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After what the stupid party did in Colorado, they will soon be history.

1. Late last year the GOP decided to rig the election in Colorado, Trumps train having gained great steam, and give ALL their delegates to Cruz, blocking the actual vote from the people.
2. The 34 delegates should be cast out, just like the votes they shouldn't be included, its an unfair proposal, and corrupted as a pile of shit.
3. This is UN-AMERICAN.

That is NOT what happened at all. Nothing was rigged. The Colorado GOP voted to not hold a presidential preference primary and instead, nominate delegates at the county and district level. They held their caucus on March 1, and every registered Republican in Colorado was eligible to participate. Nothing was "given" to Cruz. There is nothing corrupt about this process. Trump failed to organize in Colorado and Cruz cleaned his political clock for him. Now, his little butt-monkey supporters want to whine about it.
I don't think it's impossible, but it's also not impossible that the Republicans get annihilated with Trump at the top of the ticket, with the GOP losing both the House and the Dems winning 60+ seats in the Senate.

Yes, both are very real possibilities. The Democrats could nip this in the bud by nominating Bernie, but they probably won't.

You talk about your family, the circle I run in are mostly educated to highly educated, and most are Republicans. Most are typical suburban voters. And most are horrified by a Trump candidacy. Most won't vote for him. They'll either stay home or vote for Hillary.

Again, it's shitheads like the circles you run in who have fucked it all up for the rest of us, hence why Bernie and Trump are a thing. Neither of these jokers would have been taken seriously 8 years ago, but now they are. The thing is, there are more people out there like folks in my family than the shareholder class that votes its portfolio.

Theres a LOT of anger out there. If Cruz wins the nomination, it will be because the establishment gave up. It's another case of putting up a ringer to avoid a populist.

There isn't much evidence that Trump can swing the election with new voters. The polls, if anything, have been overestimating his support in the primaries. He's trailing Hillary by 10 points amongst married white women, a cohort Romney won easily. There simply aren't enough white guys for Trump to win.

Again, you cite polls leaving out the high levels of undecideds. I don't think that a lot of "Girl Power" is going to show up for Hillary. Women are just to catty to each other.

Now, I don't like Trump, wouldn't vote for him, but I know a lot of people who will.
I don't go by polls. You claimed Hillary beats Cruz worse than Trump and I said that's not what the polls show. Hillary beats Trump by double digits. He is popular but he has very high negatives. Cruz is disliked because he wouldn't go along with the establishment... but it seems he is making lots of new establishment friends as they see he is the only alternative to a big fat Trump enema.

Cruz isn't popular. That the establishment is backing him is a sign they are willing to just give up. He'd have no legitimacy as the nominee if he steals the nomination in a backroom deal.

Kasich has no path to the nomination and is therefore irrelevant. He is actually helping Cruz by remaining in the race, siphoning votes away from Trump.

Uh, actually, most of the "Delegates" for both Trump and Cruz are party regulars. So first ballot. Trump loses. Second ballot, Cruz loses. Third ballot. Kasich/Rubio Ticket.

you see, the problem Crazy Ted has is that he's run out of Jesus-Land states. Most of the future contests take place in Blue States where Lyin' Ted doesn't get over 20%.

As for Trump pulling in votes due to celebrity appeal... I'm glad to see you listen to me... I made that point months ago. You know... back when you claimed you weren't scared of Trump?

When did I do that? Can you post something to that effect without taking it completely out of context?

I think Trump is a buffoon, but we live in a dumbed down society. More people care about who the judges are on The Voice than the Supreme Court.

Cruz is a sure fire loser, however. Most people take an instant dislike to him to save time.
And you have it backwards. The establishment is getting played. They are so eager to defeat Trump that they aren't just helping Cruz beat Trump, they are helping Cruz install his supporters as delegates. The more they so that the more Cruz controls the second and third ballots amns the less the establishment can manipulate the game.

I think you are a little confused as to who these delegates are... they aren't Cruz Loyalists, they are party regulars.

So they have a couple of votes, realize that neither Trump or Cruz are palatable options, and then pick someone sane as a compromise.

Like Kasich.
Sorry bout that,

1. Late last year the GOP decided to rig the election in Colorado, Trumps train having gained great steam, and give ALL their delegates to Cruz, blocking the actual vote from the people.
2. The 34 delegates should be cast out, just like the votes they shouldn't be included, its an unfair proposal, and corrupted as a pile of shit.
3. This is UN-AMERICAN.


Probably because the people who took their time to vote in the caucus don't feel disenfranchised just because the Trump made no effort to win their state
The handling of Colorado's delegate selection was decided 8 months ago. Why wasn't Trump prepared for this?
Cruz isn't popular. That the establishment is backing him is a sign they are willing to just give up.

Oh, they don't LIKE that they are having to back Cruz. They are seeing the writing on the wall... it's either Cruz or Trump and they would rather dance with the devil they know. Cruz isn't popular because he bucks the establishment and stands up for conservative principles. At least he stands for something.

Uh, actually, most of the "Delegates" for both Trump and Cruz are party regulars. So first ballot. Trump loses. Second ballot, Cruz loses. Third ballot. Kasich/Rubio Ticket.

LMAO... I would say, probably ALL delegates to a national convention are party regulars.... DUH!

Why do you think "party regulars" means "establishment"? Is that your retard brain working overtime again?

First ballot, no one gets the needed 1,237. Second ballot, Cruz pulls neck-and-neck with Trump. Third ballot, Cruz cuts a deal with Kasich or Rubio for the VP spot and secures the 1,237. Trump stomps out and threatens to run third party.

We'll see which one of us is closer to right.
I don't think it's impossible, but it's also not impossible that the Republicans get annihilated with Trump at the top of the ticket, with the GOP losing both the House and the Dems winning 60+ seats in the Senate.

Yes, both are very real possibilities. The Democrats could nip this in the bud by nominating Bernie, but they probably won't.

You talk about your family, the circle I run in are mostly educated to highly educated, and most are Republicans. Most are typical suburban voters. And most are horrified by a Trump candidacy. Most won't vote for him. They'll either stay home or vote for Hillary.

Again, it's shitheads like the circles you run in who have fucked it all up for the rest of us, hence why Bernie and Trump are a thing. Neither of these jokers would have been taken seriously 8 years ago, but now they are. The thing is, there are more people out there like folks in my family than the shareholder class that votes its portfolio.

Theres a LOT of anger out there. If Cruz wins the nomination, it will be because the establishment gave up. It's another case of putting up a ringer to avoid a populist.

There isn't much evidence that Trump can swing the election with new voters. The polls, if anything, have been overestimating his support in the primaries. He's trailing Hillary by 10 points amongst married white women, a cohort Romney won easily. There simply aren't enough white guys for Trump to win.

Again, you cite polls leaving out the high levels of undecideds. I don't think that a lot of "Girl Power" is going to show up for Hillary. Women are just to catty to each other.

Now, I don't like Trump, wouldn't vote for him, but I know a lot of people who will.

And I know a lot of people who won't.

Regarding polls, it's still six months out and things can change, but when polls show us things over and over again, we have to take those things seriously.

In the primaries - forget the caucuses - Trump has either been coming in at or below his polling numbers. Voters who are deciding in the last few days are voting overwhelmingly for someone else. He has a bedrock of support amongst a minority of voters but isn't expanding much beyond that. His negatives amongst Republican women have gone up during the election, with nearly half having a negative view of him.

Something has to change for Trump, because if this keeps going, the GOP are going to get crushed.
But plurality has never nominated the GOP candidate. That's not the rules... you don't want a "rigged" system do you? The nominee must receive a MAJORITY of delegates.. been that way since the party's inception in 1856. You say you wan't "will of the people" but the will of the people is they mostly don't want Trump. So do you WANT will of the people or NOT?
You can't honestly make that claim. First off, Colorado changed their game plan last summer, not 1856. The field was very large in the beginning and even now there are three dividing up the delegate count. If you have evidence all the votes that didn't go to Trump was a vote against him then post it up. All we know is people preferred someone else. Trump could have been their second pick for all you know.

Uhm... Yes I can honestly make that claim because it's the truth. Colorado can change it's game plan, so can every other state party, so can the national party. Heck, the national party can change it's game plan at the convention. This has also always been the case since 1856. What has never changed is the requirement for the nominee to get a majority of delegates and not simply a plurality.

I never claimed that delegates not going to Trump were delegates against Trump. The nominee is not chosen on the basis of how many or few delegates are against them. The nominee is also not chosen on the basis of who is second most popular. Since the party's inception in 1856, it has been the candidate with a majority of delegates. There is a process to follow if no one gets the majority on the first ballot.

If the GOP based the nomination on plurality, we would have never nominated Abraham Lincoln, the GOP candidate in 1860 would have been William Seward. He had the plurality of delegates on the first ballot.... but that's not how the GOP nominates a candidate. That's not the process. They MUST get a majority, not a plurality.

Now, you Trumpettes will whine about "will of the people" and how it's not fair but the rules are a majority and not a plurality precisely because of "will of the people." If the majority of delegates support someone other than Trump, that's the will of the people. Some of the candidates they are bound to support are no longer in the race. Some have no chance of securing a majority of delegates. After the first ballot, if no one has a majority, the delegates are released from their obligation to support a specific candidate.

You'll say, but that's not fair, the people voted for the delegates and their vote should count... but that's not how political parties select candidates. The GOP is not obligated to a democratic process. This is not a "one-man-one-vote" process. Even the presidency itself is not determined on the basis of popular vote. So the GOP has a process as do the Democrats and the process will be followed as it always is. I'm sorry that so many Americans seems to be confused or lack the education to understand the process but that's life... it's not always fair.

I would think that Mr. Trump would be comfortable with a brokered convention. After all, isn't his big claim to fame his ability to cut deals and negotiate? Well, this is where that will come into play. After the first ballot, the front-runners will lobby delegates to come over to their camp. Trump has the same opportunity as Cruz, Kasich or others. The problem as I see it is, Trump hasn't made too many friends. Maybe I am wrong... maybe people deep down love Trump? Maybe Trump has the ability to apply his masterful negotiation and deal making skills in order to secure the needed delegates?

In any event, the GOP nominee will be the first person to obtain a majority of the delegates at the convention. This isn't a democratic process, it never has been. This is not the NFL playoffs or American Idol. Who people voted for has no real bearing on who the party nominates as their candidate. Just as the president is not elected by the popular vote, that's the process... that's how this works.
I'm a Trumpette because I asked you to back up the claim that a vote for anybody else was a vote against Trump? You're just trying to make facts fir your beliefs. No one said the party acted illegally, why trot out that strawman? Whether it's legal for them or not doesn't make it ethical.

Actually, Trump said the party acted illegally .... just sayin'
Where's the quote? Just sayin doesn't mean shit.
But plurality has never nominated the GOP candidate. That's not the rules... you don't want a "rigged" system do you? The nominee must receive a MAJORITY of delegates.. been that way since the party's inception in 1856. You say you wan't "will of the people" but the will of the people is they mostly don't want Trump. So do you WANT will of the people or NOT?
You can't honestly make that claim. First off, Colorado changed their game plan last summer, not 1856. The field was very large in the beginning and even now there are three dividing up the delegate count. If you have evidence all the votes that didn't go to Trump was a vote against him then post it up. All we know is people preferred someone else. Trump could have been their second pick for all you know.

Uhm... Yes I can honestly make that claim because it's the truth. Colorado can change it's game plan, so can every other state party, so can the national party. Heck, the national party can change it's game plan at the convention. This has also always been the case since 1856. What has never changed is the requirement for the nominee to get a majority of delegates and not simply a plurality.

I never claimed that delegates not going to Trump were delegates against Trump. The nominee is not chosen on the basis of how many or few delegates are against them. The nominee is also not chosen on the basis of who is second most popular. Since the party's inception in 1856, it has been the candidate with a majority of delegates. There is a process to follow if no one gets the majority on the first ballot.

If the GOP based the nomination on plurality, we would have never nominated Abraham Lincoln, the GOP candidate in 1860 would have been William Seward. He had the plurality of delegates on the first ballot.... but that's not how the GOP nominates a candidate. That's not the process. They MUST get a majority, not a plurality.

Now, you Trumpettes will whine about "will of the people" and how it's not fair but the rules are a majority and not a plurality precisely because of "will of the people." If the majority of delegates support someone other than Trump, that's the will of the people. Some of the candidates they are bound to support are no longer in the race. Some have no chance of securing a majority of delegates. After the first ballot, if no one has a majority, the delegates are released from their obligation to support a specific candidate.

You'll say, but that's not fair, the people voted for the delegates and their vote should count... but that's not how political parties select candidates. The GOP is not obligated to a democratic process. This is not a "one-man-one-vote" process. Even the presidency itself is not determined on the basis of popular vote. So the GOP has a process as do the Democrats and the process will be followed as it always is. I'm sorry that so many Americans seems to be confused or lack the education to understand the process but that's life... it's not always fair.

I would think that Mr. Trump would be comfortable with a brokered convention. After all, isn't his big claim to fame his ability to cut deals and negotiate? Well, this is where that will come into play. After the first ballot, the front-runners will lobby delegates to come over to their camp. Trump has the same opportunity as Cruz, Kasich or others. The problem as I see it is, Trump hasn't made too many friends. Maybe I am wrong... maybe people deep down love Trump? Maybe Trump has the ability to apply his masterful negotiation and deal making skills in order to secure the needed delegates?

In any event, the GOP nominee will be the first person to obtain a majority of the delegates at the convention. This isn't a democratic process, it never has been. This is not the NFL playoffs or American Idol. Who people voted for has no real bearing on who the party nominates as their candidate. Just as the president is not elected by the popular vote, that's the process... that's how this works.
I'm a Trumpette because I asked you to back up the claim that a vote for anybody else was a vote against Trump? You're just trying to make facts fir your beliefs. No one said the party acted illegally, why trot out that strawman? Whether it's legal for them or not doesn't make it ethical.

Actually, Trump said the party acted illegally .... just sayin'
Where's the quote? Just sayin doesn't mean shit.

You have two choices .... the Republican or the Democrat.

Anything else is a waste of time and vote. Nobody says you have to love the candidate, but you should pick the one most closely aligned with your political beliefs. Vote for Hillary if you're so upset about Trump .... but don't waste your vote. That's just plain silly.

Nope. I have the choice to conscientiously object and not vote. That might result in Hillary winning. If Donald Trump is who the Republicans pick as their candidate, I am probably staying at home. I agree that I should vote for whomever aligns most closely with my political views but my political views will not be represented by either of the parties if Trump is the nominee. You see... smearing, sliming and sleazing around like a Saul Alinsky liberal is not conducive with my political views. I will not associate my name and reputation with Donald Trump by voting for him. I don't really care if you think that is silly... it's not up to you.

Trump could have easily won me over. I was prepared to support him if he won the nomination... go look up the many threads I posted to this effect. I was willing to overlook many of his shortcomings because I felt he would have been a better choice than the Democrat. My views have now changed. I don't think he would be better, I think he might actually be worse. At least, for constitutional conservatism. If he is going to set back the progress conservatives have made in recent years, I don't want him to win. I think he is too petty and divisive, he likes to denigrate and insult people who don't agree with him, he's a class A jerk and a caustic blowhole. He is also all over the board on his personal views, so I don't honestly know what he really believes. I don't trust him, I think he is pumping us full of bullshit to win.

So... Maybe what we need is 4 more years of goofy liberal policies and judicial nominations? Maybe we need our tax rates raised to ungodly levels? Maybe we need Socialist policies to kill more jobs and destroy more free market capitalism? Then, perhaps Americans can coalesce around a principled Conservative and we can begin to bring our country back?

Stay home, if you wish ... it reflects your commitment to this country and its future.

"If you don't let me win, I'm going to take my ball and go home."
That's not what not voting means. You're just a dumb asshole trying to criticize others.

That's EXACTLY what it means ... "If you don't do what I like, I just won't play ---waah, waah, waah". It's all about you, isn't it?

As for the childish personal attack ... well done. You've definitely demonstrated your immaturity.
You're parroting Levin, I like Mark Levin, but I'm never going to set back, and let Hillary appoint our next 3 supreme court justices without a fight ..I'll going door to door for Trump if he the nominee.

I didn't think I was either. I hate what might happen with the courts, it will affect this nation for the next 50-100 years. Hillary's policies will be a total disaster. That said, I am not going to support Donald Trump. After the things he has done, I can't bring myself to do that. Like I said, I wish that I could... I wanted to... I tried to. He has literally pushed me to the point that I cannot support him anymore.... that's all HIM baby, and his dumbass supporters. It's too late to undo the damage... the "lyin' ted" thing was the last straw. I'm done and I am not coming back... nominate him if you want to, you'll have to get him elected without my vote.

The formula is real simple.

If you don't actively help the Republican candidate (whomever he might be) get elected, you are tacitly helping Hillary get elected.

You can't sit on the sidelines ... the price is too high.
The formula is real simple.

If you don't actively help the Republican candidate (whomever he might be) get elected, you are tacitly helping Hillary get elected.

You can't sit on the sidelines ... the price is too high.

Sorry... If Trump is the GOP nominee... watch me!

Look... when his campaign started, I was on the same page with you. He wasn't my first choice, nor was even my second or third choice, but I said I would vote for him if he won the nomination. I think I would have even voted for Jeb if he'd won the nomination. But his strategy, his tactics and the attitude of his supporters has changed my mind. I just cannot support this man anymore for the office of president... just can't bring myself to do it. I'm sure that helps Hillary get elected but at this point, I had rather her be elected than Trump. I won't be campaigning for her and she won't get my vote, that's about all I can promise.

This son of a bitch has pissed me off in a way I never believed he could. His supporters have made me question whether or not I want to continue being associated with the Republican party. I thought the people in this party were better than this. What I have seen in the last couple of months turns my stomach. I refuse to be associated with it.
Ill vote third party if ihave to to vote for trump. I prefer bernie to cru . Trump will win or we will destroy the republican party.
Oh, they don't LIKE that they are having to back Cruz. They are seeing the writing on the wall... it's either Cruz or Trump and they would rather dance with the devil they know. Cruz isn't popular because he bucks the establishment and stands up for conservative principles. At least he stands for something.

Yeah, he stands for batshit crazy. The thing is, he won't have enough delegates at the convention, either. so then you are going to see them look for a "compromise" candidate.

LMAO... I would say, probably ALL delegates to a national convention are party regulars.... DUH!

Why do you think "party regulars" means "establishment"? Is that your retard brain working overtime again?

First ballot, no one gets the needed 1,237. Second ballot, Cruz pulls neck-and-neck with Trump. Third ballot, Cruz cuts a deal with Kasich or Rubio for the VP spot and secures the 1,237. Trump stomps out and threatens to run third party.

We'll see which one of us is closer to right.

Actually, when Cruz fails to win another primary between now and June, you are going to see a lot less talk about him.
And I know a lot of people who won't.

Regarding polls, it's still six months out and things can change, but when polls show us things over and over again, we have to take those things seriously.

In the primaries - forget the caucuses - Trump has either been coming in at or below his polling numbers. Voters who are deciding in the last few days are voting overwhelmingly for someone else. He has a bedrock of support amongst a minority of voters but isn't expanding much beyond that. His negatives amongst Republican women have gone up during the election, with nearly half having a negative view of him.

Something has to change for Trump, because if this keeps going, the GOP are going to get crushed.

Or not.

No way those "Republican Women" vote for Hillary. It just won't ever happen. Again, the GOP can run fucking C'Thulhu and the Republican Rank and File will vote for him.

Look at Cruz's mind blowing "organization" and "work"!

This circus is an f'ing disgrace. And you have the gall to tell the people of Colorado that they should not be allowed the right to vote? Fuck that. My relatives didn't take bullets for this nonsense!

Trump not doing the work...

Ted Cruz Picks Up Nebraska Delegates over No Show Donald Trump


"Party officials say they saw virtually no organization by the mogul’s campaign last week when Republicans in all 93 Nebraska counties held local conventions. Those county conventions picked 800 delegates to May’s Nebraska state convention, where 33 delegates to the national convention in Cleveland will be selected,” Politico reports. “Because there was little resistance, many county conventions became Cruz pep rallies, according to interviews with party insiders and convention attendees.”

“I didn’t see any Trump supporters,” said Washington County GOP member John Orr told Politico.

“The only person there that had any kind of organization there was Cruz. No one showed up with Trump,” said former state legislator Tim Gay.

Ted Cruz Picks Up Nebraska Delegates over No Show Donald Trump - Breitbart

Oh, did Trump skip another dog an pony show? If you had half a brain, you'd be mad that Repubs are disenfranchising you. You're probably the type that loves the patriot act and can't hate Eric Snowden enough.

Sorry, Snowden and Putin aren't my heroes:uhoh3:

Look at Cruz's mind blowing "organization" and "work"!

This circus is an f'ing disgrace. And you have the gall to tell the people of Colorado that they should not be allowed the right to vote? Fuck that. My relatives didn't take bullets for this nonsense!

Trump not doing the work...

Ted Cruz Picks Up Nebraska Delegates over No Show Donald Trump


"Party officials say they saw virtually no organization by the mogul’s campaign last week when Republicans in all 93 Nebraska counties held local conventions. Those county conventions picked 800 delegates to May’s Nebraska state convention, where 33 delegates to the national convention in Cleveland will be selected,” Politico reports. “Because there was little resistance, many county conventions became Cruz pep rallies, according to interviews with party insiders and convention attendees.”

“I didn’t see any Trump supporters,” said Washington County GOP member John Orr told Politico.

“The only person there that had any kind of organization there was Cruz. No one showed up with Trump,” said former state legislator Tim Gay.

Ted Cruz Picks Up Nebraska Delegates over No Show Donald Trump - Breitbart

Oh, did Trump skip another dog an pony show? If you had half a brain, you'd be mad that Repubs are disenfranchising you. You're probably the type that loves the patriot act and can't hate Eric Snowden enough.

So Donald Trump bears no responsibility to actually show up? We are just supposed to let him win without any effort on his part whatsoever?

Donald shows up for what? To watch disenfranchisement in person? Grow up.

Look at Cruz's mind blowing "organization" and "work"!

This circus is an f'ing disgrace. And you have the gall to tell the people of Colorado that they should not be allowed the right to vote? Fuck that. My relatives didn't take bullets for this nonsense!

Trump not doing the work...

Ted Cruz Picks Up Nebraska Delegates over No Show Donald Trump


"Party officials say they saw virtually no organization by the mogul’s campaign last week when Republicans in all 93 Nebraska counties held local conventions. Those county conventions picked 800 delegates to May’s Nebraska state convention, where 33 delegates to the national convention in Cleveland will be selected,” Politico reports. “Because there was little resistance, many county conventions became Cruz pep rallies, according to interviews with party insiders and convention attendees.”

“I didn’t see any Trump supporters,” said Washington County GOP member John Orr told Politico.

“The only person there that had any kind of organization there was Cruz. No one showed up with Trump,” said former state legislator Tim Gay.

Ted Cruz Picks Up Nebraska Delegates over No Show Donald Trump - Breitbart

Oh, did Trump skip another dog an pony show? If you had half a brain, you'd be mad that Repubs are disenfranchising you. You're probably the type that loves the patriot act and can't hate Eric Snowden enough.

Sorry, Snowden and Putin aren't my heroes:uhoh3:

Cos you're fine with the ruling tyrants. You're a useful idiot.

Look at Cruz's mind blowing "organization" and "work"!

This circus is an f'ing disgrace. And you have the gall to tell the people of Colorado that they should not be allowed the right to vote? Fuck that. My relatives didn't take bullets for this nonsense!

Trump not doing the work...

Ted Cruz Picks Up Nebraska Delegates over No Show Donald Trump


"Party officials say they saw virtually no organization by the mogul’s campaign last week when Republicans in all 93 Nebraska counties held local conventions. Those county conventions picked 800 delegates to May’s Nebraska state convention, where 33 delegates to the national convention in Cleveland will be selected,” Politico reports. “Because there was little resistance, many county conventions became Cruz pep rallies, according to interviews with party insiders and convention attendees.”

“I didn’t see any Trump supporters,” said Washington County GOP member John Orr told Politico.

“The only person there that had any kind of organization there was Cruz. No one showed up with Trump,” said former state legislator Tim Gay.

Ted Cruz Picks Up Nebraska Delegates over No Show Donald Trump - Breitbart

Oh, did Trump skip another dog an pony show? If you had half a brain, you'd be mad that Repubs are disenfranchising you. You're probably the type that loves the patriot act and can't hate Eric Snowden enough.

So Donald Trump bears no responsibility to actually show up? We are just supposed to let him win without any effort on his part whatsoever?

It’s not a matter of Trump ‘winning’ – in fact it’s not about ‘winning’ at all.

It also has nothing to do with ‘we’ – individuals, whether they participate in a primary or not, have no ‘say’ as to whom the Republican Party, as a private organization, wants its presidential nominee to be.

The delegates alone attending the convention have the sole authority and responsibility to determine who the GOP presidential nominee will be, not ‘the people,’ not voters, and not the results of primary voting.

It’s understandable that many Americans – a majority, it would seem – would incorrectly infer that presidential candidates would be determined through the ‘democratic process,’ but this notion is as ignorant as it is wrong.

GOP needs to do away with primaries and caucuses if they feel that way. Don't tell one group that their vote matters and not others. And in the second place, that would be stupid because a party would emerge to replace them once they go down the road of disenfranchisement.

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