After the last few weeks I too have made a decision

I consider Trump supporters to be those "man on the street" interviewees.....the people that leave you like "wow.....there are really people this retarded out there? Oh boy."

Dont' know about sonny, but I get that impression every time I've seen interviews of Trump, Hillary, Cruz, and Sanders.
I seriously can't believe these who are the people are backing for president.
Exactly. Its because of dipshit people that would actually support any of these people...but to me, Trump support is a whooo000ole nother level of mental daftness or retardation.

Anyone who cant see grimy used car salesman in that guy's fucking SOUL within the first 9 seconds of hearing him talk.....

Is probably the dupes that Voted all the other used car salesman into office and got us into this position to begin with.

Trump is whats WRONG with Politicians....but to an EXAGGERATED, CARTOONISH LEVEL!

Cant believe how fucking gullible people are, its crazy.
FYI - I did NOT vote for Obama, Bush I, Bush II, Clinton, nor any of the rest of the anti-America crooks. I haven't voted for any of them since I've been old enough to vote. I have voted, and will continue to vote, but never for a professional politician. I've seen and experienced what they do, are doing, and have done.
Well, in my opinion, he beats whoever comes in second. He's certainly better than Hillary, Cruz, Sanders, and the other also-rans. I haven't seen anyone else to vote for. When you find someone better than Trump, please let me. It's a long time between now and November.

"All of the above" = better than 5 year old insecure baby boy Trump. Every last other candidate.
For you, your family, your kids, and those you really care about, it would be in your best interest to vote for Trump. And if you don't, expect more of the same, or even worse for the next four years. The hope we have to turn things around, and head in the right direction, is to give Trump a chance to right the sinking ship called America.

The other candidates are all tied to the obvious corruption in Washington political circles. Hillary and Sanders are deeply embedded in "The Washington Brotherhood", and Cruz is an "ego" and elite wannabe. We basically have no choice at this time other than to vote for Trump. It's either Trump, or more status quo and "politics as usual".
I think youre an ok guy and all but I dont consider you all that intelligent. Pretending Trump isnt politics as usual... and EVEN WORSE because hes an insecure little girl.....makes you....pretty naive........

And BECAUSE of the naive folks like YOU voting for all these years.....we are IN the position we are in.


NOT in spite of you.

Look how deep your head is up your own ass.

You hate politicians because x, y, you want the guy who IS x, y, z but ten fold, and hes got the temperment of a middle schooler to boot .

Really nice! Thanks for actually FUCKING the Country with how gullible your ass really is.
Don't blame me for the mess this once great nation is in. I didn't vote for Obama, Bush I, Bush II, Clinton, nor any of the other assholes. I didn't play their game. But, you can blame the uneducated airheads that did vote for Obama, Bush I, Bush II, Clinton, etc..

If you've voted for any of them, then look in the mirror and blame the person you see. Also, I may not be the brightest bulb on the tree, but I'm way smarter than the assholes that vote for professional politicians. Take a look at daily headlines, look at illegal immigration, senseless deadly costly wars, the economy, our debt, loss of privacy, eminent domain laws, our foreign trade deals, our relationships with our allies, our militarized law enforcement agencies, taxation without fair, equal, and just representation, unfair and unjust tax laws and codes, our unjust judicial system, unaffordable healthcare, the number living at or below the poverty line, the number surviving off of government assistance programs and unemployment checks, the mistreatment and abuse of our Vets, the importing of labor, our dependency on foreign imports, our open borders and ports, and the fact that government debt is presently the only catalyst keeping us afloat.

The above is what happens when voters elect and re-elect professional politicians to serve in government.
I do blame you. Youre daft enough to fall for a used car schtick.

Sorry but uh.....people like you I wish you'd just refrain from Voting altogether.

You lack the mental acumen to see the grime in Trump's character.....that're the problem.

And None you listed above were folks I voted for, I stopped voting when I became depressed at how retarded you people really are.
Thanks. I appreciate the kind words. You're so nice.
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.
Do you need a tissue now? No one truly gives a shit. Why do people think they need to ANNOUNCE who they are voting for?
13 pages says fuck off. This is a MESSAGE BOARD WHERE WE SHARE THOUGHTS. Can't deal with it go cry to mommy.
I consider Trump supporters to be those "man on the street" interviewees.....the people that leave you like "wow.....there are really people this retarded out there? Oh boy."

Dont' know about sonny, but I get that impression every time I've seen interviews of Trump, Hillary, Cruz, and Sanders.
I seriously can't believe these who are the people are backing for president.
Exactly. Its because of dipshit people that would actually support any of these people...but to me, Trump support is a whooo000ole nother level of mental daftness or retardation.

Anyone who cant see grimy used car salesman in that guy's fucking SOUL within the first 9 seconds of hearing him talk.....

Is probably the dupes that Voted all the other used car salesman into office and got us into this position to begin with.

Trump is whats WRONG with Politicians....but to an EXAGGERATED, CARTOONISH LEVEL!

Cant believe how fucking gullible people are, its crazy.
FYI - I did NOT vote for Obama, Bush I, Bush II, Clinton, nor any of the rest of the anti-America crooks. I haven't voted for any of them since I've been old enough to vote. I have voted, and will continue to vote, but never for a professional politician. I've seen and experienced what they do, are doing, and have done.
No, youre about to vote for the most OBVIOUS power hungry, retarded crook of all of them COMBINED.

And the fact you are so fucking terrible at reading the character of a person when his is the easiest one almost EVER......

Is the sorry as fuck reason our "politicians" made "politician" a perjorative.

People like you are simple minded as fuck. Trump is the most adolescent, low class, big mouthed, power hungry, hand in the cookie jar fucking ASS HOLE to have EVER run.

And he is YOUR GUY.

Sorry......youre not telling me anything about anything in life being that gullible.
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.

Congratulations.....Hillary appreciates your help.:slap:
The things that I believe in are far more important than a Trump victory. I will not compromise my values so other voters are happy.
People like you gave us Obama..You believe in Hillary that's the bottom line:slap:
You're another moron who hasn't a clue. I voted for Romney & McCain and Hillary can goto hell.

The analytical skills of a good chunk of you is equivalent to that of my 8 year old grandson.

Idiots like you sat home because they didn't like Romney which gave us Obama. Your grandkids will have to deal with the mess you're going to leave them

Actually they idiots who stayed home for Romney are the ones now telling us we have to vote for trump no matter what. That's the dirty little secret. Most of them have zero loyalty to the Republican party. So why should I be loyal to the jerks who screwed us last time while they are doing so a second time?
I consider Trump supporters to be those "man on the street" interviewees.....the people that leave you like "wow.....there are really people this retarded out there? Oh boy."

Dont' know about sonny, but I get that impression every time I've seen interviews of Trump, Hillary, Cruz, and Sanders.
I seriously can't believe these who are the people are backing for president.
Exactly. Its because of dipshit people that would actually support any of these people...but to me, Trump support is a whooo000ole nother level of mental daftness or retardation.

Anyone who cant see grimy used car salesman in that guy's fucking SOUL within the first 9 seconds of hearing him talk.....

Is probably the dupes that Voted all the other used car salesman into office and got us into this position to begin with.

Trump is whats WRONG with Politicians....but to an EXAGGERATED, CARTOONISH LEVEL!

Cant believe how fucking gullible people are, its crazy.
FYI - I did NOT vote for Obama, Bush I, Bush II, Clinton, nor any of the rest of the anti-America crooks. I haven't voted for any of them since I've been old enough to vote. I have voted, and will continue to vote, but never for a professional politician. I've seen and experienced what they do, are doing, and have done.
No, youre about to vote for the most OBVIOUS power hungry, retarded crook of all of them COMBINED.

And the fact you are so fucking terrible at reading the character of a person when his is the easiest one almost EVER......

Is the sorry as fuck reason our "politicians" made "politician" a perjorative.

People like you are simple minded as fuck. Trump is the most adolescent, low class, big mouthed, power hungry, hand in the cookie jar fucking ASS HOLE to have EVER run.

And he is YOUR GUY.

Sorry......youre not telling me anything about anything in life being that gullible.

Click to expand...
No, youre about to vote for the most OBVIOUS power hungry, retarded crook of all of them COMBINED.
I consider Trump supporters to be those "man on the street" interviewees.....the people that leave you like "wow.....there are really people this retarded out there? Oh boy."

Dont' know about sonny, but I get that impression every time I've seen interviews of Trump, Hillary, Cruz, and Sanders.
I seriously can't believe these who are the people are backing for president.
Exactly. Its because of dipshit people that would actually support any of these people...but to me, Trump support is a whooo000ole nother level of mental daftness or retardation.

Anyone who cant see grimy used car salesman in that guy's fucking SOUL within the first 9 seconds of hearing him talk.....

Is probably the dupes that Voted all the other used car salesman into office and got us into this position to begin with.

Trump is whats WRONG with Politicians....but to an EXAGGERATED, CARTOONISH LEVEL!

Cant believe how fucking gullible people are, its crazy.
FYI - I did NOT vote for Obama, Bush I, Bush II, Clinton, nor any of the rest of the anti-America crooks. I haven't voted for any of them since I've been old enough to vote. I have voted, and will continue to vote, but never for a professional politician. I've seen and experienced what they do, are doing, and have done.
No, youre about to vote for the most OBVIOUS power hungry, retarded crook of all of them COMBINED.

And the fact you are so fucking terrible at reading the character of a person when his is the easiest one almost EVER......

Is the sorry as fuck reason our "politicians" made "politician" a perjorative.

People like you are simple minded as fuck. Trump is the most adolescent, low class, big mouthed, power hungry, hand in the cookie jar fucking ASS HOLE to have EVER run.

And he is YOUR GUY.

Sorry......youre not telling me anything about anything in life being that gullible.

No, youre about to vote for the most OBVIOUS power hungry, retarded crook of all of them COMBINED.

I haven't once seen him mention voting for HIllary
A lot of people don't want Trump or Hillary. Gary Johnson is polling at 11% and if he can get included in the debates with the two of them his numbers will continue to go up from there.

Libertarian candidate gains in polls - CNN Video

I'm not a Johnson fan but I will probably look at him if its trump Clinton

No to Johnson, he's so wishy washy he can be bought easily by either of the party (dem/GopE) Establishment

Congratulations. You've just described Donald trump. A man who will make any deal if it makes him a dollar
I consider Trump supporters to be those "man on the street" interviewees.....the people that leave you like "wow.....there are really people this retarded out there? Oh boy."

Dont' know about sonny, but I get that impression every time I've seen interviews of Trump, Hillary, Cruz, and Sanders.
I seriously can't believe these who are the people are backing for president.
Exactly. Its because of dipshit people that would actually support any of these people...but to me, Trump support is a whooo000ole nother level of mental daftness or retardation.

Anyone who cant see grimy used car salesman in that guy's fucking SOUL within the first 9 seconds of hearing him talk.....

Is probably the dupes that Voted all the other used car salesman into office and got us into this position to begin with.

Trump is whats WRONG with Politicians....but to an EXAGGERATED, CARTOONISH LEVEL!

Cant believe how fucking gullible people are, its crazy.
FYI - I did NOT vote for Obama, Bush I, Bush II, Clinton, nor any of the rest of the anti-America crooks. I haven't voted for any of them since I've been old enough to vote. I have voted, and will continue to vote, but never for a professional politician. I've seen and experienced what they do, are doing, and have done.
No, youre about to vote for the most OBVIOUS power hungry, retarded crook of all of them COMBINED.

And the fact you are so fucking terrible at reading the character of a person when his is he easiest one almost EVER......

Is the sorry as fuck reason our "politicians" made "politician" a perjorative.

People like you are simple minded as fuck. Trump is the most adolescent, low class, big mouthed, power hungry, hand in the cookie jar fucking ASS HOLE to have EVER run.

And he is YOUR GUY.

Sorry......youre not telling me anything about anything in life being that gullible.
Damn, you're wound up tighter than a Billy The Builder wind up toy on Christmas Day. You're really getting all of that piss and vinegar out of your system now. It's a damn good thing that I didn't say that I was voting for Clint Eastwood or Tiger Woods.

Hey, may I buy you a cup of coffee?

Trump is such an easy to manipulate twat, Too.

I could troll him so easily.

Just sit there and ask him how good he is at a laundry list of things......and hide my inner giggle SO HARD as he tells me he's the "best there is" at those things, and then start to pepper in negative things like "dirty sock" and watch the little teenager tell me how he's "the best dirty sock in any laundry basket ever! Count on it!"

As sonny fawns in the background like...."he SAYS hes the best dirty sock, that MEANS he IS!!! GO TRUMP, DIRTY SOCKS RULE!"
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.

Congratulations.....Hillary appreciates your help.:slap:
The things that I believe in are far more important than a Trump victory. I will not compromise my values so other voters are happy.
People like you gave us Obama..You believe in Hillary that's the bottom line:slap:
You're another moron who hasn't a clue. I voted for Romney & McCain and Hillary can goto hell.

The analytical skills of a good chunk of you is equivalent to that of my 8 year old grandson.

Idiots like you sat home because they didn't like Romney which gave us Obama. Your grandkids will have to deal with the mess you're going to leave them
Can't you fucking read or are you one of the rare retard jews?
I consider Trump supporters to be those "man on the street" interviewees.....the people that leave you like "wow.....there are really people this retarded out there? Oh boy."

Dont' know about sonny, but I get that impression every time I've seen interviews of Trump, Hillary, Cruz, and Sanders.
I seriously can't believe these who are the people are backing for president.
Exactly. Its because of dipshit people that would actually support any of these people...but to me, Trump support is a whooo000ole nother level of mental daftness or retardation.

Anyone who cant see grimy used car salesman in that guy's fucking SOUL within the first 9 seconds of hearing him talk.....

Is probably the dupes that Voted all the other used car salesman into office and got us into this position to begin with.

Trump is whats WRONG with Politicians....but to an EXAGGERATED, CARTOONISH LEVEL!

Cant believe how fucking gullible people are, its crazy.
FYI - I did NOT vote for Obama, Bush I, Bush II, Clinton, nor any of the rest of the anti-America crooks. I haven't voted for any of them since I've been old enough to vote. I have voted, and will continue to vote, but never for a professional politician. I've seen and experienced what they do, are doing, and have done.
No, youre about to vote for the most OBVIOUS power hungry, retarded crook of all of them COMBINED.

And the fact you are so fucking terrible at reading the character of a person when his is he easiest one almost EVER......

Is the sorry as fuck reason our "politicians" made "politician" a perjorative.

People like you are simple minded as fuck. Trump is the most adolescent, low class, big mouthed, power hungry, hand in the cookie jar fucking ASS HOLE to have EVER run.

And he is YOUR GUY.

Sorry......youre not telling me anything about anything in life being that gullible.
Damn, you're wound up tighter than a Billy The Builder wind up toy on Christmas Day. You're really getting all of that piss and vinegar out of your system now. It's a damn good thing that I didn't say that I was voting for Clint Eastwood or Tiger Woods.

Hey, may I buy you a cup of coffee?

View attachment 69258
Clint Eastwood is nowhere near as corrupt, immature or classless as Trump, despite kind of losing it.

More of an example of how daft ya are by even mentioning him :lol:
I consider Trump supporters to be those "man on the street" interviewees.....the people that leave you like "wow.....there are really people this retarded out there? Oh boy."

Dont' know about sonny, but I get that impression every time I've seen interviews of Trump, Hillary, Cruz, and Sanders.
I seriously can't believe these who are the people are backing for president.
Exactly. Its because of dipshit people that would actually support any of these people...but to me, Trump support is a whooo000ole nother level of mental daftness or retardation.

Anyone who cant see grimy used car salesman in that guy's fucking SOUL within the first 9 seconds of hearing him talk.....

Is probably the dupes that Voted all the other used car salesman into office and got us into this position to begin with.

Trump is whats WRONG with Politicians....but to an EXAGGERATED, CARTOONISH LEVEL!

Cant believe how fucking gullible people are, its crazy.
FYI - I did NOT vote for Obama, Bush I, Bush II, Clinton, nor any of the rest of the anti-America crooks. I haven't voted for any of them since I've been old enough to vote. I have voted, and will continue to vote, but never for a professional politician. I've seen and experienced what they do, are doing, and have done.
No, youre about to vote for the most OBVIOUS power hungry, retarded crook of all of them COMBINED.

And the fact you are so fucking terrible at reading the character of a person when his is the easiest one almost EVER......

Is the sorry as fuck reason our "politicians" made "politician" a perjorative.

People like you are simple minded as fuck. Trump is the most adolescent, low class, big mouthed, power hungry, hand in the cookie jar fucking ASS HOLE to have EVER run.

And he is YOUR GUY.

Sorry......youre not telling me anything about anything in life being that gullible.

Click to expand...
No, youre about to vote for the most OBVIOUS power hungry, retarded crook of all of them COMBINED.
I consider Trump supporters to be those "man on the street" interviewees.....the people that leave you like "wow.....there are really people this retarded out there? Oh boy."

Dont' know about sonny, but I get that impression every time I've seen interviews of Trump, Hillary, Cruz, and Sanders.
I seriously can't believe these who are the people are backing for president.
Exactly. Its because of dipshit people that would actually support any of these people...but to me, Trump support is a whooo000ole nother level of mental daftness or retardation.

Anyone who cant see grimy used car salesman in that guy's fucking SOUL within the first 9 seconds of hearing him talk.....

Is probably the dupes that Voted all the other used car salesman into office and got us into this position to begin with.

Trump is whats WRONG with Politicians....but to an EXAGGERATED, CARTOONISH LEVEL!

Cant believe how fucking gullible people are, its crazy.
FYI - I did NOT vote for Obama, Bush I, Bush II, Clinton, nor any of the rest of the anti-America crooks. I haven't voted for any of them since I've been old enough to vote. I have voted, and will continue to vote, but never for a professional politician. I've seen and experienced what they do, are doing, and have done.
No, youre about to vote for the most OBVIOUS power hungry, retarded crook of all of them COMBINED.

And the fact you are so fucking terrible at reading the character of a person when his is the easiest one almost EVER......

Is the sorry as fuck reason our "politicians" made "politician" a perjorative.

People like you are simple minded as fuck. Trump is the most adolescent, low class, big mouthed, power hungry, hand in the cookie jar fucking ASS HOLE to have EVER run.

And he is YOUR GUY.

Sorry......youre not telling me anything about anything in life being that gullible.

No, youre about to vote for the most OBVIOUS power hungry, retarded crook of all of them COMBINED.

I haven't once seen him mention voting for HIllary

" me turn that around on him.......der...der...ain't I clever? Der.
Congratulations.....Hillary appreciates your help.:slap:
The things that I believe in are far more important than a Trump victory. I will not compromise my values so other voters are happy.
People like you gave us Obama..You believe in Hillary that's the bottom line:slap:
You're another moron who hasn't a clue. I voted for Romney & McCain and Hillary can goto hell.

The analytical skills of a good chunk of you is equivalent to that of my 8 year old grandson.

Idiots like you sat home because they didn't like Romney which gave us Obama. Your grandkids will have to deal with the mess you're going to leave them
Can't you fucking read or are you one of the rare retard jews?

Congratulations.....Hillary appreciates your help.:slap:
The things that I believe in are far more important than a Trump victory. I will not compromise my values so other voters are happy.
People like you gave us Obama..You believe in Hillary that's the bottom line:slap:
You're another moron who hasn't a clue. I voted for Romney & McCain and Hillary can goto hell.

The analytical skills of a good chunk of you is equivalent to that of my 8 year old grandson.

Idiots like you sat home because they didn't like Romney which gave us Obama. Your grandkids will have to deal with the mess you're going to leave them

Actually they idiots who stayed home for Romney are the ones now telling us we have to vote for trump no matter what. That's the dirty little secret. Most of them have zero loyalty to the Republican party. So why should I be loyal to the jerks who screwed us last time while they are doing so a second time?

Same principle, i'm not talk specific people here. People stayed home because they didn't like Romney, which gave us 4 more years of Obama. You people who think they are somehow magnanimous or something, are giving up the Country, to the most corrupt politician ever to run for the presidency... that's stupidity beyond belief.
Dont' know about sonny, but I get that impression every time I've seen interviews of Trump, Hillary, Cruz, and Sanders.
I seriously can't believe these who are the people are backing for president.
Exactly. Its because of dipshit people that would actually support any of these people...but to me, Trump support is a whooo000ole nother level of mental daftness or retardation.

Anyone who cant see grimy used car salesman in that guy's fucking SOUL within the first 9 seconds of hearing him talk.....

Is probably the dupes that Voted all the other used car salesman into office and got us into this position to begin with.

Trump is whats WRONG with Politicians....but to an EXAGGERATED, CARTOONISH LEVEL!

Cant believe how fucking gullible people are, its crazy.
FYI - I did NOT vote for Obama, Bush I, Bush II, Clinton, nor any of the rest of the anti-America crooks. I haven't voted for any of them since I've been old enough to vote. I have voted, and will continue to vote, but never for a professional politician. I've seen and experienced what they do, are doing, and have done.
No, youre about to vote for the most OBVIOUS power hungry, retarded crook of all of them COMBINED.

And the fact you are so fucking terrible at reading the character of a person when his is he easiest one almost EVER......

Is the sorry as fuck reason our "politicians" made "politician" a perjorative.

People like you are simple minded as fuck. Trump is the most adolescent, low class, big mouthed, power hungry, hand in the cookie jar fucking ASS HOLE to have EVER run.

And he is YOUR GUY.

Sorry......youre not telling me anything about anything in life being that gullible.
Damn, you're wound up tighter than a Billy The Builder wind up toy on Christmas Day. You're really getting all of that piss and vinegar out of your system now. It's a damn good thing that I didn't say that I was voting for Clint Eastwood or Tiger Woods.

Hey, may I buy you a cup of coffee?

View attachment 69258
Clint Eastwood is nowhere near as corrupt, immature or classless as Trump, despite kind of losing it.

More of an example of how daft ya are by even mentioning him :lol:
What if I said Joe Biden? Sheriff Joe? Nick Saban? Vince Gill? Rosie O'Donnell?
Twat Trump, are you any good at.....oh....negotiating?

"Im the BEST negotiator thats EVER lived!"

Twat Trump, are you any good at dubking a basketball?

"I trained Dominique Wilkins right before he EXPLODED onto the scene. I might just be the BEST dunker that ever lived."

Twat Trump, are you perhaps any good at immaturity?

"Im the greatest, most imma........hey wait a minute!"
Dont' know about sonny, but I get that impression every time I've seen interviews of Trump, Hillary, Cruz, and Sanders.
I seriously can't believe these who are the people are backing for president.
Exactly. Its because of dipshit people that would actually support any of these people...but to me, Trump support is a whooo000ole nother level of mental daftness or retardation.

Anyone who cant see grimy used car salesman in that guy's fucking SOUL within the first 9 seconds of hearing him talk.....

Is probably the dupes that Voted all the other used car salesman into office and got us into this position to begin with.

Trump is whats WRONG with Politicians....but to an EXAGGERATED, CARTOONISH LEVEL!

Cant believe how fucking gullible people are, its crazy.
FYI - I did NOT vote for Obama, Bush I, Bush II, Clinton, nor any of the rest of the anti-America crooks. I haven't voted for any of them since I've been old enough to vote. I have voted, and will continue to vote, but never for a professional politician. I've seen and experienced what they do, are doing, and have done.
No, youre about to vote for the most OBVIOUS power hungry, retarded crook of all of them COMBINED.

And the fact you are so fucking terrible at reading the character of a person when his is the easiest one almost EVER......

Is the sorry as fuck reason our "politicians" made "politician" a perjorative.

People like you are simple minded as fuck. Trump is the most adolescent, low class, big mouthed, power hungry, hand in the cookie jar fucking ASS HOLE to have EVER run.

And he is YOUR GUY.

Sorry......youre not telling me anything about anything in life being that gullible.

Click to expand...
No, youre about to vote for the most OBVIOUS power hungry, retarded crook of all of them COMBINED.
Dont' know about sonny, but I get that impression every time I've seen interviews of Trump, Hillary, Cruz, and Sanders.
I seriously can't believe these who are the people are backing for president.
Exactly. Its because of dipshit people that would actually support any of these people...but to me, Trump support is a whooo000ole nother level of mental daftness or retardation.

Anyone who cant see grimy used car salesman in that guy's fucking SOUL within the first 9 seconds of hearing him talk.....

Is probably the dupes that Voted all the other used car salesman into office and got us into this position to begin with.

Trump is whats WRONG with Politicians....but to an EXAGGERATED, CARTOONISH LEVEL!

Cant believe how fucking gullible people are, its crazy.
FYI - I did NOT vote for Obama, Bush I, Bush II, Clinton, nor any of the rest of the anti-America crooks. I haven't voted for any of them since I've been old enough to vote. I have voted, and will continue to vote, but never for a professional politician. I've seen and experienced what they do, are doing, and have done.
No, youre about to vote for the most OBVIOUS power hungry, retarded crook of all of them COMBINED.

And the fact you are so fucking terrible at reading the character of a person when his is the easiest one almost EVER......

Is the sorry as fuck reason our "politicians" made "politician" a perjorative.

People like you are simple minded as fuck. Trump is the most adolescent, low class, big mouthed, power hungry, hand in the cookie jar fucking ASS HOLE to have EVER run.

And he is YOUR GUY.

Sorry......youre not telling me anything about anything in life being that gullible.

No, youre about to vote for the most OBVIOUS power hungry, retarded crook of all of them COMBINED.

I haven't once seen him mention voting for HIllary

" me turn that around on him.......der...der...ain't I clever? Der.

Hard to tell with all the makeup.

are you a sheep, or a lemming?
Congratulations.....Hillary appreciates your help.:slap:
The things that I believe in are far more important than a Trump victory. I will not compromise my values so other voters are happy.

And how do your values compare with Hillary's? The world isn't as simple as you wish it was.
The world I live in is only as complicated as I make it. While politicians may set the rules my world is contained in, I have the ultimate choice on how difficult or easy my life is within that world. As most of you know my personal troubles from my past you'll have to imagine me laughing at anyone who thinks life is rough for them because of politics.

You have made your choice, we are just trying to understand your choice. You say you won't compromise your values, but you would be doing exactly that by sitting out and helping Hillary.
Voting is a right, not an obligation. Not helping the armed guard stop a robber does not mean I'm helping the robber.

And helping one robber beat another doesn't mean you are stopping a robbery

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