After the fall

What would I have to do, what would I have to give up in order to become a Trump supporter?

First, I would have to abandon everything my parents taught me about morality and the presidency. I would have to come to believe that a philandering sleezeball thrice married and screwing porn stars and bragging about sexually assaulting women would make, in the words of th Trumpians, the greatest president in history.

I would have to believe that a man who has ruined companies, failed to pay his bills and declared bankruptcy three times would be a great manager of the federal government.

I would have to dilute my patriotism to support a man who embraces dictators and thugs. I would have to develop a bitter cynicism to trust a man who sides with thugs and denies the information given to him by our own intelligence community and his own advisors.

I would have to become a racist if I were to believe that ill informed man and see very Latino as a criminal, every Muslim as a terrorist, every Black person as a 'low IQ' person. I would have to be more willing to be instigated and not inspired.

I would have to believe that Canada is a strategic foe and Saudi Arabia as our dearest ally.

I would have to accept that elections are rigged, that 3 million votes were cast by ineligible voters and nobody from his campaign ever contacted the Russians about a presidential election.

My support for a man who lies and brags about himself and his abilities as a 'deal maker' and 'stable genius' would require a healthy suspension of disbelief.

I would be forced to rationalize all of Trump's reprehensible actions, his immature tweets, his insults and lack of personal dignity to fall behind him.

How could I, a mature thinking man ever become susceptible to the charisma of someone so disrespectful, ever fall prey to such a person?

I would have to be a cynic. I would have to have a lower knowledge of the rule of law. I would have to feel disenfranchised and passed over by the sweep of history and world events. In other words, I would have to subtract my personal morals and ethics out of a fit of pique.

And that's why I pity Trump supporters. When he inevitably falls, I would have nothing left to believe in.

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