AG Barr: I’ve Received No Satisfactory Response Behind the Spying on Trump

Barr is breaking his own Justice dept rules by speaking about an on going investigation.

Pretty shitty of him., and unethical, it seems.

MUELLER followed the justice dept rules, no talking about the investigation, until it was over.... class act.

BARR talking about an on going investigation in the media With his thumb on the alleged scale of justice, is par for the course, with the crooked him.

The Mueller Investigation is over, I guess you missed that.

And now, the Mule needs to answer for it. He examined millions of documents, and interviewed hundreds of witnesses. Time for him to explain to the people exactly what happened

Well, we really SHOULD be having another investigation. She may have a point there.
Another ridiculous phony scandal... Brainwashed functional moron conspiracy nut jobs.... Whatever go ahead will take about 10 minutes to see there's nothing there again.

Oh, why do you refer to yourself that way. Oh yeah, because you are a brain dead moron. Never mind!
You confuse hackers with troll farms, dummy.
You're golden! :blues:
they're both are hackers and trolls. I believe most trolls are from some town in Macedonia making money off you brainwashed functional morons on Facebook etcetera etc.At any rate we have 17 intelligence services that all agree the Russians hacked podesta and DNC servers and indicted them. They love Trump cuz he's a goddamn idiot who only cares about building tower in Moscow. And I don't doubt the Steele dossier, none of which has been disproven. And I also don't care what to eat wild man businessman did in Moscow. And if people ignored him when he told them to fire Mueller oh, I don't care about that either. He is a businessman that doesn't know what the hell he's doing.

So, the interwebz told you......:abgg2q.jpg:
Every respected media and law enforcement in the world told me, dumbass dupe. You keep listening to garbage hate bigoted propaganda, another couple of years and you'll be Nazis. Unbelievable shity citizens...

The media and law enforcement has duped you (and the rest of us). That's why they're not real respected anymore. But your indoctrinated neurons fail to see this.
Like I said, you brainwashed functional morons will believe anything. A bunch of straight arrow Republican FBI agents are not having a coup, and the only evidence you have is a couple of emails where two lovebirds thoughtTrump was an idiot, like everyone did it the time, and most intelligent people still do. You people have no respect for law enforcement and journalism and facts and people. You're an absolute disgrace. So Marshall law is a pretty good idea right, Nazi a******?

The funny thing about a COUP Franco is that they always come about by people you trust and from the inside, its just how it works. Calling those two love birds doesn't make them any more harmless when they are working inside counter-intelligence. You know nothing, of who is straight arrow inside the FBI, absolutely nothing.
Sorry to sink your battle ship.
Another ridiculous phony scandal... Brainwashed functional moron conspiracy nut jobs.... Whatever go ahead will take about 10 minutes to see there's nothing there again.
Indeed, why was Mueller allowed to get away with it?
so what -

if you dont care what Russins are doing in our political system RIGHT NOW, I goddamn sure dont give a rats ass about Benghazi 4 YEARS AGO.

Sure sure, and they are operating right out of the Russian consulate in Miami. Right?
Our CIA knows exactly what building in Moscow the Russians are operating out of, brainwash functional moron. Read something for crying out loud. You GOP voters are absolutely clueless great job. What we would call pretty shity citizens....

What an imagination.
You should write pulp spy novels.
Absolutely clueless. You brainwashed functional morons Miss 95% of the news and it appears everything our intelligence community agrees on. Just like your Heroes, the scumbag GOP and the orange clown...

the building Russian hackers are working out of - Google Search

Right, and what does that have to do with Trump? nothing. The Russians have been spying on us for years and we on them as well. SO if the CIA has the location nailed... I'm sure they have all sorts of intel on Trump collusion. Oh wait, two years and millions of dollars spent and Mueller has no evidence of why the investigation happened in the first place. And the spin that it was made to investigate Russians is bogus, it was made to investigate Trump as the Democrats saw Trump winning the election as a national emergency. They pulled out that Insurance policy and the fake dossier. They are a dispicable lot, all of them.

the Russians hacked the DNC and podesta servers and gave all the emails to Wikipedia who gave them to Fox and CNN and MSNBC until that's all they talked about, garbage and controversy And the ratings all they care about all of them. Breaking for everyone, secretaries of State know nothing about emails and classified emails, Hillary's server was never hacked seems like the only one, the 33,000 emails were personal and gone over by lawyers to make sure, because the clintons knowy assholes will make up crap about everything, even the most menial... Now it's a conspiracy of everyone in the FBI and CIA because they don't like Trump. You can tell because of 2 emails between lovebird agents didn't like Trump at a time when no one did- I caramba wake up and smell the coffee. The country did not go to hell all of a sudden. Nor did people become lazy all of a sudden like you Chumps seem to believe. God damn shity lying GOP situation everywhere you look... Only the brainwash makes it possible.
Let's just say it's amazing the crap you believe especially about Democrats socialists foreigners immigrants dot-dot-dot Yankees scored three runs and I didn't like it at all LOL

So, let's say you're talking out your ass. 'LOL'
Sure sure, and they are operating right out of the Russian consulate in Miami. Right?
Our CIA knows exactly what building in Moscow the Russians are operating out of, brainwash functional moron. Read something for crying out loud. You GOP voters are absolutely clueless great job. What we would call pretty shity citizens....

What an imagination.
You should write pulp spy novels.
Absolutely clueless. You brainwashed functional morons Miss 95% of the news and it appears everything our intelligence community agrees on. Just like your Heroes, the scumbag GOP and the orange clown...

the building Russian hackers are working out of - Google Search

Right, and what does that have to do with Trump? nothing. The Russians have been spying on us for years and we on them as well. SO if the CIA has the location nailed... I'm sure they have all sorts of intel on Trump collusion. Oh wait, two years and millions of dollars spent and Mueller has no evidence of why the investigation happened in the first place. And the spin that it was made to investigate Russians is bogus, it was made to investigate Trump as the Democrats saw Trump winning the election as a national emergency. They pulled out that Insurance policy and the fake dossier. They are a dispicable lot, all of them.

the Russians hacked the DNC and podesta servers and gave all the emails to Wikipedia who gave them to Fox and CNN and MSNBC until that's all they talked about, garbage and controversy And the ratings all they care about all of them. Breaking for everyone, secretaries of State know nothing about emails and classified emails, Hillary's server was never hacked seems like the only one, the 33,000 emails were personal and gone over by lawyers to make sure, because the clintons knowy assholes will make up crap about everything, even the most menial... Now it's a conspiracy of everyone in the FBI and CIA because they don't like Trump. You can tell because of 2 emails between lovebird agents didn't like Trump at a time when no one did- I caramba wake up and smell the coffee. The country did not go to hell all of a sudden. Nor did people become lazy all of a sudden like you Chumps seem to believe. God damn shity lying GOP situation everywhere you look... Only the brainwash makes it possible.

And why do we trust the Democrats again children??? Yes, yes, hacked servers that the FBI never got to look at. They were looked at by the firm CrowdStrike instead. The DNC then said that the FBI never asked to look at the servers which was why they had gone with the security firm Crowdstrike.
Then it turns out Comey comes out and says no no.... the FBI had requested several times and on multiple levels to look at the servers. So the question is two fold. Why did they not want the FBI to examine the servers and why did they LIE about it?? issue of national security we are constantly told... all that Russian hacking, yet the DNC chose to leave the FBI out of the loop.
They did not find "absolutely nothing" you lying sack of shit.

For example, they found out that UN ambassador Susan Rice went on what can be described as a disinformation campaign targeting the American public. She disseminated the lie that there was a protest in Benghazi on 5 television networks.

so what -

if you dont care what Russins are doing in our political system RIGHT NOW, I goddamn sure dont give a rats ass about Benghazi 4 YEARS AGO.

I don't see any Russian involvement here at all.

There were people PRETENDING to be Russians. The Russian Honey Pot at the Trump Tower meeting was working for the FBI and intelligence agencies. Ditto for the Russian Honey Pot working with British and Australian agents seeking to entrap George Papadopolous. Both of those hoes may have been of Russian ethnicity but they were working for other foreign powers as well as the CIA., trying to "sting" the Trump campaign.

But no actual Russians at all.

There were a few Russians indicted, but NONE, ZERO, actually convicted. Not even the ones who surprisingly showed up for trial. And that's in spite of the fact that President Putin offered Mr. Mueller an invitation to send his men to Moscow to talk with the accused.

And all the investigative work to indict the few Russians was done by Republicans in the house/senate a year before. Mueller really did nothing regarding investigating Russia, because he knew all roads would lead back to Obama/Clinton.
Brainwashed functional moron conspiracy nut jobs LOL aaarrrggghhh!

Take a nap. You're less coherent than usual.
The usual stupid diversions... The Russians are a real Scandal and so is the Trumpers
meeting with them 180 times and lying about it.

The Mueller Witch Hunt is over, Franco.

No evidence of collusion between Russia and Trump was found.

hundreds of interrogations, millions of documents, tens of millions of dollars, and the result was bupkis.

Franco the 'dupemeister' is unable to admit he has been duped.
Irony at its best!
Only on Fox Rush Savage etc etc pure garbage Network LOL. Now we get to see reality instead of soft pedaling Republican bologna.

Your ilk will be destroyed and quickly forgotten.
Try something jackass, your local cops will take care of you. You jackasses are the most dangerous thing against our democracy in my lifetime....we've never had a propaganda machine like yours in our history. Pure garbage hate misinformation and character assassination. Especially in primetime and around elections and of course on the radio and internet....

Nope, that would be libs who are inciting violence. I expect them to become more violent when Trump wins again.
Everything the dupes know about Benghazi is pure garbage propaganda. Only Congressional investigations obstructed by the trumper's are limited, and only for a while. The Obama Administration knew there was no Benghazi scandal so they did not obstruct... There were also 5 GOP investigations of the Foster suicide who also found nothing because there is nothing just stupid propaganda. In fact that is all the scumbag GOP has anywhere...

Russia russia russia russia russia. Theyre everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The usual stupid diversions... The Russians are a real Scandal and so is the Trumpers
meeting with them 180 times and lying about it.

Keep going back to the Russians..... Meuller said activity to influence the Election began under Obama Admin in 2014 and any attempt to respond was met with yet another “stand down.”


It's a conspiracy!! Right, conspiracy Nut Job?

You are incapable of objective validation. You were the one who said the Russians were the problem. I pointed that out. Your hatred has devoided you of any rational thought so when you can’t retort on any respectable level, you smear and jeer. But, you are entertaining in a clown sort of manner; you remind me of Maxine Waters.
Another ridiculous phony scandal... Brainwashed functional moron conspiracy nut jobs.... Whatever go ahead will take about 10 minutes to see there's nothing there again.

Oh, why do you refer to yourself that way. Oh yeah, because you are a brain dead moron. Never mind!
right, too bad you have no evidence except garbage propaganda dumbass... No respected Media or law enforcement in the world agrees with you. Absolutely nuts...
Russia russia russia russia russia. Theyre everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The usual stupid diversions... The Russians are a real Scandal and so is the Trumpers
meeting with them 180 times and lying about it.

Keep going back to the Russians..... Meuller said activity to influence the Election began under Obama Admin in 2014 and any attempt to respond was met with yet another “stand down.”


It's a conspiracy!! Right, conspiracy Nut Job?

You are incapable of objective validation. You were the one who said the Russians were the problem. I pointed that out. Your hatred has devoided you of any rational thought so when you can’t retort on any respectable level, you smear and jeer. But, you are entertaining in a clown sort of manner; you remind me of Maxine Waters.

no respected Media or law enforcement in the world agrees with any of your phony scandals over the last 25 years, dumbass dupe. So now you are a conspiracy Nut Job. Very dangerous GOP. Owned by the greedy idiot rich and its followers are brainwashed by the greedy idiot Rich. End of story.
Russia russia russia russia russia. Theyre everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The usual stupid diversions... The Russians are a real Scandal and so is the Trumpers
meeting with them 180 times and lying about it.

Keep going back to the Russians..... Meuller said activity to influence the Election began under Obama Admin in 2014 and any attempt to respond was met with yet another “stand down.”


It's a conspiracy!! Right, conspiracy Nut Job?

You are incapable of objective validation. You were the one who said the Russians were the problem. I pointed that out. Your hatred has devoided you of any rational thought so when you can’t retort on any respectable level, you smear and jeer. But, you are entertaining in a clown sort of manner; you remind me of Maxine Waters.

Greedy idiot GOP billionaires And the Russians duh. And Communists and dictators what the hell are you talkin about LOL?
Russia russia russia russia russia. Theyre everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The usual stupid diversions... The Russians are a real Scandal and so is the Trumpers
meeting with them 180 times and lying about it.

Keep going back to the Russians..... Meuller said activity to influence the Election began under Obama Admin in 2014 and any attempt to respond was met with yet another “stand down.”


It's a conspiracy!! Right, conspiracy Nut Job?

You are incapable of objective validation. You were the one who said the Russians were the problem. I pointed that out. Your hatred has devoided you of any rational thought so when you can’t retort on any respectable level, you smear and jeer. But, you are entertaining in a clown sort of manner; you remind me of Maxine Waters.

Na mad Maxine is way smarter.
Our CIA knows exactly what building in Moscow the Russians are operating out of, brainwash functional moron. Read something for crying out loud. You GOP voters are absolutely clueless great job. What we would call pretty shity citizens....

What an imagination.
You should write pulp spy novels.
Absolutely clueless. You brainwashed functional morons Miss 95% of the news and it appears everything our intelligence community agrees on. Just like your Heroes, the scumbag GOP and the orange clown...

the building Russian hackers are working out of - Google Search

Right, and what does that have to do with Trump? nothing. The Russians have been spying on us for years and we on them as well. SO if the CIA has the location nailed... I'm sure they have all sorts of intel on Trump collusion. Oh wait, two years and millions of dollars spent and Mueller has no evidence of why the investigation happened in the first place. And the spin that it was made to investigate Russians is bogus, it was made to investigate Trump as the Democrats saw Trump winning the election as a national emergency. They pulled out that Insurance policy and the fake dossier. They are a dispicable lot, all of them.

the Russians hacked the DNC and podesta servers and gave all the emails to Wikipedia who gave them to Fox and CNN and MSNBC until that's all they talked about, garbage and controversy And the ratings all they care about all of them. Breaking for everyone, secretaries of State know nothing about emails and classified emails, Hillary's server was never hacked seems like the only one, the 33,000 emails were personal and gone over by lawyers to make sure, because the clintons knowy assholes will make up crap about everything, even the most menial... Now it's a conspiracy of everyone in the FBI and CIA because they don't like Trump. You can tell because of 2 emails between lovebird agents didn't like Trump at a time when no one did- I caramba wake up and smell the coffee. The country did not go to hell all of a sudden. Nor did people become lazy all of a sudden like you Chumps seem to believe. God damn shity lying GOP situation everywhere you look... Only the brainwash makes it possible.

And why do we trust the Democrats again children??? Yes, yes, hacked servers that the FBI never got to look at. They were looked at by the firm CrowdStrike instead. The DNC then said that the FBI never asked to look at the servers which was why they had gone with the security firm Crowdstrike.
Then it turns out Comey comes out and says no no.... the FBI had requested several times and on multiple levels to look at the servers. So the question is two fold. Why did they not want the FBI to examine the servers and why did they LIE about it?? issue of national security we are constantly told... all that Russian hacking, yet the DNC chose to leave the FBI out of the loop.
How is the weather in Moscow, a******? LOL
The Mueller Witch Hunt is over, Franco.

No evidence of collusion between Russia and Trump was found.

hundreds of interrogations, millions of documents, tens of millions of dollars, and the result was bupkis.

Franco the 'dupemeister' is unable to admit he has been duped.
Irony at its best!
Only on Fox Rush Savage etc etc pure garbage Network LOL. Now we get to see reality instead of soft pedaling Republican bologna.

Your ilk will be destroyed and quickly forgotten.
Try something jackass, your local cops will take care of you. You jackasses are the most dangerous thing against our democracy in my lifetime....we've never had a propaganda machine like yours in our history. Pure garbage hate misinformation and character assassination. Especially in primetime and around elections and of course on the radio and internet....

Nope, that would be libs who are inciting violence. I expect them to become more violent when Trump wins again.
meanwhile the only actual spike in violence is against Jews gays Muslims and blacks by you assholes. You live on an imaginary planet, super duper.
so what -

if you dont care what Russins are doing in our political system RIGHT NOW, I goddamn sure dont give a rats ass about Benghazi 4 YEARS AGO.

I don't see any Russian involvement here at all.

There were people PRETENDING to be Russians. The Russian Honey Pot at the Trump Tower meeting was working for the FBI and intelligence agencies. Ditto for the Russian Honey Pot working with British and Australian agents seeking to entrap George Papadopolous. Both of those hoes may have been of Russian ethnicity but they were working for other foreign powers as well as the CIA., trying to "sting" the Trump campaign.

But no actual Russians at all.

There were a few Russians indicted, but NONE, ZERO, actually convicted. Not even the ones who surprisingly showed up for trial. And that's in spite of the fact that President Putin offered Mr. Mueller an invitation to send his men to Moscow to talk with the accused.

And all the investigative work to indict the few Russians was done by Republicans in the house/senate a year before. Mueller really did nothing regarding investigating Russia, because he knew all roads would lead back to Obama/Clinton.
Brainwashed functional moron conspiracy nut jobs LOL aaarrrggghhh!

Take a nap. You're less coherent than usual.
Any actual argument? Any charges against any Democrats at all? You people are absolutely out of your minds. Breaking!!!: the rich do notpay enough in taxes and the country is going to hell because of it. Only brainwashing you people makes it possible.
Maybe, just maybe they can investigate Benghazi again...

Actually, the DOJ never investigated Benghazi.
Yet it has been investigated right?

Yes, but not by the DOJ. So there really hasn't been an opportunity to indict people and set them up for perjury traps. At least not yet.

Congressional investigations are pretty limited

There is no such thing as a "perjury trap". There is a requirement that you tell the truth when questioned by the FBI. If you tell the truth, how can they "trap" you?
Maybe, just maybe they can investigate Benghazi again...

Actually, the DOJ never investigated Benghazi.
Yet it has been investigated right?

Yes, but not by the DOJ. So there really hasn't been an opportunity to indict people and set them up for perjury traps. At least not yet.

Congressional investigations are pretty limited

There is no such thing as a "perjury trap". There is a requirement that you tell the truth when questioned by the FBI. If you tell the truth, how can they "trap" you?
That's the whole thing they want the truth yet some can't do that....
Our CIA knows exactly what building in Moscow the Russians are operating out of, brainwash functional moron. Read something for crying out loud. You GOP voters are absolutely clueless great job. What we would call pretty shity citizens....

What an imagination.
You should write pulp spy novels.
Absolutely clueless. You brainwashed functional morons Miss 95% of the news and it appears everything our intelligence community agrees on. Just like your Heroes, the scumbag GOP and the orange clown...

the building Russian hackers are working out of - Google Search

Right, and what does that have to do with Trump? nothing. The Russians have been spying on us for years and we on them as well. SO if the CIA has the location nailed... I'm sure they have all sorts of intel on Trump collusion. Oh wait, two years and millions of dollars spent and Mueller has no evidence of why the investigation happened in the first place. And the spin that it was made to investigate Russians is bogus, it was made to investigate Trump as the Democrats saw Trump winning the election as a national emergency. They pulled out that Insurance policy and the fake dossier. They are a dispicable lot, all of them.

the Russians hacked the DNC and podesta servers and gave all the emails to Wikipedia who gave them to Fox and CNN and MSNBC until that's all they talked about, garbage and controversy And the ratings all they care about all of them. Breaking for everyone, secretaries of State know nothing about emails and classified emails, Hillary's server was never hacked seems like the only one, the 33,000 emails were personal and gone over by lawyers to make sure, because the clintons knowy assholes will make up crap about everything, even the most menial... Now it's a conspiracy of everyone in the FBI and CIA because they don't like Trump. You can tell because of 2 emails between lovebird agents didn't like Trump at a time when no one did- I caramba wake up and smell the coffee. The country did not go to hell all of a sudden. Nor did people become lazy all of a sudden like you Chumps seem to believe. God damn shity lying GOP situation everywhere you look... Only the brainwash makes it possible.

And why do we trust the Democrats again children??? Yes, yes, hacked servers that the FBI never got to look at. They were looked at by the firm CrowdStrike instead. The DNC then said that the FBI never asked to look at the servers which was why they had gone with the security firm Crowdstrike.
Then it turns out Comey comes out and says no no.... the FBI had requested several times and on multiple levels to look at the servers. So the question is two fold. Why did they not want the FBI to examine the servers and why did they LIE about it?? issue of national security we are constantly told... all that Russian hacking, yet the DNC chose to leave the FBI out of the loop.
It's a conspiracy!!!! You people are nuts and so is your propaganda. My advice is to watch an FBI agent or two being asked about this stuff. Absolutely insane.

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