After The Ball.....

"The Kavanaugh battle only magnified the nation’s divisions and may leave lasting scars
The confirmation battle over the nomination of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court has left the country as it was before President Trump selected him: deeply divided, politically polarized and with many people hostile toward those of opposing views."
Analysis | The Kavanaugh battle only magnified the nation’s divisions and may leave lasting scars

WaPo went on to paint the picture through the usual Leftwing prism.....

Criminals are cheering like crazy over Kavanaugh. Brett Kavanaugh will the first scotus judge to have lied under oath and no Senator cared or even noticed. Criminals can now use Brett's testimony as precedent. You know that precedent thing judges always talk about. But judge sir, you guys lie all the time, let's be fair now. Jury take notice, they may all be lying. 'You are found innocent, that there judge is a known liar. Thank you thank you. See people republicans do do good things for Americans. Bravo American voters a lying president and now a lying judge, what could be finer.

All of Brett Kavanaugh’s Classmates Who Have Accused Him of Lying

Here's what experts who study sexual violence say about the credibility of Christine Blasey Ford's testimony - Los Angeles Times

"Few American institutions have inflicted greater suffering on ordinary people than the Supreme Court of the United States. Since its inception, the justices of the Supreme Court have shaped a nation where children toiled in coal mines, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where a woman could be sterilized against her will by state law."

'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser

Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser

Here, your peeps, middy:

"Democrat intern arrested for 'doxxing' GOP senators during Kavanaugh hearing changed Lindsey Graham's Wikipedia to include gay slur – and threatened to expose private health information of senators' CHILDREN

  • Jackson Cosko, 27, arrested for allegedly sharing personal details of Republican senators online without their consent – known as 'doxxing'
  • He is accused of posting contact information online during Kavanaugh hearing
  • After being discovered by a Senate staffer and thrown out of the office where he used to work, he send a threatening email to the aide, police say
  • In the email, Cosko said if he was exposed he would publish medical records and Social Security Numbers of the children of some senators
  • He also said he would expose emails and encrypted messages
  • He allegedly updated Lindsey Graham's Wikipedia page with a 'home' phone number which went to the Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League
  • Cosko has interned for several prominent Democrat politicians including Dianne Feinstein, the minority chair of the committee that Kavanaugh testified in font of
  • He last worked for Sheila Jackson Lee, of Texas, who said he has been fired "
  • 'Doxxing' Democrat intern threatened to expose health information of senators' CHILDREN | Daily Mail Online

BTW, middy......even when the TeaParty was at its peak.....

....did Congress folks need police protection?


Only from Liberal activists....

Wanna explain that?
...the ticker-tape parade, the cheers and the celebrations....

...the nation will be at least as divided as it is now.

1. Make no mistake: the seating of Justice Kavanaugh is a huuuuuugggggge win for constitutionalists, the real Americans, but the Left will not roll over and accept.

2. "...President Obama had a chance to be a unifying leader as our nation’s first black president. Unfortunately, he often chose the way of identity politics, thereby enflaming a spirit of division in our midst.President Trump, by appealing to the dissatisfied state of many Americans, has rallied tens of millions. But in so doing, he has poured salt in our festering wounds, deepening rather than bridging those divides.

3. Never in our lifetimes has America been so divided, and we are in danger of tearing ourselves at the seams. What’s more, it looks like things will only get worse – much worse – in the days ahead.

4. An article on the Study Finds website states that, “It may not be so hard to believe during this murky political landscape, but a new study finds the divide between Democrats and Republicans is the worst it’s ever been, more so than many people may even think.

5. “The research, conducted by Zachary Neal, an associate professor of psychology and global urban studies at Michigan State University, is among the first to measure polarization not only by examining the frequency of parties working together, but also by demonstrating how they’ve grown more distant than any other time in modern history.”

6. With the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh, followed by the midterm elections, that polarization will only increase in the days ahead. That, in turn, will lead to the stiffening of each opposition position, as the left attacks the right and the right attacks the left, confirming each side’s worst suspicions about the other: “You are even worse than I thought you were!”

7. The pro-life movement will be freshly energized with another conservative jurist on the Supreme Court and with a pro-life president at the helm. The pro-abortion movement will be freshly energized as well – not to mention utterly outraged – launching an all-out assault on conservatives and pro-lifers. And this is just one aspect of today’s massive cultural and political divide."
Healing a Fractured Nation

8. The author of the above believes that bridges can be built, agreements reached.
Not I.

9. As long as schools are for indoctrination, rather than learning, and as long as the media remains as duplicitous and in the iron grasp of Leftists, there can be no mending.

10. As for me.....
.... I'm willing to long as everything is exactly the way I want it to be.
The election of President Obama signaled the beginning of extreme political partisanship

From his first day as President, Republicans vowed to make him fail

They sought to block any effort that would rescue the economy, they voted against EVERY Obama initiative...even ones they supported in the past

Even worse, they embraced the racists of our society as a key part of their constituency. A black man in the White House was a key to fundraising
Still trying to play the race card?

You people never learn. smh

Race card?

Like supporting confederate symbols?
Like generating hate towards Mexican and Muslims?
Like opposing affirmative action?

All keys in the GOP platform

Another great example of why people are leaving your party. :)
What is different in the KKK platform and GOP platform?

Platform of the American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
Let’s start with a little education.....
When Erasing Symbols of Slavery, Don't Forget the Democratic Party

When you’re done reading that, we can chat about the historic low black unemployment rates we’re seeing under President Trump.

We can also chat about why blacks are abandoning your party.

Last edited:
The election of President Obama signaled the beginning of extreme political partisanship

From his first day as President, Republicans vowed to make him fail

They sought to block any effort that would rescue the economy, they voted against EVERY Obama initiative...even ones they supported in the past

Even worse, they embraced the racists of our society as a key part of their constituency. A black man in the White House was a key to fundraising
Still trying to play the race card?

You people never learn. smh

Race card?

Like supporting confederate symbols?
Like generating hate towards Mexican and Muslims?
Like opposing affirmative action?

All keys in the GOP platform

Another great example of why people are leaving your party. :)
What is different in the KKK platform and GOP platform?

Platform of the American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
Let’s start with a quick lesson in history....
Never Trumpers Will Want to Read This History Lesson

When you’re done reading that, we can chat about the historic low black unemployment rates we’re seeing under President Trump.

We can also chat about why blacks are abandoning your party.

I enjoyed reading your link

It reminds me of a time when Republicans actually cared about their fellow Americans........170 years ago

Too bad today’s Republicans have adopted an agenda similar to the klan
The election of President Obama signaled the beginning of extreme political partisanship

From his first day as President, Republicans vowed to make him fail

They sought to block any effort that would rescue the economy, they voted against EVERY Obama initiative...even ones they supported in the past

Even worse, they embraced the racists of our society as a key part of their constituency. A black man in the White House was a key to fundraising
Still trying to play the race card?

You people never learn. smh

Race card?

Like supporting confederate symbols?
Like generating hate towards Mexican and Muslims?
Like opposing affirmative action?

All keys in the GOP platform

Another great example of why people are leaving your party. :)
What is different in the KKK platform and GOP platform?

Platform of the American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
Let’s start with a little education.....
Never Trumpers Will Want to Read This History Lesson

When you’re done reading that, we can chat about the historic low black unemployment rates we’re seeing under President Trump.

We can also chat about why blacks are abandoning your party.


Point of order, Tych....

The author, Zeitz, is wayyyyy Left Democrat...

From that essay:

"Like that Iowa delegate in 1857, today’s Never Trumpers face a stark choice: passively acquiesce to the further ascent of Trumpism, or switch parties and play a vital part in stopping it."

The article is rife with lies.

The Democrats have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.

There can be no clearer statement of the Democrat intentions than the word of their candidate who ran against Lincoln:
Illinois Democrat Stephen Douglas, of the famous Lincoln-Douglas Debates. Northern Democrat Stephen Douglas made his feelings clear:

“Now, I do not believe that the Almighty ever intended the negro to be the equal of the white man. …. He belongs to an inferior race, and must always occupy an inferior position.

I believe this government was made on the white basis. I believe it was made by white men for the benefit of white men and their posterity for ever; and I am in favor of confining citizenship to white men, ….”
In the First Debate with Lincoln
In the First Debate with Lincoln by Stephen Arnold Douglas. America: II. (1818-1865). Vol. IX. Bryan, William Jennings, ed. 1906. The World's Famous Orations

The two wings of the political predator known as the Democrat Party:

There were the Peace Democrats, who wanted no war with the South….they wanted to allow what Stephen Douglas, their presidential candidate, called ‘popular sovereignty.’ Let them have slavery if they wanted it…..simply keep the union intact.

...there was Stephen Douglas, the Northern Democrat presidential candidate,
and John C. Breckinridge, the Southern Democrat presidential candidate.

Both, of course, were pro-slavery.

The split gave Lincoln his election victory.

Lest any imagine that even Obama's melanin proved him to be helpful to this:

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found

Did I mention that the Democrats have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship?

Consider it mentioned.
Still trying to play the race card?

You people never learn. smh

Race card?

Like supporting confederate symbols?
Like generating hate towards Mexican and Muslims?
Like opposing affirmative action?

All keys in the GOP platform

Another great example of why people are leaving your party. :)
What is different in the KKK platform and GOP platform?

Platform of the American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
Let’s start with a quick lesson in history....
Never Trumpers Will Want to Read This History Lesson

When you’re done reading that, we can chat about the historic low black unemployment rates we’re seeing under President Trump.

We can also chat about why blacks are abandoning your party.

I enjoyed reading your link

It reminds me of a time when Republicans actually cared about their fellow Americans........170 years ago

Too bad today’s Republicans have adopted an agenda similar to the klan
You’ve been watching too much leftist propaganda.

There’s a reason why blacks are supporting President Trump.

Race card?

Like supporting confederate symbols?
Like generating hate towards Mexican and Muslims?
Like opposing affirmative action?

All keys in the GOP platform

Another great example of why people are leaving your party. :)
What is different in the KKK platform and GOP platform?

Platform of the American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
Let’s start with a quick lesson in history....
Never Trumpers Will Want to Read This History Lesson

When you’re done reading that, we can chat about the historic low black unemployment rates we’re seeing under President Trump.

We can also chat about why blacks are abandoning your party.

I enjoyed reading your link

It reminds me of a time when Republicans actually cared about their fellow Americans........170 years ago

Too bad today’s Republicans have adopted an agenda similar to the klan
You’ve been watching too much leftist propaganda.

There’s a reason why blacks are supporting President Trump.

And this....

"Jobs report: Black teen unemployment fell to 19.3 percent in September, lowest on record"
Jobs report: Black teen unemployment fell to 19.3 percent in September, lowest on record

Race card?

Like supporting confederate symbols?
Like generating hate towards Mexican and Muslims?
Like opposing affirmative action?

All keys in the GOP platform

Another great example of why people are leaving your party. :)
What is different in the KKK platform and GOP platform?

Platform of the American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
Let’s start with a quick lesson in history....
Never Trumpers Will Want to Read This History Lesson

When you’re done reading that, we can chat about the historic low black unemployment rates we’re seeing under President Trump.

We can also chat about why blacks are abandoning your party.

I enjoyed reading your link

It reminds me of a time when Republicans actually cared about their fellow Americans........170 years ago

Too bad today’s Republicans have adopted an agenda similar to the klan
You’ve been watching too much leftist propaganda.

There’s a reason why blacks are supporting President Trump.

Blacks are not supporting Donald Trump

Analysis | No, one-third of African Americans don’t support Trump. Not even close.

Another great example of why people are leaving your party. :)
What is different in the KKK platform and GOP platform?

Platform of the American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
Let’s start with a quick lesson in history....
Never Trumpers Will Want to Read This History Lesson

When you’re done reading that, we can chat about the historic low black unemployment rates we’re seeing under President Trump.

We can also chat about why blacks are abandoning your party.

I enjoyed reading your link

It reminds me of a time when Republicans actually cared about their fellow Americans........170 years ago

Too bad today’s Republicans have adopted an agenda similar to the klan
You’ve been watching too much leftist propaganda.

There’s a reason why blacks are supporting President Trump.

And this....

"Jobs report: Black teen unemployment fell to 19.3 percent in September, lowest on record"
Jobs report: Black teen unemployment fell to 19.3 percent in September, lowest on record

Continuing the trend started by the Great Obama

Another great example of why people are leaving your party. :)
What is different in the KKK platform and GOP platform?

Platform of the American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
Let’s start with a quick lesson in history....
Never Trumpers Will Want to Read This History Lesson

When you’re done reading that, we can chat about the historic low black unemployment rates we’re seeing under President Trump.

We can also chat about why blacks are abandoning your party.

I enjoyed reading your link

It reminds me of a time when Republicans actually cared about their fellow Americans........170 years ago

Too bad today’s Republicans have adopted an agenda similar to the klan
You’ve been watching too much leftist propaganda.

There’s a reason why blacks are supporting President Trump.

Blacks are not supporting Donald Trump

Analysis | No, one-third of African Americans don’t support Trump. Not even close.

They most certainly are.

Democrats made the mistake of thinking they’d keep/win the black vote if they gave them handouts when they wanted a job. It’s why they’re now supporting President Trump.
What is different in the KKK platform and GOP platform?

Platform of the American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
Let’s start with a quick lesson in history....
Never Trumpers Will Want to Read This History Lesson

When you’re done reading that, we can chat about the historic low black unemployment rates we’re seeing under President Trump.

We can also chat about why blacks are abandoning your party.

I enjoyed reading your link

It reminds me of a time when Republicans actually cared about their fellow Americans........170 years ago

Too bad today’s Republicans have adopted an agenda similar to the klan
You’ve been watching too much leftist propaganda.

There’s a reason why blacks are supporting President Trump.

Blacks are not supporting Donald Trump

Analysis | No, one-third of African Americans don’t support Trump. Not even close.

They most certainly are.

Democrats made the mistake of thinking they’d keep/win the black vote if they gave them handouts when they wanted a job. It’s why they’re now supporting President Trump.

90 percent of blacks vote Democratic
Criminals are cheering like crazy over Kavanaugh. Brett Kavanaugh will the first scotus judge to have lied under oath and no Senator cared or even noticed. Criminals can now use Brett's testimony as precedent. You know that precedent thing judges always talk about. But judge sir, you guys lie all the time, let's be fair now. Jury take notice, they may all be lying. 'You are found innocent, that there judge is a known liar. Thank you thank you. See people republicans do do good things for Americans. Bravo American voters a lying president and now a lying judge, what could be finer.

All of Brett Kavanaugh’s Classmates Who Have Accused Him of Lying

Here's what experts who study sexual violence say about the credibility of Christine Blasey Ford's testimony - Los Angeles Times

"Few American institutions have inflicted greater suffering on ordinary people than the Supreme Court of the United States. Since its inception, the justices of the Supreme Court have shaped a nation where children toiled in coal mines, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where a woman could be sterilized against her will by state law."

'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser

Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser

Weird, I saw Kavanaugh pass seven FBI background checks, listened to Ford tell us she didn't know how she got to the party, got home, or bring forth any witness who agreed with her testimony. We have a basic Western Civilization principle which states innocent until proven guilty. The left completely abandoned that and as a result they should be openly viewed as a pariah on the American political landscape.
Let’s start with a quick lesson in history....
Never Trumpers Will Want to Read This History Lesson

When you’re done reading that, we can chat about the historic low black unemployment rates we’re seeing under President Trump.

We can also chat about why blacks are abandoning your party.

I enjoyed reading your link

It reminds me of a time when Republicans actually cared about their fellow Americans........170 years ago

Too bad today’s Republicans have adopted an agenda similar to the klan
You’ve been watching too much leftist propaganda.

There’s a reason why blacks are supporting President Trump.

Blacks are not supporting Donald Trump

Analysis | No, one-third of African Americans don’t support Trump. Not even close.

They most certainly are.

Democrats made the mistake of thinking they’d keep/win the black vote if they gave them handouts when they wanted a job. It’s why they’re now supporting President Trump.

90 percent of blacks vote Democratic

That was back when they thought democrats were fighting for them.

They’re now supporting Trump. The man who is improving their lives.
I enjoyed reading your link

It reminds me of a time when Republicans actually cared about their fellow Americans........170 years ago

Too bad today’s Republicans have adopted an agenda similar to the klan
You’ve been watching too much leftist propaganda.

There’s a reason why blacks are supporting President Trump.

Blacks are not supporting Donald Trump

Analysis | No, one-third of African Americans don’t support Trump. Not even close.

They most certainly are.

Democrats made the mistake of thinking they’d keep/win the black vote if they gave them handouts when they wanted a job. It’s why they’re now supporting President Trump.

90 percent of blacks vote Democratic

That was back when they thought democrats were fighting for them.

They’re now supporting Trump. The man who is improving their lives.


Blacks will help defeat Trump in 2020
The left wanted a fight, kept mouthing off breaking laws and undermining the Constitution. Fine now we are destroying them, they are in full retreat.
"...the battle has just begun. The war has fully arrived, and it is here to stay for the foreseeable future.

It is a war between the “Shout Your Abortion” camp and the “Choose Life” camp. A war between extreme feminism and the traditional family. A war between LGBT activism and Bible-based definitions of gender and sexuality.

It is a war that new laws cannot stop. A war that Congress cannot thwart. A war that neither the President nor the Supreme Court can end. A war whose hostilities will not be assuaged by electoral changes.

....absolutely no intention of compromising any of my core values, nor did I envision finding some happy, “middle ground.”
With the Confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh the Battle Has Begun

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