AG Barr: I’ve Received No Satisfactory Response Behind the Spying on Trump

Of course you are simply lying, as usual.
Investigation into the 2012 Benghazi attack. Teninvestigations were conducted into the 2012Benghazi attack, six of these by Republican-controlled House committees.
View attachment 263326
Wikipedia › wiki › Investigation_into_th...
Investigation into the 2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia
They did not find "absolutely nothing" you lying sack of shit.

For example, they found out that UN ambassador Susan Rice went on what can be described as a disinformation campaign targeting the American public. She disseminated the lie that there was a protest in Benghazi on 5 television networks.

so what -

if you dont care what Russins are doing in our political system RIGHT NOW, I goddamn sure dont give a rats ass about Benghazi 4 YEARS AGO.

Sure sure, and they are operating right out of the Russian consulate in Miami. Right?
Our CIA knows exactly what building in Moscow the Russians are operating out of, brainwash functional moron. Read something for crying out loud. You GOP voters are absolutely clueless great job. What we would call pretty shity citizens....

There is no Russian consulate in Miami... but you cant tell that to Christopher Steele and his sources. Theres also no Collusion between Americans and the Russian government, but you cant tell that to the morons on the left who cant let go of an election.
Investigation into the 2012 Benghazi attack. Teninvestigations were conducted into the 2012Benghazi attack, six of these by Republican-controlled House committees.
View attachment 263326
Wikipedia › wiki › Investigation_into_th...
Investigation into the 2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia
They did not find "absolutely nothing" you lying sack of shit.

For example, they found out that UN ambassador Susan Rice went on what can be described as a disinformation campaign targeting the American public. She disseminated the lie that there was a protest in Benghazi on 5 television networks.

so what -

if you dont care what Russins are doing in our political system RIGHT NOW, I goddamn sure dont give a rats ass about Benghazi 4 YEARS AGO.

Sure sure, and they are operating right out of the Russian consulate in Miami. Right?
Our CIA knows exactly what building in Moscow the Russians are operating out of, brainwash functional moron. Read something for crying out loud. You GOP voters are absolutely clueless great job. What we would call pretty shity citizens....

What an imagination.
You should write pulp spy novels.
Absolutely clueless. You brainwashed functional morons Miss 95% of the news and it appears everything our intelligence community agrees on. Just like your Heroes, the scumbag GOP and the orange clown...

the building Russian hackers are working out of - Google Search
They did not find "absolutely nothing" you lying sack of shit.

For example, they found out that UN ambassador Susan Rice went on what can be described as a disinformation campaign targeting the American public. She disseminated the lie that there was a protest in Benghazi on 5 television networks.

so what -

if you dont care what Russins are doing in our political system RIGHT NOW, I goddamn sure dont give a rats ass about Benghazi 4 YEARS AGO.

Sure sure, and they are operating right out of the Russian consulate in Miami. Right?
Our CIA knows exactly what building in Moscow the Russians are operating out of, brainwash functional moron. Read something for crying out loud. You GOP voters are absolutely clueless great job. What we would call pretty shity citizens....

What an imagination.
You should write pulp spy novels.
Absolutely clueless. You brainwashed functional morons Miss 95% of the news and it appears everything our intelligence community agrees on. Just like your Heroes, the scumbag GOP and the orange clown...

the building Russian hackers are working out of - Google Search

You confuse hackers with troll farms, dummy.
You're golden! :blues:
so what -

if you dont care what Russins are doing in our political system RIGHT NOW, I goddamn sure dont give a rats ass about Benghazi 4 YEARS AGO.

Sure sure, and they are operating right out of the Russian consulate in Miami. Right?
Our CIA knows exactly what building in Moscow the Russians are operating out of, brainwash functional moron. Read something for crying out loud. You GOP voters are absolutely clueless great job. What we would call pretty shity citizens....

What an imagination.
You should write pulp spy novels.
Absolutely clueless. You brainwashed functional morons Miss 95% of the news and it appears everything our intelligence community agrees on. Just like your Heroes, the scumbag GOP and the orange clown...

the building Russian hackers are working out of - Google Search

You confuse hackers with troll farms, dummy.
You're golden! :blues:
they're both are hackers and trolls. I believe most trolls are from some town in Macedonia making money off you brainwashed functional morons on Facebook etcetera etc.At any rate we have 17 intelligence services that all agree the Russians hacked podesta and DNC servers and indicted them. They love Trump cuz he's a goddamn idiot who only cares about building tower in Moscow. And I don't doubt the Steele dossier, none of which has been disproven. And I also don't care what the wild man businessman did in Moscow. And if people ignored him when he told them to fire Mueller , I don't care about that either. He is a businessman that doesn't know what the hell he's doing. LOL
Last edited:
Sure sure, and they are operating right out of the Russian consulate in Miami. Right?
Our CIA knows exactly what building in Moscow the Russians are operating out of, brainwash functional moron. Read something for crying out loud. You GOP voters are absolutely clueless great job. What we would call pretty shity citizens....

What an imagination.
You should write pulp spy novels.
Absolutely clueless. You brainwashed functional morons Miss 95% of the news and it appears everything our intelligence community agrees on. Just like your Heroes, the scumbag GOP and the orange clown...

the building Russian hackers are working out of - Google Search

You confuse hackers with troll farms, dummy.
You're golden! :blues:
they're both are hackers and trolls. I believe most trolls are from some town in Macedonia making money off you brainwashed functional morons on Facebook etcetera etc.At any rate we have 17 intelligence services that all agree the Russians hacked podesta and DNC servers and indicted them. They love Trump cuz he's a goddamn idiot who only cares about building tower in Moscow. And I don't doubt the Steele dossier, none of which has been disproven. And I also don't care what to eat wild man businessman did in Moscow. And if people ignored him when he told them to fire Mueller oh, I don't care about that either. He is a businessman that doesn't know what the hell he's doing.

So, the interwebz told you......:abgg2q.jpg:
Barr is breaking his own Justice dept rules by speaking about an on going investigation.

Pretty shitty of him., and unethical, it seems.

MUELLER followed the justice dept rules, no talking about the investigation, until it was over.... class act.

BARR talking about an on going investigation in the media With his thumb on the alleged scale of justice, is par for the course, with the crooked him.
Barr is breaking his own Justice dept rules by speaking about an on going investigation.

Pretty shitty of him., and unethical, it seems.

MUELLER followed the justice dept rules, no talking about the investigation, until it was over.... class act.

BARR talking about an on going investigation in the media With his thumb on the alleged scale of justice, is par for the course, with the crooked him.

The Mueller Investigation is over, I guess you missed that.

And now, the Mule needs to answer for it. He examined millions of documents, and interviewed hundreds of witnesses. Time for him to explain to the people exactly what happened
Barr is breaking his own Justice dept rules by speaking about an on going investigation.

Pretty shitty of him., and unethical, it seems.

MUELLER followed the justice dept rules, no talking about the investigation, until it was over.... class act.

BARR talking about an on going investigation in the media With his thumb on the alleged scale of justice, is par for the course, with the crooked him.

There's no on-going investigation concerning the Mueller report. They (the DOJ) have concluded no collusion, no obstruction!
Is year head thicker than a stump?
Our CIA knows exactly what building in Moscow the Russians are operating out of, brainwash functional moron. Read something for crying out loud. You GOP voters are absolutely clueless great job. What we would call pretty shity citizens....

What an imagination.
You should write pulp spy novels.
Absolutely clueless. You brainwashed functional morons Miss 95% of the news and it appears everything our intelligence community agrees on. Just like your Heroes, the scumbag GOP and the orange clown...

the building Russian hackers are working out of - Google Search

You confuse hackers with troll farms, dummy.
You're golden! :blues:
they're both are hackers and trolls. I believe most trolls are from some town in Macedonia making money off you brainwashed functional morons on Facebook etcetera etc.At any rate we have 17 intelligence services that all agree the Russians hacked podesta and DNC servers and indicted them. They love Trump cuz he's a goddamn idiot who only cares about building tower in Moscow. And I don't doubt the Steele dossier, none of which has been disproven. And I also don't care what to eat wild man businessman did in Moscow. And if people ignored him when he told them to fire Mueller oh, I don't care about that either. He is a businessman that doesn't know what the hell he's doing.

So, the interwebz told you......:abgg2q.jpg:
Every respected media and law enforcement in the world told me, dumbass dupe. You keep listening to garbage hate bigoted propaganda, another couple of years and you'll be Nazis. Unbelievable shity citizens...
Barr is breaking his own Justice dept rules by speaking about an on going investigation.

Pretty shitty of him., and unethical, it seems.

MUELLER followed the justice dept rules, no talking about the investigation, until it was over.... class act.

BARR talking about an on going investigation in the media With his thumb on the alleged scale of justice, is par for the course, with the crooked him.

What ongoing investigation?
Every respected media and law enforcement in the world told me, dumbass dupe. You keep listening to garbage hate bigoted propaganda, another couple of years and you'll be Nazis. Unbelievable shity citizens...

Links? Got any to support that outrageous statement?
What an imagination.
You should write pulp spy novels.
Absolutely clueless. You brainwashed functional morons Miss 95% of the news and it appears everything our intelligence community agrees on. Just like your Heroes, the scumbag GOP and the orange clown...

the building Russian hackers are working out of - Google Search

You confuse hackers with troll farms, dummy.
You're golden! :blues:
they're both are hackers and trolls. I believe most trolls are from some town in Macedonia making money off you brainwashed functional morons on Facebook etcetera etc.At any rate we have 17 intelligence services that all agree the Russians hacked podesta and DNC servers and indicted them. They love Trump cuz he's a goddamn idiot who only cares about building tower in Moscow. And I don't doubt the Steele dossier, none of which has been disproven. And I also don't care what to eat wild man businessman did in Moscow. And if people ignored him when he told them to fire Mueller oh, I don't care about that either. He is a businessman that doesn't know what the hell he's doing.

So, the interwebz told you......:abgg2q.jpg:
Every respected media and law enforcement in the world told me, dumbass dupe. You keep listening to garbage hate bigoted propaganda, another couple of years and you'll be Nazis. Unbelievable shity citizens...

The media and law enforcement has duped you (and the rest of us). That's why they're not real respected anymore. But your indoctrinated neurons fail to see this.
AG Barr: I’ve Received No Satisfactory Response Behind the Spying on Trump

In other words...the FBI is lying to him and hiding something...only bad people have something to step...Fire Wray and put Rudy in charge of the FBI.....
Every respected media and law enforcement in the world told me, dumbass dupe. You keep listening to garbage hate bigoted propaganda, another couple of years and you'll be Nazis. Unbelievable shity citizens...

Links? Got any to support that outrageous statement?
Let's just say it's amazing the crap you believe especially about Democrats socialists foreigners immigrants dot-dot-dot Yankees scored three runs and I didn't like it at all LOL
Absolutely clueless. You brainwashed functional morons Miss 95% of the news and it appears everything our intelligence community agrees on. Just like your Heroes, the scumbag GOP and the orange clown...

the building Russian hackers are working out of - Google Search

You confuse hackers with troll farms, dummy.
You're golden! :blues:
they're both are hackers and trolls. I believe most trolls are from some town in Macedonia making money off you brainwashed functional morons on Facebook etcetera etc.At any rate we have 17 intelligence services that all agree the Russians hacked podesta and DNC servers and indicted them. They love Trump cuz he's a goddamn idiot who only cares about building tower in Moscow. And I don't doubt the Steele dossier, none of which has been disproven. And I also don't care what to eat wild man businessman did in Moscow. And if people ignored him when he told them to fire Mueller oh, I don't care about that either. He is a businessman that doesn't know what the hell he's doing.

So, the interwebz told you......:abgg2q.jpg:
Every respected media and law enforcement in the world told me, dumbass dupe. You keep listening to garbage hate bigoted propaganda, another couple of years and you'll be Nazis. Unbelievable shity citizens...

The media and law enforcement has duped you (and the rest of us). That's why they're not real respected anymore. But your indoctrinated neurons fail to see this.
Like I said, you brainwashed functional morons will believe anything. A bunch of straight arrow Republican FBI agents are not having a coup, and the only evidence you have is a couple of emails where two lovebirds thoughtTrump was an idiot, like everyone did it the time, and most intelligent people still do. You people have no respect for law enforcement and journalism and facts and people. You're an absolute disgrace. So Marshall law is a pretty good idea right, Nazi a******?
Actually, the DOJ never investigated Benghazi.
But Republican committees in Congress did 8 times, and found absolutely nothing. Another idiotic phony scandal.
Of course you are simply lying, as usual.
Investigation into the 2012 Benghazi attack. Teninvestigations were conducted into the 2012Benghazi attack, six of these by Republican-controlled House committees.
View attachment 263326
Wikipedia › wiki › Investigation_into_th...
Investigation into the 2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia
They did not find "absolutely nothing" you lying sack of shit.

For example, they found out that UN ambassador Susan Rice went on what can be described as a disinformation campaign targeting the American public. She disseminated the lie that there was a protest in Benghazi on 5 television networks.
B*******. That was only the first couple of hours fog of War heard of it?
Of course you are simply lying again, as usual.

The attack occurred on Tuesday. September 11, 2012. Five days later Susan Rice went on all the Sunday morning fake news shows propagating disinformation to millions of Americans with her obviously well rehearsed lies.

There was no protest at the consulate in Benghazi. That was a big fat whopper.

So take your "couple of hours of fog of war" bullshit and shove it, jackass.
Last edited:
AG Barr: I’ve Received No Satisfactory Response Behind the Spying on Trump

In other words...the FBI is lying to him and hiding something...only bad people have something to step...Fire Wray and put Rudy in charge of the FBI.....
Another Republican conspiracy Nut Job and fake news expert unbelievable
They did not find "absolutely nothing" you lying sack of shit.

For example, they found out that UN ambassador Susan Rice went on what can be described as a disinformation campaign targeting the American public. She disseminated the lie that there was a protest in Benghazi on 5 television networks.

so what -

if you dont care what Russins are doing in our political system RIGHT NOW, I goddamn sure dont give a rats ass about Benghazi 4 YEARS AGO.

Sure sure, and they are operating right out of the Russian consulate in Miami. Right?
Our CIA knows exactly what building in Moscow the Russians are operating out of, brainwash functional moron. Read something for crying out loud. You GOP voters are absolutely clueless great job. What we would call pretty shity citizens....

What an imagination.
You should write pulp spy novels.
Absolutely clueless. You brainwashed functional morons Miss 95% of the news and it appears everything our intelligence community agrees on. Just like your Heroes, the scumbag GOP and the orange clown...

the building Russian hackers are working out of - Google Search

Right, and what does that have to do with Trump? nothing. The Russians have been spying on us for years and we on them as well. SO if the CIA has the location nailed... I'm sure they have all sorts of intel on Trump collusion. Oh wait, two years and millions of dollars spent and Mueller has no evidence of why the investigation happened in the first place. And the spin that it was made to investigate Russians is bogus, it was made to investigate Trump as the Democrats saw Trump winning the election as a national emergency. They pulled out that Insurance policy and the fake dossier. They are a dispicable lot, all of them.
AG Barr: I’ve Received No Satisfactory Response Behind the Spying on Trump

In other words...the FBI is lying to him and hiding something...only bad people have something to step...Fire Wray and put Rudy in charge of the FBI.....
Another Republican conspiracy Nut Job and fake news expert unbelievable
Well that would suggest you know more than maybe you can tell me what Trump did that calls for impeachment...I will keep asking you libs this question until I get an answer....

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