After watching the debate its a fact.


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Trump is the only sane SOB there. He doesn't want to get involved in Syria,He doesn't want to send jobs overseas,he KNOWS the richer you are the more you can afford AND should pay in taxes,He realizes the horrible effects of illegal immigration...the rest in one way or another lost me completely. Just crazy SOB's.
Trump is the only sane SOB there. He doesn't want to get involved in Syria,He doesn't want to send jobs overseas,he KNOWS the richer you are the more you can afford AND should pay in taxes,He realizes the horrible effects of illegal immigration...the rest in one way or another lost me completely. Just crazy SOB's.
Jindal says hello
Trump is the only sane SOB there. He doesn't want to get involved in Syria,He doesn't want to send jobs overseas,he KNOWS the richer you are the more you can afford AND should pay in taxes,He realizes the horrible effects of illegal immigration...the rest in one way or another lost me completely. Just crazy SOB's.
Jindal says hello
No thanks. I wish all of the ones in the 2nd tier debate would drop out already...along with the ones that didn't even MAKE the debate...why waste people's time and money?
Trump is the only sane SOB there. He doesn't want to get involved in Syria,He doesn't want to send jobs overseas,he KNOWS the richer you are the more you can afford AND should pay in taxes,He realizes the horrible effects of illegal immigration...the rest in one way or another lost me completely. Just crazy SOB's.
Jindal says hello
No thanks. I wish all of the ones in the 2nd tier debate would drop out already...along with the ones that didn't even MAKE the debate...why waste people's time and money?
People give them money & time freely. Who are you to say otherwise?
Trump is the only sane SOB there. He doesn't want to get involved in Syria,He doesn't want to send jobs overseas,he KNOWS the richer you are the more you can afford AND should pay in taxes,He realizes the horrible effects of illegal immigration...the rest in one way or another lost me completely. Just crazy SOB's.
Jindal says hello
No thanks. I wish all of the ones in the 2nd tier debate would drop out already...along with the ones that didn't even MAKE the debate...why waste people's time and money?
People give them money & time freely. Who are you to say otherwise?
Stupidly. Its a waste of time and their money...but hey whatever have at it. Guess they are grasping at straws and hoping for a big donor or bigger than expected finish in Iowa or NH.
I can't stand candidates who give a fucking speech every time they're asked a question. Kasich is the worst! Bush is not much better. Rubio is as bad as Kasich. Cruz, Carson, and Trump are the only REAL choices IMO. Fiorina should be back in the kiddie debate. Trump still gets my support.
Thank you, we have already counted your vote....DRUDGE POLL!
TRUMP 38.53% (31,493 votes)

CRUZ 21.51% (17,584 votes)

PAUL 15.7% (12,834 votes)

RUBIO 11.55% (9,442 votes)

CARSON 4.77% (3,901 votes)

FIORINA 4.62% (3,779 votes)

KASICH 1.94% (1,582 votes)

BUSH 1.38% (1,131 votes)
Trump is the only sane SOB there. He doesn't want to get involved in Syria,He doesn't want to send jobs overseas,he KNOWS the richer you are the more you can afford AND should pay in taxes,He realizes the horrible effects of illegal immigration...the rest in one way or another lost me completely. Just crazy SOB's.
Hey maybe you're a democrat.
Pretty amazing to see Kasich still on that stage. He ought to be on the undercard or disqualified from the debates entirely, just like Lindsey Graham. Like Graham, he is an immigrationist and amnesty supporter. Also, what was amazing was Kasich (and Bush) still speaking out for amnesty. Have these guys no minds ? > do they not realize why they are near the bottom of the polls, while Trump is at the top ?

It really got me when Kasich said the illegal aliens (my wording not his) are good, law-abiding people. Uh, excuse me, Governor but I do have to inform you that EVERY illegal alien is a law-BREAKER. NONE are "law-abiding".

Those who cross the border without inspection by US immigration authorities (AKA "wetbacks") are guilty of violating US Code 8, Section 1325, and can be imprisoned for 6 months (2 years - 2nd offense) + fines. Those who overstay visa are also breaking US law, and can be deported, and refused future admission.

Typically, if you overstay your visa for more than 180 days you will face removal proceedings to be deported from the United States. Additionally, if you overstay for more than 180 days but less than one year then you will be inadmissible to the US for three years beyond that time, and if you overstay for one year or greater, you will be inadmissible for ten years. If you overstay but not more than 180 days you must leave the US, but you can apply for a visa to return immediately. There are a few exceptions but they are found in only a small number of extreme situations.

Not hard to see how Kasich wound up with a grade of D from numbersUSA.
Trump won the debate. He's gonna get the nomination and he's gonna beat the shit out of Hillary the liar. End of debate.
Trump is the only sane SOB there. He doesn't want to get involved in Syria,He doesn't want to send jobs overseas,he KNOWS the richer you are the more you can afford AND should pay in taxes,He realizes the horrible effects of illegal immigration...the rest in one way or another lost me completely. Just crazy SOB's.
Jindal says hello
No thanks. I wish all of the ones in the 2nd tier debate would drop out already...along with the ones that didn't even MAKE the debate...why waste people's time and money?
The ones who didn't make the debate don't have to drop out to be out. Gilmore probably forgot he was ever in.
Trump is the only sane SOB there. He doesn't want to get involved in Syria,He doesn't want to send jobs overseas,he KNOWS the richer you are the more you can afford AND should pay in taxes,He realizes the horrible effects of illegal immigration...the rest in one way or another lost me completely. Just crazy SOB's.
Hey maybe you're a democrat.
Why do you think that? Trump is a populist. For bringing jobs back here,for universal healthcare. He is ALMOST the perfect candidate. Not quite. But good enough to vote for. Only dumb thing he said I completely disagree with him on is the min wage....but its not like it matters we will get it raised more than likely before a new president takes office so.
Thank you, we have already counted your vote....DRUDGE POLL!
TRUMP 38.53% (31,493 votes)

CRUZ 21.51% (17,584 votes)

PAUL 15.7% (12,834 votes)

RUBIO 11.55% (9,442 votes)

CARSON 4.77% (3,901 votes)

FIORINA 4.62% (3,779 votes)

KASICH 1.94% (1,582 votes)

BUSH 1.38% (1,131 votes)
Whoa Carson at #5?!

Called it!
Called what? Do you actually give credit to online polling? Give me a break amatuer
My first guy is Cruz....I think he will be the most reliable for Supreme Court appointments. His tax plan is good as well........

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