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After what the stupid party did in Colorado, they will soon be history.

And yet still no evidence that anything was rigged. Cruz has an amazing organization and his hard work paid off. Trump showed up at the lady second, did crappy work, and thus won nothing.

But somehow that's the party's fault.

No wonder this country is going to hell. You all want to blame others for why you didn't get what you want when you didn't put any effort into getting it.

This was done before Pillsbury DoDeuche was becoming the direct beneficiary.
Yeah, he stands for batshit crazy. The thing is, he won't have enough delegates at the convention, either. so then you are going to see them look for a "compromise" candidate.

You're a flaming left-wing Dummycrat, Joe. YOU are batshit crazy, not Cruz! No, he won't have the needed delegates on the first ballot either. But he will be closer to the "magic number" than anyone other than Trump. They can "look for" a compromise candidate but the Cruz delegates and Trump delegates are likely not going to change their minds on the second ballot... or the third or fourth ballots. Without one or the other's delegates, you can't get to the 1,237.

You are talking about a hypothetical that is theoretically possible but it isn't going to happen here because the math simply doesn't work out. The "establishment" will realize this by the time of the convention if they don't already. The ONLY option they will have to defeat Trump will be to coalesce behind Cruz and Cruz will also know this, so he will likely offer Kasich or Rubio the VP spot for their delegates and then it's game over for Trump. Now, Trump could also do the same thing but he has so offended "Little Marco" and "Mr. Lehman Brothers" that it's not likely they are going to lay those differences aside. Kasich thinks Trump is a joke... he has said as much. Rubio has done everything short of officially endorsing Cruz.
The formula is real simple.

If you don't actively help the Republican candidate (whomever he might be) get elected, you are tacitly helping Hillary get elected.

You can't sit on the sidelines ... the price is too high.

Sorry... If Trump is the GOP nominee... watch me!

Look... when his campaign started, I was on the same page with you. He wasn't my first choice, nor was even my second or third choice, but I said I would vote for him if he won the nomination. I think I would have even voted for Jeb if he'd won the nomination. But his strategy, his tactics and the attitude of his supporters has changed my mind. I just cannot support this man anymore for the office of president... just can't bring myself to do it. I'm sure that helps Hillary get elected but at this point, I had rather her be elected than Trump. I won't be campaigning for her and she won't get my vote, that's about all I can promise.

This son of a bitch has pissed me off in a way I never believed he could. His supporters have made me question whether or not I want to continue being associated with the Republican party. I thought the people in this party were better than this. What I have seen in the last couple of months turns my stomach. I refuse to be associated with it.

Your supposed rationale has no effect on the formula but, please, at least be honest about the impact of it.
Actually, when Cruz fails to win another primary between now and June, you are going to see a lot less talk about him.

Well he just won another one today... He skunked Trump in Wyoming. He's on a roll here lately and Trump is floundering. I think Cruz could win California.... it's not impossible.

Does anyone remember the media explaining how it would be a "defeat" if Cruz didn't win over 50% in Texas? I remember that... for days on end, speculation was, if Cruz couldn't win 50% or better in his home state, it was a problem... Now let's jump ahead to what we're hearing about NY... Trump might not win 50% in his home state but have you heard anyone over at Fox News pontificate on how that spells trouble for Trump? Nope... it's turned around into a "feather in his cap" if he can win 50% or more.
The formula is real simple.

If you don't actively help the Republican candidate (whomever he might be) get elected, you are tacitly helping Hillary get elected.

You can't sit on the sidelines ... the price is too high.

Sorry... If Trump is the GOP nominee... watch me!

Look... when his campaign started, I was on the same page with you. He wasn't my first choice, nor was even my second or third choice, but I said I would vote for him if he won the nomination. I think I would have even voted for Jeb if he'd won the nomination. But his strategy, his tactics and the attitude of his supporters has changed my mind. I just cannot support this man anymore for the office of president... just can't bring myself to do it. I'm sure that helps Hillary get elected but at this point, I had rather her be elected than Trump. I won't be campaigning for her and she won't get my vote, that's about all I can promise.

This son of a bitch has pissed me off in a way I never believed he could. His supporters have made me question whether or not I want to continue being associated with the Republican party. I thought the people in this party were better than this. What I have seen in the last couple of months turns my stomach. I refuse to be associated with it.

Your supposed rationale has no effect on the formula but, please, at least be honest about the impact of it.

Oh, I am straight up about it. I want you and every Trump supporter to know, if you succeed in nominating this man, you will lose MY vote. And I guarantee you, I am NOT alone. Now maybe Trump supporters feel the same about Cruz, I don't know... but Cruz hasn't pulled the kind of sleazy shit that Trump has, nor has he insulted and denigrated Trump supporters... NOR has he whined and moaned like a little liberal teenage girl because he didn't like the process. So I think he stands a little better chance of coalescing the party to defeat Hillary.
The formula is real simple.

If you don't actively help the Republican candidate (whomever he might be) get elected, you are tacitly helping Hillary get elected.

You can't sit on the sidelines ... the price is too high.

Sorry... If Trump is the GOP nominee... watch me!

Look... when his campaign started, I was on the same page with you. He wasn't my first choice, nor was even my second or third choice, but I said I would vote for him if he won the nomination. I think I would have even voted for Jeb if he'd won the nomination. But his strategy, his tactics and the attitude of his supporters has changed my mind. I just cannot support this man anymore for the office of president... just can't bring myself to do it. I'm sure that helps Hillary get elected but at this point, I had rather her be elected than Trump. I won't be campaigning for her and she won't get my vote, that's about all I can promise.

This son of a bitch has pissed me off in a way I never believed he could. His supporters have made me question whether or not I want to continue being associated with the Republican party. I thought the people in this party were better than this. What I have seen in the last couple of months turns my stomach. I refuse to be associated with it.

Your supposed rationale has no effect on the formula but, please, at least be honest about the impact of it.

Oh, I am straight up about it. I want you and every Trump supporter to know, if you succeed in nominating this man, you will lose MY vote. And I guarantee you, I am NOT alone. Now maybe Trump supporters feel the same about Cruz, I don't know... but Cruz hasn't pulled the kind of sleazy shit that Trump has, nor has he insulted and denigrated Trump supporters... NOR has he whined and moaned like a little liberal teenage girl because he didn't like the process. So I think he stands a little better chance of coalescing the party to defeat Hillary.

First of all, I am NOT a 'trump supporter'. But, I AM an American ... and, as such, I recognize my responsibility to actively participate in the election process, with a goal to select the candidate least antithetical to my views. I recognize that no candidate is perfect, and as such, I cannot expect all my positions to be satisfied.

Given that, I believe each American has an inherent responsibility to vote - and to vote for the candidate that most closely aligns with his/her views. No vote is un-American ... maybe we should make that a bumper sticker.
First of all, I am NOT a 'trump supporter'. But, I AM an American ... and, as such, I recognize my responsibility to actively participate in the election process, with a goal to select the candidate least antithetical to my views. I recognize that no candidate is perfect, and as such, I cannot expect all my positions to be satisfied.

Given that, I believe each American has an inherent responsibility to vote - and to vote for the candidate that most closely aligns with his/her views. No vote is un-American ... maybe we should make that a bumper sticker.

Sorry, I can't vote for Donald Trump. If that's "un-American" then so be it.
First of all, I am NOT a 'trump supporter'. But, I AM an American ... and, as such, I recognize my responsibility to actively participate in the election process, with a goal to select the candidate least antithetical to my views. I recognize that no candidate is perfect, and as such, I cannot expect all my positions to be satisfied.

Given that, I believe each American has an inherent responsibility to vote - and to vote for the candidate that most closely aligns with his/her views. No vote is un-American ... maybe we should make that a bumper sticker.

Sorry, I can't vote for Donald Trump. If that's "un-American" then so be it.

Nobody asks that you vote for Donald Trump --- but you said you weren't going to vote at all ... THAT is unacceptable.
Nobody asks that you vote for Donald Trump --- but you said you weren't going to vote at all ... THAT is unacceptable.

Well, either a Democrat or Republican will be elected president. I can't vote for Trump or Hillary... or Bernie. So what do you want me to do? :dunno:

Like I said, I wish like hell I hadn't been pushed to this decision. I am hoping like hell that Trump isn't the GOP nominee. But if that's the case, my principles will not allow me to vote for him... acceptable or unacceptable as that may be to you, that's how things are. I didn't make this decision lightly and it's not a matter of "take my ball and go home" at all. That's what makes this so unfortunate... I could've been a huge Trump supporter if he had handled his campaign differently. I really wish for the sake of my country that he had.... but he didn't and now I have to decline in supporting him for president of the United States.
Well, either a Democrat or Republican will be elected president. I can't vote for Trump or Hillary... or Bernie. So what do you want me to do? :dunno:

Like I said, I wish like hell I hadn't been pushed to this decision. I am hoping like hell that Trump isn't the GOP nominee. But if that's the case, my principles will not allow me to vote for him... acceptable or unacceptable as that may be to you, that's how things are. I didn't make this decision lightly and it's not a matter of "take my ball and go home" at all. That's what makes this so unfortunate... I could've been a huge Trump supporter if he had handled his campaign differently. I really wish for the sake of my country that he had.... but he didn't and now I have to decline in supporting him for president of the United States.

I'm not seeing what Trump did that was so unacceptable to you, guy.

Frankly, all he did was boil away all the Conservative Bullshit and make you a white identity party.

I find the honesty---refreshing.
You can't honestly make that claim. First off, Colorado changed their game plan last summer, not 1856. The field was very large in the beginning and even now there are three dividing up the delegate count. If you have evidence all the votes that didn't go to Trump was a vote against him then post it up. All we know is people preferred someone else. Trump could have been their second pick for all you know.

Uhm... Yes I can honestly make that claim because it's the truth. Colorado can change it's game plan, so can every other state party, so can the national party. Heck, the national party can change it's game plan at the convention. This has also always been the case since 1856. What has never changed is the requirement for the nominee to get a majority of delegates and not simply a plurality.

I never claimed that delegates not going to Trump were delegates against Trump. The nominee is not chosen on the basis of how many or few delegates are against them. The nominee is also not chosen on the basis of who is second most popular. Since the party's inception in 1856, it has been the candidate with a majority of delegates. There is a process to follow if no one gets the majority on the first ballot.

If the GOP based the nomination on plurality, we would have never nominated Abraham Lincoln, the GOP candidate in 1860 would have been William Seward. He had the plurality of delegates on the first ballot.... but that's not how the GOP nominates a candidate. That's not the process. They MUST get a majority, not a plurality.

Now, you Trumpettes will whine about "will of the people" and how it's not fair but the rules are a majority and not a plurality precisely because of "will of the people." If the majority of delegates support someone other than Trump, that's the will of the people. Some of the candidates they are bound to support are no longer in the race. Some have no chance of securing a majority of delegates. After the first ballot, if no one has a majority, the delegates are released from their obligation to support a specific candidate.

You'll say, but that's not fair, the people voted for the delegates and their vote should count... but that's not how political parties select candidates. The GOP is not obligated to a democratic process. This is not a "one-man-one-vote" process. Even the presidency itself is not determined on the basis of popular vote. So the GOP has a process as do the Democrats and the process will be followed as it always is. I'm sorry that so many Americans seems to be confused or lack the education to understand the process but that's life... it's not always fair.

I would think that Mr. Trump would be comfortable with a brokered convention. After all, isn't his big claim to fame his ability to cut deals and negotiate? Well, this is where that will come into play. After the first ballot, the front-runners will lobby delegates to come over to their camp. Trump has the same opportunity as Cruz, Kasich or others. The problem as I see it is, Trump hasn't made too many friends. Maybe I am wrong... maybe people deep down love Trump? Maybe Trump has the ability to apply his masterful negotiation and deal making skills in order to secure the needed delegates?

In any event, the GOP nominee will be the first person to obtain a majority of the delegates at the convention. This isn't a democratic process, it never has been. This is not the NFL playoffs or American Idol. Who people voted for has no real bearing on who the party nominates as their candidate. Just as the president is not elected by the popular vote, that's the process... that's how this works.
I'm a Trumpette because I asked you to back up the claim that a vote for anybody else was a vote against Trump? You're just trying to make facts fir your beliefs. No one said the party acted illegally, why trot out that strawman? Whether it's legal for them or not doesn't make it ethical.

Actually, Trump said the party acted illegally .... just sayin'
Where's the quote? Just sayin doesn't mean shit.
You can't honestly make that claim. First off, Colorado changed their game plan last summer, not 1856. The field was very large in the beginning and even now there are three dividing up the delegate count. If you have evidence all the votes that didn't go to Trump was a vote against him then post it up. All we know is people preferred someone else. Trump could have been their second pick for all you know.

Uhm... Yes I can honestly make that claim because it's the truth. Colorado can change it's game plan, so can every other state party, so can the national party. Heck, the national party can change it's game plan at the convention. This has also always been the case since 1856. What has never changed is the requirement for the nominee to get a majority of delegates and not simply a plurality.

I never claimed that delegates not going to Trump were delegates against Trump. The nominee is not chosen on the basis of how many or few delegates are against them. The nominee is also not chosen on the basis of who is second most popular. Since the party's inception in 1856, it has been the candidate with a majority of delegates. There is a process to follow if no one gets the majority on the first ballot.

If the GOP based the nomination on plurality, we would have never nominated Abraham Lincoln, the GOP candidate in 1860 would have been William Seward. He had the plurality of delegates on the first ballot.... but that's not how the GOP nominates a candidate. That's not the process. They MUST get a majority, not a plurality.

Now, you Trumpettes will whine about "will of the people" and how it's not fair but the rules are a majority and not a plurality precisely because of "will of the people." If the majority of delegates support someone other than Trump, that's the will of the people. Some of the candidates they are bound to support are no longer in the race. Some have no chance of securing a majority of delegates. After the first ballot, if no one has a majority, the delegates are released from their obligation to support a specific candidate.

You'll say, but that's not fair, the people voted for the delegates and their vote should count... but that's not how political parties select candidates. The GOP is not obligated to a democratic process. This is not a "one-man-one-vote" process. Even the presidency itself is not determined on the basis of popular vote. So the GOP has a process as do the Democrats and the process will be followed as it always is. I'm sorry that so many Americans seems to be confused or lack the education to understand the process but that's life... it's not always fair.

I would think that Mr. Trump would be comfortable with a brokered convention. After all, isn't his big claim to fame his ability to cut deals and negotiate? Well, this is where that will come into play. After the first ballot, the front-runners will lobby delegates to come over to their camp. Trump has the same opportunity as Cruz, Kasich or others. The problem as I see it is, Trump hasn't made too many friends. Maybe I am wrong... maybe people deep down love Trump? Maybe Trump has the ability to apply his masterful negotiation and deal making skills in order to secure the needed delegates?

In any event, the GOP nominee will be the first person to obtain a majority of the delegates at the convention. This isn't a democratic process, it never has been. This is not the NFL playoffs or American Idol. Who people voted for has no real bearing on who the party nominates as their candidate. Just as the president is not elected by the popular vote, that's the process... that's how this works.
I'm a Trumpette because I asked you to back up the claim that a vote for anybody else was a vote against Trump? You're just trying to make facts fir your beliefs. No one said the party acted illegally, why trot out that strawman? Whether it's legal for them or not doesn't make it ethical.

Actually, Trump said the party acted illegally .... just sayin'
Where's the quote? Just sayin doesn't mean shit.

You have two choices .... the Republican or the Democrat.

Anything else is a waste of time and vote. Nobody says you have to love the candidate, but you should pick the one most closely aligned with your political beliefs. Vote for Hillary if you're so upset about Trump .... but don't waste your vote. That's just plain silly.

Nope. I have the choice to conscientiously object and not vote. That might result in Hillary winning. If Donald Trump is who the Republicans pick as their candidate, I am probably staying at home. I agree that I should vote for whomever aligns most closely with my political views but my political views will not be represented by either of the parties if Trump is the nominee. You see... smearing, sliming and sleazing around like a Saul Alinsky liberal is not conducive with my political views. I will not associate my name and reputation with Donald Trump by voting for him. I don't really care if you think that is silly... it's not up to you.

Trump could have easily won me over. I was prepared to support him if he won the nomination... go look up the many threads I posted to this effect. I was willing to overlook many of his shortcomings because I felt he would have been a better choice than the Democrat. My views have now changed. I don't think he would be better, I think he might actually be worse. At least, for constitutional conservatism. If he is going to set back the progress conservatives have made in recent years, I don't want him to win. I think he is too petty and divisive, he likes to denigrate and insult people who don't agree with him, he's a class A jerk and a caustic blowhole. He is also all over the board on his personal views, so I don't honestly know what he really believes. I don't trust him, I think he is pumping us full of bullshit to win.

So... Maybe what we need is 4 more years of goofy liberal policies and judicial nominations? Maybe we need our tax rates raised to ungodly levels? Maybe we need Socialist policies to kill more jobs and destroy more free market capitalism? Then, perhaps Americans can coalesce around a principled Conservative and we can begin to bring our country back?

Stay home, if you wish ... it reflects your commitment to this country and its future.

"If you don't let me win, I'm going to take my ball and go home."
That's not what not voting means. You're just a dumb asshole trying to criticize others.

That's EXACTLY what it means ... "If you don't do what I like, I just won't play ---waah, waah, waah". It's all about you, isn't it?

As for the childish personal attack ... well done. You've definitely demonstrated your immaturity.
I asked where the quote was since you said Trump said the party acted illegally and you stuffed your head up your ass and claimed victory instead.

LOL, you stupid asshole, I call em the way I see em!
First of all, I am NOT a 'trump supporter'. But, I AM an American ... and, as such, I recognize my responsibility to actively participate in the election process, with a goal to select the candidate least antithetical to my views. I recognize that no candidate is perfect, and as such, I cannot expect all my positions to be satisfied.

Given that, I believe each American has an inherent responsibility to vote - and to vote for the candidate that most closely aligns with his/her views. No vote is un-American ... maybe we should make that a bumper sticker.
Nobody gives a shit what your opinion is, that's what you don't get. Not voting is a right too. There is no law in this country to vote, unlike some others. You don't like it? Tough shit, put on your big boy diapers and deal with it.
Nobody gives a shit what your opinion is, that's what you don't get. Not voting is a right too. There is no law in this country to vote, unlike some others. You don't like it? Tough shit, put on your big boy diapers and deal with it.

What you're seeing is the mentality of the establishment party elite. They literally think we don't have any choice but to vote for them... doesn't matter how much the candidate stinks. They promote this "duty as an American" nonsense and play on our patriotic pride. Well, I fell for that with McCain and Romney, and I might have fallen for that with Jeb or anyone else including Trump but Trump pissed in my Cheerios one too many times.
Nobody gives a shit what your opinion is, that's what you don't get. Not voting is a right too. There is no law in this country to vote, unlike some others. You don't like it? Tough shit, put on your big boy diapers and deal with it.

What you're seeing is the mentality of the establishment party elite. They literally think we don't have any choice but to vote for them... doesn't matter how much the candidate stinks. They promote this "duty as an American" nonsense and play on our patriotic pride. Well, I fell for that with McCain and Romney, and I might have fallen for that with Jeb or anyone else including Trump but Trump pissed in my Cheerios one too many times.
I understand. I don't know if I could pull the trigger for Cruz and I'm not sure Trump's trade policy will help or hurt us so I'll have to see when the time comes. I may sit it out and laugh as we circle the drain. Trump is only viable because obama has torqued off so many they want a radical change and don't care about the rough edges.
You're a flaming left-wing Dummycrat, Joe. YOU are batshit crazy, not Cruz! No, he won't have the needed delegates on the first ballot either. But he will be closer to the "magic number" than anyone other than Trump. They can "look for" a compromise candidate but the Cruz delegates and Trump delegates are likely not going to change their minds on the second ballot... or the third or fourth ballots. Without one or the other's delegates, you can't get to the 1,237.

Sorry, Dude, I'm a Republican. Or I was until the gun nuts, religious nuts and one-percenters hijacked the party and flew it into the Middle Class like a bunch of Jihadis.

The thing is, a lot of those Cruz and Trump Delegates aren't married to Cruz or Trump. Also, I suspect that by the Convention, someone is going to drop a dime on Cruz about all the tail he's been getting on the side.

Well he just won another one today... He skunked Trump in Wyoming. He's on a roll here lately and Trump is floundering. I think Cruz could win California.... it's not impossible.

Dude, you need to stop smoking the weeds that are growing around the Toxic Waste dump your state is famous for.

Trump is going to CRUSH Cruz in New York. You see, the problem is, the rest of the calendar doesn't favor "Crazy Ted". Of the 16 remaining primaries, 12 of them happen in Blue States. They all hold primaries, which means the Establishment can't pull any shenanigans like they did in Wyoming.

You see, the thing is, as much as the Establishment hates Cruz, he's now become their boy when that's probably not a good thing. Check with Marco Rubio to see what happens when you get designated "The Establishment's boy".

Does anyone remember the media explaining how it would be a "defeat" if Cruz didn't win over 50% in Texas? I remember that... for days on end, speculation was, if Cruz couldn't win 50% or better in his home state, it was a problem... Now let's jump ahead to what we're hearing about NY... Trump might not win 50% in his home state but have you heard anyone over at Fox News pontificate on how that spells trouble for Trump? Nope... it's turned around into a "feather in his cap" if he can win 50% or more.

Um, yeah, Trump doesn't need to win 50% in his home state because he's ALREADY won 20 States. At the point Lyin' Ted was at by Texas, he had only won Maine and Iowa.

You are talking about a hypothetical that is theoretically possible but it isn't going to happen here because the math simply doesn't work out. The "establishment" will realize this by the time of the convention if they don't already. The ONLY option they will have to defeat Trump will be to coalesce behind Cruz and Cruz will also know this, so he will likely offer Kasich or Rubio the VP spot for their delegates and then it's game over for Trump. Now, Trump could also do the same thing but he has so offended "Little Marco" and "Mr. Lehman Brothers" that it's not likely they are going to lay those differences aside. Kasich thinks Trump is a joke... he has said as much. Rubio has done everything short of officially endorsing Cruz.

By the time the convention rolls around, Cruz will have garnered very few additional delegates, while Trump will be right on the border of 1237. And Cruz can't give away TWO Vice-presidencies. (It's unlikely he'd offer it to Rubio since Rubio is the one who dropped a dime on him to the National Enquirer.)

Now, don't get me wrong. I want you guys to steal the nomination from Trump. I want you guys to have a convention that is a farce. I want you guys to spew every bit of misogynistic, racist, xenophobic, gun toting religious crazy that you have. I want America to see you all for exactly what you are these days. AND THEN, I want you to steal the nomination from the guy who got the most delegates and the most votes, so working class whites who are backing Trump will finally figure out who you really work for.
I'm not seeing what Trump did that was so unacceptable to you, guy.

Good... you can vote for him then!

Actually, he's too much or a racist misogynist asshole for me to vote for him, but I'm not seeing why you have a problem with that, other than when he talks about locking up women who have abortions and massively deporting Hispanics, he's actually being upfront with the crazy you only whisper in the dark.
I'm not seeing what Trump did that was so unacceptable to you, guy.

Good... you can vote for him then!

Actually, he's too much or a racist misogynist asshole for me to vote for him, but I'm not seeing why you have a problem with that, other than when he talks about locking up women who have abortions and massively deporting Hispanics, he's actually being upfront with the crazy you only whisper in the dark.

And the far left religious script is running without question of hesitation.

Then again the far left supports racism in all forms and this drone can not see it!
You're a flaming left-wing Dummycrat, Joe. YOU are batshit crazy, not Cruz! No, he won't have the needed delegates on the first ballot either. But he will be closer to the "magic number" than anyone other than Trump. They can "look for" a compromise candidate but the Cruz delegates and Trump delegates are likely not going to change their minds on the second ballot... or the third or fourth ballots. Without one or the other's delegates, you can't get to the 1,237.

Sorry, Dude, I'm a Republican. Or I was until the gun nuts, religious nuts and one-percenters hijacked the party and flew it into the Middle Class like a bunch of Jihadis.

The thing is, a lot of those Cruz and Trump Delegates aren't married to Cruz or Trump. Also, I suspect that by the Convention, someone is going to drop a dime on Cruz about all the tail he's been getting on the side.

Well he just won another one today... He skunked Trump in Wyoming. He's on a roll here lately and Trump is floundering. I think Cruz could win California.... it's not impossible.

Dude, you need to stop smoking the weeds that are growing around the Toxic Waste dump your state is famous for.

Trump is going to CRUSH Cruz in New York. You see, the problem is, the rest of the calendar doesn't favor "Crazy Ted". Of the 16 remaining primaries, 12 of them happen in Blue States. They all hold primaries, which means the Establishment can't pull any shenanigans like they did in Wyoming.

You see, the thing is, as much as the Establishment hates Cruz, he's now become their boy when that's probably not a good thing. Check with Marco Rubio to see what happens when you get designated "The Establishment's boy".

Does anyone remember the media explaining how it would be a "defeat" if Cruz didn't win over 50% in Texas? I remember that... for days on end, speculation was, if Cruz couldn't win 50% or better in his home state, it was a problem... Now let's jump ahead to what we're hearing about NY... Trump might not win 50% in his home state but have you heard anyone over at Fox News pontificate on how that spells trouble for Trump? Nope... it's turned around into a "feather in his cap" if he can win 50% or more.

Um, yeah, Trump doesn't need to win 50% in his home state because he's ALREADY won 20 States. At the point Lyin' Ted was at by Texas, he had only won Maine and Iowa.

You are talking about a hypothetical that is theoretically possible but it isn't going to happen here because the math simply doesn't work out. The "establishment" will realize this by the time of the convention if they don't already. The ONLY option they will have to defeat Trump will be to coalesce behind Cruz and Cruz will also know this, so he will likely offer Kasich or Rubio the VP spot for their delegates and then it's game over for Trump. Now, Trump could also do the same thing but he has so offended "Little Marco" and "Mr. Lehman Brothers" that it's not likely they are going to lay those differences aside. Kasich thinks Trump is a joke... he has said as much. Rubio has done everything short of officially endorsing Cruz.

By the time the convention rolls around, Cruz will have garnered very few additional delegates, while Trump will be right on the border of 1237. And Cruz can't give away TWO Vice-presidencies. (It's unlikely he'd offer it to Rubio since Rubio is the one who dropped a dime on him to the National Enquirer.)

Now, don't get me wrong. I want you guys to steal the nomination from Trump. I want you guys to have a convention that is a farce. I want you guys to spew every bit of misogynistic, racist, xenophobic, gun toting religious crazy that you have. I want America to see you all for exactly what you are these days. AND THEN, I want you to steal the nomination from the guy who got the most delegates and the most votes, so working class whites who are backing Trump will finally figure out who you really work for.

You are a habitual liar, Joey. You lie about being Republican, you lie about being a Jew-hater, you lie about being a hypocrite... you just lie all the time about everything. You're like my ex-sister-n-law... you'll tell a lie just to see if you can sell the lie... even when the truth would be easier.

I hate that you went to all that trouble to parse out my post and rant on and on about whatever... because I don't intent on reading or responding to it. You're just a big fucking full of shit blowhard. I don't have time for your nonsense.

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