After the fall

Trumpians have abandoned the moral high ground to support Trump. He is a thrice divorced, earth-bound Peter Pan who would happily go back to screwing porn stars if it were not for the publicity and the hassles of payoffs. He has split up families as a weaponization of humanitarian aid. He has welcomed as 'very fine people' the scum that Americans proudly fought only 75 years ago.

He has been shown to be either unaware of (a charitable view) laws concerning emoluments and graft, or was wholly aware of those laws and broke them anyway because he has never been held accountable by stockholders or a compliant congress.

He insults people openly and displays his bullying tactics as a badge of honor.

He is, in fact, the sort of person most responsible adults would not care to count among their friends.

And all this behavior, along with his embrace of Authoritarians around the globe, is catching up with him.

Pity the Trumpian who, in the midst of their confusion and bitterness, have gone all in with their support of such a creep.

What will be the attitude of the Trumpians when their hero is brought down? Their giant with feet of clay will most assuredly be found to be a man without morality, ethics, scruples and humility. How will they react?
Shouldn't have run the sleaziset poliitician in US politics since the 20s. It was over 2 years ago. Get over it.
Get over it? We're saddled with this creep!

You should have put forth a better candidate in 2016, instead of a establishment Democrat. Who in the world could vote for Trump or Clinton, I found both to be less than trustworthy.
Trumpians have abandoned the moral high ground to support Trump. He is a thrice divorced, earth-bound Peter Pan who would happily go back to screwing porn stars if it were not for the publicity and the hassles of payoffs. He has split up families as a weaponization of humanitarian aid. He has welcomed as 'very fine people' the scum that Americans proudly fought only 75 years ago.

He has been shown to be either unaware of (a charitable view) laws concerning emoluments and graft, or was wholly aware of those laws and broke them anyway because he has never been held accountable by stockholders or a compliant congress.

He insults people openly and displays his bullying tactics as a badge of honor.

He is, in fact, the sort of person most responsible adults would not care to count among their friends.

And all this behavior, along with his embrace of Authoritarians around the globe, is catching up with him.

Pity the Trumpian who, in the midst of their confusion and bitterness, have gone all in with their support of such a creep.

What will be the attitude of the Trumpians when their hero is brought down? Their giant with feet of clay will most assuredly be found to be a man without morality, ethics, scruples and humility. How will they react?
Shouldn't have run the sleaziset poliitician in US politics since the 20s. It was over 2 years ago. Get over it.
Get over it? We're saddled with this creep!

Then vote him out and stop crying. OMG.
Isn't it appropriate to prosecute law breakers?

If they are proven law breakers yes but a sitting POTUS cannot be prosecuted he has to be impeached. Learn the freaking law. OMG. Stupid people everywhere.
The impeachment will be in the House followed by a trial in the s Nate to remove him from office. Then he will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Trumpians have abandoned the moral high ground to support Trump. He is a thrice divorced, earth-bound Peter Pan who would happily go back to screwing porn stars if it were not for the publicity and the hassles of payoffs. He has split up families as a weaponization of humanitarian aid. He has welcomed as 'very fine people' the scum that Americans proudly fought only 75 years ago.

He has been shown to be either unaware of (a charitable view) laws concerning emoluments and graft, or was wholly aware of those laws and broke them anyway because he has never been held accountable by stockholders or a compliant congress.

He insults people openly and displays his bullying tactics as a badge of honor.

He is, in fact, the sort of person most responsible adults would not care to count among their friends.

And all this behavior, along with his embrace of Authoritarians around the globe, is catching up with him.

Pity the Trumpian who, in the midst of their confusion and bitterness, have gone all in with their support of such a creep.

What will be the attitude of the Trumpians when their hero is brought down? Their giant with feet of clay will most assuredly be found to be a man without morality, ethics, scruples and humility. How will they react?
Shouldn't have run the sleaziset poliitician in US politics since the 20s. It was over 2 years ago. Get over it.
Get over it? We're saddled with this creep!

You should have put forth a better candidate in 2016, instead of a establishment Democrat. Who in the world could vote for Trump or Clinton, I found both to be less than trustworthy.
That does not excuse Trump.
Trumpians have abandoned the moral high ground to support Trump. He is a thrice divorced, earth-bound Peter Pan who would happily go back to screwing porn stars if it were not for the publicity and the hassles of payoffs.

When you're dying of thirst, you don't refuse water because the canteen is dented. King David and King Solomon were dented vessels...King David sent his best friend on a suicide mission so David could marry his widow...Solomon married 700 women and had 300 direct contradiction to Jewish Law. They were still, for the most part, great leaders. And remembered and studied thousands of years after the end of their reigns.

He has split up families as a weaponization of humanitarian aid. He has welcomed as 'very fine people' the scum that Americans proudly fought only 75 years ago.

That was Obama...he split up families and weaponized Medicaid funding. You ignored one and cheered the other.

Obama Administration Tries To Blackmail States Into Expanding Medicaid

He insults people openly and displays his bullying tactics as a badge of honor.

Good. Some people need insulting. Americans were tired of politicians talking and talking without ever taking a stand on anything...evading being pinned down to any position. Trump says what he thinks. We like that. You should too, because your political leaders are finally saying what they think. Thank goodness that is going to cost them many, many elections. Come to think about it...maybe you shouldn't like it when your leaders vocalize their actual positions.

He has been shown to be either unaware of (a charitable view) laws concerning emoluments and graft, or was wholly aware of those laws and broke them anyway because he has never been held accountable by stockholders or a compliant congress.

Yeah, people stay at his hotel at the Old Post Office...Oh-My-Goodness...the humanity!

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Trumpians have abandoned the moral high ground to support Trump. He is a thrice divorced, earth-bound Peter Pan who would happily go back to screwing porn stars if it were not for the publicity and the hassles of payoffs. He has split up families as a weaponization of humanitarian aid. He has welcomed as 'very fine people' the scum that Americans proudly fought only 75 years ago.

He has been shown to be either unaware of (a charitable view) laws concerning emoluments and graft, or was wholly aware of those laws and broke them anyway because he has never been held accountable by stockholders or a compliant congress.

He insults people openly and displays his bullying tactics as a badge of honor.

He is, in fact, the sort of person most responsible adults would not care to count among their friends.

And all this behavior, along with his embrace of Authoritarians around the globe, is catching up with him.

Pity the Trumpian who, in the midst of their confusion and bitterness, have gone all in with their support of such a creep.

What will be the attitude of the Trumpians when their hero is brought down? Their giant with feet of clay will most assuredly be found to be a man without morality, ethics, scruples and humility. How will they react?

Cult45 will mostly disavow ever even hearing The Orange Virus' name. A few will double down on stupid, but I think it will go quiet fairly quickly.
The Democrat cult will be put down regardless of what happens to Trump.
By what means?
What ever it takes.

Democrats have become the very worst of what humanity has fought throughout time. It is now our burden. Wipe them out. It won't be forever. This kind of evil always returns.
Shouldn't have run the sleaziset poliitician in US politics since the 20s. It was over 2 years ago. Get over it.
Get over it? We're saddled with this creep!

Then vote him out and stop crying. OMG.
Isn't it appropriate to prosecute law breakers?

If they are proven law breakers yes but a sitting POTUS cannot be prosecuted he has to be impeached. Learn the freaking law. OMG. Stupid people everywhere.
The impeachment will be in the House followed by a trial in the s Nate to remove him from office. Then he will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
First you have to find a crime.
Trumpians have abandoned the moral high ground to support Trump. He is a thrice divorced, earth-bound Peter Pan who would happily go back to screwing porn stars if it were not for the publicity and the hassles of payoffs. He has split up families as a weaponization of humanitarian aid. He has welcomed as 'very fine people' the scum that Americans proudly fought only 75 years ago.

He has been shown to be either unaware of (a charitable view) laws concerning emoluments and graft, or was wholly aware of those laws and broke them anyway because he has never been held accountable by stockholders or a compliant congress.

He insults people openly and displays his bullying tactics as a badge of honor.

He is, in fact, the sort of person most responsible adults would not care to count among their friends.

And all this behavior, along with his embrace of Authoritarians around the globe, is catching up with him.

Pity the Trumpian who, in the midst of their confusion and bitterness, have gone all in with their support of such a creep.

What will be the attitude of the Trumpians when their hero is brought down? Their giant with feet of clay will most assuredly be found to be a man without morality, ethics, scruples and humility. How will they react?

They will praise Trump & they will call him a martyr.
Trumpians have abandoned the moral high ground to support Trump. He is a thrice divorced, earth-bound Peter Pan who would happily go back to screwing porn stars if it were not for the publicity and the hassles of payoffs. He has split up families as a weaponization of humanitarian aid. He has welcomed as 'very fine people' the scum that Americans proudly fought only 75 years ago.

He has been shown to be either unaware of (a charitable view) laws concerning emoluments and graft, or was wholly aware of those laws and broke them anyway because he has never been held accountable by stockholders or a compliant congress.

He insults people openly and displays his bullying tactics as a badge of honor.

He is, in fact, the sort of person most responsible adults would not care to count among their friends.

And all this behavior, along with his embrace of Authoritarians around the globe, is catching up with him.

Pity the Trumpian who, in the midst of their confusion and bitterness, have gone all in with their support of such a creep.

What will be the attitude of the Trumpians when their hero is brought down? Their giant with feet of clay will most assuredly be found to be a man without morality, ethics, scruples and humility. How will they react?
Shouldn't have run the sleaziset poliitician in US politics since the 20s. It was over 2 years ago. Get over it.
Get over it? We're saddled with this creep!

You should have put forth a better candidate in 2016, instead of a establishment Democrat. Who in the world could vote for Trump or Clinton, I found both to be less than trustworthy.
That does not excuse Trump.

Never said it did, however the Democrats are just a culpable in the election of Trump as are those that voted for him. I see no difference between a Trump or Clinton supporter.
Shouldn't have run the sleaziset poliitician in US politics since the 20s. It was over 2 years ago. Get over it.
Get over it? We're saddled with this creep!

Then vote him out and stop crying. OMG.
Isn't it appropriate to prosecute law breakers?

If they are proven law breakers yes but a sitting POTUS cannot be prosecuted he has to be impeached. Learn the freaking law. OMG. Stupid people everywhere.
The impeachment will be in the House followed by a trial in the s Nate to remove him from office. Then he will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

That’s fine but not what you said initially. Please show proof of impeachment
Trumpians have abandoned the moral high ground to support Trump. He is a thrice divorced, earth-bound Peter Pan who would happily go back to screwing porn stars if it were not for the publicity and the hassles of payoffs. He has split up families as a weaponization of humanitarian aid. He has welcomed as 'very fine people' the scum that Americans proudly fought only 75 years ago.

He has been shown to be either unaware of (a charitable view) laws concerning emoluments and graft, or was wholly aware of those laws and broke them anyway because he has never been held accountable by stockholders or a compliant congress.

He insults people openly and displays his bullying tactics as a badge of honor.

He is, in fact, the sort of person most responsible adults would not care to count among their friends.

And all this behavior, along with his embrace of Authoritarians around the globe, is catching up with him.

Pity the Trumpian who, in the midst of their confusion and bitterness, have gone all in with their support of such a creep.

What will be the attitude of the Trumpians when their hero is brought down? Their giant with feet of clay will most assuredly be found to be a man without morality, ethics, scruples and humility. How will they react?
I don’t doubt Trump is a pig, egotistical, arrogant asshole. Not unlike a lot of our presidents.
Those who suffer from TDS think they come off like this.

When they really come off like this.
Get over it? We're saddled with this creep!

Then vote him out and stop crying. OMG.
Isn't it appropriate to prosecute law breakers?

If they are proven law breakers yes but a sitting POTUS cannot be prosecuted he has to be impeached. Learn the freaking law. OMG. Stupid people everywhere.
The impeachment will be in the House followed by a trial in the s Nate to remove him from office. Then he will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

That’s fine but not what you said initially. Please show proof of impeachment
I’m relying on our law makers to provide proof.
Then vote him out and stop crying. OMG.
Isn't it appropriate to prosecute law breakers?

If they are proven law breakers yes but a sitting POTUS cannot be prosecuted he has to be impeached. Learn the freaking law. OMG. Stupid people everywhere.
The impeachment will be in the House followed by a trial in the s Nate to remove him from office. Then he will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

That’s fine but not what you said initially. Please show proof of impeachment
I’m relying on our law makers to provide proof.

You have a lot of confidence in pay for play politicians. I dont share that confidence. Hell in Benghazi people died and no one was deemed guilty of anything. Trump hasn’t killed anyone so I doubt anything comes of this.
Trumpians have abandoned the moral high ground to support Trump. He is a thrice divorced, earth-bound Peter Pan who would happily go back to screwing porn stars if it were not for the publicity and the hassles of payoffs.

When you're dying of thirst, you don't refuse water because the canteen is dented. King David and King Solomon were dented vessels...King David sent his best friend on a suicide mission so David could marry his widow...Solomon married 700 women and had 300 direct contradiction to Jewish Law. They were still, for the most part, great leaders. And remembered and studied thousands of years after the end of their reigns.

He has split up families as a weaponization of humanitarian aid. He has welcomed as 'very fine people' the scum that Americans proudly fought only 75 years ago.

That was Obama...he split up families and weaponized Medicaid funding. You ignored one and cheered the other.

Obama Administration Tries To Blackmail States Into Expanding Medicaid

He insults people openly and displays his bullying tactics as a badge of honor.

Good. Some people need insulting. Americans were tired of politicians talking and talking without ever taking a stand on anything...evading being pinned down to any position. Trump says what he thinks. We like that. You should too, because your political leaders are finally saying what they think. Thank goodness that is going to cost them many, many elections. Come to think about it...maybe you shouldn't like it when your leaders vocalize their actual positions.

He has been shown to be either unaware of (a charitable view) laws concerning emoluments and graft, or was wholly aware of those laws and broke them anyway because he has never been held accountable by stockholders or a compliant congress.

Yeah, people stay at his hotel at the Old Post Office...Oh-My-Goodness...the humanity!

You’re rationalizing your support for Trump.

As an American, I would prefer to be inspired not instigated.
Isn't it appropriate to prosecute law breakers?

If they are proven law breakers yes but a sitting POTUS cannot be prosecuted he has to be impeached. Learn the freaking law. OMG. Stupid people everywhere.
The impeachment will be in the House followed by a trial in the s Nate to remove him from office. Then he will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

That’s fine but not what you said initially. Please show proof of impeachment
I’m relying on our law makers to provide proof.

You have a lot of confidence in pay for play politicians. I dont share that confidence. Hell in Benghazi people died and no one was deemed guilty of anything. Trump hasn’t killed anyone so I doubt anything comes of this.
You cling to the myths of Benghazi like a child clings to a security blanket.

It’s time to examine your flawed hero with the same intensity driving your bitter cynicism
So you got your Jihadist Marching Orders today?

Or are you more of a Chinese Communist, or Russian Troll?

Why do you support Infanticide, Child Prostitution, Heroin Abuse, Homosexuality, and Terrorism, Illegal Immigration and paying lazy people to sit on their asses?

Shouldn’t you just Move back to Libphuckistan since you hate America and Democracy so much?

You speak of morality and ethics yet say nothing of Clinton and Obama and their entires staffs emailing each other on her secret server and lying to Congress about it, Bleach bitting 33,000 emails to cover up their crimes one of which was soliciting the help of Vladimir Putin and Russian Intelligence to compile a Dirty Russian Dossier they tried to use to rig an election and then launch a COUP to
Overthrow our Democracy.

Fuck off you child of Hell. May you burn forever.
Trumpians have abandoned the moral high ground to support Trump. He is a thrice divorced, earth-bound Peter Pan who would happily go back to screwing porn stars if it were not for the publicity and the hassles of payoffs. He has split up families as a weaponization of humanitarian aid. He has welcomed as 'very fine people' the scum that Americans proudly fought only 75 years ago.

He has been shown to be either unaware of (a charitable view) laws concerning emoluments and graft, or was wholly aware of those laws and broke them anyway because he has never been held accountable by stockholders or a compliant congress.

He insults people openly and displays his bullying tactics as a badge of honor.

He is, in fact, the sort of person most responsible adults would not care to count among their friends.

And all this behavior, along with his embrace of Authoritarians around the globe, is catching up with him.

Pity the Trumpian who, in the midst of their confusion and bitterness, have gone all in with their support of such a creep.

What will be the attitude of the Trumpians when their hero is brought down? Their giant with feet of clay will most assuredly be found to be a man without morality, ethics, scruples and humility. How will they react?
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If they are proven law breakers yes but a sitting POTUS cannot be prosecuted he has to be impeached. Learn the freaking law. OMG. Stupid people everywhere.
The impeachment will be in the House followed by a trial in the s Nate to remove him from office. Then he will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

That’s fine but not what you said initially. Please show proof of impeachment
I’m relying on our law makers to provide proof.

You have a lot of confidence in pay for play politicians. I dont share that confidence. Hell in Benghazi people died and no one was deemed guilty of anything. Trump hasn’t killed anyone so I doubt anything comes of this.
You cling to the myths of Benghazi like a child clings to a security blanket.

It’s time to examine your flawed hero with the same intensity driving your bitter cynicism

I just used that as an example of how politicians don’t care. Some people died and no one was prosecuted. If that doesn’t do it then whatever Trump has allegedly done is peanuts. You missed my point as you are blinded by partisan hate. Re-examine our convo. I vilified ALL politicians.
So you got your Jihadist Marching Orders today?

Or are you more of a Chinese Communist, or Russian Troll?

Why do you support Infanticide, Child Prostitution, Heroin Abuse, Homosexuality, and Terrorism, Illegal Immigration and paying lazy people to sit on their asses?

Shouldn’t you just
Move back to Libphuckistan since you hate America and Democracy so much?

Trumpians have abandoned the moral high ground to support Trump. He is a thrice divorced, earth-bound Peter Pan who would happily go back to screwing porn stars if it were not for the publicity and the hassles of payoffs. He has split up families as a weaponization of humanitarian aid. He has welcomed as 'very fine people' the scum that Americans proudly fought only 75 years ago.

He has been shown to be either unaware of (a charitable view) laws concerning emoluments and graft, or was wholly aware of those laws and broke them anyway because he has never been held accountable by stockholders or a compliant congress.

He insults people openly and displays his bullying tactics as a badge of honor.

He is, in fact, the sort of person most responsible adults would not care to count among their friends.

And all this behavior, along with his embrace of Authoritarians around the globe, is catching up with him.

Pity the Trumpian who, in the midst of their confusion and bitterness, have gone all in with their support of such a creep.

What will be the attitude of the Trumpians when their hero is brought down? Their giant with feet of clay will most assuredly be found to be a man without morality, ethics, scruples and humility. How will they react?

I tried to be civil and the poster went psycho. Weird.

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