After the fall

You’re rationalizing your support for Trump.

As an American, I would prefer to be inspired not instigated.

You were "inspired" by Hillary?

I am definitely inspired by Trump. He fights for what I believe in. And he is so good at it, even being overtly opposed by 90% of our liberally biased news media...he is still winning.

Is he perfect? No. But no one is. Is he better than Hillary? By light-years. Is he better than Jeb? By light-years.

What has Trump done to earned my support? Exactly what he said he would do...and that is so rare in politics that we needed a non-politician to get there.

And here's the part that's really going to frost your Cheerios...he won the first time with voters only HOPING he'd keep his campaign promises. In 2020, he's going to blow you guys right out of the water. And you've helped make it happen.
Trumpians have abandoned the moral high ground to support Trump. He is a thrice divorced, earth-bound Peter Pan who would happily go back to screwing porn stars if it were not for the publicity and the hassles of payoffs. He has split up families as a weaponization of humanitarian aid. He has welcomed as 'very fine people' the scum that Americans proudly fought only 75 years ago.

He has been shown to be either unaware of (a charitable view) laws concerning emoluments and graft, or was wholly aware of those laws and broke them anyway because he has never been held accountable by stockholders or a compliant congress.

He insults people openly and displays his bullying tactics as a badge of honor.

He is, in fact, the sort of person most responsible adults would not care to count among their friends.

And all this behavior, along with his embrace of Authoritarians around the globe, is catching up with him.

Pity the Trumpian who, in the midst of their confusion and bitterness, have gone all in with their support of such a creep.

What will be the attitude of the Trumpians when their hero is brought down? Their giant with feet of clay will most assuredly be found to be a man without morality, ethics, scruples and humility. How will they react?

And yet... still no collusion, just irrelevant emotional bitter musings.
Maybe they should regurgitate the rancid food they’ve been feeding themselves and go after Trump’s tax returns and complain that a Dirty Jew got a security clearance again since Russian Collusion is dead.

Trumpians have abandoned the moral high ground to support Trump. He is a thrice divorced, earth-bound Peter Pan who would happily go back to screwing porn stars if it were not for the publicity and the hassles of payoffs. He has split up families as a weaponization of humanitarian aid. He has welcomed as 'very fine people' the scum that Americans proudly fought only 75 years ago.

He has been shown to be either unaware of (a charitable view) laws concerning emoluments and graft, or was wholly aware of those laws and broke them anyway because he has never been held accountable by stockholders or a compliant congress.

He insults people openly and displays his bullying tactics as a badge of honor.

He is, in fact, the sort of person most responsible adults would not care to count among their friends.

And all this behavior, along with his embrace of Authoritarians around the globe, is catching up with him.

Pity the Trumpian who, in the midst of their confusion and bitterness, have gone all in with their support of such a creep.

What will be the attitude of the Trumpians when their hero is brought down? Their giant with feet of clay will most assuredly be found to be a man without morality, ethics, scruples and humility. How will they react?

And yet... still no collusion, just irrelevant emotional bitter musings.
Trumpians have abandoned the moral high ground to support Trump. He is a thrice divorced, earth-bound Peter Pan who would happily go back to screwing porn stars if it were not for the publicity and the hassles of payoffs. He has split up families as a weaponization of humanitarian aid. He has welcomed as 'very fine people' the scum that Americans proudly fought only 75 years ago.

He has been shown to be either unaware of (a charitable view) laws concerning emoluments and graft, or was wholly aware of those laws and broke them anyway because he has never been held accountable by stockholders or a compliant congress.

He insults people openly and displays his bullying tactics as a badge of honor.

He is, in fact, the sort of person most responsible adults would not care to count among their friends.

And all this behavior, along with his embrace of Authoritarians around the globe, is catching up with him.

Pity the Trumpian who, in the midst of their confusion and bitterness, have gone all in with their support of such a creep.

What will be the attitude of the Trumpians when their hero is brought down? Their giant with feet of clay will most assuredly be found to be a man without morality, ethics, scruples and humility. How will they react?
All true.

However, Trump supporters and most on the right couldn’t care less.

Conservative dogma holds that any Republican president must be blindly supported – no matter how wrong, no matter how reprehensible, no matter unfit to be president he might be.
Trumpians have abandoned the moral high ground to support Trump. He is a thrice divorced, earth-bound Peter Pan who would happily go back to screwing porn stars if it were not for the publicity and the hassles of payoffs. He has split up families as a weaponization of humanitarian aid. He has welcomed as 'very fine people' the scum that Americans proudly fought only 75 years ago.

He has been shown to be either unaware of (a charitable view) laws concerning emoluments and graft, or was wholly aware of those laws and broke them anyway because he has never been held accountable by stockholders or a compliant congress.

He insults people openly and displays his bullying tactics as a badge of honor.

He is, in fact, the sort of person most responsible adults would not care to count among their friends.

And all this behavior, along with his embrace of Authoritarians around the globe, is catching up with him.

Pity the Trumpian who, in the midst of their confusion and bitterness, have gone all in with their support of such a creep.

What will be the attitude of the Trumpians when their hero is brought down? Their giant with feet of clay will most assuredly be found to be a man without morality, ethics, scruples and humility. How will they react?
All true.

However, Trump supporters and most on the right couldn’t care less.

Conservative dogma holds that any Republican president must be blindly supported – no matter how wrong, no matter how reprehensible, no matter unfit to be president he might be.

I'm curious. Did you ever criticize Obama for anything he did?
Isn't it appropriate to prosecute law breakers?

If they are proven law breakers yes but a sitting POTUS cannot be prosecuted he has to be impeached. Learn the freaking law. OMG. Stupid people everywhere.
The impeachment will be in the House followed by a trial in the s Nate to remove him from office. Then he will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

That’s fine but not what you said initially. Please show proof of impeachment
I’m relying on our law makers to provide proof.

You have a lot of confidence in pay for play politicians. I dont share that confidence. Hell in Benghazi people died and no one was deemed guilty of anything. Trump hasn’t killed anyone so I doubt anything comes of this.
This fails as a red herring fallacy – the thread is about Trump.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable, given the fact you can’t defend the likes of Trump.

Most conservatives are as cowardly as they are dishonest.
Trumpians have abandoned the moral high ground to support Trump. He is a thrice divorced, earth-bound Peter Pan who would happily go back to screwing porn stars if it were not for the publicity and the hassles of payoffs. He has split up families as a weaponization of humanitarian aid. He has welcomed as 'very fine people' the scum that Americans proudly fought only 75 years ago.

He has been shown to be either unaware of (a charitable view) laws concerning emoluments and graft, or was wholly aware of those laws and broke them anyway because he has never been held accountable by stockholders or a compliant congress.

He insults people openly and displays his bullying tactics as a badge of honor.

He is, in fact, the sort of person most responsible adults would not care to count among their friends.

And all this behavior, along with his embrace of Authoritarians around the globe, is catching up with him.

Pity the Trumpian who, in the midst of their confusion and bitterness, have gone all in with their support of such a creep.

What will be the attitude of the Trumpians when their hero is brought down? Their giant with feet of clay will most assuredly be found to be a man without morality, ethics, scruples and humility. How will they react?
They'll continue to support him, not believe the reasons for bringing him down, and you MUST know by now that they could care less that he is a man without morality, ethics or scruples.
They will love him always.
Well, that's probably true. I voted for HW who I still believe was an honorable man. I couldn't vote for Dole simply because he was worn out, and the Gop should have gone with Forbes in 96 or 2000, as he was running not for any personal gain. As Trump has run. And Forbes had a real plan for taxes.

But I was really ready for the Clintons to head off into retirement

I liked HW, I thought he was honorable, also like Forbes as he seemed to have a good perspective on how he could help. Trump, to me is a bull in a China Shop.

More like bullshit well anywhere!
Maybe they should regurgitate the rancid food they’ve been feeding themselves and go after Trump’s tax returns and complain that a Dirty Jew got a security clearance again since Russian Collusion is dead.

Trumpians have abandoned the moral high ground to support Trump. He is a thrice divorced, earth-bound Peter Pan who would happily go back to screwing porn stars if it were not for the publicity and the hassles of payoffs. He has split up families as a weaponization of humanitarian aid. He has welcomed as 'very fine people' the scum that Americans proudly fought only 75 years ago.

He has been shown to be either unaware of (a charitable view) laws concerning emoluments and graft, or was wholly aware of those laws and broke them anyway because he has never been held accountable by stockholders or a compliant congress.

He insults people openly and displays his bullying tactics as a badge of honor.

He is, in fact, the sort of person most responsible adults would not care to count among their friends.

And all this behavior, along with his embrace of Authoritarians around the globe, is catching up with him.

Pity the Trumpian who, in the midst of their confusion and bitterness, have gone all in with their support of such a creep.

What will be the attitude of the Trumpians when their hero is brought down? Their giant with feet of clay will most assuredly be found to be a man without morality, ethics, scruples and humility. How will they react?

And yet... still no collusion, just irrelevant emotional bitter musings.
And the anti-semites are in which party
Then vote him out and stop crying. OMG.
Isn't it appropriate to prosecute law breakers?

If they are proven law breakers yes but a sitting POTUS cannot be prosecuted he has to be impeached. Learn the freaking law. OMG. Stupid people everywhere.
The impeachment will be in the House followed by a trial in the s Nate to remove him from office. Then he will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

That’s fine but not what you said initially. Please show proof of impeachment
I’m relying on our law makers to provide proof.

How's that working out for you?
Maybe they should regurgitate the rancid food they’ve been feeding themselves and go after Trump’s tax returns and complain that a Dirty Jew got a security clearance again since Russian Collusion is dead.

Trumpians have abandoned the moral high ground to support Trump. He is a thrice divorced, earth-bound Peter Pan who would happily go back to screwing porn stars if it were not for the publicity and the hassles of payoffs. He has split up families as a weaponization of humanitarian aid. He has welcomed as 'very fine people' the scum that Americans proudly fought only 75 years ago.

He has been shown to be either unaware of (a charitable view) laws concerning emoluments and graft, or was wholly aware of those laws and broke them anyway because he has never been held accountable by stockholders or a compliant congress.

He insults people openly and displays his bullying tactics as a badge of honor.

He is, in fact, the sort of person most responsible adults would not care to count among their friends.

And all this behavior, along with his embrace of Authoritarians around the globe, is catching up with him.

Pity the Trumpian who, in the midst of their confusion and bitterness, have gone all in with their support of such a creep.

What will be the attitude of the Trumpians when their hero is brought down? Their giant with feet of clay will most assuredly be found to be a man without morality, ethics, scruples and humility. How will they react?

And yet... still no collusion, just irrelevant emotional bitter musings.
And the anti-semites are in which party

Yours actually.
Trumpians have abandoned the moral high ground to support Trump. He is a thrice divorced, earth-bound Peter Pan who would happily go back to screwing porn stars if it were not for the publicity and the hassles of payoffs. He has split up families as a weaponization of humanitarian aid. He has welcomed as 'very fine people' the scum that Americans proudly fought only 75 years ago.

He has been shown to be either unaware of (a charitable view) laws concerning emoluments and graft, or was wholly aware of those laws and broke them anyway because he has never been held accountable by stockholders or a compliant congress.

He insults people openly and displays his bullying tactics as a badge of honor.

He is, in fact, the sort of person most responsible adults would not care to count among their friends.

And all this behavior, along with his embrace of Authoritarians around the globe, is catching up with him.

Pity the Trumpian who, in the midst of their confusion and bitterness, have gone all in with their support of such a creep.

What will be the attitude of the Trumpians when their hero is brought down? Their giant with feet of clay will most assuredly be found to be a man without morality, ethics, scruples and humility. How will they react?

^^ wow, these snowflakes really put some effort into their “fall of Trump” fantasies.

Yup and its been that way since Trump won.

The lefty loons just can't believe he won.

The "fall of Trump" won't happen and being the sheeple that they are they just can't accept it.

Sucks to be them.
If they are proven law breakers yes but a sitting POTUS cannot be prosecuted he has to be impeached. Learn the freaking law. OMG. Stupid people everywhere.
The impeachment will be in the House followed by a trial in the s Nate to remove him from office. Then he will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

That’s fine but not what you said initially. Please show proof of impeachment
I’m relying on our law makers to provide proof.

You have a lot of confidence in pay for play politicians. I dont share that confidence. Hell in Benghazi people died and no one was deemed guilty of anything. Trump hasn’t killed anyone so I doubt anything comes of this.
This fails as a red herring fallacy – the thread is about Trump.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable, given the fact you can’t defend the likes of Trump.

Most conservatives are as cowardly as they are dishonest.

Not true at all. I used relativity to make my point but it went over your empty head.
I just sit back and laugh at both of you groups of fools.
You really think your side is more moral than the other. You really think you guys are better for the country..
Old saying A man with 2 women loses his heart ,,a man with 2 homes loses his mind,,,trump heartless and mindless
So what happens to sluts like Kamala?
What garbage propaganda are you talking about, super duper?
Going down on Willie Brown, and God knows how many others.
What a pile of crap, you silly dupe of the greedy idiot rich... You know everything about stupid gossip and nothing about what is going on, SuperDuper.
Old saying A man with 2 women loses his heart ,,a man with 2 homes loses his mind,,,trump heartless and mindless
So what happens to sluts like Kamala?
What garbage propaganda are you talking about, super duper?
Going down on Willie Brown, and God knows how many others.
What a pile of crap, you silly dupe of the greedy idiot rich... You know everything about stupid gossip and nothing about what is going on, SuperDuper.
Hey, don't get me wrong. A girl's got to dp what a a girl's got to do and slutty Kamala is no different. Maybe affirmative action wasn't enough. Who knows?
Maybe they should regurgitate the rancid food they’ve been feeding themselves and go after Trump’s tax returns and complain that a Dirty Jew got a security clearance again since Russian Collusion is dead.

Trumpians have abandoned the moral high ground to support Trump. He is a thrice divorced, earth-bound Peter Pan who would happily go back to screwing porn stars if it were not for the publicity and the hassles of payoffs. He has split up families as a weaponization of humanitarian aid. He has welcomed as 'very fine people' the scum that Americans proudly fought only 75 years ago.

He has been shown to be either unaware of (a charitable view) laws concerning emoluments and graft, or was wholly aware of those laws and broke them anyway because he has never been held accountable by stockholders or a compliant congress.

He insults people openly and displays his bullying tactics as a badge of honor.

He is, in fact, the sort of person most responsible adults would not care to count among their friends.

And all this behavior, along with his embrace of Authoritarians around the globe, is catching up with him.

Pity the Trumpian who, in the midst of their confusion and bitterness, have gone all in with their support of such a creep.

What will be the attitude of the Trumpians when their hero is brought down? Their giant with feet of clay will most assuredly be found to be a man without morality, ethics, scruples and humility. How will they react?

And yet... still no collusion, just irrelevant emotional bitter musings.
And the anti-semites are in which party

The left. That was easy. Look no further than the anti semitic lib that just got elected .
Maybe they should regurgitate the rancid food they’ve been feeding themselves and go after Trump’s tax returns and complain that a Dirty Jew got a security clearance again since Russian Collusion is dead.

Trumpians have abandoned the moral high ground to support Trump. He is a thrice divorced, earth-bound Peter Pan who would happily go back to screwing porn stars if it were not for the publicity and the hassles of payoffs. He has split up families as a weaponization of humanitarian aid. He has welcomed as 'very fine people' the scum that Americans proudly fought only 75 years ago.

He has been shown to be either unaware of (a charitable view) laws concerning emoluments and graft, or was wholly aware of those laws and broke them anyway because he has never been held accountable by stockholders or a compliant congress.

He insults people openly and displays his bullying tactics as a badge of honor.

He is, in fact, the sort of person most responsible adults would not care to count among their friends.

And all this behavior, along with his embrace of Authoritarians around the globe, is catching up with him.

Pity the Trumpian who, in the midst of their confusion and bitterness, have gone all in with their support of such a creep.

What will be the attitude of the Trumpians when their hero is brought down? Their giant with feet of clay will most assuredly be found to be a man without morality, ethics, scruples and humility. How will they react?

And yet... still no collusion, just irrelevant emotional bitter musings.
And the anti-semites are in which party

The left. That was easy. Look no further than the anti semitic lib that just got elected .
Imagine if Hillary was president and gave Chelsea and her husband security clearances?? Republicans would lose it ,,go bonkers

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