AG Barr: I’ve Received No Satisfactory Response Behind the Spying on Trump

Deep State has circled the wagons and is spinning.

“Like many other people who are familiar with intelligence activities, I had a lot of questions about what was going on. I assumed when I went in, I would get answers, and I got no answers that are satisfactory and, in fact, probably have more questions and some of the facts I’ve learned don’t hang together with the official explanations of what happened,” he said.

When asked to clarify, Mr. Barr said, “That’s all I really will say. Things are just not jiving.”

William Barr: I’ve received no ‘satisfactory’ answers regarding Donald Trump campaign ‘spying’
Well what the hell would you expect Trump’s lawyer to say about it?

That’s how it will end, most likely. “I was not satisfied.” Then Trump will go to prison once out of office.
I can understand why you’re so frustrated you’ve given up all hope.
Actually, the DOJ never investigated Benghazi.
Yet it has been investigated right?

Yes, but not by the DOJ. So there really hasn't been an opportunity to indict people and set them up for perjury traps. At least not yet.

Congressional investigations are pretty limited
Everything the dupes know about Benghazi is pure garbage propaganda. Only Congressional investigations obstructed by the trumper's are limited, and only for a while. The Obama Administration knew there was no Benghazi scandal so they did not obstruct... There were also 5 GOP investigations of the Foster suicide who also found nothing because there is nothing just stupid propaganda. In fact that is all the scumbag GOP has anywhere...

Russia russia russia russia russia. Theyre everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The usual stupid diversions... The Russians are a real Scandal and so is the Trumpers
meeting with them 180 times and lying about it.
I drink your tears of anguish like a fine wine.
Actually, the DOJ never investigated Benghazi.
Yet it has been investigated right?

Yes, but not by the DOJ. So there really hasn't been an opportunity to indict people and set them up for perjury traps. At least not yet.

Congressional investigations are pretty limited
Everything the dupes know about Benghazi is pure garbage propaganda. Only Congressional investigations obstructed by the trumper's are limited, and only for a while. The Obama Administration knew there was no Benghazi scandal so they did not obstruct... There were also 5 GOP investigations of the Foster suicide who also found nothing because there is nothing just stupid propaganda. In fact that is all the scumbag GOP has anywhere...

Russia russia russia russia russia. Theyre everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The usual stupid diversions... The Russians are a real Scandal and so is the Trumpers
meeting with them 180 times and lying about it.

The Mueller Witch Hunt is over, Franco.

No evidence of collusion between Russia and Trump was found.

hundreds of interrogations, millions of documents, tens of millions of dollars, and the result was bupkis.
Maybe, just maybe they can investigate Benghazi again...

Actually, the DOJ never investigated Benghazi.
But Republican committees in Congress did 8 times, and found absolutely nothing. Another idiotic phony scandal.
Of course you are simply lying, as usual.
Investigation into the 2012 Benghazi attack. Teninvestigations were conducted into the 2012Benghazi attack, six of these by Republican-controlled House committees.

Wikipedia › wiki › Investigation_into_th...
Investigation into the 2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia
Yet it has been investigated right?

Yes, but not by the DOJ. So there really hasn't been an opportunity to indict people and set them up for perjury traps. At least not yet.

Congressional investigations are pretty limited
Everything the dupes know about Benghazi is pure garbage propaganda. Only Congressional investigations obstructed by the trumper's are limited, and only for a while. The Obama Administration knew there was no Benghazi scandal so they did not obstruct... There were also 5 GOP investigations of the Foster suicide who also found nothing because there is nothing just stupid propaganda. In fact that is all the scumbag GOP has anywhere...

Russia russia russia russia russia. Theyre everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The usual stupid diversions... The Russians are a real Scandal and so is the Trumpers
meeting with them 180 times and lying about it.

The Mueller Witch Hunt is over, Franco.

No evidence of collusion between Russia and Trump was found.

hundreds of interrogations, millions of documents, tens of millions of dollars, and the result was bupkis.
Sure, if all we do is listen to Republicans and their propaganda, brainwashed functional moron.
Yes, but not by the DOJ. So there really hasn't been an opportunity to indict people and set them up for perjury traps. At least not yet.

Congressional investigations are pretty limited
Everything the dupes know about Benghazi is pure garbage propaganda. Only Congressional investigations obstructed by the trumper's are limited, and only for a while. The Obama Administration knew there was no Benghazi scandal so they did not obstruct... There were also 5 GOP investigations of the Foster suicide who also found nothing because there is nothing just stupid propaganda. In fact that is all the scumbag GOP has anywhere...

Russia russia russia russia russia. Theyre everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The usual stupid diversions... The Russians are a real Scandal and so is the Trumpers
meeting with them 180 times and lying about it.

The Mueller Witch Hunt is over, Franco.

No evidence of collusion between Russia and Trump was found.

hundreds of interrogations, millions of documents, tens of millions of dollars, and the result was bupkis.
Sure, if all we do is listen to Republicans and their propaganda, brainwashed functional moron.

The only one who is saying anything different is Robert J Mueller. But remember this, he told his boss , William Barr, something totally different.

Further, he waited until Mr. Barr left town his week before launching into his hissy fit.

Lastly, Mr. Mueller had personal bones to pick with Mr. Trump. The Mule thought his golf club fees should be comped, because of his high position in the government and Trump told him to "fuck off". This was before Mueller was appointed Special Persecutor, and a reputable man would have recused himself.
AG Barr: I’ve Received No Satisfactory Response Behind the Spying on Trump..

Maybe, just maybe they can investigate Benghazi again...

Actually, the DOJ never investigated Benghazi.
But Republican committees in Congress did 8 times, and found absolutely nothing. Another idiotic phony scandal.
Of course you are simply lying, as usual.
Investigation into the 2012 Benghazi attack. Teninvestigations were conducted into the 2012Benghazi attack, six of these by Republican-controlled House committees.
View attachment 263326
Wikipedia › wiki › Investigation_into_th...
Investigation into the 2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia
They did not find "absolutely nothing" you lying sack of shit.

For example, they found out that UN ambassador Susan Rice went on what can be described as a disinformation campaign targeting the American public. She disseminated the lie that there was a protest in Benghazi on 5 television networks.
Maybe, just maybe they can investigate Benghazi again...

Actually, the DOJ never investigated Benghazi.
But Republican committees in Congress did 8 times, and found absolutely nothing. Another idiotic phony scandal.
Of course you are simply lying, as usual.
Investigation into the 2012 Benghazi attack. Teninvestigations were conducted into the 2012Benghazi attack, six of these by Republican-controlled House committees.
View attachment 263326
Wikipedia › wiki › Investigation_into_th...
Investigation into the 2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia
They did not find "absolutely nothing" you lying sack of shit.

For example, they found out that UN ambassador Susan Rice went on what can be described as a disinformation campaign targeting the American public. She disseminated the lie that there was a protest in Benghazi on 5 television networks.

so what -

if you dont care what Russins are doing in our political system RIGHT NOW, I goddamn sure dont give a rats ass about Benghazi 4 YEARS AGO.
Actually, the DOJ never investigated Benghazi.
But Republican committees in Congress did 8 times, and found absolutely nothing. Another idiotic phony scandal.
Of course you are simply lying, as usual.
Investigation into the 2012 Benghazi attack. Teninvestigations were conducted into the 2012Benghazi attack, six of these by Republican-controlled House committees.
View attachment 263326
Wikipedia › wiki › Investigation_into_th...
Investigation into the 2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia
They did not find "absolutely nothing" you lying sack of shit.

For example, they found out that UN ambassador Susan Rice went on what can be described as a disinformation campaign targeting the American public. She disseminated the lie that there was a protest in Benghazi on 5 television networks.

so what -

if you dont care what Russins are doing in our political system RIGHT NOW, I goddamn sure dont give a rats ass about Benghazi 4 YEARS AGO.

I don't see any Russian involvement here at all.

There were people PRETENDING to be Russians. The Russian Honey Pot at the Trump Tower meeting was working for the FBI and intelligence agencies. Ditto for the Russian Honey Pot working with British and Australian agents seeking to entrap George Papadopolous. Both of those hoes may have been of Russian ethnicity but they were working for other foreign powers as well as the CIA., trying to "sting" the Trump campaign.

But no actual Russians at all.

There were a few Russians indicted, but NONE, ZERO, actually convicted. Not even the ones who surprisingly showed up for trial. And that's in spite of the fact that President Putin offered Mr. Mueller an invitation to send his men to Moscow to talk with the accused.
But Republican committees in Congress did 8 times, and found absolutely nothing. Another idiotic phony scandal.
Of course you are simply lying, as usual.
Investigation into the 2012 Benghazi attack. Teninvestigations were conducted into the 2012Benghazi attack, six of these by Republican-controlled House committees.
View attachment 263326
Wikipedia › wiki › Investigation_into_th...
Investigation into the 2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia
They did not find "absolutely nothing" you lying sack of shit.

For example, they found out that UN ambassador Susan Rice went on what can be described as a disinformation campaign targeting the American public. She disseminated the lie that there was a protest in Benghazi on 5 television networks.

so what -

if you dont care what Russins are doing in our political system RIGHT NOW, I goddamn sure dont give a rats ass about Benghazi 4 YEARS AGO.

I don't see any Russian involvement here at all.

There were people PRETENDING to be Russians. The Russian Honey Pot at the Trump Tower meeting was working for the FBI and intelligence agencies. Ditto for the Russian Honey Pot working with British and Australian agents seeking to entrap George Papadopolous. Both of those hoes may have been of Russian ethnicity but they were working for other foreign powers as well as the CIA., trying to "sting" the Trump campaign.

But no actual Russians at all.

There were a few Russians indicted, but NONE, ZERO, actually convicted. Not even the ones who surprisingly showed up for trial. And that's in spite of the fact that President Putin offered Mr. Mueller an invitation to send his men to Moscow to talk with the accused.


Maybe, just maybe they can investigate Benghazi again...

Actually, the DOJ never investigated Benghazi.
Yet it has been investigated right?

Yes, but not by the DOJ. So there really hasn't been an opportunity to indict people and set them up for perjury traps. At least not yet.

Congressional investigations are pretty limited
Nope when ask in front of Senate or House committee those traps are laid then also.
Maybe, just maybe they can investigate Benghazi again...

Actually, the DOJ never investigated Benghazi.
Yet it has been investigated right?

Yes, but not by the DOJ. So there really hasn't been an opportunity to indict people and set them up for perjury traps. At least not yet.

Congressional investigations are pretty limited
Everything the dupes know about Benghazi is pure garbage propaganda. Only Congressional investigations obstructed by the trumper's are limited, and only for a while. The Obama Administration knew there was no Benghazi scandal so they did not obstruct... There were also 5 GOP investigations of the Foster suicide who also found nothing because there is nothing just stupid propaganda. In fact that is all the scumbag GOP has anywhere...

And you are SOoo much more informed. Yup.
If anything what the Russian interference investigation did do was keep Trump from getting a Trump Tower in Moscow and Tillerson's company an oil contract in Russia...Awwww...

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