out assault on conservatives and pro-lifers. And this is just one aspect of today’s massive cultural and political divide."
Healing a Fractured Nation

8. The author of the above believes that bridges can be built, agreements reached.
Not I.

9. As long as schools are for indoctrination, rather than learning, and as long as the media remains as duplicitous and in the iron grasp of Leftists, there can be no mending.

10. As for me.....
.... I'm willing to long as everything is exactly the way I want it to be.

Ultimately, let us observe and see if the radical American left will take the next historical step, cross the blood red line of knives and cannon fire, storm the "Bastille" and free their soon to be newly chained ideological prisoners. Contingencies have been put down. California decays in open revolt against D.C. and we must ask ourselves, how much lower is the radical left American left willing to go before loosing their real opening volley? They just might find the Limbo stick is in fact an allegorical one—and for their poisonous ideology, a soon to be permanent state of being. Myself, I say drop them down, across the Styx, down, down into the Aeneid's Mourning Fields.

Let their wailing commence.

"let us observe and see if the radical American left will take the next historical step, cross the blood red line of knives and cannon fire, storm the "Bastille" and free their soon to be newly chained ideological prisoners."

Done, and overdone, sonster....

You were on target in mentioning the that Leftist origination led to the rest.

Bolsheviks claimed descent: “Historians of the French Revolution, which the Russians saw as a model for their own…”
Bolshevik Festivals, 1917–1920

And America's Bolsheviks don't take a back seat to any of 'em...

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. ... “
Barack Obama

And these good Democrats.....
"In 2011 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The pot smoking Loughner killed 6 and wounded 18 in another liberal shooting tragedy.
In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes went into a Colorado movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.
In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.
On 9/16/2013, another mentally ill liberal, Aaron Alexis, killed 12 innocents at the Navy Yard in Washington DC."
Guns Don't Kill People, Democrats Kill People
I am hoping Independents were horrified by the Democrats in the last two weeks.
If the Ds take Congress next month, expect divisions to explode. Impeachment hearings will likely begin and the divisiveness will get exponentially worse, with the DNCMSM gladly fanning the flames.
For the Founders, classical liberals, or what are called conservatives today, the belief in a nation based on
Individualism, Free Markets, and Limited Constitutional Government.

From an article provided by our pal ODDBALL:

"To preserve freedom, America’s constitutional republic delineated limits on government. As a consequence, an entrepreneurial-driven market process was unleashed, and the standard of living rose for billions of people all over the globe.

Why don’t we feel awe at this progress? We have, metaphorically speaking, won the lottery by being alive today in America. Is our knowledge of history so limited that we simply are unaware of our good fortune?

The less gratitude we feel, the more we want to control reality. The less respect we have for the entrepreneurial market process that creates wonders, the more we accept and even demand restrictions on our freedom.

The more we accept restrictions on freedom, the more the future will become like the forgotten past; we will not remember how progress is created. A more realistic attitude, fueled by more knowledge of history, might be the antidote for our lack of gratitude."
The Reason So Many Americans Are Ungrateful

Can I get an 'Amen'!!!
For the Founders, classical liberals, or what are called conservatives today, the belief in a nation based on
Individualism, Free Markets, and Limited Constitutional Government.

From an article provided by our pal ODDBALL:

"To preserve freedom, America’s constitutional republic delineated limits on government. As a consequence, an entrepreneurial-driven market process was unleashed, and the standard of living rose for billions of people all over the globe.

Why don’t we feel awe at this progress? We have, metaphorically speaking, won the lottery by being alive today in America. Is our knowledge of history so limited that we simply are unaware of our good fortune?

The less gratitude we feel, the more we want to control reality. The less respect we have for the entrepreneurial market process that creates wonders, the more we accept and even demand restrictions on our freedom.

The more we accept restrictions on freedom, the more the future will become like the forgotten past; we will not remember how progress is created. A more realistic attitude, fueled by more knowledge of history, might be the antidote for our lack of gratitude."
The Reason So Many Americans Are Ungrateful

Can I get an 'Amen'!!!
I am hoping Independents were horrified by the Democrats in the last two weeks.
I’ve talked with several people, democrats and independents, who are disgusted with democrats.

Stats support your view.

NPR reported Wedesday that the fabled “blue wave” might not be as large as Democrats had hoped.

Just over a month away from critical elections across the country, the wide Democratic enthusiasm advantage that has defined the 2018 campaign up to this point has disappeared, according to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll.

In July, there was a 10-point gap between the number of Democrats and Republicans saying the November elections were "very important." Now, that is down to 2 points, a statistical tie.

Notably, the Marist poll showed that while support for Democrat candidates had dropped, the bigger change seemed to be that more Republican voters had decided that the midterm election held a great deal of import."
Has the Kavanaugh Fight Diminished the Fabled ‘Blue Wave’?
Criminals are cheering like crazy over Kavanaugh. Brett Kavanaugh will the first scotus judge to have lied under oath and no Senator cared or even noticed. Criminals can now use Brett's testimony as precedent. You know that precedent thing judges always talk about. But judge sir, you guys lie all the time, let's be fair now. Jury take notice, they may all be lying. 'You are found innocent, that there judge is a known liar. Thank you thank you. See people republicans do do good things for Americans. Bravo American voters a lying president and now a lying judge, what could be finer.

All of Brett Kavanaugh’s Classmates Who Have Accused Him of Lying

Here's what experts who study sexual violence say about the credibility of Christine Blasey Ford's testimony - Los Angeles Times

"Few American institutions have inflicted greater suffering on ordinary people than the Supreme Court of the United States. Since its inception, the justices of the Supreme Court have shaped a nation where children toiled in coal mines, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where a woman could be sterilized against her will by state law."

'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser

Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser
Criminals are cheering like crazy over Kavanaugh. Brett Kavanaugh will the first scotus judge to have lied under oath and no Senator cared or even noticed. Criminals can now use Brett's testimony as precedent. You know that precedent thing judges always talk about. But judge sir, you guys lie all the time, let's be fair now. Jury take notice, they may all be lying. 'You are found innocent, that there judge is a known liar. Thank you thank you. See people republicans do do good things for Americans. Bravo American voters a lying president and now a lying judge, what could be finer.

All of Brett Kavanaugh’s Classmates Who Have Accused Him of Lying

Here's what experts who study sexual violence say about the credibility of Christine Blasey Ford's testimony - Los Angeles Times

"Few American institutions have inflicted greater suffering on ordinary people than the Supreme Court of the United States. Since its inception, the justices of the Supreme Court have shaped a nation where children toiled in coal mines, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where a woman could be sterilized against her will by state law."

'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser

Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser
There’s a reason why voters are taking power away from your party.
...the ticker-tape parade, the cheers and the celebrations....

...the nation will be at least as divided as it is now.

1. Make no mistake: the seating of Justice Kavanaugh is a huuuuuugggggge win for constitutionalists, the real Americans, but the Left will not roll over and accept.

2. "...President Obama had a chance to be a unifying leader as our nation’s first black president. Unfortunately, he often chose the way of identity politics, thereby enflaming a spirit of division in our midst.President Trump, by appealing to the dissatisfied state of many Americans, has rallied tens of millions. But in so doing, he has poured salt in our festering wounds, deepening rather than bridging those divides.

3. Never in our lifetimes has America been so divided, and we are in danger of tearing ourselves at the seams. What’s more, it looks like things will only get worse – much worse – in the days ahead.

4. An article on the Study Finds website states that, “It may not be so hard to believe during this murky political landscape, but a new study finds the divide between Democrats and Republicans is the worst it’s ever been, more so than many people may even think.

5. “The research, conducted by Zachary Neal, an associate professor of psychology and global urban studies at Michigan State University, is among the first to measure polarization not only by examining the frequency of parties working together, but also by demonstrating how they’ve grown more distant than any other time in modern history.”

6. With the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh, followed by the midterm elections, that polarization will only increase in the days ahead. That, in turn, will lead to the stiffening of each opposition position, as the left attacks the right and the right attacks the left, confirming each side’s worst suspicions about the other: “You are even worse than I thought you were!”

7. The pro-life movement will be freshly energized with another conservative jurist on the Supreme Court and with a pro-life president at the helm. The pro-abortion movement will be freshly energized as well – not to mention utterly outraged – launching an all-out assault on conservatives and pro-lifers. And this is just one aspect of today’s massive cultural and political divide."
Healing a Fractured Nation

8. The author of the above believes that bridges can be built, agreements reached.
Not I.

9. As long as schools are for indoctrination, rather than learning, and as long as the media remains as duplicitous and in the iron grasp of Leftists, there can be no mending.

10. As for me.....
.... I'm willing to long as everything is exactly the way I want it to be.
The election of President Obama signaled the beginning of extreme political partisanship

From his first day as President, Republicans vowed to make him fail

They sought to block any effort that would rescue the economy, they voted against EVERY Obama initiative...even ones they supported in the past

Even worse, they embraced the racists of our society as a key part of their constituency. A black man in the White House was a key to fundraising
Criminals are cheering like crazy over Kavanaugh. Brett Kavanaugh will the first scotus judge to have lied under oath and no Senator cared or even noticed. Criminals can now use Brett's testimony as precedent. You know that precedent thing judges always talk about. But judge sir, you guys lie all the time, let's be fair now. Jury take notice, they may all be lying. 'You are found innocent, that there judge is a known liar. Thank you thank you. See people republicans do do good things for Americans. Bravo American voters a lying president and now a lying judge, what could be finer.

All of Brett Kavanaugh’s Classmates Who Have Accused Him of Lying

Here's what experts who study sexual violence say about the credibility of Christine Blasey Ford's testimony - Los Angeles Times

"Few American institutions have inflicted greater suffering on ordinary people than the Supreme Court of the United States. Since its inception, the justices of the Supreme Court have shaped a nation where children toiled in coal mines, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where a woman could be sterilized against her will by state law."

'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser

Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser
You're the liar. You proved nothing and you still crap out lies. Like I have been saying, it's time to declare marshall law and round your traitors up!
...the ticker-tape parade, the cheers and the celebrations....

...the nation will be at least as divided as it is now.

1. Make no mistake: the seating of Justice Kavanaugh is a huuuuuugggggge win for constitutionalists, the real Americans, but the Left will not roll over and accept.

2. "...President Obama had a chance to be a unifying leader as our nation’s first black president. Unfortunately, he often chose the way of identity politics, thereby enflaming a spirit of division in our midst.President Trump, by appealing to the dissatisfied state of many Americans, has rallied tens of millions. But in so doing, he has poured salt in our festering wounds, deepening rather than bridging those divides.

3. Never in our lifetimes has America been so divided, and we are in danger of tearing ourselves at the seams. What’s more, it looks like things will only get worse – much worse – in the days ahead.

4. An article on the Study Finds website states that, “It may not be so hard to believe during this murky political landscape, but a new study finds the divide between Democrats and Republicans is the worst it’s ever been, more so than many people may even think.

5. “The research, conducted by Zachary Neal, an associate professor of psychology and global urban studies at Michigan State University, is among the first to measure polarization not only by examining the frequency of parties working together, but also by demonstrating how they’ve grown more distant than any other time in modern history.”

6. With the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh, followed by the midterm elections, that polarization will only increase in the days ahead. That, in turn, will lead to the stiffening of each opposition position, as the left attacks the right and the right attacks the left, confirming each side’s worst suspicions about the other: “You are even worse than I thought you were!”

7. The pro-life movement will be freshly energized with another conservative jurist on the Supreme Court and with a pro-life president at the helm. The pro-abortion movement will be freshly energized as well – not to mention utterly outraged – launching an all-out assault on conservatives and pro-lifers. And this is just one aspect of today’s massive cultural and political divide."
Healing a Fractured Nation

8. The author of the above believes that bridges can be built, agreements reached.
Not I.

9. As long as schools are for indoctrination, rather than learning, and as long as the media remains as duplicitous and in the iron grasp of Leftists, there can be no mending.

10. As for me.....
.... I'm willing to long as everything is exactly the way I want it to be.
The election of President Obama signaled the beginning of extreme political partisanship

From his first day as President, Republicans vowed to make him fail

They sought to block any effort that would rescue the economy, they voted against EVERY Obama initiative...even ones they supported in the past

Even worse, they embraced the racists of our society as a key part of their constituency. A black man in the White House was a key to fundraising
Still trying to play the race card?

You people never learn. smh
Criminals are cheering like crazy over Kavanaugh. Brett Kavanaugh will the first scotus judge to have lied under oath and no Senator cared or even noticed. Criminals can now use Brett's testimony as precedent. You know that precedent thing judges always talk about. But judge sir, you guys lie all the time, let's be fair now. Jury take notice, they may all be lying. 'You are found innocent, that there judge is a known liar. Thank you thank you. See people republicans do do good things for Americans. Bravo American voters a lying president and now a lying judge, what could be finer.

All of Brett Kavanaugh’s Classmates Who Have Accused Him of Lying

Here's what experts who study sexual violence say about the credibility of Christine Blasey Ford's testimony - Los Angeles Times

"Few American institutions have inflicted greater suffering on ordinary people than the Supreme Court of the United States. Since its inception, the justices of the Supreme Court have shaped a nation where children toiled in coal mines, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where a woman could be sterilized against her will by state law."

'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser

Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser

"Criminals are cheering like crazy over Kavanaugh."

1. I love watching you sweat.

Here's why you have to....your side are Nazis.

2.Here’s a quote from Richard Evans’ magisterial work on the rise of the Nazis, The Coming Of The Third Reich, considering the treatment of Social Democrat Reichstag deputy Otto Buchwitz in Silesia:

Brownshirts occupied the seats at his meetings, shouted insults at him, and on one occasion fired a shot at him, causing mass panic amongst his listeners and leading to a brawl in which more shots were fired by both stormtroopers and Reichsbanner men. Several Nazis and Social Democrats had to be taken to hospital, and not a single table or chair in the hall was left intact.

After this, gangs of eight to ten Nazi stormtroopers harassed Buchwitz outside his house when he left for work in the morning, twenty or more crowded round him when he came back to his office after lunch, and between one and two hundred hassled him on the way home, singing a specially composed song with the words "When the revolvers are shot, Buchwitz’ll cop the lot!" Nazi demonstrations always halted outside his house, chanting "Death to Buchwitz!" Maxine Waters' Harassment Policy Is About To Make The United States A Hell Of A Lot Worse

3. “Washington (CNN) Rep. Maxine Waters called on her supporters to publicly confront and harass members of the Trump administration in response to the "zero tolerance" policy that led to the separation of families at the border.

"Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere.” Maxine Waters encourages supporters to harass Trump administration officials - CNNPolitics

4. Did you like this, too, middy....a psycho lied in her testimony about Kavanaugh:
She's a sick woman...her mental instability on display

And now for the carefully considered conclusion, and the reason for my conclusion….

The conclusion is that a fifteen year old Christine Blasey, who didn’t travel in the same social circles with Brett Kavanaugh, saw from afar, a handsome, older boy who was an accomplished athletic hero as well as an academic star, at exactly the time her hormones were kicking in.

Kavanaugh was well out of her league.

Perhaps the term to be used would be Morganatic… in Morganatic marriage, as in a marriage between people of unequal social rank.

For most normal folks, while the above certainly could have occurred,….we call it ‘a crush.’

Most get over them…..not so with one predisposed to a mental imbalance, a “Fatal Attraction” syndrome.

“Ford, who also has received threats, is by all accounts a respected scientific researcher in the field of psychology with an impressive pedigree.”

“ …..psychologists suffering from psychological problems, including neurosis, superstitions, and thoughts of suicide is quite a common thing. It also goes on to describe how psychologists are just as troubled as the general population.”

The little-girl-voice that Dr Ford assumed is a give-away.

The hurt of her imaginary rejection by Kavanaugh at her most formative age, and the obsession that developed as a result, has been put to use by the Democrats……

…and now, her usefulness at an end, today’s Cindy Sheehan, they will throw Ford into the waste bin.

Ford is a sick woman....

Not as sick as you are, but, sick nonetheless.

5. Here, from HuffPo is an actress imitating same.....and sounding exactly like the fake victim, Ford.
'Star Wars Resistance' Star Rachel Butera Mocks Christine Blasey Ford | HuffPost

...the ticker-tape parade, the cheers and the celebrations....

...the nation will be at least as divided as it is now.

1. Make no mistake: the seating of Justice Kavanaugh is a huuuuuugggggge win for constitutionalists, the real Americans, but the Left will not roll over and accept.

2. "...President Obama had a chance to be a unifying leader as our nation’s first black president. Unfortunately, he often chose the way of identity politics, thereby enflaming a spirit of division in our midst.President Trump, by appealing to the dissatisfied state of many Americans, has rallied tens of millions. But in so doing, he has poured salt in our festering wounds, deepening rather than bridging those divides.

3. Never in our lifetimes has America been so divided, and we are in danger of tearing ourselves at the seams. What’s more, it looks like things will only get worse – much worse – in the days ahead.

4. An article on the Study Finds website states that, “It may not be so hard to believe during this murky political landscape, but a new study finds the divide between Democrats and Republicans is the worst it’s ever been, more so than many people may even think.

5. “The research, conducted by Zachary Neal, an associate professor of psychology and global urban studies at Michigan State University, is among the first to measure polarization not only by examining the frequency of parties working together, but also by demonstrating how they’ve grown more distant than any other time in modern history.”

6. With the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh, followed by the midterm elections, that polarization will only increase in the days ahead. That, in turn, will lead to the stiffening of each opposition position, as the left attacks the right and the right attacks the left, confirming each side’s worst suspicions about the other: “You are even worse than I thought you were!”

7. The pro-life movement will be freshly energized with another conservative jurist on the Supreme Court and with a pro-life president at the helm. The pro-abortion movement will be freshly energized as well – not to mention utterly outraged – launching an all-out assault on conservatives and pro-lifers. And this is just one aspect of today’s massive cultural and political divide."
Healing a Fractured Nation

8. The author of the above believes that bridges can be built, agreements reached.
Not I.

9. As long as schools are for indoctrination, rather than learning, and as long as the media remains as duplicitous and in the iron grasp of Leftists, there can be no mending.

10. As for me.....
.... I'm willing to long as everything is exactly the way I want it to be.
The election of President Obama signaled the beginning of extreme political partisanship

From his first day as President, Republicans vowed to make him fail

They sought to block any effort that would rescue the economy, they voted against EVERY Obama initiative...even ones they supported in the past

Even worse, they embraced the racists of our society as a key part of their constituency. A black man in the White House was a key to fundraising
Still trying to play the race card?

You people never learn. smh

Race card?

Like supporting confederate symbols?
Like generating hate towards Mexican and Muslims?
Like opposing affirmative action?

All keys in the GOP platform
...the ticker-tape parade, the cheers and the celebrations....

...the nation will be at least as divided as it is now.

1. Make no mistake: the seating of Justice Kavanaugh is a huuuuuugggggge win for constitutionalists, the real Americans, but the Left will not roll over and accept.

2. "...President Obama had a chance to be a unifying leader as our nation’s first black president. Unfortunately, he often chose the way of identity politics, thereby enflaming a spirit of division in our midst.President Trump, by appealing to the dissatisfied state of many Americans, has rallied tens of millions. But in so doing, he has poured salt in our festering wounds, deepening rather than bridging those divides.

3. Never in our lifetimes has America been so divided, and we are in danger of tearing ourselves at the seams. What’s more, it looks like things will only get worse – much worse – in the days ahead.

4. An article on the Study Finds website states that, “It may not be so hard to believe during this murky political landscape, but a new study finds the divide between Democrats and Republicans is the worst it’s ever been, more so than many people may even think.

5. “The research, conducted by Zachary Neal, an associate professor of psychology and global urban studies at Michigan State University, is among the first to measure polarization not only by examining the frequency of parties working together, but also by demonstrating how they’ve grown more distant than any other time in modern history.”

6. With the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh, followed by the midterm elections, that polarization will only increase in the days ahead. That, in turn, will lead to the stiffening of each opposition position, as the left attacks the right and the right attacks the left, confirming each side’s worst suspicions about the other: “You are even worse than I thought you were!”

7. The pro-life movement will be freshly energized with another conservative jurist on the Supreme Court and with a pro-life president at the helm. The pro-abortion movement will be freshly energized as well – not to mention utterly outraged – launching an all-out assault on conservatives and pro-lifers. And this is just one aspect of today’s massive cultural and political divide."
Healing a Fractured Nation

8. The author of the above believes that bridges can be built, agreements reached.
Not I.

9. As long as schools are for indoctrination, rather than learning, and as long as the media remains as duplicitous and in the iron grasp of Leftists, there can be no mending.

10. As for me.....
.... I'm willing to long as everything is exactly the way I want it to be.
The election of President Obama signaled the beginning of extreme political partisanship

From his first day as President, Republicans vowed to make him fail

They sought to block any effort that would rescue the economy, they voted against EVERY Obama initiative...even ones they supported in the past

Even worse, they embraced the racists of our society as a key part of their constituency. A black man in the White House was a key to fundraising
Still trying to play the race card?

You people never learn. smh

Race card?

Like supporting confederate symbols?
Like generating hate towards Mexican and Muslims?
Like opposing affirmative action?

All keys in the GOP platform

Another great example of why people are leaving your party. :)
...the ticker-tape parade, the cheers and the celebrations....

...the nation will be at least as divided as it is now.

1. Make no mistake: the seating of Justice Kavanaugh is a huuuuuugggggge win for constitutionalists, the real Americans, but the Left will not roll over and accept.

2. "...President Obama had a chance to be a unifying leader as our nation’s first black president. Unfortunately, he often chose the way of identity politics, thereby enflaming a spirit of division in our midst.President Trump, by appealing to the dissatisfied state of many Americans, has rallied tens of millions. But in so doing, he has poured salt in our festering wounds, deepening rather than bridging those divides.

3. Never in our lifetimes has America been so divided, and we are in danger of tearing ourselves at the seams. What’s more, it looks like things will only get worse – much worse – in the days ahead.

4. An article on the Study Finds website states that, “It may not be so hard to believe during this murky political landscape, but a new study finds the divide between Democrats and Republicans is the worst it’s ever been, more so than many people may even think.

5. “The research, conducted by Zachary Neal, an associate professor of psychology and global urban studies at Michigan State University, is among the first to measure polarization not only by examining the frequency of parties working together, but also by demonstrating how they’ve grown more distant than any other time in modern history.”

6. With the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh, followed by the midterm elections, that polarization will only increase in the days ahead. That, in turn, will lead to the stiffening of each opposition position, as the left attacks the right and the right attacks the left, confirming each side’s worst suspicions about the other: “You are even worse than I thought you were!”

7. The pro-life movement will be freshly energized with another conservative jurist on the Supreme Court and with a pro-life president at the helm. The pro-abortion movement will be freshly energized as well – not to mention utterly outraged – launching an all-out assault on conservatives and pro-lifers. And this is just one aspect of today’s massive cultural and political divide."
Healing a Fractured Nation

8. The author of the above believes that bridges can be built, agreements reached.
Not I.

9. As long as schools are for indoctrination, rather than learning, and as long as the media remains as duplicitous and in the iron grasp of Leftists, there can be no mending.

10. As for me.....
.... I'm willing to long as everything is exactly the way I want it to be.
The election of President Obama signaled the beginning of extreme political partisanship

From his first day as President, Republicans vowed to make him fail

They sought to block any effort that would rescue the economy, they voted against EVERY Obama initiative...even ones they supported in the past

Even worse, they embraced the racists of our society as a key part of their constituency. A black man in the White House was a key to fundraising
Still trying to play the race card?

You people never learn. smh

Race card?

Like supporting confederate symbols?
Like generating hate towards Mexican and Muslims?
Like opposing affirmative action?

All keys in the GOP platform

Another great example of why people are leaving your party. :)
What is different in the KKK platform and GOP platform?

Platform of the American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
KKK platform........anyone see any difference with what the GOP proposes?

  • EDUCATION: America's public schools, colleges and universities have been turned into political indoctrination centers run by deprived liberals, communist and jews in our public. WHITE teachers and students are raped and robbed by ******* and other savages on a daily basis. The Klan will remove the criminals from the classrooms and put them behind bars where they belong. Forced bussing will be outlawed. Prayer will be returned to our schools. All teachers who continue to promote anti-American doctrine will be removed and replaced by decent American patriots.
  • HOMOSEXUALITY: The Klan will take away all the special rights and privileges granted to homosexuals by the liberal dictatorship over the last few years. Homosexuals will no longer be permitted to adopt children or marry each other. Gay bars, gay nightclubs, and gay bathhouses will be shut down.
  • IMMIGRATION: Millions of Third World bandits enter our country illegally every year. The Republicans and Democrats do nothing to halt this massive invasion. America is being transformed into a new Mexico. The American Knights call for an end to this madness. We shall halt all immigration from non-White nations and use the U.S. Army to restore integrity to our borders.

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