Afterlife….How About For You?

They have been smashing atoms and observing subatomic particles for decades and not once have they discovered anything close to resembling dark matter and dark energy.

It doesn't exist.

Funny that most physicists think it does exist.

The 2011 Nobel Prize was awarded to the astronomers who actually discovered that the universal expansion was accelerating.

And we have no way of detecting what we call dark matter all we know is that there is something out there that is causing expansion to accelerate when the physics we understand tells us the opposite should be happening
It almost sounds like you believe dark matter is God. :lol:


I do not believe in any gods.

I have made that quite clear.
You could have fooled me.

You have no proof of dark matter but you believe it exists.

SOMETHING exists out there because we cannot explain what we are observing in the universe

How many thousands of years did humans not know atoms or subatomic particles existed?

How many thousands years did humans not understand genetics?

You seem to believe that not knowing about something means it doesn't exist.
Incorrect. Dark matter is the modern day cosmological constant. It does not exist in reality. It's only purpose is to make the equations work.

The fact that we need a fudge factor to account for 5/6ths of all the matter in the universe should tell you something.

And the equations we have work they still fail to explain what we observe happening in the universe.

Even Einstein said that his cosmological constant was a failure so again what do you know that Einstein didn't and that Nobel Prize winning astronomers and physicists don't know?

For someone who likes to couch his arguments in science you certainly do have a closed mind.

Every single momentous scientific breakthrough came from theorizing about what we cannot explain.

You seem to theink there is nothing we don't know anymore.
They have been smashing atoms and observing subatomic particles for decades and not once have they discovered anything close to resembling dark matter and dark energy.

It doesn't exist.

Funny that most physicists think it does exist.

The 2011 Nobel Prize was awarded to the astronomers who actually discovered that the universal expansion was accelerating.

And we have no way of detecting what we call dark matter all we know is that there is something out there that is causing expansion to accelerate when the physics we understand tells us the opposite should be happening
Show me one who explains it's role in the creation of the universe. Can you do that?

Because from where I sit this is a red herring to distract from the discussion that the universe popped into existence.
We only know what happened the instant AFTER the universe came into being. I have never said anything refuting the age or the time of the origin of the universe onlythat there are things in the universe we don't understand.

And it only makes sense to think that if what we call dark matter is causing the acceleration of the expansion then that same dark matter came into existence with the universe.

It's not too great a leap to think there are things in the universe we don't and may not ever understand.
Do you believe that objects will equilibrate in temperature?

Because if you do - and you should - it is not possible for matter/energy to exist forever without equilibrating. Thus, matter and energy must have a beginning.

Why is this concept so hard for you to understand? Because this is how we know that matter and energy did not create the universe.

As to your ridiculous assumption that dark matter came into existence with the universe... 1. you have already admitted not understanding it so no conclusions can be drawn by you. and 2. and most importantly, that's not the prevailing model for dark matter. I suggest you do a little research on this before making foolish statements. Or you could continue along this line and I will do it for you.

I have already told you that the theory of dark matter does not refute the theory of the origin of the universe. Why you keep harping on this I don't know.

Because you keep bringing it up to disparage it.

Without ever understanding what you are discussing.
OK quote me where I have ever once said that I dispute the time of the origin of the universe.

WHat I am saying that you don't seem to comprehend is that there are things that exist that we don't understand

The fact is we cannot account for what we observe in the universe and I think I'll believe the Nobel Prize winning scientists over you any day.
Let's test that. How was the universe created?

We don't know HOW because everything we know and can observe happened the microsecond AFTER the universe came into being. All we have ever observed is the result of the event that created the universe

You'll notice that the HOW has nothing to do with the WHEN
Wrong. Inflation Theory, the First Law of Thermodynamics and quantum mechanics tells us that it is possible for matter to have a beginning. In a closed universe the gravitational energy which is always negative exactly compensates the positive energy of matter. So the energy of a closed universe is always zero. So nothing prevents this universe from being spontaneously created. Because the net energy is always zero. The positive energy of matter is balanced by the negative energy of the gravity of that matter which is the space time curvature of that matter. There is no conservation law that prevents the formation of such a universe. In quantum mechanics if something is not forbidden by conservation laws, then it necessarily happens with some non-zero probability. So a closed universe can spontaneously appear - through the laws of quantum mechanics - out of nothing. And in fact there is an elegant mathematical description which describes this process and shows that a tiny closed universe having very high energy can spontaneously pop into existence and immediately start to expand and cool. In this description, the same laws that describe the evolution of the universe also describe the appearance of the universe which means that the laws were in place before the universe itself.
We have not integrated gravity with the other forces.

And again we have observed that expansion is accelerating not slowing down as we thought is should be.

So we need to account for that. We just don't know how to do it yet
They have been smashing atoms and observing subatomic particles for decades and not once have they discovered anything close to resembling dark matter and dark energy.

It doesn't exist.

Funny that most physicists think it does exist.

The 2011 Nobel Prize was awarded to the astronomers who actually discovered that the universal expansion was accelerating.

And we have no way of detecting what we call dark matter all we know is that there is something out there that is causing expansion to accelerate when the physics we understand tells us the opposite should be happening
It almost sounds like you believe dark matter is God. :lol:


I do not believe in any gods.

I have made that quite clear.
You could have fooled me.

You have no proof of dark matter but you believe it exists.

SOMETHING exists out there because we cannot explain what we are observing in the universe

How many thousands of years did humans not know atoms or subatomic particles existed?

How many thousands years did humans not understand genetics?

You seem to believe that not knowing about something means it doesn't exist.
Incorrect. Dark matter is the modern day cosmological constant. It does not exist in reality. It's only purpose is to make the equations work.

The fact that we need a fudge factor to account for 5/6ths of all the matter in the universe should tell you something.

And the equations we have work they still fail to explain what we observe happening in the universe.

Even Einstein said that his cosmological constant was a failure so again what do you know that Einstein didn't and that Nobel Prize winning astronomers and physicists don't know?

For someone who likes to couch his arguments in science you certainly do have a closed mind.

Every single momentous scientific breakthrough came from theorizing about what we cannot explain.

You seem to theink there is nothing we don't know anymore.
I know enough to know that they have always applied a fudge factor to their equations which describe the expansion of the universe and I also know enough to know that the expansion of the universe has nothing to do with the creation of the universe other than the creation of the universe is what drove the expansion of the universe. And the explanation of the creation of the universe explains why the universe is expanding in the first place and I know that that discussion starts with the cosmic background radiation that we can observe and measure.
They have been smashing atoms and observing subatomic particles for decades and not once have they discovered anything close to resembling dark matter and dark energy.

It doesn't exist.

Funny that most physicists think it does exist.

The 2011 Nobel Prize was awarded to the astronomers who actually discovered that the universal expansion was accelerating.

And we have no way of detecting what we call dark matter all we know is that there is something out there that is causing expansion to accelerate when the physics we understand tells us the opposite should be happening
Show me one who explains it's role in the creation of the universe. Can you do that?

Because from where I sit this is a red herring to distract from the discussion that the universe popped into existence.
We only know what happened the instant AFTER the universe came into being. I have never said anything refuting the age or the time of the origin of the universe onlythat there are things in the universe we don't understand.

And it only makes sense to think that if what we call dark matter is causing the acceleration of the expansion then that same dark matter came into existence with the universe.

It's not too great a leap to think there are things in the universe we don't and may not ever understand.
Do you believe that objects will equilibrate in temperature?

Because if you do - and you should - it is not possible for matter/energy to exist forever without equilibrating. Thus, matter and energy must have a beginning.

Why is this concept so hard for you to understand? Because this is how we know that matter and energy did not create the universe.

As to your ridiculous assumption that dark matter came into existence with the universe... 1. you have already admitted not understanding it so no conclusions can be drawn by you. and 2. and most importantly, that's not the prevailing model for dark matter. I suggest you do a little research on this before making foolish statements. Or you could continue along this line and I will do it for you.

I have already told you that the theory of dark matter does not refute the theory of the origin of the universe. Why you keep harping on this I don't know.

Because you keep bringing it up to disparage it.

Without ever understanding what you are discussing.
OK quote me where I have ever once said that I dispute the time of the origin of the universe.

WHat I am saying that you don't seem to comprehend is that there are things that exist that we don't understand

The fact is we cannot account for what we observe in the universe and I think I'll believe the Nobel Prize winning scientists over you any day.
Let's test that. How was the universe created?

We don't know HOW because everything we know and can observe happened the microsecond AFTER the universe came into being. All we have ever observed is the result of the event that created the universe

You'll notice that the HOW has nothing to do with the WHEN
Wrong. Inflation Theory, the First Law of Thermodynamics and quantum mechanics tells us that it is possible for matter to have a beginning. In a closed universe the gravitational energy which is always negative exactly compensates the positive energy of matter. So the energy of a closed universe is always zero. So nothing prevents this universe from being spontaneously created. Because the net energy is always zero. The positive energy of matter is balanced by the negative energy of the gravity of that matter which is the space time curvature of that matter. There is no conservation law that prevents the formation of such a universe. In quantum mechanics if something is not forbidden by conservation laws, then it necessarily happens with some non-zero probability. So a closed universe can spontaneously appear - through the laws of quantum mechanics - out of nothing. And in fact there is an elegant mathematical description which describes this process and shows that a tiny closed universe having very high energy can spontaneously pop into existence and immediately start to expand and cool. In this description, the same laws that describe the evolution of the universe also describe the appearance of the universe which means that the laws were in place before the universe itself.
We have not integrated gravity with the other forces.

And again we have observed that expansion is accelerating not slowing down as we thought is should be.

So we need to account for that. We just don't know how to do it yet
Who cares? We don't need to know that to understand why the universe is expanding.

Why do you think the universe is expanding?
you certainly do have a closed mind
I see it the other way around. You don't know anything about what you are discussing and you don't seem very curious to find out more.

What exactly is CMB?

What caused the universe to expand in the first place?

hint: those questions are linked and you don't know why and your closed mind is preventing you from discovering why.
Cosmic background radiation is the residue remaining from that gigantic firestorm of mutual annihilation in the Big Bang.

There are approximately one billion photons of that radiation for every proton in the universe.

The positive and negative electric charges that divide particles from anti-particles are perfectly symmetrical.

Therefore, there should have been equal numbers of both particles and anti-particles in the formation of the universe.

When anti-particles and particles come into contact they annihilate each other releasing a tremendous amount of energy.

During the creation of the universe from nothing, there was a tremendous storm of mutual annihilation, ending with the conversion of all the particles and anti-particles into radiation.

The cosmic background radiation is the residue remaining from that gigantic firestorm of mutual annihilation in the Big Bang.

Want to know more?
They have been smashing atoms and observing subatomic particles for decades and not once have they discovered anything close to resembling dark matter and dark energy.

It doesn't exist.

Funny that most physicists think it does exist.

The 2011 Nobel Prize was awarded to the astronomers who actually discovered that the universal expansion was accelerating.

And we have no way of detecting what we call dark matter all we know is that there is something out there that is causing expansion to accelerate when the physics we understand tells us the opposite should be happening
It almost sounds like you believe dark matter is God. :lol:


I do not believe in any gods.

I have made that quite clear.
You could have fooled me.

You have no proof of dark matter but you believe it exists.

SOMETHING exists out there because we cannot explain what we are observing in the universe

How many thousands of years did humans not know atoms or subatomic particles existed?

How many thousands years did humans not understand genetics?

You seem to believe that not knowing about something means it doesn't exist.
Incorrect. Dark matter is the modern day cosmological constant. It does not exist in reality. It's only purpose is to make the equations work.

The fact that we need a fudge factor to account for 5/6ths of all the matter in the universe should tell you something.

And the equations we have work they still fail to explain what we observe happening in the universe.

Even Einstein said that his cosmological constant was a failure so again what do you know that Einstein didn't and that Nobel Prize winning astronomers and physicists don't know?

For someone who likes to couch his arguments in science you certainly do have a closed mind.

Every single momentous scientific breakthrough came from theorizing about what we cannot explain.

You seem to theink there is nothing we don't know anymore.
I know enough to know that they have always applied a fudge factor to their equations which describe the expansion of the universe and I also know enough to know that the expansion of the universe has nothing to do with the creation of the universe other than the creation of the universe is what drove the expansion of the universe. And the explanation of the creation of the universe explains why the universe is expanding in the first place and I know that that discussion starts with the cosmic background radiation that we can observe and measure.
The expansion of the universe was a RESULT of its creation.

There is not one physicist who believes otherwise.

And the fact that a fudge factor is needed is proof that we do not understand the mechanism for what we observe.

And we know that there is something out there that we cannot directly observe or measure but we see its effects in not only the accelerating rate of expansion but also in the degree of gravitational lensing we observe occurring to the light from distant galaxies.

You are cock sure we know everything there is to know that the mere mentioning that there might be something we don't know sends you into a tizzy.

The science you are relying on was all discovered because of something that was not known and the theories to describe observations that have been proved and disproved have all contributed to our understanding of first our own planet and then the universe.
Cosmic background radiation is the residue remaining from that gigantic firestorm of mutual annihilation in the Big Bang.

There are approximately one billion photons of that radiation for every proton in the universe.

The positive and negative electric charges that divide particles from anti-particles are perfectly symmetrical.

Therefore, there should have been equal numbers of both particles and anti-particles in the formation of the universe.

When anti-particles and particles come into contact they annihilate each other releasing a tremendous amount of energy.

During the creation of the universe from nothing, there was a tremendous storm of mutual annihilation, ending with the conversion of all the particles and anti-particles into radiation.

The cosmic background radiation is the residue remaining from that gigantic firestorm of mutual annihilation in the Big Bang.

Want to know more?
But we know that the amount of antmatter was not the same as the amount of matter or everything would have self annihilated

And I have never said anything about the background radiation as there is nothing about the theory of dark matter that refutes it.

You seem to think that it does. It doesn't.

We are once again attempting to understand what we observe and the fact that nothing in our body of knowledge predicted that the universe would be expanding at an accelerating rate is proof that our body of knowledge in incomplete.
The expansion of the universe was a RESULT of its creation.
Explain it.

It's the basics of the Big Bang Theory.

You should already know that.
I can explain it. You can't. All you can say are nebulous things like it's the basics of the big bang theory which doesn't explain anything.

So... can you explain it or not?

Saying a god did it isn't an explanation it is in fact an admission that you don't know.

All we have to do is look at the past.

"WHat causes thunder?" a thunder god

Where do babies come from? A fertility god

Why does the sun rise and set? A sun god.

We have come to understand all these things so the gods that we attributed them to are no longer needed.

The fact is we do not know what happened the instant before the universe came into being. Everything we know is a result of our observations as to what happened the instant after the universe came to be.

No one can explain what happened before that instant, yet.
The expansion of the universe was a RESULT of its creation.
Explain it.

It's the basics of the Big Bang Theory.

You should already know that.
I can explain it. You can't. All you can say are nebulous things like it's the basics of the big bang theory which doesn't explain anything.

So... can you explain it or not?

Saying a god did it isn't an explanation it is in fact an admission that you don't know.

All we have to do is look at the past.

"WHat causes thunder?" a thunder god

Where do babies come from? A fertility god

Why does the sun rise and set? A sun god.

We have come to understand all these things so the gods that we attributed them to are no longer needed.

The fact is we do not know what happened the instant before the universe came into being. Everything we know is a result of our observations as to what happened the instant after the universe came to be.

No one can explain what happened before that instant, yet.
Not an explanation.

You can't explain why the universe is expanding because you don't know.

Saying the universe is expanding because of the big band is not an explanation.

Can you explain why the universe is expanding or not?

Just say no and be done with it. Because I am going to keep asking until you can explain why the universe began to expand in the first place.
ding: why is the universe expanding?

Blues Man : Big Bang

ding: sure, but why did the big bang cause the universe to expand?

Blues Man : Big Bang

ding: yes, blues man, you already said that. But can you explain how?

Blues Man : Big Bang

ding: Can I speak with your parents.
The expansion of the universe was a RESULT of its creation.
Explain it.

It's the basics of the Big Bang Theory.

You should already know that.
I can explain it. You can't. All you can say are nebulous things like it's the basics of the big bang theory which doesn't explain anything.

So... can you explain it or not?
I can't explain it any better than the best physicists can

You think you know more than they do.
ding: why is the universe expanding?

Blues Man : Big Bang

ding: sure, but why did the big bang cause the universe to expand?

Blues Man : Big Bang

ding: yes, blues man, you already said that. But can you explain how?

Blues Man : Big Bang

ding: Can I speak with your parents.

Coming form the internet genius who thinks he knows more than Nobel Prize winning scientists.
The expansion of the universe was a RESULT of its creation.
Explain it.

It's the basics of the Big Bang Theory.

You should already know that.
I can explain it. You can't. All you can say are nebulous things like it's the basics of the big bang theory which doesn't explain anything.

So... can you explain it or not?
I can't explain it any better than the best physicists can

You think you know more than they do.
If you knew what they believed, you would actually post it. But you don't even know that.

I know I know more than you.
ding: why is the universe expanding?

Blues Man : Big Bang

ding: sure, but why did the big bang cause the universe to expand?

Blues Man : Big Bang

ding: yes, blues man, you already said that. But can you explain how?

Blues Man : Big Bang

ding: Can I speak with your parents.

Coming form the internet genius who thinks he knows more than Nobel Prize winning scientists.
I just know more than you. That much is obvious.
The expansion of the universe was a RESULT of its creation.
Explain it.

It's the basics of the Big Bang Theory.

You should already know that.
I can explain it. You can't. All you can say are nebulous things like it's the basics of the big bang theory which doesn't explain anything.

So... can you explain it or not?
I can't explain it any better than the best physicists can

You think you know more than they do.
If you knew what they believed, you would actually post it. But you don't even know that.

I know I know more than you.

Why should I waste my time cutting and pasting?

You seem to think you know everything about the universe in fact you seem to think you know more than the most preeminent physicists and astronomers on the planet so you should know what the Big Bang Theory entails.

Tell you what why don't you tell th Nobel Prize committee that you should be the one getting the prize for physics instead of all those people who are not as smart as you

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