After watching the debate its a fact.

Trump is a populist. For bringing jobs back here
Except that he never explains how he is going to make companies hire Americans when they can hire Chinese and Bangladeshis for 10 times less per hour.

Is he going to impose huge import taxes on goods made by American companies with overseas labor? Is he going to try to pass a law forbidding American companies from using overseas labor? Do you actually think either of these ideas will pass Congress? Sorry, but I don't live in a fantasy world.

If he has a plan, then he should tell us, not just make pronouncements that have no prayer of materializing.

Nixon had a secret plan to win the Vietnam War!

Wait, that was a lie.....
He has explained this MANY times. As in the case with Ford wanting to move its plants to Mexico. Tax the HELL out of ANY vehicle it wants to move back here and sell...believe me they will ALL decide paying legit wages here is better than THEM having to either A. Pay for the high taxes to bring it back here themselves or B. Losing so much business to companies either staying or coming back to America.
You realize there is like 14 or 15 candidates till...I would be shocked if anyone had more than 20 something percent. Trump is the ONLY consistent candidate. Period.

What you don't understand is that as candidates drop out, those supporters won't be going to Trump. 20-something to 30 something percent is all he'll get. He can't win it.
Mmk. You believe what you want.

Trust me, I'd happily pull the lever for Trump over any of the Democrats, but he won't get my vote in the Primary, unless Cruz, Carson, and Rubio are gone.
Barf. Nut case that literally walked off stage because the crowd wasn't israel firster enough,just all around CRAZY SOB.Nut case that tried to kill his mom and best friend supposedly,and a NEO CON. Man you got 3 different kinds of people there....jeez.

That's your opinion. I'm just telling you how it's going to be. As a Trump supporter, I'm sure you don't like it but that's what it is.

1. Ted Cruz did walk out of a meeting with middle eastern Christians because there were individuals hackling him about Israel. Turns out, Christian in the ME sees Israel in a much different light from Christians in the US.

2. Carson claimed to attack his mother with a hammer when he was a child.

3. Marco Rubio does favor more governmental spendingand more foreign intervention. His political mentor is Jeb Bush--an open secret here in Florida. Fiscal conservative he is not!
Trump is a populist. For bringing jobs back here
Except that he never explains how he is going to make companies hire Americans when they can hire Chinese and Bangladeshis for 10 times less per hour.

Is he going to impose huge import taxes on goods made by American companies with overseas labor? Is he going to try to pass a law forbidding American companies from using overseas labor? Do you actually think either of these ideas will pass Congress? Sorry, but I don't live in a fantasy world.

If he has a plan, then he should tell us, not just make pronouncements that have no prayer of materializing.

Nixon had a secret plan to win the Vietnam War!

Wait, that was a lie.....
What you don't understand is that as candidates drop out, those supporters won't be going to Trump. 20-something to 30 something percent is all he'll get. He can't win it.
Mmk. You believe what you want.

Trust me, I'd happily pull the lever for Trump over any of the Democrats, but he won't get my vote in the Primary, unless Cruz, Carson, and Rubio are gone.
Barf. Nut case that literally walked off stage because the crowd wasn't israel firster enough,just all around CRAZY SOB.Nut case that tried to kill his mom and best friend supposedly,and a NEO CON. Man you got 3 different kinds of people there....jeez.

That's your opinion. I'm just telling you how it's going to be. As a Trump supporter, I'm sure you don't like it but that's what it is.

1. Ted Cruz did walk out of a meeting with middle eastern Christians because there were individuals hackling him about Israel. Turns out, Christian in the ME sees Israel in a much different light from Christians in the US.

2. Carson claimed to attack his mother with a hammer when he was a child.

3. Marco Rubio does favor more governmental spendingand more foreign intervention. His political mentor is Jeb Bush--an open secret here in Florida. Fiscal conservative he is not!

So? What does that have to do with Trump's support?
He has explained this MANY times. As in the case with Ford wanting to move its plants to Mexico. Tax the HELL out of ANY vehicle it wants to move back here and sell...believe me they will ALL decide paying legit wages here is better than THEM having to either A. Pay for the high taxes to bring it back here themselves or B. Losing so much business to companies either staying or coming back to America.
You realize there is like 14 or 15 candidates till...I would be shocked if anyone had more than 20 something percent. Trump is the ONLY consistent candidate. Period.

What you don't understand is that as candidates drop out, those supporters won't be going to Trump. 20-something to 30 something percent is all he'll get. He can't win it.
Mmk. You believe what you want.

Trust me, I'd happily pull the lever for Trump over any of the Democrats, but he won't get my vote in the Primary, unless Cruz, Carson, and Rubio are gone.
Barf. Nut case that literally walked off stage because the crowd wasn't israel firster enough,just all around CRAZY SOB.Nut case that tried to kill his mom and best friend supposedly,and a NEO CON. Man you got 3 different kinds of people there....jeez.

That's your opinion. I'm just telling you how it's going to be. As a Trump supporter, I'm sure you don't like it but that's what it is.
No that's pretty much the facts lol....Rubio the man that voted with the gang of eight....yeah real conservative guy there!
Trump is the only sane SOB there. He doesn't want to get involved in Syria,He doesn't want to send jobs overseas,he KNOWS the richer you are the more you can afford AND should pay in taxes,He realizes the horrible effects of illegal immigration...the rest in one way or another lost me completely. Just crazy SOB's.

That may have just become a losing strategy in the GOP.
Barf. Nut case that literally walked off stage because the crowd wasn't israel firster enough,just all around CRAZY SOB.Nut case that tried to kill his mom and best friend supposedly,and a NEO CON. Man you got 3 different kinds of people there....jeez.
^^^ And this is exactly why a Democrat will win. Republicans are split into factions that hate each other.
What you don't understand is that as candidates drop out, those supporters won't be going to Trump. 20-something to 30 something percent is all he'll get. He can't win it.
Mmk. You believe what you want.

Trust me, I'd happily pull the lever for Trump over any of the Democrats, but he won't get my vote in the Primary, unless Cruz, Carson, and Rubio are gone.
Barf. Nut case that literally walked off stage because the crowd wasn't israel firster enough,just all around CRAZY SOB.Nut case that tried to kill his mom and best friend supposedly,and a NEO CON. Man you got 3 different kinds of people there....jeez.

That's your opinion. I'm just telling you how it's going to be. As a Trump supporter, I'm sure you don't like it but that's what it is.
No that's pretty much the facts lol....Rubio the man that voted with the gang of eight....yeah real conservative guy there!

And Trump is a conservative? You really going to try to say that?
Barf. Nut case that literally walked off stage because the crowd wasn't israel firster enough,just all around CRAZY SOB.Nut case that tried to kill his mom and best friend supposedly,and a NEO CON. Man you got 3 different kinds of people there....jeez.
^^^ And this is exactly why a Democrat will win. Republicans are split into factions that hate each other.

We are NOW because there are so many choices. We won't be when one of ours faces your criminal the Hildabeast.
Barf. Nut case that literally walked off stage because the crowd wasn't israel firster enough,just all around CRAZY SOB.Nut case that tried to kill his mom and best friend supposedly,and a NEO CON. Man you got 3 different kinds of people there....jeez.
^^^ And this is exactly why a Democrat will win. Republicans are split into factions that hate each other.

Republicans don't hate each other, only disagree. Democrats are the people that hate, just ask Hillary.
Mmk. You believe what you want.

Trust me, I'd happily pull the lever for Trump over any of the Democrats, but he won't get my vote in the Primary, unless Cruz, Carson, and Rubio are gone.
Barf. Nut case that literally walked off stage because the crowd wasn't israel firster enough,just all around CRAZY SOB.Nut case that tried to kill his mom and best friend supposedly,and a NEO CON. Man you got 3 different kinds of people there....jeez.

That's your opinion. I'm just telling you how it's going to be. As a Trump supporter, I'm sure you don't like it but that's what it is.
No that's pretty much the facts lol....Rubio the man that voted with the gang of eight....yeah real conservative guy there!

And Trump is a conservative? You really going to try to say that?
He is the kind of republican Eisenhower was

Wants strong military but strong in a smart way not strong in sheer manpower
Wants to deport illegals
Wants to tax the rich correctly

ALL 3 of these Eisenhower did before NeoCons and Extremists took over the republican party.
Trump is the only sane SOB there. He doesn't want to get involved in Syria,He doesn't want to send jobs overseas,he KNOWS the richer you are the more you can afford AND should pay in taxes,He realizes the horrible effects of illegal immigration...the rest in one way or another lost me completely. Just crazy SOB's.
This endorsement of Donald Trump brought to you by the Nazis of America.

Trust me, I'd happily pull the lever for Trump over any of the Democrats, but he won't get my vote in the Primary, unless Cruz, Carson, and Rubio are gone.
Barf. Nut case that literally walked off stage because the crowd wasn't israel firster enough,just all around CRAZY SOB.Nut case that tried to kill his mom and best friend supposedly,and a NEO CON. Man you got 3 different kinds of people there....jeez.

That's your opinion. I'm just telling you how it's going to be. As a Trump supporter, I'm sure you don't like it but that's what it is.
No that's pretty much the facts lol....Rubio the man that voted with the gang of eight....yeah real conservative guy there!

And Trump is a conservative? You really going to try to say that?
He is the kind of republican Eisenhower was

Wants strong military but strong in a smart way not strong in sheer manpower
Wants to deport illegals
Wants to tax the rich correctly

ALL 3 of these Eisenhower did before NeoCons and Extremists took over the republican party.

Mentioning Eisenhower doesn't make one like Eisenhower. I repeat that I will gladly pull the lever for Trump if he's our nominee, but he won't get my vote in the primary. He's good, but he isn't the best one for the job.
Thank you, we have already counted your vote....DRUDGE POLL!
TRUMP 38.53% (31,493 votes)

CRUZ 21.51% (17,584 votes)

PAUL 15.7% (12,834 votes)

RUBIO 11.55% (9,442 votes)

CARSON 4.77% (3,901 votes)

FIORINA 4.62% (3,779 votes)

KASICH 1.94% (1,582 votes)

BUSH 1.38% (1,131 votes)
I get the feint whiff of a trump/Cruz ticket...

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